Judaísmo: vida y práctica

Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Judaísmo / Judaísmo: vida y práctica (670)

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  • Afternoon Prayers
    Joseph Zitt
    An essential worker in Israel writes of day-to-day life in the first year of the pandemic. Walking through empty streets, navigating mazes of masks, lockdowns, and ever-changing regulations, he chronicles the uncertain fates of his city’s people and businesses, his family’s experiences in assisted living at the nearby House of a Hundred Grandmothers, and, at his office, the rit...

    11,37 €

  • Hilchasa Berurah Berochos
    Ahron Zelikovitz
    The purpose of this Sefer, is to enable one learning the Gemara, even if only with Rashi, to be able to access immediately the practical Halacha. The Halachos are arranged according to the order of the Ein Mishpat. In the places where the Ein Mishpat refers to the Shulchan Aruch, the relevant Shulchan Aruch with the Mishna Berurah, and main points of the Biur Halacha and Shar H...

    55,28 €

  • Kol Yaakov
    Jerome H. Blass
    A pulpit rabbi wears many hats: preacher, teacher, counselor, and civic leader, to name a few. These roles speak to what a person does. Often, but not always, they also reflect who a person is.The Bible describes Jacob (Yaakov) as an 'ish tam' - rendered by Onkelos in Aramaic as 'g’var sh’lim,' a wholesome man. Sheleimus, wholeness, in classic rabbinic thought, encompasses all ...

    23,10 €

  • Jüdische Feiertage im Jahr 2024 Geschichte, Bräuche und Traditionen
    Henri Faradi
    Das Judentum, eine der drei großen abrahamitischen Religionen, hat gemeinsame Wurzeln mit dem Christentum und dem Islam, was eine tiefe historische und theologische Verbindung markiert. Das Judentum entstand vor mehr als 3500 Jahren und ist als eine der ältesten monotheistischen Religionen anerkannt. Seine Grundlagen werden Abraham zugeschrieben, einer zentralen Figur, die auch...

    11,01 €

  • Tisha Beav Des leçons intemporelles Histoire, religion, coutumes et traditions
    Henri Faradi
    'Tisha Beav: Des leçons intemporelles' Auteur: Henri FaradiPlongez dans l’univers de Tisha Beav avec 'Tisha Beav: Des leçons intemporelles', un ouvrage fascinant qui explore l’histoire, la religion, les coutumes et les traditions de ce jour de jeûne et de deuil dans la tradition juive. Henri Faradi, un écrivain passionné et historien de l’art, offre une perspective unique et ap...

    9,63 €

  • Les Fêtes Juives en 2024 Histoires, Coutumes et Traditions
    Henri Faradi
    Le judaïsme, l’une des trois grandes religions abrahamiques, partage des racines communes avec le christianisme et l’islam, marquant une profonde connexion historique et théologique. Né il y a plus de 3500 ans, le judaïsme est reconnu comme l’une des plus anciennes religions monothéistes. Ses fondations sont attribuées à Abraham, une figure centrale respectée également par le c...

    11,01 €

  • IVRI
    Steven J. Gold / Steven JGold
    This book addresses the ancient tradition of Hebrew Spirituality that is the foundation for Judaism and other religions and its relevance for today. Universal underlying themes of monotheism, monism, East-West connections, meditation, mysticism, Kabala, Yoga and Vedanta, are explored by the author/editor and guest contributors covering perspectives from Yoga, Judaism, Sufism, a...

    23,63 €

  • Put Your Money Where Your Soul Is
    Jacob Siegel
    'Business as usual' is leading us down a path of rising economic suffering, societal division, and climate crisis. A new approach promises socially responsible investing by looking at 'environmental, social, and governance (ESG)' concerns. Amid the new buzzwords and their ensuing controversy, the question remains: where should you invest your retirement savings, your pension pl...

    27,27 €

  • Renew Our Hearts
    Rachel Barenblat
    From the creator of the Velveteen Rabbi’s Haggadah, a new siddur for the day of Shabbat.Renew Our Hearts balances tradition with innovation, featuring liturgy for morning (shacharit and a renewing approach to musaf, the 'additional' service of Shabbat and festivals), afternoon (mincha), and evening (ma’ariv and havdalah), along with curated works of poetry, art and new liturgie...

