Lenguaje: consulta y general

Lenguas / Lenguaje: consulta y general (17140)

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  • Stratégies de compréhension de la lecture
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’une recherche menée entre 2011 et 2015 sur les stratégies de compréhension en lecture avec des élèves de 6e année primaire. Il s’est appuyé sur une recherche psycholinguistique expérimentale avec un groupe d’élèves d’Ibirama, à Santa Catarina, sous forme d’atelier en 2014 dans le cadre d’un projet d’extension organisé par l’Institut Fédéral de Santa Catar...

    77,86 €

  • Strategien zum Leseverstehen
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis von Forschungen, die zwischen 2011 und 2015 zu Strategien für das Leseverständnis mit Schülern der 6. Klasse der Grundschule durchgeführt wurden. Es basiert auf einer experimentellen psycholinguistischen Untersuchung mit einer Gruppe von Schülern aus Ibirama in Santa Catarina, die 2014 in Form eines Workshops im Rahmen eines vom Bundesinstitut von S...

    77,85 €

  • Strategie per la comprensione della lettura
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Questo libro nasce da una ricerca condotta tra il 2011 e il 2015 sulle strategie di comprensione della lettura con studenti del sesto anno della scuola primaria. Si basa su una ricerca psicolinguistica sperimentale con un gruppo di studenti di Ibirama, a Santa Catarina, sotto forma di laboratorio nel 2014 nell’ambito di un progetto di estensione organizzato dall’Istituto Federa...

    77,89 €

  • Strategies for reading comprehension
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    This book is the result of research carried out between 2011 and 2015 on strategies for reading comprehension with 6th grade students. It was based on experimental research in psycholinguistics with a group of students from Ibirama, in Santa Catarina, in the form of a workshop in 2014 as part of an outreach project run by the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. The thirty 6th ...

    77,90 €

  • Unlock Your Language Potential
    William K. Spier
    The person and number of a verb are those modifications in which it agrees with its subject or nominative. In each number, there are three persons; and in each person, two numbers: thus, Singular. Plural. 1st per. I love, 1st per. We love, 2d per. Thou lovest, 2d per. You love, 3d per. He loves; 3d per. They love. Where the verb is varied, the second person singular is regularl...

    14,31 €

  • How to Write a Bestselling Billionaire Romance
    Just Bae
    'Jump into your bestselling writer’s shoes and write romances that command empires and steal hearts.'’How to Write a Bestselling Billionaire Romance’ gives you the arsenal to create novels that bewitch readers and storylines that drive sales. From crafting your protagonists and strong love interests, mastering believability, and carefully balancing power & vulnerability, you’ll...

    15,53 €

    Olivier-Jeff KALALA TSHAMALA
    Jeff a réussi à remonter méthodiquement la vase d’un itinéraire, en décrivant les différentes péripéties. D’abord, l’enfance et le bain familial d’Astrid, en passant par sa scolarité primaire et secondaire à Kolwezi. Cette étape se caractérise par l’instruction des abc et l’apprentissage des principes moraux de savoir vivre en société. Ensuite, son éloignement du toit parental,...

    50,38 €

  • Reader’s House
    The Reader’s House
    EDITOR’S LETTERIn the tapestry of children’s literature, some authors possess the magical ability to ignite the spark of imagination, weaving stories that become cherished companions in the journey of growing up. Vickie L. Gardner, the acclaimed author behind 'The Adventures of Darby' series and the captivating 'The Ghost of Morgan Gulch,' is undeniably one such literary alchem...

    35,51 €

  • History Of Famous Orators
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Cicero is considered to be Rome’s greatest orator and prose writer. His writing is some of the best classical Latin still in existence. Cicero introduced Rome to Greek philosophy and created the Latin philosophical vocabulary. This book contains two selections. Cicero’s Brutus or History of Famous Orators was written during the end of the civil war in Africa. It discusses all t...

    17,10 €

  • Successful Methods of Public Speaking
    Grenville Kleiser
    As you carefully study the successful methods of public speakers, as briefly set forth in this book, you will observe that there is nothing that can be substituted for personal sincerity. Unless you thoroughly believe in the message you wish to convey to others, you are not likely to impress them favorably. It was said of an eminent British orator, that when one heard him speak...

