Ginecología y obstetricia

Medicina / Medicina clínica e interna / Ginecología y obstetricia (1612)

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  • 47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada
    Joe Correa
    47 Recetas de Jugos Orgánicos Para la Madre Embarazada: Absorba Rápida y Fácilmente Ingredientes de Calidad Que su Cuerpo Necesita Durante el EmbarazoPor Joe Correa CSN El período en el que la familia espera un bebé debería estar repleto de energía positiva y alegría. Sin embargo, este también es el momento para pensar acerca de sus hábitos de estilo de vida y, sobre todo, su d...

    20,69 €

  • 47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother
    Joe Correa
    47 Organic Juice Recipes for the Pregnant Mother: Quickly and Easily Absorb High Quality Ingredients Your Body Needs During PregnancyBy Joe Correa CSNThe period in which a family is expecting a baby should be filled with lots of positive energy and excitement. However, this is also the time to think about your lifestyle habits and most of all, your diet. Every woman faces the s...

    20,51 €

  • Ubiquitous Cardiology
    Piotr Augustyniak / Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
    The Internet and other technological developments are now playing increasing roles in consumer health and the delivery of health services. Ubiquitous Cardiology: Emerging Wireless Telemedical Applications provides developmental solutions and explanations for cardiovascular diagnostics. Useful to field researchers, academicians, and healthcare practitioners, this Premier Referen...

    217,00 €

  • 50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna
    Joe Correa
    50 Recetas De Comidas Para Impulsar Su Producción De Leche Materna: Brinde A Su Cuerpo Las Comidas Apropiadas Para Ayudarla a Generar Leche Materna De Alta Calidad RápidoPor Joe Correa CSN Una nutrición apropiada es el componente fundamental al establecer una buena lactancia. Los alimentos lactogénicos, también llamados galactogogos, facilitan la producción de leche al incremen...

    20,69 €

  • Caesarean Section Delivery
    Joshua D. Dahlke / Suneet P. Chauhan

    26,82 €

  • Diabetes in Pregnancy
    Ann Margaret Wright / Lee Wai Kheong Ryan / Lim Weiying

    25,99 €

  • Spontaneous Preterm Labour and Birth (Including Preterm Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes)
    Andrew Shennan / Natasha L. Hezelgrave

    25,75 €

  • Multiple Pregnancy
    Jack Hamer / James Castleman / Jennifer Tamblyn

    26,48 €

  • Healing Fibroids
    Achieng Oreta
    Healing Fibroids: A Self-Care Handbook for Uterine Wellness and Balance is based on my own experience with fibroids and the research I did to manage them. This book offers practical, research-backed self-care tips to go along with medical treatment for symptoms like heavy bleeding and pain. You’ll find advice on diet, the benefits of vitamin D for uterine health, helpful herbal...

    9,34 €

  • The Heart Of A Midwife
    Nicole G M
    The Heart Of A Midwife: Daily Devotionals for Christian Midwives is a thoughtfully crafted devotional designed to inspire and encourage midwives, who guide new life into the world with skill, compassion, and faith. This 21-day journey provides spiritual nourishment and reflection for those dedicated to the art of midwifery, helping you connect with God in the sacred moments of ...

    17,46 €

  • In Good Hands
    Darrell Martin / Darrell Martin MD
    In Good Hands: A Doctor’s Story of Breaking Barriers for Midwifery and Birth Rights unfolds the riveting tale of Dr. Darrell Martin, a man whose early life, shaped by his admiration for his uncle’s esteemed role in medicine and his own resilient spirit, set him on a predestined path towards becoming a physician. Through the rigors of medical school and upon finding his calling ...

    17,16 €

  • Special Delivery
    Dr. Steven Mollov
    Joshua Barron and Alex Faber, physicians practicing in Breedville, New Hampshire once again take the reader through the day-to-day drama of the field of obstetrics and gynecology. From life affirming saves, to the tragedy of a maternal death, the field is intricately intertwined into the fabric of life which we all take for granted. And as a rogue physician induces the miscarri...

    25,75 €

    This edited volume covers the development of egg freezing over the last few decades since the pioneering work of Chen in 1986, addressing both the scientific breakthroughs that have occurred and the social and demographic changes that are currently driving an increased demand for ’social’ egg freezing and a recognition of the important role of ’medical’ egg freezing for women f...

    120,08 €

  • The Period Literacy Handbook
    Anne Hussain
    The average person with periods goes through more than four hundred menstrual cycles in their lifetime-over four hundred cycles of changing hormones that impact mood, energy levels, productivity, appetite, metabolism, sleep, connection, and more. Yet we don’t learn enough about periods.The Period Literacy Handbook is a comprehensive guide to menstrual health that weaves togethe...

    19,10 €

  • Clinical and Comparative Research on Maternal Health
    As maternal and fetal health complexities increase, so does the need for innovative solutions in prenatal care. Clinical and Comparative Research on Maternal Health presents a comprehensive exploration of recent research findings, addressing critical issues such as the impact of maternal BMI and gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes, the efficacy of labor induction tech...

    421,92 €

  • Clinical and Comparative Research on Maternal Health
    As maternal and fetal health complexities increase, so does the need for innovative solutions in prenatal care. Clinical and Comparative Research on Maternal Health presents a comprehensive exploration of recent research findings, addressing critical issues such as the impact of maternal BMI and gestational weight gain on pregnancy outcomes, the efficacy of labor induction tech...