    31,83 €

  • Renew Our Hearts
    Rachel Barenblat
    From the creator of the Velveteen Rabbi’s Haggadah, a new siddur for the day of Shabbat.Renew Our Hearts balances tradition with innovation, featuring liturgy for morning (shacharit and a renewing approach to musaf, the 'additional' service of Shabbat and festivals), afternoon (mincha), and evening (ma’ariv and havdalah), along with curated works of poetry, art and new liturgie...

    44,92 €

  • Birkat Hamazon according to the Tradition of the Spanish & Portuguese Jews
    S&P Central Publishing
    This Birkat Hamazon (Grace After Meals) follows the tradition of Western Sephardi / Spanish & Portuguese Jews. Also included are a number of popular table songs, such as Tzur Mishelo and Bendigamos, as well as the Sheva Brachot (Seven Blessings) for marriage. Users will also find a handy directory of the several dozen Western Sephardi congregations around the world, including t...

    6,82 €

  • Setting the Table
    Michael J. Broyde / Shlomo C. Pill
    One of the most basic questions for any legal system is that of methodology: how one interprets, analyzes, weighs, and applies a mass of often competing legal rules, precedents, practices, customs, and traditions to reach final determinations and practical guidance about the correct legal-prescribed course of action in any given situation. Questions of legal methodology raise n...

    49,15 €

  • Kol Halev
    Rabbi Eryn London / Rabbi M. Chava Evans
    This pioneering new book will provide a much-needed resource for those dedicated to the holy work of healing and comfort-giving in the field of chaplaincy. Kol Halev: A Jewish Chaplain’s Handbook, is a thoughtful collection of prayers, meditations, and rituals used by Jewish chaplains and chaplains serving Jewish clients during some of the most emotionally delicate moments in p...

    33,43 €

  • El registro ocul to.
    Adelaida Sourdis Nájera
    El presente trabajo busca, desde los fundamentos de la historia, contribuir con la construcción de ese anclaje y a dilucidar en algo esa pregunta perenne: quiénes somos y cuáles son nuestras raíces, lo que en esencia es interrogarnos sobre la formación de la nación colombiana. El tema escogido es la historia de la primera comunidad judía que se estableció como tal en Colombia: ...

    16,59 €

  • Under One Tent
    The study of Jewish text, over two millennia, has traditionally taken place in the Bet Midrash (the communal study hall), sitting at a table or desk. Studying the Bible has been a project of thinking, talking, contemplative reflection, and debate.There are other ways.Dr. Ora Horn Prouser, Cantor Michael Kasper, and circus artist and choreographer Ayal Prouser have joined to edi...

    48,25 €

  • Blossoming Beyond the Desert
    Shelle Goldstein
    The journey of the Exodus is one that each of us on the planet is destined to travel-all of us who struggle to heal from trauma, loss, and deep disappointments, and who long to live and love again. We are blessed to have, in the Passover Seder, a ritual and a tradition that serves as a roadmap to guide our steps.Blossoming Beyond the Desert illuminates the healing messages of t...

    18,31 €

  • When We Collide
    Rebecca J Epstein-Levi
    When We Collide is a landmark reassessment of the significance of sex in contemporary Jewish ethics. Rebecca Epstein-Levi offers a fresh and vital exploration of sexual ethics and virtue ethics in conversation with rabbinic texts and feminist and queer theory. Epstein-Levi explores how sex is not a special or particular form of social interaction but one that is entangled with ...

    107,10 €

  • When We Collide
    Rebecca J Epstein-Levi
    When We Collide is a landmark reassessment of the significance of sex in contemporary Jewish ethics. Rebecca Epstein-Levi offers a fresh and vital exploration of sexual ethics and virtue ethics in conversation with rabbinic texts and feminist and queer theory. Epstein-Levi explores how sex is not a special or particular form of social interaction but one that is entangled with ...

    48,59 €

  • The Passover Story Haggadah
    Stuart Leven
    The Passover Story Haggadah is a groundbreaking modern Hebrew-English Haggadah that everyone will be able to understand and enjoy. It showcases a riveting new narrative, in English, of the epic struggle to free the children of Israel in ancient Egypt, featuring God, Pharaoh, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. The narrative is composed of quotations and paraphrases from the story told in...

