Mineralogía y gemas

Matemáticas y ciencia / Química / Mineralogía y gemas (275)

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  • Naturressourcenpotenzial in der Region South Central
    Petar Marinov
    Die Monographie untersucht das Potenzial der natürlichen Ressourcen in den ländlichen Gebieten der Region Südliches Zentrum und ihre sozioökonomische Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Gebiets. Die wissenschaftliche Arbeit zeigt auch die Bedeutung des ländlichen Raums als geostrategischer Standort. Die Frage der nachhaltigen Entwicklung insgesamt wird in den ländlichen Gebieten ...

    71,47 €

  • Potentiel de ressources naturelles dans la région Centre-Sud
    Petar Marinov
    La monographie examine le potentiel des ressources naturelles dans les zones rurales de la région Centre-Sud et leur importance socio-économique pour le développement du territoire. Le travail scientifique révèle également l’importance des zones rurales en tant que lieu géostratégique. La question du développement durable dans son ensemble est abordée dans les zones rurales et ...

    71,41 €

  • Природно-ресурсный потенциал Южно-Центрального региона
    Петар Маринов
    В монографии рассматривается природно-ресурсный потенциал сельских территорий Южно-Центрального региона и их социально-экономическое значение для развития территории. В научной работе также раскрывается значение сельских территорий как геостратегического объекта. Проблема устойчивого развития в целом рассматривается в сельских районах и в классификационной зоне NUTS. Проблема т...

    71,47 €

  • Potenziale di risorse naturali nella regione centro-meridionale
    Petar Marinov
    La monografia esamina il potenziale delle risorse naturali nelle aree rurali della Regione Centro-Meridionale e la loro importanza socio-economica per lo sviluppo del territorio. Il lavoro scientifico rivela anche l’importanza delle aree rurali come luogo geostrategico. La questione dello Sviluppo Sostenibile nel suo complesso viene affrontata nelle aree rurali e nell’area di c...

    71,34 €

  • Potencial de recursos naturais na região Centro-Sul
    Petar Marinov
    A monografia analisa o potencial dos recursos naturais nas zonas rurais da Região Centro-Sul e a sua importância socioeconómica para o desenvolvimento do território. O trabalho científico revela também a importância das zonas rurais como localização geoestratégica. A questão do Desenvolvimento Sustentável como um todo é abordada nas zonas rurais e na área de classificação NUTS....

    71,34 €

  • L’impact environnemental de l’exploitation du charbon à ciel ouvert
    Anussa Mirasse / Naftal Zefanias / Noivado Beula
    Cet article a pour sujet l’impact environnemental de l’exploitation du charbon à ciel ouvert. Son objectif général est d’évaluer les impacts environnementaux causés par l’exploitation du charbon à ciel ouvert dans le district de Moatize. La problématique est la suivante : quel est l’impact environnemental de l’exploitation du charbon à ciel ouvert dans le district de Moatize ? ...

    60,26 €

  • Applications de la spectroscopie Mössbauer en minéralogie
    Jozef Sitek / Július Dekan / Katarína Sedlačková
    L’abondance de l’élément fer dans les objets minéralogiques et planétologiques facilite leur étude par la technique de la spectroscopie Mössbauer, qui est devenue un outil analytique utile dans les sciences de la terre et la minéralogie. La spectroscopie Mössbauer fournit des informations sur les états d’oxydation et les états magnétiques des composants du fer dans les minéraux...

    28,90 €

  • Anwendungen der Mössbauer-Spektroskopie in der Mineralogie
    Jozef Sitek / Július Dekan / Katarína Sedlačková
    Die Häufigkeit des Elements Eisen in mineralogischen und planetologischen Objekten erleichtert deren Untersuchung durch die Mössbauer-Spektroskopie, die zu einem nützlichen Analyseinstrument in den Geowissenschaften und der Mineralogie geworden ist. Die Mössbauer-Spektroskopie gibt Aufschluss über die Oxidations- und magnetischen Zustände der Eisenbestandteile in Mineralien. Di...

    28,90 €

  • Die Umweltauswirkungen des Kohletagebaus
    Anussa Mirasse / Naftal Zefanias / Noivado Beula
    Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit den Umweltauswirkungen des Kohletagebaus. Sein allgemeines Ziel ist es, die durch den Kohletagebau im Bezirk Moatize verursachten Umweltauswirkungen zu bewerten. Die Fragestellung lautet: Welche Umweltauswirkungen hat der Kohletagebau im Moatize-Distrikt? Wir haben uns für einen qualitativen Ansatz in einer explorativen und deskriptiven Studie en...

