Guías de oratoria

Lenguas / Lenguaje: consulta y general / Guías de oratoria (464)

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  • How to win friends and influence people
    Dale Carnegie
    How to Win Friends and Influence People’ is one of the first best-selling self-help books ever published. Just after publishing, it quickly exploded into an overnight success, eventually selling more than 15 million copies worldwide, and pioneering an entire genre of self-help and personal success books. With an enduring grasp of human nature, it teaches his readers how to hand...

    29,93 €

  • Thee Podcast Journal
    Chantal Marshall
    Are you a new podcaster? Slightly lost in the sauce of platforms, how to start? Where to go, what to talk or write about... I got you. Get this journal and get busy. Create your ideas, content, and flow of how your podcast can be unique in the podcast world. Podcasting is not hard but it takes clear vision. Get started. Open it up and get to writing. ...

    16,30 €

  • Lights, Camera, Action
    Amy Scruggs
    Lights, Camera, Action gives practical advice and techniques to help achieve on-camera and communication skills to be a leader in today’s virtual world. ...

    15,13 €

  • Complete Guide to Public Speaking Tips and Tricks to Improve Skills and Give a Speech Without Fear and Anxiety
    Leroy Jackson
    If you’ve been asked to give a public speech, you may wonder: what is public speaking, and why is public speaking important? Those questions are quite logical if you’ve never thought much about public speaking before. Public speaking is essential in both business, education, and the public arena. There are many benefits to speaking in public, whether you’re an individual or a c...

    12,07 €

  • Influencing Human Behavior
    H. A. Overstreet / HAOverstreet / Harry Allen Overstreet
    2021 Reprint of the 1925 Edition. Facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software.  A class of educators, social workers, lawyers, and businesspeople at the New School for Social Research asked Mr. Overstreet to tell them 'How human behavior can actually be changed, in the light of the new knowledge gained through psychology.' He obliged, ...

    18,57 €

  • Spreken in het Openbaar Verlies de Angst voor Spreken in het Openbaar
    Gustavo E. Juarez / Gustavo EJuarez / gustavo espinosa juarez
    In dit boek vind je een praktische gids om professioneel te leren spreken in het openbaar, onderwerpen als het voorbereiden van de toespraak, angst verliezen, hoe je jezelf presenteert, oefenen om niet bang te zijn om te spreken komen aan bod en nodigt ook de lezer om lid te worden van groepen die deze kunst van spreken in het openbaar beoefenen ...

    17,75 €

  • Discorso Pubblico Perdi la Paura di Parlare in Pubblico
    Gustavo E. Juarez / Gustavo EJuarez / gustavo espinosa juarez
    In questo libro troverai una guida pratica per imparare a parlare in pubblico in modo professionale, argomenti come preparare il discorso, perdere la paura, come presentarti, come esercitarti a non avere paura di parlare sono affrontati e invita anche il lettore di unirsi a gruppi che praticano quest’arte di parlare in pubblico ...

    17,78 €

  • Parler en Public Perdez la Peur de Parler en Public
    Gustavo E. Juarez / Gustavo EJuarez / gustavo espinosa juarez
    Dans ce livre, vous trouverez un guide pratique pour apprendre à parler en public de manière professionnelle, des sujets tels que la préparation du discours, la perte de peur, comment se présenter, comment pratiquer pour ne pas avoir peur de parler sont abordés et invite également le lecteur pour rejoindre des groupes qui pratiquent cet art de parler en public ...

    17,75 €

  • Public Speaking Lose the Fear of Public Speaking
    Gustavo E. Juarez / Gustavo EJuarez / gustavo espinosa juarez
    In this book you will find a practical guide to learn to speak in public in a professional way, topics such as preparing the speech, losing fear, how to present yourself, how to practice not to feel afraid to speak are addressed and also invites the reader to join groups that practice this art of public speaking ...

    17,84 €

  • Falar em Público Perca o Medo de Falar em Público
    Gustavo E. Juarez / Gustavo EJuarez / gustavo espinosa juarez
    Neste livro você encontrará um guia prático para aprender a falar em público de forma profissional, tópicos como preparar o discurso, perder o medo, como se apresentar, como praticar para não ter medo de falar são abordados e também convida o leitor para participar de grupos que praticam esta arte de falar em público ...

