
Matemáticas y ciencia / Física (9911)

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  • Ultimate Objective Neet Physics For Class 11 Vol. 1
    Susamoy Chakraborty
    This Ultimate Objective Neet Physics For Class 11 Vol. 1 book is totally covers NEET exam. This book contains huge number of numericals and subjective questions with various types. This book covers all the important questions from topics. This is really a good for for both freshers and droppers. Yes this is the ultimate solution for neet physics.if you practice this book you ca...

    28,66 €

  • Becoming Truitt Skye
    Adrea Peters
    Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for ImaginationIn the concluding book of the Becoming Truitt Skye series, we find Truitt caught between worlds and trapped, by her own doing, in the body of Serena Rollings, who couldn’t be less aware of Truitt and Truitt’s mission to stop her arch enemy, Eva Kinde, from destroying her family, and quite possibly, all of humanity. Be pre...

    21,95 €

  • Becoming Truitt Skye
    Adrea Peters
    Becoming Truitt Skye Book 3: The Equation for ImaginationIn the concluding book of the Becoming Truitt Skye series, we find Truitt caught between worlds and trapped, by her own doing, in the body of Serena Rollings, who couldn’t be less aware of Truitt and Truitt’s mission to stop her arch enemy, Eva Kinde, from destroying her family, and quite possibly, all of humanity. Be pre...

    15,58 €

  • The Mystery of Space - A Study of the Hyperspace Movement in the Light of the Evolution of New Psychic Faculties and an Inquiry into the Genesis and Essential Nature of Space
    Robert T. Browne
    Mathematics is the biometer of intellectual evolution. Hence, the determination of the status quo of the intellect at any time can be accomplished most satisfactorily by applying to it the rigorous measure of the mathematical method. The intellect has but one true divining rod and that is mathematics. By day and by night it points the way unerringly, so long as it leads through...

    17,68 €

  • Biochemistry in the Space of the Highest Dimension
    Gennadiy Vladimirovich Zhizhin
    In biochemistry, a critical oversight persists in neglecting molecules’ higher dimensionality and its profound implications for living organisms. Despite groundbreaking research revealing the transformative properties imbued by higher dimensions, mainstream biochemistry remains entrenched in a two-dimensional paradigm, failing to recognize the intricate relationship between mol...

    386,57 €

  • Biochemistry in the Space of the Highest Dimension
    Gennadiy Vladimirovich Zhizhin
    In biochemistry, a critical oversight persists in neglecting molecules’ higher dimensionality and its profound implications for living organisms. Despite groundbreaking research revealing the transformative properties imbued by higher dimensions, mainstream biochemistry remains entrenched in a two-dimensional paradigm, failing to recognize the intricate relationship between mol...

    294,58 €

  • Organic Solar Thermal Fuels
    Organic Solar Thermal Fuels: Mechanisms, Design, and Applications offers a significant introductory overview of the key properties, mechanisms, applications, and research directions in this emerging field of photothermal conversion materials.This book explores the types, characteristics, preparation, testing, applications, and future trends of small organic molecules, polymers,...

    194,64 €

  • Advancements in Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen
    The demand for sustainable energy solutions in rapidly evolving academic and industrial environments is at an all-time high. Challenges faced by those championing sustainability and energy solutions include the integration of green hydrogen, a clean and renewable energy carrier, into hybrid energy systems. Ensuring its traceability, certification, and efficient utilization crea...

    353,02 €

  • Quantum Quandaries and Spiritual Reflections
    Arti Hadap / Paritosh Kadam / Vishal Panse
    Quantum mechanics gives a unique lens on human spirituality. Its probabilistic character and non-locality reflect spiritual ideas about interconnection and the flux of reality. Quantum events call into question deterministic beliefs, prompting discussions on free choice and awareness. Spirituality implies layers of existence beyond the physical, just as particles exist in vario...

    68,83 €

  • Studie über solare Transienten und ihre Auswirkungen auf das geomagnetische Feld
    Rakesh Kumar Mishra
    Der Strahlungsgürtel der Erde und die innere Magnetosphäre weisen deutliche Unterschiede in ihren Eigenschaften auf, da sich das interplanetare Magnetfeld und die Eigenschaften des Sonnenwindes im Laufe des 11-jährigen Sonnenzyklus ändern. Sonnenkoronale Löcher erzeugen einen regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Sonnenwindstrom, der hochrelativistische Elektronen fast verstärkt, wenn die...

    110,34 €

  • Étude des transitoires solaires et de leur impact sur le champ géomagnétique
    Rakesh Kumar Mishra
    Les caractéristiques de la ceinture de radiation terrestre et de la magnétosphère intérieure varient fortement en fonction de l’évolution du champ magnétique interplanétaire et des propriétés du vent solaire au cours d’un cycle solaire de 11 ans. Les trous coronaux solaires produisent un flux régulier et récurrent de vent solaire qui renforce presque les électrons hautement rel...

    110,35 €

  • Studio dei transienti solari e del loro impatto sul campo geomagnetico
    Rakesh Kumar Mishra
    La cintura di radiazione terrestre e la magnetosfera interna mostrano differenze pronunciate nelle loro caratteristiche, poiché il campo magnetico interplanetario e le proprietà del vento solare cambiano nel corso del ciclo solare di 11 anni. I buchi coronali solari producono un flusso di vento solare regolare e ricorrente, quasi in grado di potenziare gli elettroni altamente r...

    110,38 €

  • Estudo dos transientes solares e do seu impacto no campo geomagnético
    Rakesh Kumar Mishra
    A cintura de radiação terrestre e a magnetosfera interna apresentam diferenças acentuadas nas suas características, à medida que o campo magnético interplanetário e as propriedades do vento solar mudam ao longo do ciclo solar de 11 anos. Os buracos coronais solares produzem um fluxo regular e recorrente de vento solar que quase aumenta os electrões altamente relativistas quando...