    60,26 €

  • L’impatto ambientale dell’estrazione del carbone a cielo aperto
    Anussa Mirasse / Naftal Zefanias / Noivado Beula
    Questo articolo tratta dell’impatto ambientale dell’estrazione del carbone a cielo aperto, con l’obiettivo generale di valutare gli impatti ambientali causati dall’estrazione del carbone a cielo aperto nel distretto di Moatize. Il problema è: qual è l’impatto ambientale dell’estrazione di carbone a cielo aperto nel distretto di Moatize? Abbiamo optato per un approccio qualitati...

    60,20 €

  • The environmental impact of opencast coal mining
    Anussa Mirasse / Naftal Zefanias / Noivado Beula
    This article is about the environmental impact of opencast coal mining. Its general objective is to assess the environmental impacts caused by opencast coal mining in the Moatize district. The problem was: what is the environmental impact of opencast coal mining in the Moatize district? We opted for a qualitative approach, in an exploratory and descriptive study, and the techni...

    60,20 €

  • Воздействие открытой добычи угля на окружающую среду
    Анусса Мирассе / Нафтал Зефаниас / Ноивадо Беула
    Эта статья посвящена воздействию открытой добычи угля на окружающую среду. Ее общая цель - оценить воздействие на окружающую среду, вызванное открытой добычей угля в Моатизском районе. Проблема заключается в том, каково воздействие открытой добычи угля на окружающую среду в Моатизском районе? Мы выбрали качественный подход в исследовательском и описательном исследовании, а техн...

    60,26 €

  • Применение мессбауэровской спектроскопии в минералогии
    Джозеф Ситек / Катарина Седлачкова / Юлиус Декан
    Обилие элемента железа в минералогических и планетологических объектах способствует их изучению методом мессбауэровской спектроскопии, который стал полезным аналитическим инструментом в науке о Земле и минералогии. Мессбауэровская спектроскопия дает информацию об окислительном и магнитном состояниях компонентов железа в минералах. Точная характеристика валентного состояния желе...

    28,90 €

  • Aplicações da Espectroscopia Mössbauer em Mineralogia
    Jozef Sitek / Július Dekan / Katarína Sedlačková
    A abundância do elemento ferro em objectos mineralógicos e planetológicos facilita o seu estudo pela técnica de espetroscopia Mössbauer, que se tornou uma ferramenta analítica útil nas ciências da terra e na mineralogia. A espetroscopia Mössbauer fornece informações sobre os estados de oxidação e magnéticos dos componentes de ferro nos minerais. A caraterização precisa do estad...

    28,84 €

  • Applicazioni della spettroscopia Mössbauer in mineralogia
    Jozef Sitek / Július Dekan / Katarína Sedlačková
    L’abbondanza dell’elemento ferro negli oggetti mineralogici e planetologici facilita il loro studio con la tecnica della spettroscopia Mössbauer, che è diventata un utile strumento analitico nella scienza della terra e nella mineralogia. La spettroscopia Mössbauer fornisce informazioni sugli stati di ossidazione e magnetici dei componenti del ferro nei minerali. La caratterizza...

    28,84 €

  • Minerais sólidos e desenvolvimento económico na era digital
    Chukwuma Emeokoro / Ifeyinwa Nsude
    A Nigéria é ricamente dotada de uma variedade de minerais sólidos que vão desde pedras preciosas e diversas a minerais industriais como a barita, o gesso, o caulino e o mármore, entre outros. Se forem aproveitados, estes minerais conduzirão ao desenvolvimento económico. O problema, portanto, é que o nível de exploração dos minerais é muito baixo em relação à extensão dos depósi...

    39,35 €

  • Mining In Africa
    Sibusiso Anthon Mkhwanazi
    Mining in Africa: Past, Present, and Future offers a comprehensive exploration of the rich tapestry of the mining industry on the African continent. From ancient civilizations to modern-day developments, this book delves into the historical context, economic significance, social impacts, and environmental challenges of mining in Africa.Readers will embark on a journey through t...

    21,28 €

  • Thermal Stability of Clays and Clay Minerals and Pozzolanic Activity
    Michael Njoku
    The cement and concrete industries are currently facing challenges on making their processes more sustainable without reducing the quality of their final products. This is due to the release of carbon dioxide to the environment and the high amount of energy needed in the production of cement clinker materials.Consequently, two paths have been suggested such the use of renewable...

    60,38 €

  • Mineralogy and Petrology Laboratory Practices
    Keter Cheruiyot Micah / Namwiba Habel Wycliffe / Rop Kipsang Bernard
    This book is about identification and description of minerals and rocks which usually starts with field scenarios followed by hand specimens, preferably under laboratory conditions after field excursions. The information contained in this mineralogy and petrology laboratory manual is a package for concepts and essential practical skills that will enable students to provide a de...

