Investigación médica

Medicina / Medicina: cuestiones generales / / Investigación médica (532)

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  • Innovations in Data Methodologies and Computational Algorithms for Medical Applications
    Aryya Gangopadhyay
    Medicine has, until recently, been slow to adapt to information technologies and systems for many reasons, but the future lies therein. Innovations in Data Methodologies and Computational Algorithms for Medical Applications offers the most cutting-edge research in the field, offering insights into case studies and methodologies from around the world. The text details the latest...

    321,26 €

  • The Incredible Shrinking Brain
    Stefan Lerner MD
    Neuroscience has now discovered a pathological brain process, Hyperapoptosis, in which neurons (brain cells), die at an accelerated rate, culminating in actual shrinkage of vital parts of the brain, which occurs in neurological illnesses like seizures, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, and is now known to also occur in major so-called 'mental' illnesses, severe major...

    32,74 €

  • The Incredible Shrinking Brain
    Stefan Lerner MD
    Neuroscience has now discovered a pathological brain process, Hyperapoptosis, in which neurons (brain cells), die at an accelerated rate, culminating in actual shrinkage of vital parts of the brain, which occurs in neurological illnesses like seizures, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, and is now known to also occur in major so-called 'mental' illnesses, severe major...

    22,64 €

  • Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis
    Jeanette A. Mumford / Russell A. Poldrack / Thomas E. Nichols

    63,88 €

  • Essentials of Orthopedic Techniques
    yingxiong feng
    Traditional Chinese bone-setting is a conventional Chinese medical practice primarily used for treating fractures, dislocations, muscle and ligament injuries. This method combines the holistic concepts of traditional Chinese medicine with unique therapeutic techniques. In this book, the author discusses the Key Principles of Bone-Setting in in the context of traditional Chines...

    12,93 €

  • Innovations, Securities, and Case Studies Across Healthcare, Business, and Technology
    Darrell Norman Burrell
    The longstanding practice of keeping academic disciplines separate has been a barrier to effectively addressing the complex challenges in our world. The boundaries separating fields like healthcare, social sciences, and technology have obscured the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration, preventing us from unlocking innovative solutions to the most pressing issues of our...

    492,48 €

  • América Latina tras el COVID-19
    Carlos Bardález del Águila / Eugenio Villar Montesinos
    Este texto se enmarca dentro de la tragedia de la pandemia de la COVID-19 y que ha echado por los suelos la visión neoliberal optimista prevalente en las últimas décadas en la región que ha develado la profundización de la inequidad social incluyendo el acceso a los servicios de salud. Asimismo, analiza los avances en las capacidades de los sistemas de salud para la consecución...

    44,20 €

  • The Body Whispers Before It Screams
    Irene Ortiz-Glass
    Over two million U.S. women each year experience menopause. Many of them suffer alone with life-altering symptoms only to be told by doctors that their symptoms and lab tests are 'normal.' In The Body Whispers Before It Screams, Irene Ortiz-Glass chronicles her experiences during perimenopause and the struggles she endured after surgical menopause. Irene shares what she learned...

    16,22 €

  • Violencia feminicida
    Jorge Luis Olivares Peña
    'La violencia hacia la mujer ha existido desde hace siglos, ocultada tras un sistema patriarcal lleno de abusos, humillaciones e injusticias. Lamentablemente, hoy en día se ha incrementado esta violencia, así como el odio y el desprecio hacia la figura femenina; esto lo podemos observar durante las necropsias a los cuerpos hallados, donde se nota la cantidad de lesiones o mutil...

    14,56 €

  • Hepatitis Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Embark on a journey of discovery with "Hepatitis Demystified: Doctors’ Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide unravels the complexities of Hepatitis, starting with a deep understanding of the condition, its various types, causes, and symptoms. Explore the vital importance of early detection and diagnosis in the battle against Hepatitis.Delve into the biopsychosocial approach t...

    18,72 €

  • The Power and Versatility of RNA-seq in Laboratory Research
    Susan K. Rathe
    RNA-sequencing is one of the most powerful tools available to cancer researchers, but it is not without its challenges.In this book, Dr. Rathe provides a plethora of user-friendly tools and methods to assist cancer researchers in making the most of their RNA- sequencing data.Dr. Rathe describes a novel approach to prioritize the gene and pathway changes in controlled experiment...

    131,49 €

  • Standing Up for Science
    Salim S. Abdool Karim
    Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, Salim S. Abdool Karim was catapulted into a prominent position in the media and on television as the face of South African science in the country’s response to the pandemic. Up to that point, his groundbreaking research on AIDS had garnered many awards, leading to his recognition as one of the world’s leading epidemiologists, making him ideally p...

    48,32 €

  • Machine Learning with R - Fourth Edition
    Brett Lantz
    Use R and tidyverse to prepare, clean, import, visualize, transform, program, communicate, predict and model dataNo R experience is required, although prior exposure to statistics and programming is helpfulPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format.Key Features:- Get to grips with the tidyverse, challenging data, and big data- Create clear and conc...

    73,81 €

    Barbara L Wilson / Matthew J Butler / MATTHEW J BUTLER BARB RICHARD J BUTLER / Richard J Butler
    Advanced Statistics for Health Research provides a rigorous geometric understanding of models used in the analysis of health data, including linear and non-linear regression models, and supervised machine learning models. Models drawn from the health literature include: ordinary least squares, two-stage least squares, probits, logits, Cox regressions, duration modeling, quantil...

