Finanzas y contabilidad

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Finanzas y contabilidad (16183)

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Finanzas y contabilidad Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    John Thompson / JOHN THOMPSON TIANTIAN Z KENT MATTHEWS / Kent Matthew / Tiantian Zhang
    The Economics of Banking (Fourth Edition) examines trends and operations in banking within a microeconomic framework. Covering a range of topics, including global trends in banking, theories of the banking firm, economics analysis of bank behaviour, and much more, this book addresses the need for a user-friendly and mathematically accessible textbook in this subject area.Each s...

    97,75 €

  • Die Zukunft Afrikas mitgestalten
    Kemi Adetu
    Wenn wir uns mit der Bedeutung von Investitionen in die Bildung von Mädchen in Afrika befassen, wird deutlich, dass die Bildung der Mädchen einen großen Einfluss auf das Schicksal des Kontinents hat. Ihre Befähigung wird nicht nur den Einzelnen, sondern auch Gemeinschaften und Nationen voranbringen. Auf den folgenden Seiten werden wir die transformative Wirkung der Bildung von ...

    60,32 €

  • Расширение возможностей будущего Африки
    Кеми Адету
    При рассмотрении вопроса о важности инвестиций в образование девочек в Африке становится очевидным, что образование девочек существенно влияет на судьбу континента. Расширение их прав и возможностей приведет не только к росту отдельных людей, но и к подъему сообществ и государств. На следующих страницах мы рассмотрим преобразующий эффект образования девочек, поделимся историями...

    26,35 €

  • Renforcer l’avenir de l’Afrique
    Kemi Adetu
    Lorsque nous examinons l’importance de l’investissement dans l’éducation des filles en Afrique, il apparaît clairement que l’éducation des filles a un impact considérable sur le destin du continent. Leur autonomisation permettra non seulement d’élever les individus, mais aussi les communautés et les nations. Les pages suivantes explorent les effets transformateurs de l’éducatio...

    60,32 €

  • Capacitar o futuro de África
    Kemi Adetu
    Ao analisarmos a importância de investir na educação das raparigas em África, torna-se claro que a educação das raparigas tem um impacto significativo no destino do continente. O seu empoderamento não só elevará os indivíduos, mas também as comunidades e as nações. As páginas que se seguem exploram os efeitos transformadores da educação das raparigas, partilham histórias de suc...

    60,32 €

  • Dare forza al futuro dell’Africa
    Kemi Adetu
    Approfondendo l’importanza di investire nell’istruzione femminile in Africa, appare chiaro che l’educazione delle ragazze ha un impatto significativo sul destino del continente. La loro emancipazione non solo eleverà gli individui, ma anche le comunità e le nazioni. Le pagine che seguono esploreranno gli effetti trasformativi dell’istruzione delle ragazze, condivideranno storie...

    60,26 €

  • Den Fortschritt antreiben
    Kemi Adetu
    Das Versprechen erneuerbarer Energien in Afrika ist vielfältig und umfasst ökologische, wirtschaftliche, soziale und technologische Dimensionen. Auf den folgenden Seiten werden wir untersuchen, wie dieses Versprechen durch strategische Investitionen, Kooperationspartnerschaften und ein gemeinsames Engagement für eine nachhaltige und erfolgreiche Zukunft für Afrika und die Welt ...

    60,64 €

  • Impulsionar o progresso
    Kemi Adetu
    A promessa das energias renováveis em África é multifacetada, abrangendo dimensões ambientais, económicas, sociais e tecnológicas. Nas páginas seguintes, exploraremos como esta promessa pode transformar-se em realidade através de investimentos estratégicos, parcerias colaborativas e um compromisso partilhado para um futuro sustentável e próspero para África e para o mundo.Aprov...

    60,58 €

  • Powering Progress
    Кеми Адету
    Перспективы возобновляемой энергетики в Африке многогранны и охватывают экологические, экономические, социальные и технологические аспекты. На следующих страницах мы рассмотрим, как это обещание может превратиться в реальность посредством стратегических инвестиций, совместного партнерства и общей приверженности устойчивому и процветающему будущему для Африки и всего мира.Исполь...

