
Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / Farmacología (1522)

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  • Marine Polysaccharides Volume 2
    Paola Laurienzo
    The field of marine polysaccharides is constantly evolving, due to progress in the discovery and production of new marine polysaccharides. Seaweed remains the most abundant source of polysaccharides, but recent advances in biotechnology have allowed the production of large quantities of polysaccharides from a variety of micro-algae, by controlling growth conditions and tailorin...

    75,84 €

  • Marine Polysaccharides Volume 3
    Paola Laurienzo
    The field of marine polysaccharides is constantly evolving, due to progress in the discovery and production of new marine polysaccharides. Seaweed remains the most abundant source of polysaccharides, but recent advances in biotechnology have allowed the production of large quantities of polysaccharides from a variety of micro-algae, by controlling growth conditions and tailorin...

    116,84 €

  • Mind Maps of Clinical Research Basics
    Amrita Akhouri
    The concepts of Clinical Research have been depicted through mind maps in this book which makes the subject fundamentals very easy to understand and convenient to revise. The chapter on career in clinical research gives an insight into the main job roles currently known in this field along with the focus on how to build preparedness for job interviews. Hence, this book will be ...

    25,42 €

  • Identification and Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides with Therapeutic Potential
    Guangshun Wang
    Antimicrobial peptides are key defense molecules adopted by all life forms to prevent infection. They also have other beneficial effects such as boosting immune response, anticancer, and wound healing. The antiviral effects of antimicrobial peptides have laid the foundations for developing new agents to combat seasonal Flu, HIV-1, RSV, Zika, and Ebola. This eBook is constructed...

    67,96 €

  • Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment
    Kunal Roy
    Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) represent predictive models derived from the application of statistical tools correlating biological activity or other properties of chemicals with descriptors representative of molecular structure and/or property. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment discus...

    387,85 €

  • Vorhersage der transdermalen Permeation in vitro mit Hilfe von In-silico-Modellierung
    Bharti Sapra / Neha Goyal / Om Silakari
    Die Hautpermeation von Molekülen ist ein multifaktorielles Phänomen, das von verschiedenen Arten physikalischer, chemischer und biologischer Wechselwirkungen abhängt. In-vitro-Hautpermeationsstudien werden häufig zum Screening von Molekülen und Arzneimittelträgersystemen durchgeführt, um die dermale oder transdermale Verabreichung zu optimieren. Mathematische Modelle helfen oft...

    50,19 €

  • Statut socio-économique et facteurs de risque prévalents chez les patients atteints d’IRC
    Ranbir Singh / Sangeeta Singh / Shamsher Singh
    La maladie rénale chronique (MRC) est décrite par une détérioration progressive des fonctions rénales avec le temps, caractérisée par des lésions structurelles irréversibles des néphrons existants. L’insuffisance rénale est une affection grave associée à une mortalité prématurée, réduisant la qualité de vie et augmentant les dépenses de santé. Le statut socio-économique (SSE) e...

    49,68 €

  • Estatuto socioeconómico e factores de risco prevalecentes entre os doentes com DRC
    Ranbir Singh / Sangeeta Singh / Shamsher Singh
    A doença renal crónica (DRC) é descrita por uma deterioração progressiva das funções renais ao longo do tempo, caracterizada por danos estruturais irreversíveis nos nefrónios existentes. A insuficiência renal é uma condição grave associada à mortalidade prematura, reduz a qualidade de vida e aumenta os gastos com os cuidados de saúde.O estatuto socioeconómico (SES) é um importa...

    49,68 €

  • Sozioökonomischer Status und vorherrschende Risikofaktoren bei CKD-Patienten
    Ranbir Singh / Sangeeta Singh / Shamsher Singh
    Eine chronische Nierenerkrankung (CKD) wird durch eine fortschreitende Verschlechterung der Nierenfunktion im Laufe der Zeit beschrieben, die durch irreversible strukturelle Schäden an bestehenden Nephronen gekennzeichnet ist.Nierenversagen ist eine schwerwiegende Erkrankung, die mit vorzeitiger Sterblichkeit, verminderter Lebensqualität und höheren Kosten für die Gesundheitsve...

    49,68 €

  • Stato socioeconomico e fattori di rischio prevalenti tra i pazienti affetti da CKD
    Ranbir Singh / Sangeeta Singh / Shamsher Singh
    La malattia renale cronica (CKD) è descritta da un progressivo deterioramento delle funzioni renali nel tempo, caratterizzato da un danno strutturale irreversibile ai nefroni esistenti. L’insufficienza renale è una condizione grave associata a mortalità prematura, riduzione della qualità della vita e aumento della spesa sanitaria. Lo stato socioeconomico (SES) è un importante d...

    49,68 €

  • Apuntes para la evaluación económica del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en farmacias comunitarias
    Anai García Fariñas / Ingrid Elías Díaz
    La optimización en el uso de los recursos en salud es ineludible. Los servicios farmacéuticos pueden contribuir sustantivamente a este propósito, sin embargo esos resultados deben ser debidamente demostrados. La obra recoge de manera sistémica y detallada los pasos (guía metodológica) a seguir para realizar evaluaciones económicas del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en la comuni...

    17,63 €

  • Das Medikament Clonazepam im Rahmen der Strategie für Familiengesundheit
    Crisliane Gomes de Amorim Lima / Denilson Gomes Silva
    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Verwendung des Medikaments Clonazepam in einer Basisapotheke im Rahmen der Familiengesundheitsstrategie (ESF) durch verschiedene Benutzer, die ihre Probleme durch die Verwendung des Medikaments allein oder in Kombination mit anderen zu lösen versuchten. Die Absicht, die Gesundheit wiederherzustellen, ginge oft über den idealen Zweck hinaus, da de...

