
Matemáticas y ciencia / Física (9911)

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  • Energia rinnovabile
    Smita Mahajan
    - Esperienza di insegnamento - 31 anni- Dottorando in orientamento - 08- Membro del Consiglio di Studi - Shivaji University Kolhapur - 2010 al 2015- Membro della Facoltà Shivaji University Kolhapur - 2010-15- Membro del Consiglio di Studi - Shivaji University Kolhapur - B.Voc. Stampa ed editoria - 2014-15- Presidente del Vocational Board - Shivaji University Kolhapur - 2021-202...

    61,44 €

  • Énergies renouvelables
    Smita Mahajan
    - Expérience de l’enseignement - 31 ans - Orientation des boursiers de doctorat - 08- Membre du conseil des études - Université Shivaji de Kolhapur - 2010 à 2015- Membre du corps enseignant - Université Shivaji de Kolhapur - 2010-15- Membre du conseil des études - Université Shivaji de Kolhapur - B.Voc. Printing and publishing - 2014-15- Vocational Board Chairman - Shivaji Univ...

    61,44 €

  • Energias renováveis
    Smita Mahajan
    - Experiência de ensino - 31 anos- Orientação de bolseiros de doutoramento - 08- Membro do Conselho de Estudos - Universidade Shivaji de Kolhapur - 2010 a 2015- Membro da Faculdade - Universidade Shivaji de Kolhapur - 2010-15- Membro do Conselho de Estudos - Universidade Shivaji de Kolhapur - B.Voc. Impressão e publicação - 2014-15- Presidente do Conselho Profissional - Univers...

    61,44 €

  • Столетний юбилей общей теории относительности Эйнштейна
    Салво Д’Агостино
    Ядро моей статьи в основном касается проблемы: помогла ли философу-ученому Альберту Эйнштейну его великая общая относительность или повредила его философия? Ученые и философы дискутируют, не представляя соответствующей информации. Я предпочел прочитать то, что посчитал наиболее значимым среди сотен его работ. Меня смущает мнение Планка о том, что наука сама по себе сомнительна....

    32,88 €

  • A recorrência centenária da Relatividade Geral de Einstein
    Salvo D’Agostino
    O cerne do meu artigo diz respeito principalmente ao problema atual: a grande relatividade geral do filósofo-cientista Albert Einstein foi ajudada ou prejudicada pela sua filosofia? Cientistas e filósofos estão a discutir sem apresentar informação relevante. Eu preferi ler o que considerei mais relevante entre centenas de artigos dele. Conforta-me a opinião de Plank de que a ci...

    32,82 €

  • La ricorrenza del centenario della relatività generale di Einstein
    Salvo D’Agostino
    Il nocciolo del mio articolo riguarda principalmente il problema attuale: la grande relatività generale del filosofo-scienziato Albert Einstein è stata aiutata o danneggiata dalla sua filosofia? Scienziati e filosofi discutono senza presentare informazioni rilevanti. Ho preferito leggere ciò che ho ritenuto più rilevante tra le centinaia di suoi scritti. Sono confortato dal pun...

    32,82 €

  • La récurrence centenaire de la relativité générale d’Einstein
    Salvo D’Agostino
    Le noyau de mon article concerne principalement le problème actuel : la grande relativité générale du philosophe-scientifique Albert Einstein a-t-elle été aidée ou endommagée par sa philosophie ? Les scientifiques et les philosophes discutent sans présenter d’informations pertinentes. J’ai préféré lire ce que j’ai considéré comme le plus pertinent parmi des centaines de ses art...

    32,82 €

  • Die hundertjährige Wiederkehr der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie von Einstein
    Salvo D’Agostino
    Der Kern meines Aufsatzes betrifft vor allem das gegenwärtige Problem: Hat die Philosophie des Philosophen und Wissenschaftlers Albert Einstein der großen allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie geholfen oder geschadet? Wissenschaftler und Philosophen diskutieren darüber, ohne relevante Informationen zu präsentieren. Ich habe es vorgezogen, das zu lesen, was ich unter Hunderten seiner ...

    32,88 €

  • The Paraphysical Principles of Natural Philosophy
    Dr. James E. Beichler PhD
    The word ’paraphysics’ has never been precisely defined, but it literally means beyond normal physics. Otherwise, it can be likened to Bio- psychophysics or even Neurocosmology which are sometimes used to replace the word when explanation is hard. Paraphysics is frowned upon by the scientific community if accepted at all, so to establish paraphysics as a true science, the word ...