    26,68 €

  • Alimentare il progresso
    Kemi Adetu
    La promessa dell’energia rinnovabile in Africa è multiforme e comprende dimensioni ambientali, economiche, sociali e tecnologiche. Nelle pagine seguenti esploreremo come questa promessa può trasformarsi in realtà attraverso investimenti strategici, partenariati collaborativi e un impegno condiviso per un futuro sostenibile e prospero per l’Africa e il mondo.Cogliere l’opportuni...

    60,58 €

  • L’énergie au service du progrès
    Kemi Adetu
    La promesse des énergies renouvelables en Afrique présente de multiples facettes, englobant des dimensions environnementales, économiques, sociales et technologiques. Dans les pages suivantes, nous explorerons comment cette promesse peut devenir réalité grâce à des investissements stratégiques, des partenariats de collaboration et un engagement commun en faveur d’un avenir dura...

    60,64 €

  • The Next Half Century
    Alan Nevin
    'An essential read for the thoughtful person who wants to understand where we are headed and what to expect. While available in both black & white and color, I recommend getting the color version for the reader-friendly graphs and maps.'- Cheryl Soon, Fellow, American Institute of Certified Planners and author of Reflections in Stone and BronzeDoes the Future Look Bright or Ble...

    11,65 €

  • The Next Half Century
    Alan Nevin
    This Deluxe Color Edition features over 200 colorful graphs, exhibits and maps which offer more context on the trends discussed in this book.'An essential read for the thoughtful person who wants to understand where we are headed and what to expect. While available in both black & white and color, I recommend getting the color version for the reader-friendly graphs and maps.'- ...

    19,25 €

  • Mastering the Stock Market
    Kenneth Caraballo
    'Unlock the secrets of the stock market with ’Mastering the Stock Market: A Beginner’s Guide to Financial Success.’ This comprehensive guide takes you on a journey through the world of stocks, from understanding the basics to developing a winning investment strategy. Learn how to navigate stock exchanges, build a diversified portfolio, analyze stock performance, and manage risk...

    114,69 €

    When the world economy is facing serious difficulties such as now, the management of Japanese corporations is attracting attention from all over the world. In coping with rapid changes in the environment, Japanese management techniques and legal practices continue to change. In the era of internationalization, Japan and foreign countries have followed a path of convergence, des...

    105,89 €

  • Banca
    Kamugisha Alfred Rwechungura
    O livro abrange tópicos essenciais na área da banca, incluindo o sector financeiro, os sistemas bancários, a forma como as instituições financeiras geram rendimentos, a banca de retalho, a banca privada, a banca de negócios, a banca comercial, a banca de empresas, a banca de investimento, os créditos, os derivados e os mercados de capitais. O livro destina-se a profissionais do...

    111,50 €

  • Jesus the Social Entrepreneur
    AM. Prof. Emer. L Murray Gillin
    Successful entrepreneurs, like Jesus, are characterized by a unique entrepreneur mindset. This is a human mindset that integrates intellectual, emotional, and spiritual not religious intelligence in seeking to deliver real added value to users. So, the question arises, was Jesus a social entrepreneur, utilizing all the principles we consider today as foundational to an entrepre...

    28,85 €

  • Efeito da dimensão da carteira no desempenho financeiro das empresas de investimento
    Peter Mbogo
    Os agentes económicos poupam para fazer face a despesas futuras que não podem ser estimadas com exatidão. As poupanças são normalmente aplicadas numa forma de investimento. A principal razão para investir é a obtenção de rendimentos, o aumento da riqueza e a realização de objectivos financeiros a longo prazo, como a reforma para viver uma vida de lazer. A única forma segura de ...

    48,37 €

  • Effet de la taille du portefeuille sur la performance financière des entreprises d’investissement
    Peter Mbogo
    Les agents économiques épargnent pour faire face à des dépenses futures qui ne peuvent être estimées avec précision. L’épargne est généralement investie sous une forme ou une autre. La principale raison de s’engager dans un investissement est d’obtenir des rendements, d’accroître la richesse et d’atteindre des objectifs financiers à long terme tels que la retraite pour mener un...

    48,37 €

  • Effetto della dimensione del portafoglio sulla performance finanziaria delle imprese di investimento
    Peter Mbogo
    Gli agenti economici risparmiano per far fronte a spese future che non possono essere stimate con precisione. I risparmi vengono solitamente investiti in qualche forma di investimento. La ragione principale per cui si investe è quella di ottenere rendimenti, aumentare la ricchezza e raggiungere obiettivi finanziari a lungo termine, come ritirarsi dal lavoro per vivere una vita ...

