Física cuántica (mecánica cuántica y teoría cuántica de campos)

Matemáticas y ciencia / Física / Física cuántica (mecánica cuántica y teoría cuántica de campos) (1128)

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  • Omar Khayyam’s Secret
    Mohammad H. Tamdgidi
    Omar Khayyam’s Secret: Hermeneutics of the Robaiyat in Quantum Sociological Imagination is a twelve-book series of which this book, subtitled New Khayyami Studies: Quantumizing the Newtonian Structures of C. Wright Mills’s Sociological Imagination for A New Hermeneutic Method, is the first volume. Each book is independently readable, although it will be best understood as a par...

    89,78 €

  • Conversations About Physics, Volume 1
    Howard Burton
    Conversations About Physics, Volume 1, includes the following 5 in-depth Ideas Roadshow Conversations featuring leading physicists. This collection includes a detailed preface highlighting the connections between the different books. Each book is broken into chapters with a detailed introduction and questions for discussion at the end of each chapter: 1.The Power of Principles:...

    24,64 €

    The author has published two texts on classical physics, Introduction to Classical Mechanics and Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism, both meant for initial one-quarter physics courses. The latter is based on a course taught at Stanford several years ago with over 400 students enrolled. These lectures, aimed at the very best students, assume a good concurrent course in ca...

    47,33 €

    The author has published two texts on classical physics, Introduction to Classical Mechanics and Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism, both meant for initial one-quarter physics courses. The latter is based on a course taught at Stanford several years ago with over 400 students enrolled. These lectures, aimed at the very best students, assume a good concurrent course in ca...

    95,16 €

  • Quantum physics for beginners
    Carl J. Pratt / Carl JPratt
    Do you want to know the principles that govern everything around you? Have you always been curious about quantum physics and its mysteries but you don’t know where to begin? You have found the right place, your journey to learn quantum physics starts now!In this book you will find:What quantum physics is, the history and most famous experiments and achievements in quantum mecha...

    23,59 €

  • Research Anthology on Advancements in Quantum Technology
    Quantum technology has arrived as one of the most important new topics of research, as it is the newest way to create computing power, harness secure communications, and use sensitive measurement methods that surpass the capabilities of modern supercomputers. If successfully developed, quantum computers and technology will be able to perform algorithms at impressively quick rat...

    569,94 €

  • Quantum physics and mechanics for beginners
    Carl JPratt / Carl Pratt / Carlos Pratt
    Do you want to know the principles that govern everything around you? Have you always been curious about quantum physics and its mysteries but you don’t know where to begin? You have found the right place, your journey to learn quantum physics starts now!In this book you will find:What quantum physics is, the history and most famous experiments and achievements in quantum mecha...

    18,61 €

  • The Vertical Ascent
    Wolfgang Smith
    What distinguishes this book from other contemporary treatises touching upon cosmology is its conception of the tripartite cosmos. This conception proves to be crucial to resolving three of the most baffling questions of contemporary science, beginning with the measurement problem of quantum theory. What is perhaps most astonishing of all, however, is the fact that this treatis...

    33,21 €

  • The Vertical Ascent
    Wolfgang Smith
    What distinguishes this book from other contemporary treatises touching upon cosmology is its conception of the tripartite cosmos. This conception proves to be crucial to resolving three of the most baffling questions of contemporary science, beginning with the measurement problem of quantum theory. What is perhaps most astonishing of all, however, is the fact that this treatis...

    15,93 €

  • Quantum Wealth
    Adrea L Peters / Adrea Peters / Amber Lilyestrom
    Authors Adrea Peters and Amber Lilyestrom invite readers to embrace, explore and explode their abundance in their new book, Quantum Wealth: Factoring in Abundance. This generous duo has created a book that is alive and pulsing with energy devoted to expanding the wealth of its readers. Get ready to move closer to your money dreams by taking stock of your daily life in ways you ...

    28,79 €

  • Quantum Wealth Journal
    Adrea L Peters / Amber Lilyestrom
    Companion Journal for Quantum WealthAuthors Adrea Peters and Amber Lilyestrom invite readers to embrace, explore and explode their abundance in their new book, Quantum Wealth: Factoring in Abundance. This generous duo has created a book that is alive and pulsing with energy devoted to expanding the wealth of its readers. Get ready to move closer to your money dreams by taking s...