    9,61 €

    Muhayokhon Hamidova
    The favorite writer of our nation, People’s Writer of Uzbekistan Shukur Kholmirzayev, stories such as 'Kil koprik ', 'Olaboji ', 'Last stop', 'Who is not in the 18th class?', ' Waves' and Readers who have read his novels, many serious stories and novels understand that Uzbek literature reflects a new worldview of a person, the colors of the world of thought. In the works, the p...

    111,69 €

  • L’archéologie de l’écriture chez Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Dans un contexte leclézien, autobiographique ou biographique plus ou moins romancé, on s’interroge sur les processus de transmutation littéraire, entre l’expérience inspirée du domaine familial et l’archéologie de l’écriture ; en explorant notamment les retentissements induits par les émotions gardées en mémoire, que Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio arrive à traduire dans ses œuvre...

    85,81 €

    Bunleang Kors
    Introducing a language learning guide that combines English and Khmer words, designed specifically for Cambodian people seeking to enhance their English skills. This comprehensive resource offers an easy-to-follow format, providing clear and simple explanations to facilitate effective learning. With a focus on practical vocabulary and essential grammar, this guide aims to empow...

    99,43 €

    Dans ce travail de recherche, les caractéristiques esthétiques artistiques spécifiques du problème de l’idéal esthétique artistique dans l’œuvre du mouvement moderniste des XIXe-XXe siècles, en particulier dans les œuvres des grands éclaireurs, sont étudiées de manière comparative et résumées sur la base de sources scientifiques. . Dans la littérature Jadid, des questions telle...

    85,79 €

  • Speak American? Govorite li Američki?
    Aleksandar D Stajković / Kayla S Stajković
    'Speak American? Govorite li Američki?' is a guide to embracing American-Serbian cultural nuances. In today’s global world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultural boundaries is more than a skill-it is a necessity. 'Speak American? Govorite li Američki?' is a tool for Serbian professionals who are seeking to navigate the American business landscape and for Americ...

    21,93 €

  • Facet of the French Novel
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    This work is part of the First Study Day on the French Novel, as a space for reflection, debate and expression. This framework of study sheds light on the specificity of French novelists Gaston Leroux and Jean d’Omerson. The various contributions highlight the particularity of the literary imagination, following an analysis of the aesthetics of these French novelists. ...

    61,76 €

  • Facette des französischen Romans
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Dieses Buch ist Teil eines ersten Studientages über den französischen Roman, der als Raum für Reflexion, Debatten und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten gedacht ist. Dieser Studienrahmen beleuchtet die Besonderheit der französischen Romanautoren Gaston Leroux und Jean d’Omerson. Die verschiedenen Beiträge heben die Besonderheit der literarischen Imagination hervor, die sich aus einer Analy...

    61,88 €

  • Sfaccettature del romanzo francese
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Questo lavoro fa parte della Prima giornata di studio sul romanzo francese, come forum di riflessione, dibattito ed espressione. Questo quadro di studio fa luce sulla specificità di romanzieri francesi come Gaston Leroux e Jean d’Omerson. I vari contributi evidenziano la particolarità dell’immaginario letterario, dopo un’analisi dell’estetica di questi romanzieri francesi. ...

    61,82 €

  • A faceta do romance francês
    Jean Florent Romaric Gnayoro
    Este trabalho inscreve-se no âmbito da Primeira Jornada de Estudos sobre o Romance Francês, enquanto espaço de reflexão, debate e expressão. Este quadro de estudo permite refletir sobre a especificidade de romancistas franceses como Gaston Leroux e Jean d’Omerson. As diferentes contribuições destacam a particularidade da imaginação literária, após uma análise da estética destes...

    61,82 €

  • Поэтическое выражение религиозной мысли Виктора Гюго
    Андрея Пэдуре
    Синтез критических работ Виктора Гюго, Дени Саурата и Алена Деко послужил отправной точкой и теоретической поддержкой для разработки нашего вклада в виде литературного анализа, примененного к избранному корпусу, чтобы объяснить и применить на практике общие соображения, используя при этом наши знания православного богословия. В свете нашего исследования анализ стихов подчеркива...

    61,69 €

  • Межкультурное взаимодействие в романе 'Когда он отказывается, он не говорит'.
    Никодеме БОНДО
    Чтение художественного текста в свете упрощенной операции обнаружения смысла, вложенного автором. Мы должны перейти от фенотекста к генотексту. Первый сводится к печатному тексту, характеризующемуся расположенным смыслом: формулой. Второй, напротив, представляет собой пространство, открытое для бесконечного числа смыслов. Очевидно, что, прочитанный как генотекст, последний рома...