    110,38 €

  • Исследование солнечных переходных процессов и их влияния на геомагнитное поле
    Ракеш Кумар Мишра
    Радиационный пояс Земли и внутренняя магнитосфера демонстрируют ярко выраженные различия в своих характеристиках по мере изменения свойств межпланетного магнитного поля и солнечного ветра в течение 11-летнего солнечного цикла. Солнечные корональные дыры производят регулярный повторяющийся поток солнечного ветра, почти усиливающий высокорелятивистские электроны, когда скорость с...

    110,31 €

    Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous systems...

    105,72 €

    Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous systems...

    105,86 €

    Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous systems...

    105,86 €

    Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous systems...

    57,89 €

    Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous systems...

    58,02 €

    Basic Matters is a first introduction to quantum mechanics that does not assume any prior knowledge of the subject. The emphasis is on the general structure as the necessary foundation of any understanding. Starting from the simplest quantum phenomenon, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with its choice between two discrete outcomes, and ending with one-dimensional continuous systems...

    58,02 €

  • Thunder and Lightning
    Camille Flammarion / Walter Mostyn
    Thunder and Lightning, a classical book, has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned co...

    24,08 €

  • Onkel Albert
    Pangratios Papacosta
    Er war ein einsamer Mann mit schäferhundartigem Haar, der sich weigerte, Socken zu tragen. Die meiste Zeit seines Lebens kümmerte er sich nicht um seine Kleidung, die oft schlampig war. Er sah sich selbst als einen alten Zigeuner, ziemlich gut aussehend und einen jüdischen Heiligen. Er wurde von einem Botaniker geehrt, der einen blühenden Kaktus nach ihm benannte. (Einstenia.) ...

    63,19 €

  • Zio Albert
    Pangratios Papacosta
    Era un uomo solitario con un pelo da cane da pastore che si rifiutava di indossare i calzini. Per la maggior parte della sua vita non si curò del suo abbigliamento, spesso sciatto. Si considerava un vecchio zingaro, piuttosto bello e un santo ebreo. Fu onorato da un botanico che diede il suo nome a un cactus in fiore. (Anche un elemento sintetico è stato chiamato così (Einsteni...

    63,13 €

  • Tio Alberto
    Pangratios Papacosta
    Era um homem solitário, com um cabelo parecido com o de um cão pastor, que se recusava a usar meias. Durante a maior parte da sua vida, não se preocupou com o seu vestuário, muitas vezes desleixado. Via-se a si próprio como um velho cigano, muito bonito e um santo judeu. Foi homenageado por um botânico que deu o seu nome a um cato florido. (Um elemento sintético foi também bati...

    63,13 €

  • Oncle Albert
    Pangratios Papacosta
    C’était un homme solitaire, coiffé comme un chien de berger, qui refusait de porter des chaussettes. Pendant la majeure partie de sa vie, il ne s’est pas soucié de sa tenue vestimentaire, souvent négligée. Il se voyait comme un vieux gitan, assez beau et un saint juif. Il a été honoré par un botaniste qui a donné son nom à un cactus à fleurs. (Un élément synthétique a également...

    63,13 €

  • Дядя Альберт
    Пангратиос Папакоста
    Это был одинокий человек с шерстью, как у овчарки, который отказывался носить носки. Большую часть своей жизни он не обращал внимания на свой наряд, который часто был неряшливым. Он считал себя старым цыганом, довольно красивым и еврейским святым. Его почитал ботаник, назвавший в его честь цветущий кактус. (В его честь также был назван синтетический элемент (Einstenium). Многие...

    63,19 €

  • Corpi radianti
    Prabhakar Bhandari
    'Corpi radianti' è un’esplorazione dell’affascinante mondo del calore corporeo e del suo impatto multiforme sulla salute umana, sulle relazioni e sulla tecnologia. Questo libro si addentra negli intricati meccanismi della termoregolazione, facendo luce sui modi in cui il nostro corpo genera e gestisce il calore. 'Corpi radianti' si rivolge a un vasto pubblico, dai lettori curio...

    60,20 €

  • Strahlende Körper
    Prabhakar Bhandari
    'Radiant Bodies' ist eine Erkundung der faszinierenden Welt der Körperwärme und ihrer vielfältigen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit, Beziehungen und Technologie. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den komplizierten Mechanismen der Thermoregulation und beleuchtet die Art und Weise, wie unser Körper Wärme erzeugt und verwaltet. 'Radiant Bodies' richtet sich an ein breites Pu...

    60,26 €

  • Возобновляемая энергия
    Смита Махаян
    - Преподавательский стаж - 31 год- Руководство стипендиатами PhD - 08- Член Совета по обучению - Университет Шиваджи Колхапур - с 2010 по 2015- Член факультета - Университет Шиваджи Колхапур - 2010-15- Член Совета по обучению - Университет Шиваджи Колхапур - B.Voc. Полиграфия и издательское дело - 2014-15- Председатель совета по профессиональному обучению - Университет Шиваджи ...

    61,51 €

  • Erneuerbare Energie
    Smita Mahajan
    - Lehrerfahrung - 31 Jahre- PhD Stipendiatenberatung - 08- Mitglied des Studienrates - Shivaji Universität Kolhapur - 2010 bis 2015- Mitglied der Fakultät - Shivaji Universität Kolhapur - 2010-15- Mitglied des Studienrates - Shivaji Universität Kolhapur - B.Voc. Druck und Verlagswesen - 2014-15- Vorsitzender des Berufsausschusses - Shivaji Universität Kolhapur - 2021-2023- Lebe...

    61,44 €