    50,13 €

    As physics has progressed, its most fundamental theories have become more distant from everyday experience posing challenges for understanding, notably with quantum mechanics. This volume contains twenty-nine essays written to address such challenges. The essays address issues in quantum mechanics, quantum cosmology and physics in general. Examples include: How do we apply quan...

    195,06 €

    Eduard V Gorbar / Igor A Shovkovy / Vladimir A Miransky / VLADIMIR A MIRANSKY IG EDUARD V GORBAR
    The monograph reviews various aspects of electronic properties of Dirac and Weyl semimetals. After a brief discussion of 2D Dirac semimetals, a comprehensive review of 3D materials is given. The description starts from an overview of the topological properties and symmetries of Dirac and Weyl semimetals. In addition, several low-energy models of Dirac and Weyl quasiparticles ar...

    207,06 €

  • God and Quantum Physics
    C Allan Boyles / C. Allan Boyles / CAllan Boyles
    Physics cannot show that a corporal, godlike figure exists in the universe. However, the major religions of the world, especially Christianity, describe God as a spiritual energy and not corporal. Quantum physics says there exists a universal energy that has the attributes of God. This energy has consciousness and creativity. All matter is composed of this energy. This energy w...

    29,68 €

  • Genetic Codes of the Artificially-Intelligent Multiverse
    Vladimir Ginzburg
    This book describes basic principles of the Artificially-Intelligent Multiverse (AIM) theory. Its first goal is to describe genetic codes of 4D spiral spacetimes called toryx and helyx capable of serving as prime elements of the Multiverse. Our Universe belongs to the spacetime level L1 of the Multiverse with its four more spacetime levels L2 through L5 containing materials t...

    46,92 €

  • Beyond the Quantum Fringe
    Chris Daniels
    BEYOND THE QUANTUM FRINGEThe collapsing Earth and the preposterous religion of the Big Bangu2028'Science is about exploring the possibility of everything, to discover and learn about the probability of anything' From the theoretical reality of Time Travel and harnessing and producing clean renewable perpetual mass energy, to the building blocks of the Omniverse that open doorwa...

    37,48 €

  • Quantum Freedom
    Katherine D. Caulfield / Katherine DCaulfield / The Spirit Collective
    The third book of the Quantum Freedom Series, Tempo: The Pace of Change, takes the reader on a journey through change, growth and transformation set to a melodic and rhythmic backbeat, or, in this case, tempo. Learn the quantum mechanics of change and what this means for humanity collectively as well as individually. Worries are lifted and fears are transmuted as The Spirit Col...

    29,34 €

  • The Quantum Menagerie
    James V Stone
    Understanding quantum mechanics matters because it is the engine that powers the universe. This engine is fuelled by a few simple principles, but the consequences of those principles are both profound and strange. In this richly illustrated book, quantum mechanics is explained using a finely balanced combination of words, diagrams and mathematics. The result is a tour of the mo...

    94,75 €

  • The Tibetan Book of the Undivided Universe
    Graham Smetham
    An exploration of the interconnections and resonances between the later quantum philosophy of interdependent wholeness proposed by David Bohm and the metaphysical perspectives of Tibetan Bon and Buddhist traditions. In particular Bohm’s later vision of the necessity of a quantum vision of wholeness within which fragmented organic ’subunits’ embodying limited consciousness hav...

    46,66 €

  • The Science of Story
    Adrea Peters
    The book and workbook combined!The Science of Story Mastering Your Nature Always a Dream, Always Rejection of It,Always Help Arrives, Always Triumph,Always Transition, Always a New Dream Begins.That.Is.Story.Every. Single. Time. ...

    35,97 €

    Hiroyuki Sagawa / HIROYUKI SAGAWA & NOBUAKI YOSHIDA / Nobuaki Yoshida
    This expanded version to the 2010 edition features quantum annealing algorithm and its application for optimization problems. Recent progress on quantum computing, especially, advanced topics such as Shor's algorithm, quantum search, quantum cryptography and architecture of quantum bit are also included.Book is self-contained and unified in its description of the cross-disc...

    95,66 €

    Klaus D Rothe / KLAUS DIETER ROTHE
    Based on a two-semester course held at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, this book provides an adequate resource for the lecturer and the student. The contents are primarily aimed at graduate students who wish to learn about the fundamental concepts behind constructing a Relativistic Quantum Theory of particles and fields. So it provides a comprehensive foundation for the ...

