
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Cuestiones y procesos sociales / Globalización (2362)

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  • Start-Up Enterprises and Contemporary Innovation Strategies in the Global Marketplace
    In an ever-expanding economic world, the need for new businesses with the ability to create and evolve simultaneously is paramount to ensure success. Hybrid business models are essential to foster growth and promote prosperity. Start-Up Enterprises and Contemporary Innovation Strategies in the Global Marketplace is a critical scholarly resource that examines the relationship be...

    308,25 €

  • Handbook of Research on Global Indicators of Economic and Political Convergence
    Ramesh Chandra Das
    The development of a nation can be influenced by a wide range of factors. In the modern era of globalization, under-developed countries must strive to catch up to developed nations and establish themselves in the global market. The Handbook of Research on Global Indicators of Economic and Political Convergence is a pivotal reference source for the latest scholarly research on s...

    452,90 €

  • Introduction to a Future Way of Thought
    Kostas Axelos / Kenneth Mills
    'Technologists only change the world in various ways in generalized indifference; the point is to think the world and interpret the changes in its unfathomability, to perceive and experience the difference binding being to the nothing.'Anticipating the age of planetary technology Kostas Axelos, a Greek-French philosopher, approaches the technological question in this book, firs...

    18,58 €

  • Human Rights and Risks in the Digital Era
    Globalization, along with its digital and information communication technology counterparts, including the Internet and cyberspace, may signify a whole new era for human rights, characterized by new tensions, challenges, and risks for human rights, as well as new opportunities. Human Rights and Risks in the Digital Era: Globalization and the Effects of Information Technologies ...

    236,37 €

  • The Whirlpool That Produced China
    Tingyang Zhao / Edmund Ryden
    In The Whirlpool That Produced China, Tingyang Zhao offers a philosophical interpretation of China’s historicity, explaining how the expansion of China was not due to the lures of expansionist behavior but to the offerings of the surrounding contenders as they were constantly being pulled into a whirlpool of growth and amalgamation. The peoples surrounding China on all four sid...

    43,75 €

  • Mutants and AI
    Benjamin Katz
    A vision for the Ark The Earth now groans beneath our strainHer skies are choked, her seas in painA warming world, by three degreesCould bring us crumbling to our knees.The soil will burn, the water riseWith mass death under ashen skiesA fractured world, torn apart by strifeDisintegration of societies, and life.But why this path of grim decay? What leads us to this darkened way...

    29,22 €

  • Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the H-1B Visa Debate
    Daisy K. Williams
    In 'Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the H-1B Visa Debate,' discover the fierce clash of ideologies that is shaping America’s future. This eye-opening analysis delves into the controversial intersection of immigration policy, tech giants, and the ongoing battle for America’s workforce. At the heart of the debate, you’ll find three powerful figures-Elon Musk, the visionary entrep...

    23,36 €

    James P Baihinga
    Over the past 500 years, global power dynamics have shifted dramatically, with empires rising and falling, global trade expanding, technology advancing, and new modes of travel contributing to a general rise in living standards. Amidst all these changes and widespread prosperity, one constant remained: Africa. While Africa has long been integrated into the global supply chain, ...

    42,76 €

  • Israel and the World Economy
    Assaf Razin

    39,08 €

  • The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 New Developments and Western Reactions
    Hermann Selchow
    The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 - New Developments and Western ReactionsIn the context of the current geopolitical upheavals and economic realignments, the book *'The BRICS Awakening Kazan 2024 - New Developments and Western Reactions'* presents up-to-date, in-depth insights into the growing importance of the BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) on the ...

    19,05 €

  • Der BRICS-Aufbruch Kazan 2024 Neue Entwicklungen und westliche Reaktionen
    Hermann Selchow
    Der BRICS-Aufbruch Kazan 2024 - Neue Entwicklungen und westliche ReaktionenIm Zusammenhang mit den gegenwärtigen geopolitischen Umbrüchen und wirtschaftlichen Neuausrichtungen präsentiert das Buch *'Der BRICS-Aufbruch Kazan 2024 - Neue Entwicklungen und westliche Reaktionen'* aktuelle, fundierte Einblicke in die wachsende Bedeutung des BRICS-Bündnisses (Brasilien, Russland, Ind...

    21,29 €

  • The Principles of Duality
    Hermann Selchow
    'Principles of Duality: The Quest for Balance in the World'Discover the profound connections of duality that shape our lives and the world we live in. In 'Principles of Duality: The Quest for Balance in the World,' the author sheds light on the eternal opposites that seem to conflict with each other, but in truth work together to achieve balance in all things.This book offers a...

    25,63 €

  • Dekolonialität in der Politischen Bildung
    In diesem Sammelband werden aus unterschiedlichen fachspezifischen, wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Perspektiven vielfältige Aspekte des Themas „Dekolonialität in der Politischen Bildung' beleuchtet und kritisch reflektiert. Die didaktischen Potenziale unterschiedlicher wissenschaftlicher Herangehensweisen und Praxiserfahrungen werden vorgestellt und theoretische Überlegunge...

    90,68 €

  • BRICS and Climate Change
    This book delves into the intricate interplay between climate change and the dynamic shifts in global power structures, focusing on the expanded BRICS. Offering a distinctive vantage point by encapsulating the evolving dynamics of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the book through this unique perspective, sheds light on the nuanced relationship between environment...