    17,77 €

  • Speak Well and Prosper
    Frank DiBartolomeo
    Your success in life is largely determined by your social skills-by your ability to interact positively and effectively with others and ensure their cooperation. This interaction is greatly dependent on presenting your ideas to your direct reports, colleagues, and superiors in a cogent, clear, and convincing manner. This is where Speak Well and Prosper: Tips, Tools, and Techniq...

    17,16 €

  • Speak Well and Prosper
    Frank DiBartolomeo
    Your success in life is largely determined by your social skills-by your ability to interact positively and effectively with others and ensure their cooperation. This interaction is greatly dependent on presenting your ideas to your direct reports, colleagues, and superiors in a cogent, clear, and convincing manner. This is where Speak Well and Prosper: Tips, Tools, and Techniq...

    24,11 €

  • How To Speak Like The World’s Top Public Speakers
    Ron Malhotra
    It is no mystery that public speaking is not only a highly paid skillset, it is also a skill that can rapidly build ones’ credibility, authority and influence.For an important skill like public speaking, it’s unfortunate that there are a lot of people who shy away from it. Glossophobia-the fear of public speaking-ranks above other popular phobias like arachnophobia, thanatophob...

    9,46 €

  • Rhetoric
    Aristotle's Rhetoric is an ancient Greek treatise on the art of persuasion, dating from the 4th century BC. In Greek, it is titled ΤΕΧΝΗ ΡΗΤΟΡΙΚΗ, in Latin Ars Rhetorica. In English, its title varies: typically it is titled Rhetoric, the Art of Rhetoric, or a Treatise on Rhetoric.Aristotle is generally credited with developing the basics of the system of rhetoric that "ther...

    28,37 €

  • What’s A Life Without Struggles?
    Traquez Dunn
    This book is a guide to help pre-teens and adults learn how to manifest the 'LIFE' they may desire in their own way, shape, form, or fashion. The biographical moments detailed in this book will nourish readers with comfort, love, and encouraging life emotions that will motivate anyone. | Traquez Dunn ...

    22,42 €

  • Positioning and Stance in Political Discourse
    Within the political sphere, a political actor is often judged by what he or she says, with their verbal performance often perceived as representative of the individual. Hearers accept that, as individuals, they possess a lifetime of experiences and actions which inform, but may also undermine, their aspirations in gaining political capital. Additionally, as representatives of ...

    48,40 €

    Matt Morris
    Have you have spotted someone you wanted to talk to, but didn’t have the words to say?99% of people go through this in their lifetime, but the cool thing is you can learn exactly what to say to anybody in any situation.Here Is A Preview Of What’s Inside:The Secrets Experts Use To Feel Confident & Have Fun During PresentationsHow To Create An Opener That Instantly Hooks The List...

    10,13 €

  • Personal Presence
    Sarah Thurstan
    Personal presence gives you the power to inspire, to influence, to excite, to question and to connect. We all have it within us. Yet many of us freeze or falter when speaking in public.As an actor on national TV and as a coach to high-performing professionals, Sarah Thurstan knows there are no set answers for how to give your best when you take the stage. It’s a highly personal...

    14,57 €

  • Habilidades cruciales de comunicación para el día a día
    Shaw Gerard
    Impulsa tu carrera y mejora tus relaciones personales con cruciales habilidades de comunicación que puedes usar en tu día a díaKaren y Mike son dos ambiciosos jóvenes recién graduados que desean irrumpir, innovar y crear una conexión en sus respectivos campos, así como en sus vidas personales.La semana pasada, a Karen se le asignó hacer una importante presentación a uno de los ...

    40,12 €

  • Working With Words
    Rae A. Stonehouse
    Forrest Gump is known for having said Life is like a box of chocolates. It occurred to the author in a dream one night, that life is more like a bowl of strawberries.More precisely, public speaking is like a bowl of strawberries.  A few strawberries, freshly picked off the plant and immediately eaten, can be delicious.A bushel basket of them sitting in front of you with the exp...