    18,01 €

  • Quantum Physics for Beginners & Kids
    Alisha Kapani
    Discover the wonder of Quantum Physics and its application in technology, science, and human consciousness-even if science has never been your strength.You will discover:Wave-particle duality-and how it reveals that particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like propertiesHeisenberg’s uncertainty principle-find out why we cannot know both the position and speed of a par...

    16,12 €

  • Quantum Physics for Beginners Simplified
    Alisha Kapani
    Discover the wonder of Quantum Physics and its application in technology, science, and human consciousness-even if science has never been your strengthYou may wonder why this branch of science is so mysterious and appealing all at once... and wish that you could grasp its meaning, significance, and application to your life, well-being, and consciousness.And now you can!In this ...

    7,88 €

  • Grundlagen der Einkristallzucht techniken
    Supriya Subramani
    'Grundlagen der Einkristallzüchtung' ist ein ideales Lehrbuch, das in einer Form geschrieben ist, die für Studenten und Doktoranden der Kristallographie, Physik, Chemie, Materialwissenschaft und Technik leicht zugänglich ist. Es ist auch eine wertvolle Ressource für alle Wissenschaftler, die sich mit Kristallwachstum und Werkstofftechnik beschäftigen. Dieses neue Lehrbuch biete...

    49,81 €

  • Les bases des techniques de croissance des monocristaux
    Supriya Subramani
    'Basics of single crystal growth techniques' est un manuel idéal, rédigé sous une forme facilement accessible aux étudiants de premier cycle, aux étudiants de troisième cycle et aux doctorants en cristallographie, physique, chimie, science des matériaux et ingénierie. Il constitue également une ressource précieuse pour tous les scientifiques concernés par la croissance cristall...

    49,81 €

  • Noções básicas sobre as técnicas de crescimento de um único cristal
    Supriya Subramani
    'Basics of single crystal growth techniques' é um livro de texto ideal, escrito numa forma facilmente acessível a estudantes de licenciatura, pós-graduação e doutoramento em cristalografia, física, química, ciência e engenharia de materiais. É também um recurso valioso para todos os cientistas interessados no crescimento de cristais e na engenharia de materiais. Este novo livro...

    49,81 €

  • Основы техники выращивания монокристаллов
    Суприя Субрамани
    'Основы методов выращивания монокристаллов' - идеальный учебник, написанный в форме, доступной для студентов, аспирантов и докторантов, изучающих кристаллографию, физику, химию, материаловедение и инженерию. Это также ценный ресурс для всех ученых, занимающихся вопросами роста кристаллов и материаловедения. В новом учебнике впервые всесторонне рассматриваются основы методов выр...

    49,81 €

  • Nozioni di base sulle tecniche di crescita dei cristalli singoli
    Supriya Subramani
    'Fondamenti di tecniche di crescita di cristalli singoli' è un libro di testo ideale, scritto in una forma facilmente accessibile a studenti universitari, laureati e dottorandi di cristallografia, fisica, chimica, scienza dei materiali e ingegneria. È anche una risorsa preziosa per tutti gli scienziati che si occupano di crescita dei cristalli e di ingegneria dei materiali. Que...

    49,74 €

  • Anisotropia magnética para dispositivos spintrónicos de nova geração
    Saravanan Lakshmanan
    Este livro apresenta uma visão global dos últimos desenvolvimentos no domínio da investigação em spintrónica. Os principais destaques do livro são a sintonização da anisotropia magnética com uma estabilidade térmica robusta, especialmente, uma grande coercividade perpendicular e o controlo anisotrópico nas estruturas baseadas em camadas de metais pesados, ferromagnéticos e/ou ó...

    96,04 €

  • Магнитная анизотропия для нового поколения спинтронных устройств
    В этой книге представлен всеобъемлющий обзор последних достижений в исследовательской области спинтроники. Основными темами книги являются настройка магнитной анизотропии с устойчивой термической стабильностью, большая перпендикулярная коэрцитивная сила и анизотропный контроль в структурах на основе тяжелых металлов, ферромагнетиков и/или оксидных слоев. Таким образом, мы счита...

    96,11 €

  • Anisotropia magnetica per i dispositivi spintronici di nuova generazione
    Saravanan Lakshmanan
    Questo libro fornisce una panoramica completa degli ultimi sviluppi nel campo della ricerca sulla spintronica. I punti salienti del libro sono la regolazione dell’anisotropia magnetica con una robusta stabilità termica, una grande coercitività perpendicolare e il controllo anisotropico nelle strutture basate su strati di metalli pesanti, ferromagnetici e/o ossidi. Riteniamo qui...