    48,37 €

  • Влияние размера портфеля на финансовые показатели инвестиционных компаний
    Питер Мбого
    Экономические агенты сберегают, чтобы позаботиться о будущих расходах, которые невозможно оценить с точностью. Сбережения обычно вкладываются в ту или иную форму инвестиций. Основная причина инвестирования - получение прибыли, увеличение богатства и достижение долгосрочных финансовых целей, таких как выход на пенсию и жизнь в свободное время. Единственным надежным способом защи...

    26,23 €

  • Auswirkung der Portfoliogröße auf die finanzielle Leistungsfähigkeit von Investmentfirmen
    Peter Mbogo
    Die Wirtschaftsakteure sparen, um zukünftige Ausgaben zu decken, die nicht genau geschätzt werden können. Die Ersparnisse werden in der Regel in irgendeine Form von Investitionen gesteckt. Der Hauptgrund für Investitionen ist die Erzielung von Erträgen, die Vermehrung des Vermögens und die Verwirklichung langfristiger finanzieller Ziele, wie z. B. der Rückzug aus dem Berufslebe...

    48,43 €

  • How to Invest in the Stock Market Carefully
    Benazir Marjan
    This book explores the many ways to make money from the stock market. It also explores the changing realities of the 21st century finance and the dynamic business world, career opportunities in accounting, impact of wages on employee productivity, how corporate social responsibility benefits both the business and society, challenges in succession planning and pros and cons of f...

    5,56 €

  • In Search of Returns 2e
    John Looby
    Notwithstanding the recent sharp rise in nominal interest rates, negative real long-term interest rates remain the global norm, and unsurprisingly,the resulting hunt for return has heightened the lure of financial markets. With real deposit rates deeply negative and balances historically positive, it seems timely to consider how such savings might be invested. Financial markets...

    19,90 €

  • My Journey Towards Financial Success @ 35
    Sahil Gosalia
    "My Journey Towards Financial Success at 35: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieving Early Retirement" Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck and struggling with your finances? Do you dream of achieving financial success at a young age and retiring early to live life on your own terms? If so, then this book is for you. In "My Journey Towards Financial Success at 35," author Sa...

    14,39 €

  • If God Was Your Financial Planner
    Suresh Sadagopan
    About the BookFINANCIAL PLANNING MEETS DIVINE INTERVENTION TO GUIDE YOU TOWARDS A HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE.Everyone works for money, but the smart folk make money work for them.Financial planning meets divine intervention in a book that guides you towards that smarter life. Certified financial planner Suresh Sadagopan breaks down complicated investment and savings plans to illustrate...

    15,46 €

  • Quantitative Finance and Risk Modeling
    Alex Thompson
    In a world where finance shapes our global economy, mastering the art of quantitative finance is essential. Quantitative Finance and Risk Modeling takes you on a journey into the heart of this dynamic field, exploring the mathematical models and statistical methods that drive modern finance.From understanding the historical evolution of risk modeling to delving into advanced to...

    136,60 €

  • Sustainable and ESG Investing
    Alex Thompson
    In a world where financial success and responsible stewardship of the planet are no longer mutually exclusive, "Sustainable and ESG Investing" offers a comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of sustainable finance.Explore the dynamic landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing, from understanding the fundamentals to crafting a portfolio that aligns w...

    136,44 €

  • The Answer is Dividend-Paying Stocks
    David Beck
    Learn how to create a stable, diversified portfolio of stocks that will help you get the income you need to build wealth for your retirement and your dreams. In this introduction to the world of stock dividends investing, readers learn the basic fundamentals of creating a ’Smart Portfolio’ of diversified stocks that continually pay good dividends. Rather than encourage readers ...

    17,53 €

  • The Sustainable Fintech Revolution
    The fintech industry has transformed the way individuals handle their finances, conduct transactions, and access financial services over the past decade. With increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, fintech has emerged as one of the most profitable industries globally. However, the growth of fintech also presents an opportunity to promote sustainability and social responsi...

    327,89 €