    166,93 €

  • O Último Sopro De Esperança Do Universo
    José Pereira Passos
    No limiar da destruição total, a Terra se encontra em seu momento mais sombrio. Um vírus devastador e insaciável varreu o planeta, destruindo a vida e sugando o próprio cerne da existência. O sistema solar está colapsando e o universo, em seu último ciclo, enfrenta uma aniquilação inescapável, onde a própria matéria e antimatéria se desintegram. A humanidade, reduzida a poucos ...

    16,59 €

  • An Anthology of Global Risk
    This anthology brings together a diversity of key texts in the emerging field of Existential Risk Studies. It serves to complement the previous volume The Era of Global Risk: An Introduction to Existential Risk Studies by providing open access to original research and insights in this rapidly evolving field. At its heart, this book highlights the ongoing development of new acad...

    77,51 €

  • An Anthology of Global Risk
    This anthology brings together a diversity of key texts in the emerging field of Existential Risk Studies. It serves to complement the previous volume The Era of Global Risk: An Introduction to Existential Risk Studies by providing open access to original research and insights in this rapidly evolving field. At its heart, this book highlights the ongoing development of new acad...

    94,60 €

  • Wolf Warrior Watch
    Allan J. 'Alonzo' Wind
    China, a challenge that looms large, is often depicted as a menacing force to be met with confrontation and containment. In some political circles, there is even talk of an inevitable or imminent conflict. The Chinese Communist Party is often cast as a unique axis of evil, a threat to liberal democracies and emerging democracies in Asia and beyond. The Belt and Road Initiative,...

    29,91 €

  • Globalization and Civil Society in East Asian Space
    This book critically examines the impact of globalization, changing power dynamics, migration, and evolving rights regimes on regional order, discourse of national governance, state and society relations, and the development of civil society in East Asia. ...

    73,09 €

  • Constitutions of Value
    Gathering an interdisciplinary range of cutting-edge scholars, this book addresses legal constitutions of value. ...

    72,78 €

  • A Cosmopolitan Approach to Literature
    Didier Coste
    This approach to literary reading of any provenance based on an 'experimental cosmopolitan' epistemology. It recontextualizes the texts from the multiple cultures’ viewpoint and historical moments, enriching interpretation and aesthetic experience beyond the backgrounds of the present reader ...

    72,73 €

  • Deliberation in International Institutions
    Seebal Aboudounya
    This book studies the deliberative dynamics in the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the United Nations’ specialised agency for regulating international shipping. ...

    241,05 €

  • Teaching With a Global Perspective
    Anatoli Rapoport / Bárbara C. Cruz / Jing A. Williams
    As our world becomes increasingly connected, global issues become entangled with students’ dailylives. To prepare students as globally aware future leaders, social studies curricula must reflect the realityof these current global challenges. Drawing from theories and frameworks in global social studieseducation, Jing A. Williams, Bárbara C. Cruz, and Anatoli Rapoport provide pr...

    30,30 €

  • The Whirlpool That Produced China
    Tingyang Zhao / Edmund Ryden
    Provides a philosophical, cultural, and historical answer to the question: Where did China come from? ...

    127,38 €

  • A World Parliament
    Andreas Bummel / Jo Leinen
    For the first time in history, all people worldwide are linked together in a shared civilization that spans the entire Earth. Humanity now has a common destiny. Global challenges such as war, poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental destruction are overwhelming nation-states and today’s international institutions. Even the best policies are futile if there are no ...

    18,55 €

  • Developing Digital Inclusion Through Globalization and Digitalization
    Elsadig Musa Ahmed
    The nexus between globalization and digitalization presents unprecedented opportunities and complex challenges in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, there is a pressing need to understand how these forces interact to shape our economies, societies, and environment. However, existing knowledge gaps hinder our ability to ...

    543,82 €

  • Developing Digital Inclusion Through Globalization and Digitalization
    Elsadig Musa Ahmed
    The nexus between globalization and digitalization presents unprecedented opportunities and complex challenges in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, there is a pressing need to understand how these forces interact to shape our economies, societies, and environment. However, existing knowledge gaps hinder our ability to ...

    412,64 €

  • A World Parliament
    Andreas Bummel / Jo Leinen
    For the first time in history, all people worldwide are linked together in a shared civilization that spans the entire Earth. Humanity now has a common destiny. Global challenges such as war, poverty, inequality, climate change, and environmental destruction are overwhelming nation-states and today’s international institutions. Even the best policies are futile if there are no ...

    51,02 €

  • Demokratie und Globalisierung
    Dieses Buch bietet eine eingehende rechtliche und politische Analyse der Vereinbarkeit des westfälischen Staatsmodells mit der Globalisierung und der digitalen Revolution. Es untersucht das Konzept der Demokratie in einer globalisierten Welt, erörtert die Legitimität der wirtschaftlichen Integration in den globalen Markt und präsentiert drei Fallstudien (aus Brasilien, Taiwan u...

    169,32 €

  • World On The Brink
    GEW Intelligence Unit
    The driving idea behind this study is to explore the shifting power dynamics in the contemporary world and the significant role of coalition-based strategies in shaping global politics. The book delves into the concept of the ’New World Order,’ which signifies a transformative period characterized by changing alliances and emerging geopolitical influences. It aims to analyze ho...

    60,63 €