Lenguaje: consulta y general

Lenguas / Lenguaje: consulta y general (17140)

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  • Поэтика ' Гаспара де ля Нюит ' Алоиза Бертрана, 'Рука дьявола
    Эрве Н’гуган КАНГА
    Сборник 'Gaspard de la Nuit ' Алоиза Бертрана - это стихотворения в прозе, в которых преследует дьявол и все его атрибуты. В этом сборнике Сатана играет двойную роль в жизни человека. Во-первых, он оказывает злое влияние на жизнь человека. А во-вторых, он обучает Бертрана искусству, которое тот принимает, чтобы восстановить новый порядок в обществе, уже управляемом классическим...

    85,21 €

  • Interculturality in L’amour de loin by Amine Maalouf
    Mohamed Bouchelta
    The East and the West have often been linked through a discourse parasitized by prejudice, hostility and even hatred. A booklet entitled 'L’Amour de loin' (Love from afar), written by Amine Maalouf, who himself comes from a crossroads of different cultures, was created to set up circuits based on acceptance of the Other. This dramatic text tells a story that aims to mediate bet...

    60,26 €

  • Un seuil pour la critique littéraire
    Lilly Fernandes / Mussie Tewelde
    La critique littéraire est une façon de comprendre la littérature en utilisant diverses discussions et méthodes philosophiques. En établissant une chronologie des tentatives de critique littéraire, on a découvert que tout a commencé avec la Poétique d’Aristote, dont les travaux s’avèrent être une source indispensable d’analyse authentique à cet égard, rédigée dès le 4e siècle a...

    32,88 €

  • Порог в литературную критику
    Лилли Фернандеш / Мусси Тевельде
    Литературная критика - это способ понимания литературы с помощью различных философских дискуссий и методов. Если проследить хронологию попыток литературной критики, то окажется, что все началось с 'Поэтики' Аристотеля, и эти работы, написанные еще в IV веке до н. э., являются незаменимым источником достоверного анализа в этом отношении. Это необходимо для того, чтобы последующе...

    32,95 €

  • L’ataraxie chez Georges Perec et Michel Houellebecq
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Une logique dialogique et polyphonique de l’écriture littéraire trouve un ancrage et s’harmonise autour d’une constance véhiculée chez Georges Perec et Michel Houellebecq, par l’entremise de l’ataraxie qui apparaît comme une donnée majeure dans leurs romans respectifs que sont Les choses, une histoire des années soixante et La carte et le territoire.L’ataraxie chez ces auteurs ...

    61,76 €

  • English Grammar Course
    Pennie W. Morris
    Subordinate clauses may be classified not only according to their use as parts of speech, but also, in quite a different way, in accordance with their various meanings. These distinctions in idea are of capital importance for the accurate and forcible expression of thought. Analysis is a Greek word which means 'the act of dissolving or breaking up.' In grammar it is applied to ...

    12,17 €

  • Word Analysis
    William Swinton
    This testimony dictated a double procedure: first, to retain the old methods; secondly, to add an adequate amount of new matter. Accordingly, in the present manual, the few Latin roots and derivatives, with the exercises thereon, have been retained-under 'Part II.: The Latin Element'-as simply a method of study. In order to concentrate into the limited available space so large ...

    14,28 €

  • A bússola literária do ensino médio
    Bernard Djoumessi Tongmo
    O problema é a transformação do problema literário em perguntas: o aluno deve fazer pelo menos duas perguntas, uma das quais se refere temporariamente à primeira ideia de desenvolvimento e a outra à segunda ideia. Além disso, quando o assunto é do tipo dialético, o problema surge dialeticamente. Quando o assunto é de tipo analítico, o problema surge analiticamente. O anúncio do...

    111,60 €

  • Essays In The Art Of Writing
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Essays in the Art of Writing Robert Louis Stevenson examines the techniques of writing, and gives insights into the writing of ''Treasure Island'' and ''The Master of Ballantrae.'' CONTENTS: On Some Technical Elements of Style in Literature, The Morality of the Profession of Letters, Books Which Have Influenced Me, A Note On Realism, My First Book: ''Treasure Island,'' The Gene...

