Lesiones deportivas y medicina del deporte

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  • Fisioterapia activa en las lesiones del corredor
    Adrián Escriche Escuder / Rodrigo Martín San Agustín
    Frente a otro tipo de tratamientos pasivos de las principales lesiones del corredor, se proponen los procedimientos de fisioterapia con mayor evidencia científica y clínica para que el corredor supere con éxito sus lesiones. El principal objetivo es dotar a los fisioterapeutas de una guía sobre las lesiones más frecuentes, su terminología actual y cómo adaptar diferentes ejerci...

    10,00 €

  • Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Embark on a profound exploration with 'Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide,' unraveling the intricacies of CTE from its historical roots to modern-day understanding. This comprehensive guide navigates the basics of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), shedding light on symptoms, the impact of concussions, and populations at risk. The biopsycho...

    9,79 €

  • Developing Sport Expertise
    In this revised new edition of the leading student and researcher overview of the development of sports expertise, a team of world-class sport scientists and professional coaches examine the fundamental science of skill acquisition and explore the methods by which science can be applied in the real-world context of sport performance. ...

    95,39 €

  • Sports Injuries
    Ary Jr. S.
    Athletes’ lives are frequently shaped by the shadows of injuries in the competitive world of sports, where glory and victory are entwined with bravery and tenacity. Readers are taken on an insightful journey into the realm of sports injuries in "Sports Injuries: Tackling Adversity," which reveals their causes, impact, and the never-ending pursuit of recovery. ...

    11,97 €

  • Orthopedic Rehabilitation
    This pocket-sized guide provides a practical and comprehensive resource for orthopedic, PM&R, and musculoskeletal specialists, as well as primary care physicians who work in the community outpatient clinic setting. Its consistent chapter format covers each area with anatomy, physical examination, preoperative management, and postoperative rehabilitation sections for the spine a...

    47,42 €

  • The Acute Knee
    Mark F. Sherman
    This handbook presents a concise, practical approach to the physical examination and diagnosis of acute injuries of the knee. While radiological diagnostic tools like CT and MRI are important tools for orthopedic and sports medicine injuries, the skills of history taking and an accurate physical exam are no less important in educated decision-making when it comes to injury mana...

    48,56 €

  • Testosterone
    Alexandre Hohl
    Even though research on testosterone is increasing, there is still much controversy regarding its physiology and clinical use. This book provides a broad overview on testosterone, from its basic features to the most recent evidence of clinical applicability. In addition, specific conditions in which testosterone play a pivotal role are discussed in detail, such as hypogonadism,...

    46,70 €

  • Shoulder Arthroscopy
    This comprehensive textbook, published in collaboration with ESSKA, now in a revised and updated second edition, covers all major shoulder problems and related arthroscopic treatments. Introductory sections on basic science and the principles of shoulder arthroscopy provide essential information with the aim of enhancing understanding of a wide range of key issues. Shoulder con...

    51,49 €

  • Cellular Physiology and Metabolism of Physical Exercise
    Livio Luzi
    This new edition discusses classical aspects of cellular physiology and the metabolism of physical exercise, as well as novel topics like exercise in transplantation and exercise in beta-cell failure, which mark the frontiers of research in sport-related sciences and research. The team of authors together with the editor are world-renowned experts in the field of physiology and...

    48,18 €

  • The Art of the Musculoskeletal Physical Exam
    This book is an invaluable resource for all those seeking to enhance their proficiency in physical examination. Emphasizing its importance for thorough assessments and accurate diagnoses, it equips practitioners with comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge. With seven sections devoted to different orthopedic structures, the book meticulously examines their underlying ...

    50,95 €

  • Elastography of the Musculoskeletal System
    In this book recognized world-renowned expert authors expose the state of the art on musculoskeletal ultrasound elastography.Low cost, wide dissemination and accuracy in the evaluation of the musculoskeletal structures, nerves, periosseous soft parts, vascular structures, together with the possibility of performing real time dynamic studies, made the ultrasound technique widely...

    49,09 €

  • Endurance Sports Medicine
    Timothy L. Miller
    Providing a fresh update of this continuously evolving branch of sports medicine, this comprehensive yet practical guide focuses specifically on the treatment of athletes who train for and participate in endurance sporting events, including not only traditional endurance athletes such as runners, swimmers, bikers and triathletes, but also rowers, adventure racers, military pers...

    50,16 €

  • Outpatient Hip and Knee Replacement
    Outpatient surgery and early discharge is the hottest topic in hip and knee arthroplasty and will continue to be in the coming years: It is expected that over 50% of all hip and knee arthroplasties will be performed in the outpatient setting by 2026. Currently, a central text that encompasses all of the unique aspects of performing hip and knee arthroplasty in the outpatient se...

    48,25 €

  • Fabulous
    PhD David Ralston
    Three decades after they played their last game together for the maize and blue, the fingerprints of Michigan’s Fab 5 are still all over basketball, business, and pop culture. Five extraordinary young men - self-titled '5X' - forever changed the landscape of sports in America.Only a few were as closely associated with Michigan’s iconic Fab 5 as was Dave Ralston. As athletic tra...

    27,22 €

  • Percutaneous and Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery
    This book on percutaneous and minimally invasive foot surgery comprehensively covers one of the most innovative topics in orthopedic surgery, discussing decision-making based on foot biomechanics and presenting step-by-step descriptions of each surgical procedure. The chapters are divided into four sections, the first of which lays the groundwork for further reading by providin...

    49,73 €

  • Telemedicine for the Musculoskeletal Physical Exam
    Telemedicine has ballooned in popularity and necessity in the COVID-19 world, and it has proved its worth. Even in the post-pandemic world, telemedicine will be here to stay, as it offers both patient and provider many advantages. However, physicians are often ill-equipped and lack sufficient training in how to conduct a physical examination remotely.   Practical and timely, th...

