
Matemáticas y ciencia / Física (9911)

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  • Nasa History
    Jeremy Knapp
    The apollo program is the most famous and celebrated in american history, but the first successful landing of men on the moon during apollo 11 had complicated roots dating back over a decade, and it also involved one of nasa’s most infamous tragedies. From 1959-1963, the united states worked toward putting satellites and humans into orbit via the mercury program, but eisenhower...

    16,03 €

  • Book 1 Chapter IIII - Qube Bytes *For the Record
    James N. Akins Jr.
    Final Testament - Rise of the Holy Spirit.Our Lord Jesus Christ was born at the start of the 80th Jubilee December 22, 0000 just after midnight 00:00:00+. The end of the 120th Jubilee (6,022 years since God’s Creation of Adam) (Genesis 6:3) was on December 21, 2022 at 24:00:00. The 2022th birthday of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on December 22, 2022 at 00:00.00+, marks the start of...

    30,65 €

  • Book 1 Chapter IIII - Qube Bytes *For the Record
    James N. Akins Jr.
    Final Testament - Rise of the Holy Spirit.Our Lord Jesus Christ was born at the start of the 80th Jubilee December 22, 0000 just after midnight 00:00:00+. The end of the 120th Jubilee (6,022 years since God’s Creation of Adam) (Genesis 6:3) was on December 21, 2022 at 24:00:00. The 2022th birthday of Our Lord Jesus Christ, on December 22, 2022 at 00:00.00+, marks the start of...

    42,71 €

  • Fortschritte bei der Modellierung und Optimierung von Photovoltaikzellen
    Abdessamad Malaoui / El Hadi Chahid
    Die Modellierung und Optimierung der Energieumwandlungseffizienz von photovoltaischen Zellen auf der Grundlage von Halbleitern wie Silizium (Si) oder Galliumarsenid (GaAs) ist eine der Herausforderungen und Fragen der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. Dieses Buch enthält eine analytische und numerische Studie einer photovoltaischen Zelle zur Berechnung von Stromdichten und zur Absc...

    60,58 €

  • Progrès dans la modélisation et l’optimisation des cellules photovoltaïques
    Abdessamad Malaoui / El Hadi Chahid
    La modélisation et l’optimisation de l’efficacité de la conversion énergétique des cellules photovoltaïques basées sur des semi-conducteurs tels que le silicium (Si) ou l’arséniure de gallium (GaAs) constituent l’un des défis et des enjeux de la recherche scientifique. Cet ouvrage propose une étude analytique et numérique d’une cellule photovoltaïque permettant de calculer les ...

    60,58 €

  • Progressi nella modellazione e nell’ottimizzazione delle celle fotovoltaiche
    Abdessamad Malaoui / El Hadi Chahid
    La modellazione e l’ottimizzazione dell’efficienza di conversione energetica delle celle fotovoltaiche basate su semiconduttori come il silicio (Si) o l’arseniuro di gallio (GaAs) è una delle sfide e dei problemi della ricerca scientifica. Questo libro fornisce uno studio analitico e numerico di una cella fotovoltaica per calcolare le densità di corrente e stimare l’efficienza ...

    60,52 €

  • Avanços na modelação e otimização de células fotovoltaicas
    Abdessamad Malaoui / El Hadi Chahid
    A modelização e otimização da eficiência de conversão de energia de células fotovoltaicas baseadas em semicondutores como o Silício (Si) ou o Arsenieto de Gálio (GaAs) é um dos desafios e questões da investigação científica. Este livro apresenta um estudo analítico e numérico de uma célula fotovoltaica para calcular as densidades de corrente e estimar a sua eficiência de conver...

    60,52 €

  • Достижения в области моделирования и оптимизации фотоэлектрических элементов
    Абдессамад Малаоуи / Эль Хади Чахид
    Моделирование и оптимизация эффективности преобразования энергии фотоэлектрических элементов на основе полупроводников, таких как кремний (Si) или арсенид галлия (GaAs), является одной из задач и проблем научных исследований. В данной книге приводится аналитическое и численное исследование фотоэлектрического элемента для расчета плотности тока и оценки эффективности преобразова...

    26,68 €

  • In a Hundred Years
    Hanns Günther / Thomas D. Hedden / Thomas Dexter Hedden
    One hundred years ago, scientists and engineers were actively working on alternative energy, not because they wanted to stop burning fossil fuels but because they believed that the world would soon run out of them. It was known that coal reserves were limited, and the giant oil fields in Saudi Arabia had not yet been discovered. This classic 1931 book reviews the sources of alt...