    8,88 €

  • How To Master The Spoken Word
    Edwin Gordon Lawrence
    This work aims to show how to breathe correctly, produce voice properly, put the meaning into words by aid of inflection, emphasis, and the tones of the voice; how to improve the memory, acquire fluency of speech, control an audience, construct speeches, and in every way become competent to think on one’s feet and express thought vocally in an entertaining, convincing, and movi...

    13,40 €

    Sobirjon Solijonov
    The materials of the book are chiefly ment for the students of the English department of higher educational institutions who are training to become teachers of English. Its structure and contents of the present are composed in accordance with demands of the educational-methodic complex of the discipline which is based on the syllabus of the subject and meets the requiements of ...

    85,78 €

  • Nature et Morphologie des signes de communication sur les réseaux sociaux
    Oumar S. K. DEMBELE
    L’usage des signes de communication sur les réseaux sociaux est complexe sur les plans de syntaxique et sémantique.Il est incontestable que la langue française est connue pour sa complexité à cause de ses règles grammaticales.Mais pour leur compréhension mutuelle, les internautes ont trouvé un moyen à se défaire de ces règles par l’usage des abréviations, des mots fabriqués, de...

    61,88 €

  • Just Kids
    Risa Applegarth
    Although children have prompted and participated in numerous acts of protest and advocacy, their words and labors are more likely to be dismissed than discussed as serious activism. Whether treated disparagingly by antagonistic audiences or lauded as symbols of hope by sympathetic ones, children and teens are rarely considered capable organizers and advocates for change. In Jus...

    44,88 €

  • Just Kids
    Risa Applegarth
    Although children have prompted and participated in numerous acts of protest and advocacy, their words and labors are more likely to be dismissed than discussed as serious activism. Whether treated disparagingly by antagonistic audiences or lauded as symbols of hope by sympathetic ones, children and teens are rarely considered capable organizers and advocates for change. In Jus...

    136,21 €

  • Easy Spelling’s Sound Dictionary
    Pat Paul Grayson
    An Invaluable Phonics Aid                                                                                                 At the heart of early language development lies phonics - this sound dictionary comprehensively guides educators, parents, and advanced learners through the fascinating landscape of phonics. A comprehensive resource 1) Easy Spelling’s Sound Dictionary categ...

    21,74 €

  • Complete English Grammar Course
    Jane W. Manion
    Of making many English grammars there is no end; nor should there be till theoretical scholarship and actual practice are more happily wedded. In this field much valuable work has already been accomplished; but it has been done largely by workers accustomed to take the scholar’s point of view, and their writings are addressed rather to trained minds than to immature learners. T...

    18,00 €

  • Short Story Writing
    Charles R. Barrett
    Write short stories with confidence after reading How to Write Winning Short Stories, a great guide for anyone seeking writing tips, help with writing fiction (especially short fiction), and insider tips for winning writing contests. This concise and practical guide includes developing a theme and premise, choosing a title, creating characters, crafting realistic dialogue, brin...

    13,36 €

  • Kognitive, pragmatische und sprachlich-kulturelle Eigenheiten
    Gulnoza Boltakulova
    Die folgende Monographie ist eine linguistische Untersuchung der kognitiven, pragmatischen und sprachlich-kulturellen Besonderheiten von sprachlichen Einheiten, die die Natur der Zeit in den beiden Sprachen Englisch und Usbekisch ausdrücken. Es wird untersucht, wie Sprecher dieser Sprachen zeitliche Informationen konzeptualisieren und kommunizieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf de...

    60,26 €

  • Particularités cognitives, pragmatiques et linguistiques
    Gulnoza Boltakulova
    La monographie suivante représente une enquête linguistique sur les particularités cognitives, pragmatiques et culturelles des unités linguistiques qui expriment la nature du temps en anglais et en ouzbek. Elle explore la manière dont les locuteurs de ces langues conceptualisent et communiquent les informations temporelles, en se concentrant sur les similitudes et les différenc...

    60,20 €

  • Peculiarità cognitive, pragmatiche e linguistiche
    Gulnoza Boltakulova
    La presente monografia rappresenta un’indagine linguistica sulle peculiarità cognitive, pragmatiche e linguistiche delle unità linguistiche che esprimono la natura del tempo nelle lingue inglese e uzbeka. La ricerca esplora il modo in cui i parlanti di queste lingue concettualizzano e comunicano le informazioni temporali, concentrandosi sulle somiglianze e sulle differenze di q...