    48,26 €

  • The Active Female
    Now in a revised and expanded third edition, the aims of The Active Female are threefold: first, to increase the awareness of wellness and fitness issues for active females and their family members; second, to provide an avenue for medical practitioners, allied health professionals, health educators/providers, and certified individuals in sports medicine/athletics to gain criti...

    50,79 €

  • A Case-Based Approach to Neck Pain
    Neck pain is one of the most common reasons for patient visits to orthopedic, physiatrist, primary care and sports medicine offices. Most books that cover this topic review it as a chapter within a larger book on orthopedics as a whole, or they focus on one specific aspect of spinal pathology.This practical text is an evidence-based, user-friendly review of the literature for t...

    48,57 €

  • Tips and Techniques in Elbow Surgery
    Bringing together the top elbow surgeons from around the world, this contemporary, up-to-date text presents surgical tips and techniques for the most common elbow procedures. Because authorship will be limited to leaders in the field, the emphasis will be on practical tips and techniques that can readily be implemented in the clinical and surgical environment.This text covers a...

    50,01 €

  • Sports Medicine and Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
    Henry T. Goitz / J. Antonio Bouffard / Mouhanad M. El-Othmani
    Ideal for all practitioners of musculoskeletal medicine, this practical pocket guide provides a standardized approach, through detailed checklists and protocols, for a complete ultrasonographic examination of the musculoskeletal system to assist in the diagnosis and management of orthopedic and sports medicine pathologies. As the trend in the US healthcare system continues to m...

    48,66 €

  • Exercise and the Brain
    Robert W. Baloh
    This book focuses on the benefits of exercise for prevention and treatment of chronic brain disorders.  It is a guide for finding the right exercise routine for each individual.  The goal is to show the reader why everyone needs to exercise, especially as we get older.  The brain needs physical exercise both for normal health and for preventing and treating diseases common with...

    48,10 €

  • Exercise and Physical Activity During Pregnancy and Postpartum
    Rita Santos-Rocha
    This is the second edition of a well-received, practice oriented, multidisciplinary book filling the gap between evidence-based knowledge on the benefits of physical activity and exercise during pregnancy and postpartum and the implementation of exercise programs and related health promotion measures in pregnant women.Readers will find up-to-date evidence on the psychological, ...

    46,84 €

  • Anterolateral Rotatory Instability in ACL Deficient Knee
    Andrea Ferretti
    This book comprehensively discusses anterolateral rotatory instability in the ACL deficient knee, exploring anatomy, biomechanics, diagnostics, clinics, surgical techniques as well as short and long term outcomes.  The author also offers an historical perspective ranging from the birth of modern anterior cruciate ligament surgery to the renewed global interest towards the role ...

    48,31 €

  • Tendon and Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle
    Injuries of the foot and ankle can be debilitating and lead to chronic instabilities that can impede the daily activities of patients. As a result, it requires a solid understanding of foot and ankle anatomy and pathology in order to diagnosis these types of injuries and establish a clear treatment regimen for the patient to be functional and prevent long-term complications. Fo...

    47,82 €

  • The Resident’s Guide to Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
    Utilizing a practical, high-yield presentation, this textbook is a comprehensive review of the most common shoulder and elbow diagnoses and management strategies. It allows easy access to pertinent information for residents and fellows while preparing for rounds, the clinic and the operating room and also aides residents studying for their yearly in-training exam (OITE). Each t...

    47,42 €

  • Ligamentous Injuries of the Foot and Ankle
    Aimed at sports medicine and foot and ankle clinicians globally who see and treat ligamentous injuries to the foot and ankle, the focus of this comprehensive text is on cutting-edge techniques in both non-surgical and surgical treatment, rehabilitation, and safe and expeditious return to sport. Techniques and technology move very rapidly in this space, and this book serves as a...

    49,71 €

  • Challenges in Foot and Ankle Reconstructive Surgery
    Harry J. Visser
    Comprised exclusively of clinical cases, this concise, practical casebook provides clinicians and surgeons with current reconstructive techniques for complicated manifestations of foot and ankle injuries as a result of trauma, neuromuscular disease and deformity. Presenting unique cases in forefoot, midfoot, rearfoot, and ankle surgery, it is sensibly divided into six sections:...

    47,67 €

  • Quality Improvement and Patient Safety in Orthopaedic Surgery
    This practical, unique textbook provides a foundation for the essential elements of patient safety and quality improvement (QI) for orthopaedic trainees, though the content covered will be of interest to veteran clinicians as well. Currently, there are few existing resources and didactics focused on this crucial yet often overlooked area of medical practice, which makes this th...

    47,50 €

  • Exercise, Sports and Hypertension
    This book presents the current knowledge on the mechanisms by which exercise lowers blood pressure in hypertension and on its effects on the heart and arteries. In addition, it focuses on the optimal exercise protocols, the international consensus on clinical implementation, and the clinical indications for special populations (obese, diabetic etc). It also addresses possible d...

    48,12 €

  • Hidratación en el deporte y la actividad física: principios y métodos aplicados
    Ángela Patricia Riscanevo Peñaloza / Javier Andrés Anzola Moreno / Mary Luz Ocampo Plazas
    La práctica de actividad física y deporte demandan una serie de efectos en el organismo, que, dependiendo del nivel de entrenamiento de quien lo ejecuta y de la orientación que reciba, pueden resultar en procesos de adaptación para el adecuado acondicionamiento y rendimiento o en un riesgo para la salud con predisposición a la generación de lesiones. Uno de los aspectos a los q...

    20,80 €

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