Limnología (aguas dulces)

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Hidrología e hidrosfera / Limnología (aguas dulces) (26)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Hidrología e hidrosfera Eliminar filtro Limnología (aguas dulces) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Inland Waters - Ecology, Limnology, and Environmental Protection
    Inland water primarily includes rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands. It also includes ponds, streams, groundwater, reservoirs, springs, cave waters, and floodplains. Most inland water bodies are lakes. Inland waters are unique ecosystems offering services and habitat resources. Food, fiber, medicine, climate management, flood and natural disaster mitigation, nutrient recycl...

    187,46 €

  • Animals of the surface film
    Marjorie Guthrie
    This handbook deals with the smaller invertebrate animals of this surface community. Among these are springtails, pondskaters, water boatmen, water beetles and water spiders, as well as protozoa, rotifers and tiny crustaceans. ...

    44,68 €

  • Animals of the surface film
    Marjorie Guthrie
    This handbook deals with the smaller invertebrate animals of this surface community. Among these are springtails, pondskaters, water boatmen, water beetles and water spiders, as well as protozoa, rotifers and tiny crustaceans. ...

    60,20 €

  • Science of Lakes - Multidisciplinary Approach
    Lakes are among the most extensive freshwater aquatic ecosystems in the world. Their evolution results from the interactions of numerous natural and anthropogenic factors. This book includes 12 chapters and presents case studies on the impacts of changes and tectonic movements on the evolution of lake water levels (Section 1), the interactions between anthropogenic activities a...

    161,10 €

  • La historia del agua
    José Donaldo Barrientos Alvarado
    Hace aproximadamente 13 000 años, el clima de la tierra se estabilizó después de la última glaciación. A partir de ese momento, aparecieron las primeras civilizaciones, primero como cazadores, recolectores y pescadores, y luego como agricultores en determinadas zonas cercanas a fuentes de aguas, ya sean manantiales o ríos. La historia de cualquier lugar en el mundo se puede nar...

    21,84 €

  • Limnology - The Importance of Monitoring and Correlations of Lentic and Lotic Waters
    The book includes important contributions that discuss state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for monitoring lentic and lotic water environments. It includes contributions that deepen and integrate the knowledge of the impacts and pressures of surrounding environments in the monitoring techniques of aquatic environments. Furthermore, the book presents studies relating to ...

    134,52 €

  • Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society, VOL 1

    405,58 €

  • Handbook of Research on Water Sciences and Society, VOL 2

    405,58 €

  • A Mortificação do Riacho Bacuri em Imperatriz – MA
    Gustavo Carvalho Leite
    Este leitura objetiva realizar um estudo da legislação no município de Imperatriz, acerca da Lei de Zoneamento e Parcelamento de Uso e Ocupação do Solo (Lei Complementar Municipal n°03/2004) e, cumulativamente, de aspectos pontuais do Plano Diretor (Lei Complementar Municipal n°02/2004) municipal, incumbindo a estes dois instrumentos legislativos ajustar os efeitos da atuação h...

    20,80 €

  • Freshwater Biology
    Stanley Cain
    Limnology as a process refers to the study of ponds, rivers, lakes, wetlands, streams, etc. Freshwater biology is a sub-division of limnology. It is the study of freshwater ecosystems, especially their scientific and biological aspects. It studies in detail the relationship of aquatic plants and animals with their ecosystem along with species distribution. This book is a compil...

    175,64 €

  • Aquatic Ecology
    Vincent Jennings
    All the water bodies on Earth have an aquatic ecosystem and an aquatic ecology. It consists of all the under-water plants, animals, etc. Aquatic ecology can be divided into two main parts namely freshwater ecosystem and marine ecosystem. This book is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex discoveries and principles in the field of aquatic e...

    188,14 €

  • Ponds and small lakes
    Brian Moss
    Ponds and small lakes support an extremely rich biodiversity of fascinating organisms. Many people have encountered a few unfamiliar creatures, such as dragonfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae. However, there is a far richer world of microscopic organisms, such as diatoms, desmids and rotifers, which is revealed in this book. ...

    33,99 €

  • The Riverscape and the River
    S. M. Haslam / SMHaslam

    74,29 €

  • Metal Contamination in Aquatic Environments
    Philip S. Rainbow / Philip SRainbow / Samuel N. Luoma / Samuel NLuoma

    100,01 €

  • The Hudson River Estuary

    74,90 €

  • Beitrage Zur Lehre Von Der Fortpflanzung Der Gewachse (1897)
    Martin Mobius
    ''Beitr�����ge zur Lehre von der Fortpflanzung der Gew�����chse'' ist ein Buch von Martin M������bius, das 1897 ver������ffentlicht wurde. In diesem Buch besch�����ftigt sich M������bius mit der Fortpflanzung von Pflanzen und untersucht verschiedene Aspekte wie Best�����ubung, Befruchtung und Samenbildung. Er beschreibt auch die Rolle von Insekten und anderen Tieren bei der Bes...

    31,21 €

  • The Riverscape and the River
    S. M. Haslam / SMHaslam

    193,43 €

  • Body Size

    95,48 €

  • Limnoecology
    Ulrich Sommer / Winfried Lampert

    121,36 €

  • Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation
    Christian L. V. Que / Christian Leveque / Christian LVQue

    78,88 €

  • The Surface Waters Acidification Programme

    71,29 €

  • An Ecosystem Approach to Aquatic Ecology
    Originally published in 1983, An Ecosystem Approach to Aquatic Ecology is a unique, comprehensive analysis of a lake ecosystem. It summarizes and integrates results from the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study, one of the most extensive long-term studies of a watershed ever undertaken. The Hubbard Brook Ecosystem study produced two widely acclaimed earlier volumes - Biogeochemistry o...

    70,35 €

  • Suspended Particulate Matter in Lakes, Rivers, and Marine Systems
    Lars Hakanson
    The aim of this book is to give a state-of-the-art presentation of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in lakes, rivers and marine areas, with a focus on the roles that SPM plays in aquatic ecosystems and on modelling.To the best of the author’s knowledge, this is the first book of its kind, and this is remarkable because SPM is very important in aquatic sciences. It regulates t...

    72,35 €

  • Lakes
    Lars Hakanson
    The size and form of lakes regulate many general transport processes, such as sedimentation, resuspension, diffusion, mixing, burial and outflow. Lakes: Form and Function discusses how much of the variations among lakes in fundamental ecosystem characteristics may be related to lake morphometry, catchment area features, climatological factors and measurement uncertainties. The ...

    83,10 €

  • Colour and Clarity of Natural Waters
    D. G. Smith / DGSmith / R. J. Davies-Colley / RJDavies-Colley / W. N. Vant / WNVant
    Color and Clarity of Natural Waters introduces the basic concepts of aquatic optics and explains the relationships of different optical characteristics to the composition of the water and color and clarity phenomena. This scientific understanding is the basis for management of the optical quality of waters.The practical management of color and clarity of natural waters is cover...

    115,16 €

  • The Surface Waters Acidification Programme

    217,51 €