    553,09 €

  • Partos arrebatados. La violencia obstétrica y el mercado de la sumisión femenina
    Eva Margarita García
    La violencia obstétrica es la suma de violencia de género y de mala praxis médica, y es la ejercida por parte del personal sanitario sobre los cuerpos de las mujeres y su vida reproductiva, principalmente en el embarazo, parto y postparto, mediante un trato deshumanizado, un abuso de medicalización y una patologización de los procesos fisiológicos. Puede ser por tanto física, c...

    20,11 €

  • awfully hilarious
    Heather Anne Hendrie / Katherine Matthews / Lindsay Harrington
    In an intimate, courageous, and transformative collection, 26 girls and women of all ages share poems and stories exploring the ups and downs of menstruation, from first period to post-menopause.The award-winning anthology awfully hilarious series returns with its second installment, period pieces, featuring that most ubiquitous 'time of the month.' These short pieces of prose ...

    15,10 €

  • Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
    Expanded and updated edition highlighting current standards and breakthroughs in the technology of Doppler ultrasoundIncludes latest advances in 3D and color doppler and 4D fetal echocardiographyIncludes more than 500 illustrations, including more than 150 in color ...

    184,50 €

  • Cervical Cancer - Recent Advances and New Perspectives
    Michael Friedrich
    Cervical Cancer - Recent Advances and New Perspectives is a review of interesting and clinically important advances in the tumor biology and treatment of cervical cancer. The book covers major aspects of scientific progress in the treatment of cervical cancer, focusing on new knowledge due to advances in molecular techniques, understanding of tumor biology, and innovative new t...

    128,40 €

  • How Traditional Chinese Medicine Takes Care Of Women’s Health
    yingxiong feng
    Ancient Chinese medicine has a rich theory and practice in taking care of women’s health, mainly focusing on regulating menstruation, childbirth, menopause, and general physical health. Compared to Western medicine, it not only differs in concepts but also in clinical methods and effects.One of the focal points concerning gynecological diseases is pregnancy and postpartum care....

    14,49 €

  • Contemporary Challenges in Postnatal Care
    Tanya Connell
    This book is a unique collaboration of international healthcare providers discussing and addressing contemporary issues in postnatal care. Its discussion spans low-, middle-, and high-income countries. It addresses barriers and challenges to providing optimal postnatal care, suggesting interventions, support strategies, and recommendations. These include empowering women econom...

    154,52 €

  • Mi Lunario Menstrual
    Arim Atzin / María Ferreiro
    Mi Lunario Menstrual es la agenda perfecta para mujeres interesadas en aprender sobre sus cuerpos y explorar métodos naturales anticonceptivos y conciencia de fertilidad. En ella puedes registrar tu ciclo durante dos años, así como descubrir nuevas formas de apoyar tu bienestar menstrual. Tiene todo lo que necesitas para sentirte empoderada y en control de tu salud reproductiva...

    15,60 €

  • Bacterial Vaginosis Demystified
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Embark on a journey to demystify and reclaim control over your health with 'Bacterial Vaginosis Demystified: Doctor’s Secret Guide.' This comprehensive guide empowers you with an in-depth understanding of bacterial vaginosis (BV), unraveling its definition, symptoms, and diagnosis. Dive into the causes and risk factors while exploring the transformative power of the biopsychoso...

    11,88 €

  • The Bacterial Vaginosis Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    'The Bacterial Vaginosis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Bacterial Vaginosis Management' is a comprehensive guide offering a holistic approach to understanding, treating, and mastering bacterial vaginosis (BV). Delving into the intricacies of BV, this book starts with demystifying its definition, prevalence, and demographics. From symptoms and diagnosis to causes, ri...

    9,83 €

  • The Ovarian Cysts Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    'The Ovarian Cysts Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Ovarian Cysts Management' is a comprehensive guide offering a lifeline for those navigating the challenges of ovarian cysts. Delve into the complexities, from understanding the different types of ovarian cysts and recognizing symptoms to decoding the science of cyst formation and exploring risk factors. This blueprin...

    15,78 €

  • Eating and Moving For Your Cycle
    Heather Evans / Kailee Karst
    We wrote Eating and Moving for Your Cycle because we’re passionate about education! There is a lack of comprehensive public education about the menstrual cycle and reproductive health and we believe that in order to optimize your well-being throughout your cycle, it is vital to become familiar with these stages and what they indicate for your physical, emotional, and mental hea...

    28,24 €

  • The Endometriosis Mastery Bible
    Dr. Ankita Kashyap / Prof. Krishna N. Sharma
    Embark on a transformative journey with 'The Endometriosis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Endometriosis Management.' This comprehensive guide delves into the intricate landscape of endometriosis, unveiling its origins, impact on the body, and the mysterious nature that shrouds it. Navigate the journey of symptoms, exploring the mind-body connection, hormonal puzzle,...

    7,08 €

  • Periods Aren’t Meant To Bloody Hurt
    Gemma Barry
    Are you trapped in the relentless cycle of period and hormonal mayhem, feeling disillusioned by your health and mainstream medical approaches?If you’re searching for an alternative solution, then look no further. Holistic menstrual health coach Gemma Barry is here to help put you in control of your menstrual health. Mixing both traditional and holistic approaches, Gemma explore...

    13,07 €

  • Stabbed in the Back
    Jacqueline Haigh / Samara Jones
    Strap yourself in ...The astonishing true story of medical Arachnoiditis. 'It’s impossible not to think of Henry Marsh’s super-selling Do No Harm'- Positive TV A young woman with big dreams and a great career in IT emigrates from Russia to London, falls in love, marries, and goes to the hospital to have her first baby, a happy and healthy little girl. It’s a modern-day fairy ta...

    9,24 €