    193,38 €

  • Promoveren
    Alexander P M van den Bosch
    InhoudsopgaveWe zijn erDe hoogleraar doet helemaal meeWie is dan de tweede promotorIs de bieb open op zondagGaan we dan eerst alleen maar lezenHeb ik de hele vraagstelling alWie vraag ik om dit hoofdstuk te herzienWie bepaalt eigenlijkIk heb hoofdpijnJa dit is nieuwMijn partner weet het niet meerDe hoogleraar wil een conceptIk vraag bij HRM/P&O om wat supportDe hoogleraar is nu...

    7,37 €

  • From Oversight to Overkill
    Simon N. Whitney
    Medical research saves lives-yet all too often, it is thwarted by a review system supposed to safeguard patients that instead creates needless delays and expense. Institutional Review Boards, which exist at every hospital and medical school that conducts medical research, have ended up imposing such complex, draconian conditions that research is frequently damaged, delayed, and...

    18,16 €

  • Epidemiological Research
    Mbuso Mabuza
    This book provides an introduction to epidemiological research and statistical methods covering key concepts and all the main types of epidemiological study. It elicits a critical understanding of the purpose and context of quantitative research including the basis for selecting appropriate research designs from a thorough grounding in the uses and methods of epidemiology; key ...

    24,94 €

  • Scientific Writing From Scratch
    Radhika Vijay
    Still thinking of writing and publishing your first scientific research paper? No ideas? No knowledge? No help? Well, No Worries! You have grabbed the right book.The book will not only make you write your first research paper, you will get to know A B C of research, some important to know definitions, terms and facts. All in all you will be able to confidently initiate research...

    12,90 €

  • Obesity
    Lee B
    What contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle?Often linked to decreased physical activity and lack of healthy choices in diet, The Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey Data, as well as Canadian Health Measures Survey indicate there are a variety of factors that lead one toward the disease of obesity. Over the past ten years, statistics show a high-rise ...

    40,71 €

  • Obesity
    Lee B
    What contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle?Often linked to decreased physical activity and lack of healthy choices in diet, The Public Health Agency of Canada, Canadian Community Health Survey Data, as well as Canadian Health Measures Survey indicate there are a variety of factors that lead one toward the disease of obesity. Over the past ten years, statistics show a high-rise ...

    50,96 €

  • Isolation, Characterization, and Therapeutic Applications of Natural Bioactive Compounds
    Ajeet Singh
    Natural products have historically been key to drug discovery and therapeutic applications throughout many societies. In the modern era, natural bioactive compounds can be isolated, and their effects can be further studied for more successful outcomes. It is essential to study these natural bioactive compounds to enhance pharmaceuticals and drug discovery. Isolation, Characteri...

    466,96 €

  • Genocide Jab
    John Michael Chambers
    Genocide Jab includes the deep research of eight well-known medical doctors, a constitutional lawyer, a food scientist, two patent experts, a German chemist, a Spanish biostatistician, and a high-level biotech analyst who has worked for decades in the pharmaceutical industry with companies like Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer. World war is not just on the way. This is no simulatio...

    26,86 €

  • Medical Research Writing Made Easy - A stepwise guide for research writing
    Vinoth Gnana Chellaiyan
    Why should you buy this book?• Publish or perish - Publications are now required for medical professionals in order to advance in their academic careers.• To generate evidence from clinical practice in addition to understanding and applying evidence-based medicine.• This book takes you from the fundamentals of phrase structure to journal publication. Who should buy it?• Undergr...

    15,04 €

  • The Kaggle Book
    Konrad Banachewicz / Luca Massaron
    Get a step ahead of your competitors with insights from over 30 Kaggle Masters and Grandmasters. Discover tips, tricks, and best practices for competing effectively on Kaggle and becoming a better data scientist.Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in the PDF format.Key Features:Learn how Kaggle works and how to make the most of competitions from over 30 e...

    110,48 €

  • Prehospital Research Methods and Practice
    Bringing together a team of leading international experts in the field of research, this book provides an up-to-date and accessible overview of applied research methods in the prehospital environment.Written to support the needs of the paramedicine, emergency medicine and wider healthcare communities in this rapidly advancing research setting, the authors introduce the key area...

    41,49 €

  • Understanding Statistics in Medicine
    Donna Stroup / Michelle Secic / Tom Lang
    'Understanding Statistics in Medicine' is a companion volume to Tom and Michelle’s 'How to Report Statistics in Medicine,' which is a comprehensive set of guidelines for documenting research and statistical methods in the medical literature. Understanding Statistics reflects Tom and Donna’s separate experience in teaching the topics for many years, as well as the course on stat...

    35,05 €

  • The Pharmagellan Guide to Analyzing Biotech Clinical Trials
    Frank S. David
    If you work in or around biotech, you’re supposed to understand clinical trial results. But what if you’re not an expert in study design or biostatistics? You may feel out of your comfort zone when faced with a journal article, press release, or investor presentation. The Pharmagellan Guide to Analyzing Biotech Clinical Trials is a comprehensive primer to help non-experts eval...

    77,22 €

  • Prescription Drugs
    David Newton

    82,14 €

  • Seeking the Person at the Center of Medicine
    W. James Appleyard
    It has become clear that reductionist models of health care are unsustainable in both economic and humanistic terms. There is a pressing need, therefore, articulated increasingly by patients themselves, to move away from impersonal, fragmented and decontextualized systems of healthcare towards personalized, integrated and contextualised models of clinical practice within a huma...

    76,75 €

  • Tumours of Larynx
    Dr Sangeeta Aggarwal
    This book ’Tumours of Larynx’ is a work I have done during my post-graduation study. It has helped me to learn from the patients as I listened carefully and patiently. What they complain is a very important factor to be considered when making a diagnosis.This disease incapacitates the patient for the whole life. The larynx protects the airway and if one cannot breathe one canno...

    22,81 €