    7,78 €

  • iConquer Speech Anxiety
    Karen Kangas Dwyer
    Does nervousness about public speaking seem to overwhelm you? Have you tried to avoid public speaking most of your life? iConquer Speech Anxiety is a practical and comprehensive guide to help anyone overcome the nervousness and anxiety associated with public speaking. The book is user friendly, research based, and offers you a step-by-step plan to conquer your speech anxiety. T...

    19,85 €

  • How to Master the Spoken Word
    Edwin Lawrence Godkin
    Excerpt Designed as a Self-Instructor for All Who Would Excel in the Art of Public SpeakingThere are so many books treating of the subject of oratory that there would appear scant room for another, but as they all treat mainly of the way to speak, and only give general instructions as to how to speak, there is, in the author's opinion, a wide field for a book that explicitl...

    19,82 €

  • How to Master the Spoken Word
    Edwin Lawrence Godkin
    Excerpt Designed as a Self-Instructor for All Who Would Excel in the Art of Public SpeakingThere are so many books treating of the subject of oratory that there would appear scant room for another, but as they all treat mainly of the way to speak, and only give general instructions as to how to speak, there is, in the author's opinion, a wide field for a book that explicitl...

    30,44 €

  • 200 English Grammar Mistakes!
    Melony Jacbos / TBD
    Do you constantly struggle with making simple, yet confusing grammatical errors in your writing?If so, then keep reading…If you’re like most of us, accidentally making grammatical errors - big and small - in our writing is inevitable.Whether it be in an academic piece of writing, or a simple little text message to your friend, making grammatical errors can be embarrassing and m...

    14,72 €

  • 200 English Grammar Mistakes!
    Melony Jacobs / TBD
    Do you constantly struggle with making simple, yet confusing grammatical errors in your writing?If so, then keep reading…If you’re like most of us, accidentally making grammatical errors - big and small - in our writing is inevitable.Whether it be in an academic piece of writing, or a simple little text message to your friend, making grammatical errors can be embarrassing and m...

    17,06 €

  • Gorgias
    Gorgias est un dialogue écrit par Platon. Il a pour sous-titre De la rhétorique, mais il ne s’agit pas d’un traité sur l’art d’écrire, parler ou composer un discours : il s’agit d’examiner la valeur politique et morale de la rhétorique. Deux thèses s’affrontent donc : celle de Gorgias, sophiste qui enseigne la rhétorique et considère que «l’art de bien parler» est le meilleur d...

    9,54 €

  • Positioning and Stance in Political Discourse
    Within the political sphere, a political actor is often judged by what he or she says, with their verbal performance often perceived as representative of the individual. Hearers accept that, as individuals, they possess a lifetime of experiences and actions which inform, but may also undermine, their aspirations in gaining political capital. Additionally, as representatives of ...

    58,57 €

  • Filosofía de la elocuencia
    Antonio de Campmany y de Montpalau
    La elocuencia nació en las Repúblicas, porque allí fue necesario persuadir a unos hombres que no se dejaban mandar: allí se conservó siempre estimada, porque en aquella forma de gobierno era el camino de las dignidades y de las riquezas. Éste fue el móvil para que en aquellos estados populares se honrase, no sólo la elocuencia, sino todas las demás profesiones propias para form...

    18,86 €

  • Finding Your Voice
    Renee Reisch
    What would you do if you lost your voice? How would you feel if you were isolated from the outside world?A young woman finds herself held captive in her own home, alone, and literally speechless.  Learn how she finds self-confidence and transforms her life.  Join Author Renee Reisch as she takes you on her compelling and inspiring journey of turning obstacles into opportunities...

    7,89 €

  • Chosen to Speak
    Dave Arden
    Public SpeakingIt’s considered the #1 fear in America.  There are few things more challenging than standing in front of your peers and delivering a heartfelt testimonial—especially when you struggle to speak fluidly in the first place.Chosen to Speak addresses these issues with a reminder that you’re far from alone.  One of Christianity’s greatest leaders, Moses, similarly stru...

    20,46 €