    96,04 €

  • Anisotropie magnétique pour les dispositifs spintroniques de nouvelle génération
    Saravanan Lakshmanan
    Ce livre donne un aperçu complet des derniers développements dans le domaine de la recherche en spintronique. Les principaux points forts du livre sont l’accord de l’anisotropie magnétique avec une stabilité thermique robuste, en particulier, une grande coercivité perpendiculaire et un contrôle anisotrope dans les structures à base de métaux lourds, de couches ferromagnétiques ...

    96,04 €

  • Magnetische Anisotropie für spintronische Bauelemente der neuen Generation
    Saravanan Lakshmanan
    Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Forschungsgebiet der Spintronik. Die wichtigsten Highlights des Buches sind die Abstimmung der magnetischen Anisotropie mit robuster thermischer Stabilität, insbesondere die große senkrechte Koerzitivfeldstärke und die anisotrope Kontrolle in Strukturen auf Basis von Schwermetallen, ferromagn...

    96,04 €

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics from the ground up. It is designed to be completely self-contained and assumes very little knowledge or mathematical background on the part of students as it takes them through the major topics of quantum mechanics.Designed to be appropriate for students across a wide range of abilities and backgrounds, this b...

    166,57 €

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum mechanics from the ground up. It is designed to be completely self-contained and assumes very little knowledge or mathematical background on the part of students as it takes them through the major topics of quantum mechanics.Designed to be appropriate for students across a wide range of abilities and backgrounds, this b...

    69,54 €

    This volume is a comprehensive compilation of carefully selected questions at the PhD qualifying exam level, including many actual questions from Columbia University, University of Chicago, MIT, State University of New York at Buffalo, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Berkeley over a twenty-year period. Featuring a division into ...

    191,38 €

    This volume is a comprehensive compilation of carefully selected questions at the PhD qualifying exam level, including many actual questions from Columbia University, University of Chicago, MIT, State University of New York at Buffalo, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin and the University of California at Berkeley over a twenty-year period. Featuring a division into ...

    69,76 €

  • Structural and Dielectric Properties of Barium Titanate
    Diwakar Padalia / Sapana Kumari
    In the current book, Cerium doped barium titanate was prepared by using the conventional solid-state reaction method. The synthesis process for Cerium doped barium titanate was carried out with different Ce concentrations. The qualitative and quantitative studies were performed by using XRD, FTIR, UV-VIS, FESEM, TEM, and the Impedance analyzer technique. The XRD data along with...

    84,48 €

  • Entwicklung eines Polymer-Nanokomposits unter Verwendung natürlicher Öle
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Magneto-Polymer-Nanokompositen auf der Grundlage von Nanopartikeln mit superparamagnetischen Eigenschaften, die mit einem Polymer beschichtet sind, das aus den natürlichen Ölen der Carapa guianensis-Pflanze, im Volksmund als Andiroba bekannt, gewonnen wird. In dieser Arbeit wurden Eisenoxid-Nanopartikel verwendet, di...

    77,37 €

  • Development of a Polymer Nanocomposite using Natural Oils
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    The aim of this work is to synthesize and characterize Magneto-Polymer Nanocomposites based on nanoparticles with superparamagnetic characteristics, coated with a polymer extracted from the natural oils of the Carapa guianensis plant, popularly known as Andiroba. In this work, iron oxide nanoparticles were used, which are synthesized using the coprecipitation method. The polyme...

    77,30 €

  • Développement d’un nanocomposite polymère à partir d’huiles naturelles
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    L’objectif de ce travail est de synthétiser et de caractériser des nanocomposites magnéto-polymères basés sur des nanoparticules aux caractéristiques superparamagnétiques, recouvertes d’un polymère extrait des huiles naturelles de la plante Carapa guianensis, connue sous le nom d’Andiroba. Dans ce travail, on a utilisé des nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer synthétisées par la métho...

    77,37 €

  • Sviluppo di un nanocomposito polimerico con oli naturali
    Judes Santos / Laffert Gomes / Luciene Batista
    L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è sintetizzare e caratterizzare nanocompositi magneto-polimerici a base di nanoparticelle con caratteristiche superparamagnetiche, rivestite con un polimero estratto dagli oli naturali della pianta Carapa guianensis, popolarmente nota come Andiroba. In questo lavoro sono state utilizzate nanoparticelle di ossido di ferro, sintetizzate con il metodo ...

    77,37 €