Internet: obras generales

/ Informática: cuestiones generales / Internet: obras generales (949)

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  • Ionic Cookbook
    Hoc Phan / Indermohan Singh

    65,77 €

  • Vuex Quick Start Guide
    Andrea Koutifaris

    42,23 €

  • Managing Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments
    Zongmin Ma
    Cloud computing has proven to be a successful paradigm of service-oriented computing, and has revolutionized the way computing infrastructures are abstracted and used. By means of cloud computing technology, massive data can be managed effectively and efficiently to support various aspects of problem solving and decision making. Managing Big Data in Cloud Computing Environments...

    255,87 €

  • Principles, Methodologies, and Service-Oriented Approaches for Cloud Computing
    Innovations in cloud and service-oriented architectures continue to attract attention by offering interesting opportunities for research in scientific communities. Although advancements such as computational power, storage, networking, and infrastructure have aided in making major progress in the implementation and realization of cloud-based systems, there are still significant...

    243,20 €

  • Applications and Developments in Grid, Cloud, and High Performance Computing
    With the continuing growth of the computing field, services have been provided to data centers over the Internet as the different components of computer are unified into an easy and manageable unit. Contributions from various fields of virtualization, service-oriented architecture, grid-utility computer, and distributed systems are shaping the current cloud pattern shift. Appli...

    256,07 €

  • E-Governance and Civic Engagement
    Governments are increasingly turning to the Internet to provide public services. The move towards e-governance not only impacts the efficiency and effectiveness of public service, but also has the potential to transform the nature of government interactions with citizens. E-Governance and Civic Engagement: Factors and Determinants of E-Democracy examines how e-government facili...

    237,42 €

  • Technologies for Enhancing Pedagogy, Engagement and Empowerment in Education
    Although there is broad agreement that preparing global citizens for the digital age is a core responsibility of educators and schools, there is debate and uncertainty about how best to prepare students for this future. Technologies for Enhancing Pedagogy, Engagement and Empowerment in Education: Creating Learning-Friendly Environments explores how technology-based learning can...

    229,76 €

  • Handbook of Research on E-Learning Standards and Interoperability
    As the e-learning industry continues to expand and the methods and tools necessary to create and maintain content and infrastructure applications become more complicated, there is an inherent need for these applications to interoperate and exchange data in order to better support the needs of learners and educators. Handbook of Research on E-Learning Standards and Interoperabil...

    348,32 €

  • Cases on Online Discussion and Interaction
    Discussion, whether in online or face-to-face environments, is central to attaining and disseminating information. Cases on Online Discussion and Interaction: Experiences and Outcomes contains examples of online discussions in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes, allowing readers to understand what is likely to facilitate discussion online, what is likely to enc...

    236,63 €

  • Web Services Security Development and Architecture
    Despite solid advances, numerous challenges have yet to be resolved by Web services-enabled service-oriented architecture systems. Web Services Security Development and Architecture: Theoretical and Practical Issues explores a global approach to methodical development in constructing safety architectures for online systems. Addressing security concerns during the full developme...

    236,42 €

  • Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development
    Although social, economical, and environmental sustainability has become increasingly important in this era of globalization, little effort has been put forth to investigate the social and cultural impact. Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development: ICTs for Mobility explores how mobility meets sustainability in contemporary organizational communication. A compend...

    236,32 €

  • Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet
    Ettore Bolisani
    In today’s networked societies, a key factor of the social and economic success is the capability to exchange, transfer, and share knowledge. In the wide-ranging area of knowledge management, the issue of knowledge exchange in networked environments emerges in several application fields, and is treated with different approaches. Building the Knowledge Society on the Internet: S...

    236,62 €

  • Handbook of Research on Web Information Systems Quality
    Coral Calero
    Web information systems engineering resolves the multifaceted issues of Web-based systems development; however, as part of an emergent yet prolific industry, Web site quality assurance is a continually adaptive process needing a comprehensive reference tool to merge all cutting-edge research and innovations. The Handbook of Research on Web Information Systems Quality integrates...

    322,04 €

  • Cases on Global E-Learning Practices
    Remesh C. Sharma / Remesh CSharma

    118,77 €

  • Internet Strategy
    Matthew W. Guah / Matthew WGuah / Wendy L. Currie / Wendy LCurrie

    118,66 €

  • Web Portals
    Arthur Tatnall

    118,78 €

  • Etransformation in Governance

    105,58 €

  • Services Customization Using Web Technologies
    Bill Karakostas / Dimitrios Kardaras / Dimitris Kardaras
    The Internet gives the consumer almost unlimited choice in products. At the same time, it causes a globalization of consumer habits and tastes. One important question that arises is: Does the Internet and the World Wide Web offer the same opportunities for choice of services as they do for products? Services Customization Using Web Technologies aims to advance our understanding...

    242,76 €

  • Cloud Computing for Teaching and Learning
    Lee Chao
    With its cost efficiency, enabling of collaboration and sharing of resources, and its ability to improve access, cloud computing is likely to play a big role in the classrooms of tomorrow. Cloud Computing for Teaching and Learning: Strategies for Design and Implementation provides the latest information about cloud development and cloud applications in teaching and learning. Th...