    16,30 €

  • Energy Transition in the African Economy Post 2050
    Olayinka Ohunakin
    In today’s modern world, it is critical for countries and businesses to implement sustainable practices in order to evolve and grow. The African economy is one such area that requires further study and consideration to ensure it can thrive in the coming years. Energy Transition in the African Economy Post 2050 emphasizes the need for Sub-Saharan African countries to lay an endu...

    281,91 €

  • Energy Transition in the African Economy Post 2050
    Olayinka Ohunakin
    In today’s modern world, it is critical for countries and businesses to implement sustainable practices in order to evolve and grow. The African economy is one such area that requires further study and consideration to ensure it can thrive in the coming years. Energy Transition in the African Economy Post 2050 emphasizes the need for Sub-Saharan African countries to lay an endu...

    216,06 €

  • Physics and Vertical Causation
    Wolfgang Smith
     Including new material on the metaphysics of the integral cosmos, the author accomplishes a magnificent reintegration of the physical sciences with a worldview banished in the West since the Enlightenment, which is nevertheless perfectly accommodative of legitimate scientific discovery. Far from being an academic or nostalgic curiosity, that forgotten worldview proves to be pr...

    28,49 €

  • Physics and Vertical Causation
    Wolfgang Smith
     Including new material on the metaphysics of the integral cosmos, the author accomplishes a magnificent reintegration of the physical sciences with a worldview banished in the West since the Enlightenment, which is nevertheless perfectly accommodative of legitimate scientific discovery. Far from being an academic or nostalgic curiosity, that forgotten worldview proves to be pr...

    16,32 €

  • Diseño y clasificación del intercambiador Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    The 155-C A/B/C heat exchangers, belonging to an olefins plant, which heat the water used in reboilers of some fractionation columns, have historically presented energy efficiency problems due to fouling by polymerization in the tubes, the side through which the process water passes. This was used as a basis for simulating different mechanical models in Aspen EDR, taking into a...

    54,90 €

  • Conception et évaluation de l’échangeur Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    Les échangeurs de chaleur 155-C A/B/C, appartenant à une usine d’oléfines, qui chauffent l’eau utilisée dans les rebouilleurs de certaines colonnes de fractionnement, ont historiquement présenté des problèmes d’efficacité énergétique dus à l’encrassement par polymérisation des tubes, le côté par lequel passe l’eau de traitement. Cette situation a servi de base à la simulation d...

    54,97 €

  • Progettazione e valutazione dello scambiatore Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    Gli scambiatori di calore 155-C A/B/C, appartenenti a un impianto di olefine, che riscaldano l’acqua utilizzata nei reboiler di alcune colonne di frazionamento, hanno storicamente presentato problemi di efficienza energetica a causa dello sporcamento da polimerizzazione nei tubi, il lato attraverso cui passa l’acqua di processo. Questo è stato utilizzato come base per simulare ...

    54,97 €

  • Projeto e classificação do permutador Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    Os permutadores de calor 155-C A/B/C, pertencentes a uma fábrica de olefinas, que aquecem a água utilizada nos reboilers de algumas colunas de fracionamento, têm apresentado historicamente problemas de eficiência energética devido a incrustações por polimerização nos tubos, o lado por onde passa a água do processo. Este facto foi utilizado como base para a simulação de diferent...

    54,97 €

  • Проектирование и оценка теплообменников Aspen
    Томас Ринкон
    Теплообменники 155-C A/B/C, принадлежащие заводу по производству олефинов, которые нагревают воду, используемую в ребойлерах некоторых колонн фракционирования, исторически имели проблемы с энергоэффективностью из-за загрязнения полимеризацией в трубках, через которые проходит технологическая вода. На этой основе в программе Aspen EDR были смоделированы различные механические мо...

    26,23 €

  • Aspen Wärmetauscher Design & Bewertung
    Thomas Rincon
    Die 155-C A/B/C-Wärmetauscher einer Olefinanlage, die das in den Aufkochern einiger Fraktionierungskolonnen verwendete Wasser erwärmen, hatten in der Vergangenheit Probleme mit der Energieeffizienz aufgrund von Verschmutzung durch Polymerisation in den Rohren, der Seite, durch die das Prozesswasser fließt. Dies wurde als Grundlage für die Simulation verschiedener mechanischer M...

    54,97 €

    This book deals with two main topics. The first is a theory that aims to unify the many interpretations of probability presented in the literature. The second uses this comprehensive theory of probability to answer the questions of quantum mechanics that have long been debated. The entire book proposes original solutions that several experimental cases substantiate. ...

    117,85 €

    Transport Phenomena is an umbrella term to describe the fundamental processes of momentum, energy, and mass transfer.This unique compendium covers energy transfer at the microscopic and macroscopic levels in the three stages of problem-solving, namely formulation, simplification, and mathematical solution. The book does not overwhelm students with a large repertoire of problems...

