Medicina popular y salud

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Medicina popular y salud (10641)

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  • A Healthier You
    David Vaughn
    Do you want to reverse or avoid the signs and ailments associated with getting older?Do you want to keep your body strong and your mind sharp no matter your age?Are you ready to live a longer, happier, and more vibrant life?A HEALTHIER YOU contains everything you need to succeed in living a long life with energy and vitality.  In this straightforward pocket guide to health and ...

    16,23 €

  • The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1
    Dr. Dawn Kamilah Brown MD
    Have you been searching for proven strategies to manage your child’s ADHD symptoms? If so, The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1 by Dawn Kamilah Brown, MD, contains vital information to help your child champion their ADHD and function at their optimal level. After uncovering key factors while seeking ways to manage her own ADHD, Dr. Dawn now exposes food myths, replaces them with...

    24,39 €

  • Worship & Wellness
    Oluchi Ibekwe Immanuel MD
    Do you find yourself constantly multi-tasking but still feel like you have not accomplished one thing? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? Has your health been put on the “back-burner”? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to read this book and embark on an important, potentially life-saving journey to living the life God intended for you.In Worship ...

    26,50 €

  • Tracce di BioGeometria
    Ibrahim Karim Ph.D.Dr.Sc / Ibrahim Karim PhD Dr Sc / Ibrahim Ph.DDr.ScKarim
    Fondate su più di 45 anni di ricerche, le Tracce di BioGeometria sono diagrammi lineari che aiutano a equilibrare l’energia sottile degli organi del corpo.Gli schemi dell’energia sottile dell’organo sono accessibili attraverso le Tracce di BioGeometria poste esternamente nei campi energetici del corpo  creando una connessione attraverso la Risonanza di Forma.“Questo è un libro ...

    25,25 €

  • Do you MIND to be fit?
    Dany Oghia
    Do you MIND to be fit?Of course not! you? Not just another book on Fitness and Mindfulness, this book is about introducing you to 3 new concepts by using the power of your MIND to achieve a healthy and balanced life. Cleverly written, the author spares no one with his risky and at times politically incorrect humor to get his point across the finish line. It's a simp...

    16,23 €

  • Nutraceuticals and Innovative Food Products for Healthy Living and Preventive Care
    The proper nutrition can aid disease prevention and ensure an overall healthy lifestyle. In nutrition, certain natural and processed foods are particularly useful in achieving and maintaining health goals. Nutraceuticals and Innovative Food Products for Healthy Living and Preventive Care is a comprehensive reference source for the latest research findings on food components tha...

    321,71 €

  • Mindfulness - Breathe In Breathe Out
    Ivana Straska Szakal
    MINDFULNESS - BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT A brief introduction with audio tracks.Ivana Straska Szakal provides a quick guide to get started with mindfulness to help the reader to benefit from mindfulness. Following the lessons in these pages the reader finds easy steps helping them to be healthier and happier when living mindfully. This book sees Szakal answering: What is mindfulnes...

    8,95 €

  • 100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos para la Artritis
    Joe Correa
    100 Recetas de Comidas y Jugos para la Artritis: Reduzca el Dolor y Disconformidad NaturalmentePor Joe Correa CSNLos síntomas varían de un momento al otro. Pero si no se los trata, se vuelven progresivos, resultando en una deformación completa de las articulaciones. La artritis no es algo que debería tratar por su cuenta. Un médico determinará qué tipo posee y le prescribirá me...

    20,38 €

  • 39 Recetas Orgánicas de Jugos Para Limpiar el Mal Aliento
    Joe Correa
    39 Recetas Orgánicas de Jugos Para Limpiar el Mal Aliento: Elimine el Mal Aliento y la Boca Seca En Cuestión de DíasPor Joe Correa CSN A veces, incluso con la mejor higiene oral posible, no podemos prevenir el mal aliento. Esto puede volverse extremadamente frustrante, y afectar nuestra confianza de muchas formas diferentes. Desafortunadamente, el mal aliento no siempre es un r...

    22,37 €

  • Diabetic’s Journey
    Ernest Quansah
    Ernest Quansah is Lifestyle Strategist and internationally sought-after Keynote speaker on diabetes. He almost lost his life to type 2 diabetes. With the help of doctors and through research, he was able to reverse the diabetes. He authored  Diabetics Journey, an autobiographical book to educate diabetics and the overweight on how to regain their good health. The method he used...