    229,82 €

  • Advancements in Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies
    The benefits of distributed computing are evidenced by the increased functionality, retrieval capability, and reliability it provides for a number of networked applications. The growth of the Internet into a critical part of daily life has encouraged further study on how data can better be transferred, managed, and evaluated in an ever-changing online environment. Advancements ...

    256,19 €

  • Detetar vulnerabilidades de segurança em aplicações Web
    Rebecca Imhanlahimi
    Neste trabalho de investigação, apresentamos uma nova estrutura de estratégia de defesa XSS baseada numa abordagem de soft-computing concebida para ser mais eficaz nos navegadores Web existentes, apesar do comportamento anómalo do navegador. O acesso a ligações é fundamental para os utilizadores da Web sem conhecerem a agenda oculta por detrás dessas ligações. O quadro de conce...

    85,27 €

  • Erkennen von Sicherheitslücken in Webanwendungen
    Rebecca Imhanlahimi
    In dieser Forschungsarbeit haben wir eine neue XSS-Abwehrstrategie vorgestellt, die auf einem Soft-Computing-Ansatz basiert und trotz anomalen Browserverhaltens in weit verbreiteten Webbrowsern effektiver sein soll. Der Zugriff auf Links ist bei Webbenutzern von größter Bedeutung, ohne dass sie die versteckten Absichten hinter diesen Links kennen. Der vorgeschlagene Entwurf sch...

    85,33 €

  • Détection des vulnérabilités de sécurité dans les applications Web
    Rebecca Imhanlahimi
    Dans ce travail de recherche, nous avons présenté un nouveau cadre de stratégie de défense XSS basé sur une approche informatique douce conçue pour être plus efficace dans les navigateurs web existants largement déployés, malgré un comportement anormal du navigateur. L’accès aux liens est primordial pour les utilisateurs du web sans savoir ce qui se cache derrière ces liens. Le...

    85,33 €

  • Rilevare le vulnerabilità di sicurezza nelle applicazioni web
    Rebecca Imhanlahimi
    In questo lavoro di ricerca, abbiamo presentato una nuova strategia di difesa XSS basata sull’approccio soft-computing, progettata per essere più efficace nei browser web esistenti ampiamente diffusi, nonostante il comportamento anomalo del browser. L’accesso ai link è di primaria importanza per gli utenti del web, senza conoscere l’agenda nascosta dietro quei link. La struttur...

    85,27 €

  • Product Launch Chaos
    Dr. Ope Banwo
    Adventures of a Guru-Wannabe: The Product Launch Saga' is a reflection of my experiences, struggles, and triumphs. I wrote this book to share the lessons I’ve learned, hoping to provide guidance and inspiration to other aspiring digital marketers. This book is not just a collection of success stories; it is an honest account of the mistakes I made and the valuable insights I ga...

    22,37 €

  • E-Connexions
    Ruby Jindal
    Au cours des dernières décennies, l’internet a révolutionné notre façon de vivre, de travailler et d’interagir. Depuis ses humbles débuts en tant que projet gouvernemental jusqu’à son statut actuel de nécessité mondiale, l’internet s’est inséré dans le tissu de notre vie quotidienne. Ce livre, E-Connections: The Impact of the Internet on Society, vise à explorer cette influence...

    61,51 €

  • Connessioni elettroniche
    Ruby Jindal
    Negli ultimi decenni, Internet ha rivoluzionato il nostro modo di vivere, lavorare e interagire. Dai suoi umili inizi come progetto governativo al suo attuale status di necessità globale, Internet si è intessuto nel tessuto della nostra vita quotidiana. Questo libro, E-Connections: The Impact of the Internet on Society, si propone di esplorare questa profonda influenza e di com...

    61,51 €

  • E-Connections
    Ruby Jindal
    Nas últimas décadas, a Internet revolucionou a forma como vivemos, trabalhamos e interagimos. Desde o seu humilde início como um projeto governamental até ao seu atual estatuto de necessidade global, a Internet está presente na nossa vida quotidiana. Este livro, E-Connections: O impacto da Internet na sociedade, pretende explorar esta profunda influência e compreender as inúmer...

    61,51 €

  • E-Verbindungen
    Ruby Jindal
    In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat das Internet die Art und Weise, wie wir leben, arbeiten und miteinander umgehen, revolutioniert. Von seinen bescheidenen Anfängen als Regierungsprojekt bis zu seinem heutigen Status als globale Notwendigkeit hat sich das Internet in die Struktur unseres täglichen Lebens eingewoben. Dieses Buch, E-Connections: The Impact of the Internet on Society ...

    61,57 €

  • Электронные связи
    Рубы Йиндал
    За последние несколько десятилетий Интернет произвел революцию в нашей жизни, работе и общении. От скромного начала в виде правительственного проекта до нынешнего статуса глобальной необходимости, интернет вплелся в ткань нашей повседневной жизни. Эта книга, 'Электронные связи: Влияние Интернета на общество' призвана исследовать это глубокое влияние и понять, каким образом Инте...

    61,57 €