    178,81 €

  • Emissione radio decametrica solare e variazioni del ciclo solare
    Debojyoti Halder
    Il Sole è uno dei primi oggetti studiati dai primi radioastronomi. Nel 2009, il Sole ha raggiunto il picco del numero di macchie solari e il relativo livello di attività solare. Ciò significa che dovrebbero esserci molti brillamenti solari sulla superficie del Sole e che la Terra dovrebbe ricevere di conseguenza un certo numero di tempeste geomagnetiche. È quindi un momento int...

    90,99 €

  • Emissão Rádio Decamétrica Solar e Variações do Ciclo Solar
    Debojyoti Halder
    O Sol é um dos primeiros objectos estudados pelos primeiros radioastrónomos. Em 2009, o Sol atingiu o pico do número de manchas solares e o respetivo nível de atividade solar. Isto significa que deverá haver muitas erupções solares na superfície do Sol e que a Terra deverá ser afetada por várias tempestades geomagnéticas. Por isso, esta é uma altura interessante para começar a ...

    90,99 €

  • Dekametrische Radioemission der Sonne und Variationen des Sonnenzyklus
    Debojyoti Halder
    Die Sonne ist eines der ersten Objekte, das von den frühen Radioastronomen untersucht wurde. Im Jahr 2009 erreicht die Sonnenfleckenzahl und die damit verbundene Sonnenaktivität ihren Höchststand. Das bedeutet, dass es viele Sonneneruptionen auf der Sonnenoberfläche geben wird und die Erde infolgedessen eine Reihe von geomagnetischen Stürmen erleiden wird. Dies ist also ein gut...

    90,94 €

  • Émission radio décamétrique du soleil et variations du cycle solaire
    Debojyoti Halder
    Le Soleil est l’un des premiers objets étudiés par les premiers radioastronomes. En 2009, le nombre de taches solaires et le niveau d’activité solaire correspondant ont atteint leur maximum. Cela signifie qu’il devrait y avoir beaucoup d’éruptions solaires à la surface du Soleil et que la Terre devrait subir un certain nombre de tempêtes géomagnétiques en conséquence. C’est don...

    90,96 €

  • Солнечное декаметровое радиоизлучение и вариации солнечных циклов
    Дебоджьоти Халдер
    Солнце - один из первых объектов, изученных первыми радиоастрономами. В 2009 году на Солнце наблюдается пик числа солнечных пятен и связанного с ним уровня солнечной активности. Это означает, что на поверхности Солнца должно произойти большое количество солнечных вспышек, а на Земле в результате этого возникнет ряд геомагнитных бурь. Поэтому сейчас самое время начать наблюдение...

    40,00 €

    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the highest energy collider ever built. It resides near Geneva in a tunnel 3.8m wide, with a circumference of 26.7km, which was excavated in 1983-1988 to initially house the electron-positron collider LEP. The LHC was approved in 1995, and it took until 2010 for reliable operation. By now, a larger set of larger integrated luminosities have be...

    182,21 €

  • В поисках астероидов
    Делгадо Корр / Жохана Мурсиа Роча / Нест Мендез Хинкапие
    В данной книге представлены результаты построения и реализации учебно-методического комплекса по изучению законов Кеплера, их взаимосвязи с законами Ньютона и их применения в классическом описании движения астероидов в Солнечной системе. Очевидно, что предложенные и реализованные на семинаре по астрономии в одном из районных учебных заведений города Богота мероприятия способств...

    26,17 €

  • À la recherche d’astéroïdes
    Camilo Delgado Correal / Johana Murcia Rocha / Néstor Fernando Méndez Hincapié
    Ce livre présente les résultats de la construction et de la mise en œuvre d’une séquence d’enseignement et d’apprentissage sur les lois de Kepler, leur relation avec les lois de Newton et leur application respective dans la description classique du mouvement des astéroïdes dans le système solaire. Il est évident que les activités proposées et mises en œuvre dans le cadre d’un a...

    61,44 €

  • Auf der Suche nach Asteroiden
    Camilo Delgado Correal / Johana Murcia Rocha / Néstor Fernando Méndez Hincapié
    In diesem Buch werden die Ergebnisse des Aufbaus und der Durchführung einer Lehr- und Lernsequenz über die Keplerschen Gesetze, ihre Beziehung zu den Newtonschen Gesetzen und ihre jeweilige Anwendung bei der klassischen Beschreibung der Bewegung von Asteroiden im Sonnensystem vorgestellt. Es ist offensichtlich, dass die vorgeschlagenen und durchgeführten Aktivitäten in einem As...

    61,44 €