    10,86 €

  • Haggadah Min HaMeitzar - A Seder Journey to Liberation
    Gabriella Spitzer
    Haggadah Min HaMeitzar is liturgically traditional, visually beautiful, ideologically progressive, and discursively provocative. It uses a complete traditional text and translation, paired with original commentary and art, thought-provoking quotations, and discussion prompts. The art functions as a form of commentary and provides another layer to discuss.The commentary focuses ...

    39,48 €

  • Building Communities
    Adam Mintz
    Jewish law forbids carrying objects between private or public areas on the Sabbath. However, rabbinic authorities deemed carrying permissible within a physical enclosure called an eruv. This book explores the rabbinic debates surrounding the creation of such enclosures in North American cities and examines the evolution of American Orthodox communities from the late-nineteenth ...

    186,18 €

  • Building Communities
    Adam Mintz
    Jewish law forbids carrying objects between private or public areas on the Sabbath. However, rabbinic authorities deemed carrying permissible within a physical enclosure called an eruv. This book explores the rabbinic debates surrounding the creation of such enclosures in North American cities and examines the evolution of American Orthodox communities from the late-nineteenth ...

    30,24 €

  • Los Lubavitch en la Argentina
    Alejandro Soifer
    Descubra el enigmático mundo de Jabad Lubavitch —un viaje al corazón de una rama de judíos ortodoxos en rápido crecimiento y explosiva influencia.En Los Lubavitch en la Argentina: ¿Quiénes son los nuevos judíos ortodoxos? ¿Qué buscan? ¿Cómo lo están consiguiendo? Alejandro Soifer, Ph.D., ofrece una crónica periodística que ahonda en el corazón de un movimiento que ha intrigado ...

    21,94 €

  • The Formation of a Modern Rabbi
    Samuel Joseph Kessler
    Adolf Jellinek (1821-1893), the Czech-born, German-educated, liberal chief rabbi of Vienna, was the most famous Jewish preacher in Central Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. As an innovative rhetorician, Jellinek helped mold and define the modern synagogue sermon into an instrument for expressing Jewish religious and ethical values for a new era. As a historia...

    92,24 €

  • The Formation of a Modern Rabbi
    Samuel Joseph Kessler
    Adolf Jellinek (1821-1893), the Czech-born, German-educated, liberal chief rabbi of Vienna, was the most famous Jewish preacher in Central Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. As an innovative rhetorician, Jellinek helped mold and define the modern synagogue sermon into an instrument for expressing Jewish religious and ethical values for a new era. As a historia...

    56,70 €

  • 7 Highways of the Soul
    Norman D. Levy
    No matter what road you’re on, you’re exactly where you are supposed to be.In 1999, Norman D. Levy found himself at a crossroads. Life as he knew it was crumbling around him. His business was failing; his marriage dissolving. He was faced with a choice. Either run from his troubles (all the way to California from New York) or stay and trust in Hashem. He chose to stay. Leaning ...

    12,60 €

  • hachibur Book Four
    Warren J Cyr
    hachibur Book Four is a continuation of Books One and Two. This volume has been edited with great care and should provide a valuable learning tool for those interested in Judaism. Other readers can become familiar with Hebrew terms and explanations. ...

    52,90 €

  • The Book of Jewish Joys (No OYs)
    Amanda Minuk
    The Book of Jewish Joys (No OYs) is a celebration of Judaism’s little moments, like:Slurping matzah ball soupThe smell of freshly baked challahA gooey bite of HamentashenA really fun horaBeing lifted up and down on a chair at a simchaSavouring the beauty of the lights on the last night of ChanukahThere are a lot of 'OYs' that come with being a Jew, but there’s also a great amou...

    27,54 €

  • 'And You Shall Tell Your Son'
    Yitzhak (Itzik) Peleg
    Explores the cycle of Jewish holidays, which reflects a sense of identity with, and belonging to, the Jewish people, while simultaneously shaping that identity and sense of belonging. Throughout the generations, observance of the holidays has developed and changed, thus enabling generations of Jews, in their various communities, to define their own national identity and sense o...

    17,49 €

  • Uniquely Kosher
    Chasya Katriela Eshkol
    New to kosher? Learn creative ways to prepare your old favorite foods! Always kept kosher? Enjoy new, previously unimaginable dishes!'Fabulous Food Forgeries' demonstrate how to turn virtually any 'treifah' [non-kosher] recipe into a kosher delicacy, using the Unique 'Tri-Optional Ingredient System', that allows one to make a recipe in one of three different ways- Dairy, Parve ...

    49,94 €