
Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Relaciones internacionales / Geopolítica (726)

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  • Economic and Geopolitical Perspectives of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eurasia
    The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional organization that formed during the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. It has few supranational powers, but aims to be more than a purely symbolic organization, nominally possessing coordinating powers in the realm of trade, finance, lawmaking, and security. As such, it is vital to examine this region and its economic...

    262,45 €

  • The Great National Divides
    Paul Brakke
    THE GREAT NATIONAL DIVIDES discusses the many divisions in the United States and how to fix these divides to reunite this great country.  It begins by tracing a first divide back to the origins of the racial divide going back to Civil War times.  Then it discusses our bleak present, reflected in the controversy over the killings of blacks by cops and the Black Lives Matter move...

    12,67 €

  • Tishio la Ukombozi
    Amrit Wilson / Ahmada Shafi Adam
    Tishio la Ukombozi examines the role of the Umma Party of Zanzibar and its leader in the turbulent years of the Zanzibar revolution of the 1960s that was perceived in those Cold War years as a threat to the interests of the US and Europe. Based on declassified US and British documents, in-depth interviews and information released by WikiLeaks, Amrit Wilson offers an insightful ...

    16,00 €

  • Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States
    Samuel FB Morse
    The Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, employed the Vatican, Austrian Prince Metternich and his St. Leopold Foundation to infiltrate the United States of America.  Samuel F.B. Morse spent several years in Europe, mostly near Rome, studying the actions and behaviors of the Jesuits, and conferring with dignitaries and others who had intimate knowledge of the Jesuits and their intri...

    25,55 €

    Mike Rosen
    Mike Rosen is now in his twenty-ninth year as an award-winning talk show host on 850 KOA Radio in Denver.  He's an editorial-page columnist for the Denver Post, holds an MBA degree from the University of Denver, was a corporate finance executive for Samsonite and Beatrice Foods, served as Special Assistant for Financial Management to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy at t...

    19,62 €

  • Realism in Practice
    The purpose of this book is to appraise the current relevance and validity of realism as an interpretative tool in contemporary International Relations. All chapters of the book are animated by a theoretical effort to define the conceptual aspects of realism and attempt to establish whether the tradition still provides the necessary conceptual tools to scholars.The chapters add...

    20,36 €

  • Climate Security
    Ashok Swain
    A broad, interdisciplinary and critical exploration of the range of security challenges caused by the global impacts of the climate crisis.  ...

    42,24 €

  • Climate Security
    Ashok Swain
    A broad, interdisciplinary and critical exploration of the range of security challenges caused by the global impacts of the climate crisis.  ...

    118,26 €

    The year 2022 marked the 20th Anniversary of Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). China and the ASEAN Member States issued a Joint Statement on this occasion. As another milestone consensus between ASEAN and China on the South China Sea, the Joint Statement recognises the benefits of having the South China Sea as a sea of peace, friendship and coo...

    117,89 €

    The Indo-Pacific has now emerged as a major area of collaboration between India, Japan and the United States (US). It was in 2018 that the US renamed its Pacific Command as the Indo-Pacific Command. The US and Japan have already been working together on the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative 'led by major democracies to help narrow the $40+ trillion infrastructure need in...

    93,94 €

  • Global Perspectives on Soccer and the Media and Entertainment Industry
    Floribert Patrick C. Endong
    Soccer has increasingly become a political tool worldwide, reflecting and influencing ideologies, identities, and movements despite claims of being apolitical by bodies like FIFA. Historic and recent examples, such as fascist propaganda in the 1930s and the LGBTQ+ protests during the 2022 World Cup, highlight its political impact. The sport also fuels cultural production, inspi...

    222,91 €

  • Global Perspectives on Soccer and the Media and Entertainment Industry
    Floribert Patrick C. Endong
    Soccer has increasingly become a political tool worldwide, reflecting and influencing ideologies, identities, and movements despite claims of being apolitical by bodies like FIFA. Historic and recent examples, such as fascist propaganda in the 1930s and the LGBTQ+ protests during the 2022 World Cup, highlight its political impact. The sport also fuels cultural production, inspi...

    295,30 €

    Alwy Jones
    Politicians manipulating information for their own agendas and justifying controversial actions is an unfortunate reality that undermines trust in government and the political process.The impacts of these tactics are far-reaching. By controlling and manipulating information flows, politicians can obscure truth, avoid accountability, and reinforce partisan divisions and ideologi...

    27,52 €

  • Rebalancing U.S. Forces
    As the U.S. military presence in the Middle East winds down, Asia and the Pacific are receiving increased attention from the American national security community. The Obama administration has announced a “rebalancing” of the U.S. military posture in the region, in reaction primarily to the startling improvement in Chinese air and naval capabilities over the last decade or so. ...

    26,68 €

  • El ojo austral. De Guamán Poma de Ayala a Perón
    Ariel Hartlich
    Las metáforas cartográficas asociaron al Norte con el arriba, a Suramérica con lo bajo y a Europa occidental con el epicentro geográfico y moral de la geocultura universal, en un entramado de relaciones de saber/poder que condicionaron la orientación del imaginario geopolítico de los pueblos del Sur.En este sentido, El ojo austral inspecciona el devenir de la cartografía occide...