    11,98 €

  • Health and Fitness Social Media Prompts
    Writing a 60,000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy--just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely leads to more followers, and frequently even leads to unfollows. The creative minds behind the audience-building online social software BuzzTrace created this book of over 200 promp...

    4,63 €

  • Healing Satori
    Dr. Ken W Dick
    At some point, you become fed up with feeling unwell. The rollercoaster ride of doctor visits, blood tests, X-rays, needles, and prescriptions doesn’t sustain you and you wonder where it all went wrong. You feel you deserve better. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just start over? Healing Satori is a self-empowering approach that takes you past the cold stethoscope and sterile...

    18,40 €

  • Future Health
    Dr. Jay Shetlin / DrJay Shetlin
    Health is a journey. However, we often desire instant gratification and expect results as soon as we put any effort. A muscle isn’t strengthened by inactivity, our health is the same, it has to be challenged, allowed to respond, adapt and then become stronger through the process. When we decide to make our health a priority, we think differently, we act differently and our pote...

    11,70 €

  • 46 Recettes pour Résoudre vos Problèmes de Constipation
    Joe Correa
    46 Recettes pour Résoudre vos Problèmes de Constipation : Améliorez votre Digestion en Choisissant Intelligemment vos Aliments et en Organisant Mieux vos Repas Par Joe Correa CSN   La constipation est un problème très répandu à travers le monde et dont tout le monde souffre de temps à autres. Environ 42 millions de personnes ont des soucis de constipation. Nos habitudes à ce...

    20,55 €

  • We've Lost My Prostate, Mate! ... And Life Goes On
    Alan White
    Being diagnosed with prostate cancer once in a lifetime is enough. In 2011, Alan White was facing a second round with this life-threatening disease.Alan’s years of experience as a natural health practitioner and counsellor helped him and his wife, Fiona, to make the choice that no man really wants to make – surgical removal of the prostate gland – and to recover, physically and...

    18,52 €

  • Meditating with Animals
    Pamela Robins
    Our animals show us unconditional love in its purest form.They are our most loyal companions, constantly navigating our energy to support our needs. This is something Pamela Robins experienced on a profound level when she was faced with a relentless series of major life challenges, including the death of her mother, her own cancer diagnosis, a divorce, and letting go of her lif...

    30,01 €

  • Le Programme de formation ultime au Bodybuilding
    Joseph Correa
    Pour les bodybuilders qui veulent développer une augmentation consistante de leur masse musculaire, ils auront besoin d’avoir un plan d’entraînement sérieux et auront besoin de le compléter par une excellente nutrition. Ce livre vous fournira un plan d’entraînement organisé et un calendrier.  Deux calendriers NORMAL et INTENSIF de ce plan d’entraînement sont inclus, au cas où v...

    27,38 €

  • 48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    48 Proteinreiche Salate für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen täglichen Protein-Konsum zu steigern und dein Muskelwachstum dadurch anzuregen. Diese Mahlzeiten werden deine Muskeln auf eine organisierte Art und Weise stärken, indem sie deinem Speiseplan eine gesunde Menge an Proteinen zufügen. Zu beschäftigt zu sein, um richtig zu essen, kann manchmal zu einem Problem ...

    26,02 €

  • 51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder
    Joseph Correa
    51 Proteinreiche Abendessen für Bodybuilder werden dir dabei helfen, deinen Körper nach deinen Wünschen zu formen und die Fett-Aufnahme zu reduzieren. Ein erhöhter Protein-Anteil in der Ernährung führt bewiesener Maßen zu einem gesteigerten Muskelwachstum und zu einer verbesserten Leistung in allen Lebenslagen. Deinen Körper mit mehr Muskeln auszustatten bietet dir viele Vorte...

    23,82 €

  • Stay Sharp
    Bobbie Dill / David B Biebel / James E Dill
    Stay Sharp: 52 Ways to Keep Your Mind, Not Lose It is your once-a-week journey into the intricacies of the human brain - how it functions best, how to keep it healthy, how its health relates to your health in general, and the role of relationships and spirituality and other subjects not often discussed in a book on this subject. This book will help you cut through the fog of hy...

    10,41 €

  • Little Snoops
    Regina Webster
    The Snoops, Timothy and Casey, are back at their adventures again! Join the cousins as they find new and clever ways to deal with Tyson, the stubborn bully. But that's only the beginning of the surprises the boys will see this year. Together, they face bullies, football camp, and most confusing of all: girls. With a little help from a few new friends, Timothy and Casey lear...