    60,38 €

  • Rockhounding für Anfänger Ihre Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung vom Anfänger zum Rockhound-Experten mit Simplicity. Entdecken, identifizieren und polieren Sie Edelsteine, Mineralien und Fossilien
    Helge Albrecht
    Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Wunder unter Ihren Füßen!Tauchen Sie mit diesem Führer tief in die Welt des Rockhounding ein und begeben Sie sich auf eine geologische Reise voller Entdeckungen, Ehrfurcht und einem Hauch von Wissenschaft. Warum diesen Führer wählen?All-inclusive-Einführung: Keine Vorkenntnisse? Kein Problem! Beginnen Sie Ihr Abenteuer mit einer fesselnden Einführu...

    18,82 €

  • Recent Advances in Mineralogy
    Miloš René
    Recent Advances in Mineralogy includes nine chapters that discuss the mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry of granitic rocks, mechanical properties of some granitic rocks, production of synthetic quartz, dislocation originated by X-ray irradiation in KBr crystals and mineralogy and geochemistry of bituminous rocks from North Africa. It contains detailed mineralogical, petrol...

    156,57 €

  • Оценка риска загрязнения нефтью и действия
    Ирэн Мафопа
    Широко известная благодаря своему значению в индустриализации стран, нефть остается весьма желанным товаром. Углеводороды вездесущи в нашей повседневной деятельности, обеспечивая необходимую, если не сказать незаменимую, энергию для передвижения, отопления и питания некоторых отраслей промышленности. Без него невозможно обойтись, поскольку оно является важнейшим экономическим, ...

    26,54 €

  • Journal of a Tour through North Wales and Part of Shropshire with Observations in Mineralogy and Other Branches of Natural History
    Arthur Aikin
    Journal of a Tour through North Wales was Aikin’s first book, published in 1797, when he was only 24 years old. It is based on a tour undertaken two years earlier, inspired by Horace Bénédict de Saussure’s Voyages dans les Alpes. Like other contemporaries who visited the region, he stopped at well-known destinations-Bala, Llanrwst, Beddgelert, Dolgellau, Anglesey, Llandudno, Ab...

    42,09 €

  • An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology
    Bruce Yardley / Clare Warren

    160,60 €

  • Sodium Cyanide Adsorption on Different Materials
    Claudia Verónica Reyes Guzmán / Leonor Muñoz Ramirez / Yinady Yarime Castillo Lazarin
    In this research, different materials such as fluorite, barite, molybdenite, calcite and coconut shell carbon were put in contact with sodium cyanide.As a result, cyanide adsorbs better on molybdenite due to the charge in which it works and also due to the charge interaction phenomenon, and with coconut shell charcoal, a higher percentage of 78 percent was observed due to the i...

    74,09 €

  • The Common Rocks And Minerals Of Missouri
    Walter David Keller
    NEW PRINT WITH PROFESSIONAL TYPE-SET IN CONTRAST TO SCANNED PRINTS OFFERED BY OTHERSThe Common Rocks And Minerals Of MissouriThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature.In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reform...

    9,30 €

  • It’s About Time The Illusion of Einstein’s Time Dilation Explained
    Alex Duthie
    It’s About Time presents an introduction to theoretical physics as well as challenges to some of the concepts put forward by theoretical physicists of our time. These scientists have presented such concepts in countless public lectures, highlights of which are compiled here along with a variety of historical data, such as the history of earth time. Also included are short biogr...

    6,97 €

  • The Gems of Hiddenite, North Carolina
    Mark Ivan Jacobson / Wade Edward Speer
    Emerald-green hiddenite, a gem so valuable that it is said 'a June bug can carry away $1,000 worth,' is only found in one area of North America: Alexander County, North Carolina. Now known as the village of Hiddenite, the area has continuously produced gems of great beauty since 1875, including the largest natural emerald and the largest faceted emerald in North America. The...

    58,56 €

  • Estudio cinético y termodinámica de la recuperación de oro y plata
    Jesús Valenzuela / Jose R. Parga / Jose RParga / Josue Chaidez
    En la actualidad cerca del 80% de los concentrados de calcopirita en el mundo se procesan por el medio pirometalúrgico (tostación, fundición y refinación). Esta metodología genera polvo y emisiones de dióxido de azufre (SO2) y carbono (CO2) al ambiente; causando problemas en su control y procesamiento para producir ácido sulfúrico. Además, otro de los inconvenientes de los proc...

    109,04 €

  • An Account of the Caves of Ballybunian, County of Kerry
    William Ainsworth
    William Francis Ainsworth (1807-1896) was an English surgeon, traveller, geographer and geologist, known also as a writer and editor. He was first trained as a surgeon and physician, serving at various hospitals in England and Scotland, and also serving at hospitals in Ireland during an outbreak of the cholera, in 1832 publishing a book on his observations on the cholera. He re...

    22,48 €

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