    85,59 €

  • Interculturality in the novel 'Quand on refuse on dit non'.
    Nicodème Bondo
    Reading a literary text in the light of the simplistic operation of discovering a meaning, the one invested by the author. We need to move on from a phenotext to a genotext. The former is reduced to the printed text characterized by a situated meaning: the formula. The latter, on the other hand, is a space open to an infinite number of meanings. Clearly, read as a genotext, Kou...

    85,39 €

  • Sonetos Em Si
    Lino Porto
    Sonetos simples e chatos,Sonetos meio sem nexo,Até mesmo aqueles castosE uns com jeito de complexo.Sonetos que lembram flatos,Sonetos só sobre sexo,Alguns sobre temas vastos,E os que te põem genuflexo.Poemas vertiginosos,Com seus versos imprestáveisQuase nada aprimorados.Heptassílabos charmosos,Que nos lembram namoradosEm seus ritmos imparáveis... ...

    7,54 €

  • Manual práctico para escribir poesía
    Enrique Gallud Jardiel
    En este libro se proporciona al lector todo un vademécum para la elaboración de la poesía, tanto clásica como moderna. Se ha hecho especial hincapié en la sencillez de las explicaciones y en la abundancia de ejemplos para ilustrar todos los puntos. Con este manual los que sientan como suya la poesía podrán perfeccionar su técnica y conocerán todas las formas de versificación. L...

    18,95 €

  • Relación del reino del Congo y de los territorios circunvecinos
    Antonio Santos Morillo
    La Relatione del Reame di Congo et delle circonvicine contrade de Filippo Pigafetta y Duarte Lopez (1591) es un tesoro de información sobre rutas marítimas, religión, mitología, tribus, indumentaria, artes de guerra, armas, instrumentos musicales, costumbres, medicina, flora y fauna, clima, relaciones de los monarcas congoleses con los portugueses y con otros reyes africanos, m...

    19,95 €

  • Popular Punctuation Error in English
    Ezekiel Agboola
    In this expertly curated guide, you’ll navigate through common pitfalls that often trip up even the most seasoned writers. Delve into engaging explanations and insightful examples that demystify elusive punctuation rules, empowering you to express yourself with precision and eloquence.From the subtle nuances of commas to the artful use of ellipses, each section addresses popula...

    10,74 €

  • Межкультурное взаимодействие в произведении Амина Маалуфа 'L’amour de loin
    Мохамед Бушельта
    Восток и Запад часто связывались в дискурсе, паразитирующем на предрассудках, враждебности и даже ненависти. Буклет под названием 'Любовь издалека', написанный Амином Маалуфом, который сам является выходцем с перекрестка различных культур, был выпущен с целью создания схем, основанных на принятии Другого. Этот драматический текст рассказывает историю, которая призвана стать пос...

    60,32 €

  • The exotic image of Satan in Les Fleurs du Mal
    Nada Al-Nasser
    Baudelaire (1821-1867), like many other 19th-century writers, used various ideas and images borrowed from ancient literary heritage. He was perhaps not the first to include the devil in his work. He was preceded by Byron (1788-1824), who first considered Satan as a friend of human beings in his Cain (1821).Although Baudelaire was accused of stepping out of religion and into inf...

    60,13 €

  • Экзотический образ Сатаны в Les Fleurs du Mal
    Бодлер (1821-1867), как и многие другие писатели XIX века, использовал различные идеи и образы, заимствованные из античного литературного наследия. Возможно, он был не первым, кто включил дьявола в свои произведения. Ему предшествовал Байрон (1788-1824), который впервые рассмотрел Сатану как друга человека в своем 'Каине' (1821).Хотя Бодлера обвиняли в отходе от религии и движе...

    60,13 €

  • Poetics of Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit, Une Main du Diable
    Hervé N’guessan KANGA
    Aloysius Bertrand’s Gaspard de la Nuit is a collection of prose poems haunted by the devil and all his attributes. In this collection, Satan plays a dual role in human life. Firstly, he exerts an evil force in human life. And secondly, he instructs Bertrand in the art he adopts in order to re-establish a new order in a society already governed by classical reason. In so doing, ...

    85,14 €