    142,15 €

    Klaus D Rothe / KLAUS DIETER ROTHE
    Based on a two-semester course held at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, this book provides an adequate resource for the lecturer and the student. The contents are primarily aimed at graduate students who wish to learn about the fundamental concepts behind constructing a Relativistic Quantum Theory of particles and fields. So it provides a comprehensive foundation for the ...

    69,72 €

  • Quantum Thinking
    Adrea L. Peters / Adrea LPeters
    Beyond the limitations of living endless yesterdays await infinite possibilities today.Author Adrea L.Peters brings us Quantum Thinking enabling humanity to realise their hidden potential. A must read! ...

    32,54 €

  • Dziwne zbiegi okoliczności w twoim życiu. Małe ciekawe fakty. Przeczucia. Telepatia. Czy ci też się to przytrafia?
    Taddeusz Sienkiewicz
    Strony 134. Od najwcześniejszych osiągnięć myśli ludzkość uważała, że ​​niektóre znaczące zbiegi okoliczności są znakami, z którymi wyższy poziom, filozoficzny lub boski, stara się mówić z ludźmi.W ciągu ostatnich trzech stuleci te przekonania zostały wymazane przez nowe trendy naukowe. Niezwykłe fakty uznano za proste przypadki. Każdy, kto chciał zinterpretować niezwykłe fakty...

    14,50 €

  • Monet outot yhteensattumia elämässäsi. Pienet utelias tapahtumat. Visio tulevaisuudesta. Telepatia. Se tapahtuu myös sinulle?
    Bengt Virtanen
    Sivut 128. Ihmiskunta uskoi ajattelunsa varhaisimmasta kehityksestä, että jotkut merkittävät tosiasiat olivat jumalallisia merkkejä, jotka tulivat korkeammalta tasolta. Tämä filosofinen tai jumalallinen taso pyrki vuoropuheluun miesten kanssa.Kolmen viime vuosisadan ajan kaikki tämä oli poistettu uusilla tieteellisillä suuntauksilla. Jokainen, joka halusi tulkita ylimääräisiä t...

    14,56 €

  • Les estranyes coincidències de la vostra vida. Fets curiosos i insòlits. Premonicions. Telepatia. Et passa també a tu?
    Pablo Montaner
    Pàgines 132. Des dels primers desenvolupaments del pensament, la humanitat creia que algunes coincidències importants eren signes amb els quals un nivell superior, filosòfic o diví, volia parlar amb els homes.En els darrers tres segles, aquestes creences havien estat esborrades per les noves tendències científiques. Els fets extraordinaris van ser considerats casos simples. Qua...

    14,59 €

  • Konstiga sammanträffanden i ditt liv. Små nyfiken fakta. Aningar. Telepati. Händer det till dig?
    Hjalmar Lagerkvist
    Sidorna 130. Från tidigaste tankegångar trodde mänskligheten att vissa signifikanta tillfälligheter var tecken genom vilka en högre filosofisk eller gudomlig nivå försökte interdialera med män.Under de senaste tre århundradena hade detta blivit raderat från de nya vetenskapliga riktningarna. Extraordinära sammanträffanden betraktades som konsekvenser av fallet. Vem som helst so...

    13,41 €

  • Vreemde toevalligheden in je leven. Kleine nieuwsgierige evenementen. Voorgevoelens. Telepathie. Komt het jou ook over?
    Peter Veltman
    Pagina’s 140. Vanaf de vroegste ontwikkelingen van het denken geloofde de mensheid dat een aantal belangrijke toevalligheden tekenen waren waarmee een hoger filosofisch of goddelijk niveau trachtte in dialoog te treden met mensen.In de laatste drie eeuwen was dit uit de nieuwe richtingen van de wetenschap gewist. Buitengewone toevalligheden werden beschouwd als vruchten van het...

    13,41 €

  • D’étranges coïncidences dans votre vie. Petits événements curieux. Pressentiments. Télépathie. Ça vous arrive aussi?
    Franç / ois Aroche
    Pages 140. Dès les premiers développements de la pensée, l’humanité a estimé que certaines coïncidences importantes étaient des signes permettant à un niveau philosophique ou divin supérieur de chercher à dialoguer avec les hommes.Au cours des trois derniers siècles, tout cela avait été annulé par de nouvelles tendances scientifiques. Des coïncidences extraordinaires ont été co...

    13,41 €