    60,13 €

  • Peculiaridades cognitivas, pragmáticas e linguístico-culturais
    Gulnoza Boltakulova
    A monografia que se segue representa uma investigação linguística sobre as peculiaridades cognitivas, pragmáticas e linguístico-culturais das unidades linguísticas que expressam a natureza do tempo nas línguas inglesa e uzbeque. Explora a forma como os falantes destas línguas conceptualizam e comunicam informação temporal, centrando-se nas semelhanças e diferenças desses elemen...

    60,20 €

  • Когнитивные, прагматические и лингвокультурные особенности
    Гулноза Болтакулова
    Данная монография представляет собой лингвистическое исследование когнитивных, прагматических и лингвокультурных особенностей языковых единиц, выражающих природу времени в английском и узбекском языках. В ней рассматривается, как носители этих языков концептуализируют и передают временную информацию, уделяя особое внимание сходствам и различиям этих элементов в двух языках. Рез...

    60,20 €

  • Entwicklung der 'kommunikativen Kompetenz'
    Belay Guluma
    Dieses Buch, das eine Forschungsarbeit ist, befasst sich mit der Untersuchung der Möglichkeiten, die Lernenden der englischen Sprache in den kommunikativen Sprachlehrmethoden zur Verfügung stehen, und den Herausforderungen, denen sowohl die Lernenden als auch die Lehrenden bei ihrem Versuch, ihre kommunikative Kompetenz zu entwickeln, begegnen.So werden die verschiedenen Teile ...

    60,38 €

  • Le développement de la 'compétence communicative'
    Belay Guluma
    Ce livre, qui est un document de recherche, traite de l’examen des opportunités qui sont disponibles pour les apprenants de la langue anglaise dans les principes de la méthode communicative d’enseignement des langues et des défis que rencontrent les apprenants et les enseignants dans leur tentative de développement de leur compétence communicative.Ce livre montre le concept de ...

    60,44 €

  • Sviluppo della competenza comunicativa
    Belay Guluma
    Questo libro, che è un lavoro di ricerca, si occupa di esaminare le opportunità che sono disponibili per gli studenti di lingua inglese nei principi del metodo di insegnamento comunicativo della lingua e le sfide che incontrano sia gli studenti che gli insegnanti nel tentativo di sviluppare la loro competenza comunicativa.Questo libro mostra il concetto di ogni competenza e com...

    60,38 €

  • Desenvolvimento da competência comunicativa
    Belay Guluma
    Este livro, que é um trabalho de investigação, trata da análise das oportunidades que estão disponíveis para os alunos de inglês nos princípios do método comunicativo de ensino de línguas e dos desafios que se colocam aos alunos e aos professores na sua tentativa de desenvolver a sua competência comunicativa.Assim, as diferentes partes da competência comunicativa, tais como as ...

    60,38 €

  • Развитие коммуникативной компетенции
    Белаи Гулума
    Эта книга, представляющая собой исследовательскую работу, посвящена изучению возможностей, которые открываются перед изучающими английский язык в рамках принципов коммуникативного метода обучения языку, и проблем, с которыми сталкиваются как учащиеся, так и преподаватели в попытках развить свою коммуникативную компетенцию.Таким образом, подробно рассматриваются различные части ...

    60,44 €

  • Da Mais Alta Janela Da Minha Casa
    Lino Porto
    Inspirado em O Guardador de Rebanhos, de Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caieiro), este décimo oitavo livro do autor traz a decomposição lenta e gradual das vidas urbana e rural rumo a uma modernidade cada vez mais fria e indiferente, sem mais casas ou sítios, sem mais famílias numerosas, somente prédios e vizinhos desconhecidos. O poeta apresenta um conjunto poético no qual cada cant...

    6,93 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Syntax
    Grant Goodall

    76,23 €

  • A retórica dos outsiders shakespearianos e a capacidade negativa de Keats
    Hussein Salimian Rizi
    Numa das suas cartas, John Keats (1795-1821) propõe o conceito de capacidade negativa, que convida os pensadores a serem capazes de estar em 'incertezas, mistérios e dúvidas', o que, em última análise, ajuda a mente a manter uma abertura que beira o desinteresse e a auto-aniquilação. Na sua opinião, Shakespeare é um homem de sucesso que representa a capacidade negativa. A hipót...

    69,97 €