    7,25 €

  • Eating Well to Stay Well- If It Ain’t in YA, It Ain’t on YA
    Jean Gaffney
    How many times have you been into the market, made food purchases from the vast selections among canned, frozen, and sometimes fresh foods and wondered, 'How healthy is this food?' or 'What in the world does this food label mean?' Even more important, 'How can I be certain that my little picky-eaters get healthy foods to select from?' To take that thought to another level, ho...

    11,35 €

  • How to Manage Family Illness at Home
    Gill Pharaoh
    'This sensitive and compassionate book...concentrates on the patient rather than the illness. It is immensely readable and interesting because it is illustrated with many personal stories. Gill Pharaoh gives us hope and brings out the best in human nature which sometimes happens when people are faced with a real crisis.' Tony Benn This book explains how to care for someone at ...

    15,43 €

  • Dark Hearts
    Loren E Pedersen
    A fresh and intriguing perspective on men's behavior, attitudes, and psychological difficulties by tracing the development of masculinity within the context of concept of the anima, C. G. Jung's term for a man's inner nature. Drawing on evolution, anthropology, and mythology, Dr. Pedersen shows how this mysterious 'other' part of man's nature influences his psyc...

    13,78 €

  • 36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares
    Joe Correa
    36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares: Mantenga Su Cuerpo Saludable Y Fuerte Mediante Una Dieta Apropiada y Hábitos Nutricionales Inteligentes Por Joe Correa CSN   La vesícula biliar es un saco pequeño justo debajo del hígado. Almacena, concentra y secreta la bilis, que es esencial para digerir alimentos grasos. La bilis también ayuda a absorber vitaminas sol...

    20,54 €

  • Treinamento de Resistência Mental Avançado para Fisiculturismo
    Joseph Correa
    Esse Livro vai mudar significantemente a maneira como você pode impulsionar-se mental e emocionalmente através das técnicas de visualização ensinadas nesse livro. Você quer ser o melhor? Para ser o melhor deve treinar psicologicamente e mentalmente para alcançar a sua máxima capacidade. Comumente pensa-se que visualizar é uma atividade que não pode ser quantificada, o que torn...

    20,62 €

  • 究極の体づくり
    コレア ジョゼフ・
    あなたの本来の可能性に到達するために、最適な体と精神状態をつくる必要があります。そのために、体力、可動性、栄養と精神的な強靭さを発展させる、効率的なプランをスタートするのです。これはそのための本です。健康的に正しく食べることとハードなトレーニングは、難問のうちの2つなのですが、すべてがうまくいくように3つ目のピースが必要です。3つ目のピースとは、精神的な強靭さです。それはこの本の中で教える瞑想と可視化テクニックを通じて得ることができるのです。   この本が提供すること:   −ノーマルと上達のトレーニングカレンダー −ダイナミックなウォームアップ・エクササイズ −ハイパフォーマンストレーニング・エクササイズ −アクティブリカバリーのためのエクササイズ −筋肉を増やす食生活カレンダー −脂肪燃焼の食生活カレンダー −筋肉を作るレシピ...

    30,62 €

  • A Fantastic You
    Charmaine Renaud
    Are you juggling life’s demands and feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed, or in pain? This book confirms that you too CAN feel fantastic again by taking simple, enjoyable steps, so that you: feel nurtured and nourished look and feel physically elegant again feel exuberantly happy in your relationships, and create a life you love living every day … even though right...

    16,13 €

  • Acondicionamiento Fisico - Plan 5BX de 11 Minutos para Hombres
    Robert Duffy
    Get fit and stay fit with the 5BX 11-Minute Plan for Men Based on the world-famous Royal Canadian Air Force exercise plan, these progressive exercises will take you to peak fitness in your own time and at your own pace. No special equipment needed. No expensive gym fees. No group memberships. Just you, the book and 11 minutes a day. With a minimum of space required the full-col...

    34,44 €

  • Escape From Anxiety
    Peggy Sealfon
    A comprehensive easy-to-read guide through over 100 transformational strategies. The self-help book is uniquely organized  to suit personal lifestyles.  Part I is a veritable alphabet of bite-sized solutions from A to Z to use immediately. Part II shares advice on cultivating a personalized program for sustainable relief. It also provides foundational scientific understandings ...

    12,99 €