    25,48 €

  • A Fitting of Halperin’s Bureaucratic Model with Domestic and Foreign Policy Events of the Vietnam War
    Steve Dafoe
    A Fitting of Halperin’s Bureaucratic Model with Domestic and Foreign Policy Events of the Vietnam War ...

    10,07 €

  • Echoes of Vietnam | A Soldier’s Voice is Heard
    Ronald Kays
    Echoes of Vietnam captures an American soldier’s memories of the journey from the comforts of home, to the jungles of Southeast Asia, and the grim realities of war. A retrospective five decades in the making, Echoes includes a first-person assessment of our nation’s leaders in their role as overseers of the Vietnam war. Against the backdrop of our nation’s current struggle to r...

    11,81 €

  • What Is Happening to Us? 121 Ideas to Make Sense of the 21st Century
    Mois s Na m

    18,21 €

  • I Tried to Warn You
    James George Jatras
    I TRIED TO WARN YOU is a trenchant critique of the march of folly that has characterized the (perhaps terminal) decline of Christendom in the past half century. It is also an invaluable resource of facts, logic, and witticisms with which to explain what is wrong and defend what is right. Former diplomat and policy analyst James George Jatras has spent a lifetime in the swamp of...

    40,47 €

  • Shifting Paradigms in Contemporary German Politics and Policy
    Eric Langenbacher
    Germany has undergone more change in the past two years than it has experienced in decades. In the fall of 2021, the Social Democratic Party unexpectedly surged to first place in the Bundestag elections, going on to lead a coalition of SPD, Greens, and Free Democrats that promised to 'dare more progress' domestically. Then just two months after the new government was installed,...

    197,12 €

  • The Routledge Companion to Northeast India
    The Routledge Companion to Northeast India is a trans-disciplinary and comprehensive compendium of a vital yet under-researched region in South Asia. It provides a unique guide to prevailing themes, theories, arguments, and history of Northeast India. ...

    85,96 €

  • The ideal river
    Joanne Yao
    The ideal river offers a remarkable account of how historic attempts to establish international commissions on three transboundary rivers in the nineteenth century shaped our modern international order. ...

    35,64 €

  • The Cold War in the 1950s
    Nicolas Lewkowicz
    The book describes the domestic and external conditions that shaped the interaction between the United States and the Soviet Union during the 1950s. ...

    158,42 €

  • War Is Making Us Poor!
    John Rachel
    Every war the U.S. has fought since World War II was a war of choice. None of them were necessary. They represent a colossal waste of money and human lives. The U.S. has had no real adversary since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. Yet, over the last thirty-two years, it has spent over $17 trillion on its military, fighting conflicts it didn’t need to fight, buying mili...

    15,01 €

  • China’s Quest for Great Power
    Bernard D Cole / Bernard D. Cole
    This book examines China’s national security strategy by looking at the three major elements-foreign policy, energy security, and naval power-all interactive and major influences on China’s future and its relations with the United States. A decade and a half into the twenty-first century, Beijing requires reliable access to energy resources, the navy to defend that access, and...

    30,09 €

  • China and Taiwan
    Ashok Kavi
    'China and Taiwan: Crossing the Strait' dives into the complex dynamics between China and Taiwan, offering a nuanced exploration through its diverse chapters. From dissecting Taiwan’s aspirations for reunification to unravelling the intricacies of cross-strait relations and China’s expansion tactics, the book navigates the geopolitical landscape with precision. Topics like 'Soc...

    57,38 €

  • Australia and China
    Prashant Sikdar
    In the early 2020s, there has been a notable shift in the fundamental framework governing the relationship between Australia and China, with geopolitical considerations taking precedence over economic interests. Canberra has implemented a series of new measures in response to perceived risks in Australia’s economic ties with China, the Chinese Communist Party’s attempts to wiel...

    52,95 €

  • Decoding Russia-China Axis
    Neil Nayak
    'Decoding Russia-China Axis' is a scholarly exploration of the partnership between Russia and China, a pivotal force in the complex tapestry of international relations. The book meticulously unravels the nuances of this strategic alliance, diving into historical roots and contemporary dynamics that define Sino-Russian relations. The Content sets the stage by offering a broad ov...

    53,07 €

  • The Fire of the Gods
    Rajat Narang
    The Book-3 of the series; based on recently declassified documents by the CIA , U.S. State Department, KGB after the end of Cold War and other international agencies; takes-off at the onset of the 1970s decade, when, after having developed deployed hundreds of ICBMs & SLBMs armed to the teeth with megaton-class thermonuclear warheads, both the U.S. as well as the U.S.S.R were f...

    19,85 €

    Following the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Global Financial Crisis, China’s foreign policy shifted to become more assertive, effecting a systematic deterioration in the US-China relationship. In 2017, the US’ China policy shifted from that of ’engagement’ to ’strategic competition’ under Trump - a policy which has remained under the Biden administration.Indo-Pacific Security: US-C...

    81,41 €