    56,21 €

  • The drug clonazepam in the context of the Family Health Strategy
    Crisliane Gomes de Amorim Lima / Denilson Gomes Silva
    The work deals with the use of the drug clonazepam in a basic pharmacy in the Family Health Strategy (ESF) by various users who sought to solve their problems by using the drug alone or in combination with others. The intention of recovering health would often go beyond the ideal purpose, since the trajectory in which the facts occurred would generally not be based solely on th...

    56,21 €

  • Le médicament clonazepam dans le contexte de la stratégie pour la santé de la famille
    Crisliane Gomes de Amorim Lima / Denilson Gomes Silva
    L’ouvrage traite de l’utilisation du médicament clonazépam dans une pharmacie de base de la stratégie de santé familiale (ESF) par divers utilisateurs qui ont cherché à résoudre leurs problèmes en utilisant le médicament seul ou en combinaison avec d’autres. L’intention de recouvrer la santé irait souvent au-delà de l’objectif idéal, car la trajectoire dans laquelle les faits s...

    56,21 €

  • Il farmaco clonazepam nel contesto della Strategia per la salute della famiglia
    Crisliane Gomes de Amorim Lima / Denilson Gomes Silva
    L’opera tratta dell’uso del farmaco clonazepam in una farmacia di base della Strategia Sanitaria Familiare (FSE) da parte di diversi utenti che hanno cercato di risolvere i loro problemi utilizzando il farmaco da solo o in combinazione con altri. L’intenzione di recuperare la salute andrebbe spesso oltre lo scopo ideale, poiché la traiettoria in cui si sono svolti i fatti non s...

    56,21 €

  • Convergence of Population Health Management, Pharmacogenomics, and Patient-Centered Care
    Anastasius S. Moumtzoglou
    The current healthcare framework, often characterized by standardized treatments and one-size-fits-all approaches, falls short in addressing the unique genetic compositions, lifestyles, and environmental factors that influence individual patient outcomes. This gap necessitates a radical reevaluation of healthcare practices, from reshaping infrastructure to redefining the roles ...

    720,96 €

  • Convergence of Population Health Management, Pharmacogenomics, and Patient-Centered Care
    Anastasius S. Moumtzoglou
    The current healthcare framework, often characterized by standardized treatments and one-size-fits-all approaches, falls short in addressing the unique genetic compositions, lifestyles, and environmental factors that influence individual patient outcomes. This gap necessitates a radical reevaluation of healthcare practices, from reshaping infrastructure to redefining the roles ...

    550,59 €

  • Diagnostic in vitro de la perméabilité transdermique à l’aide de la modélisation in silico
    Bharti Sapra / Neha Goyal / Om Silakari
    La perméation cutanée des molécules est un phénomène multifactoriel qui dépend de divers types d’interactions physiques, chimiques et biologiques. Des études de perméation cutanée in vitro sont fréquemment réalisées pour le criblage de molécules et de systèmes de transport de médicaments visant à optimiser l’administration par voie cutanée ou transdermique. Les modèles mathémat...

    51,43 €

  • Prognosi della permeazione transdermica in vitro mediante modellazione in silico
    Bharti Sapra / Neha Goyal / Om Silakari
    La permeazione cutanea delle molecole è un fenomeno multifattoriale che dipende da diversi tipi di interazioni fisiche, chimiche e biologiche. Gli studi di permeazione cutanea in vitro sono spesso eseguiti per lo screening di molecole e sistemi di trasporto di farmaci finalizzati a ottimizzare la somministrazione cutanea o transdermica. I modelli matematici spesso aiutano diret...

    51,37 €

  • Prognóstico da permeação transdérmica in-vitro utilizando modelação in silico
    Bharti Sapra / Neha Goyal / Om Silakari
    A permeação cutânea das moléculas é um fenómeno multifatorial que depende de diversos tipos de interações físicas, químicas e biológicas. Os estudos de permeação cutânea in vitro são frequentemente realizados para o rastreio de moléculas e de sistemas de transporte de fármacos com o objetivo de otimizar a administração dérmica ou transdérmica. Os modelos matemáticos ajudam muit...

    51,37 €

  • AI-Powered Advances in Pharmacology
    Aminabee Shaik
    In the field of pharmaceutical sciences, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a groundbreaking force, propelling the field into uncharted territories of discovery and innovation. As traditional approaches in drug discovery and development encounter new challenges, the need for cutting-edge technologies becomes increasingly apparent. AI-Powered Advances...

    718,45 €

  • AI-Powered Advances in Pharmacology
    Aminabee Shaik
    In the field of pharmaceutical sciences, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a groundbreaking force, propelling the field into uncharted territories of discovery and innovation. As traditional approaches in drug discovery and development encounter new challenges, the need for cutting-edge technologies becomes increasingly apparent. AI-Powered Advances...

    548,08 €

  • Cosmetics and Healthy Life
    Dermocosmetic products are considered as care products that contain active ingredients obtained from natural sources and are applied to the skin, and are between medicine and cosmetic products. The cosmetic industry in the world is growing rapidly with its benefits seen for health, aesthetics and beauty purposes. With the advancement of technology and medicine, the structure of...

    61,88 €

  • Molecular Methods in Antibiotics Discovery
    Charlotte A. Huber
    This Special Issue welcomed manuscripts that describe new compounds with antibiotic activity.Eleven papers were published, most of which describe novel compounds, including homopolymers, cyclic imides, antimicrobial peptides, nucleic acids, and derivatives of quinone, benzamidine, thiazole, and pyrazole. Two papers describe novel galenic formulations of titanate or silver nanop...

    80,64 €

  • Advanced Biomaterials and Biotechnology
    This reprint is of interest to scholars and researchers in the field of dental biomaterials and biotechnologies and provides information on the current challenges and future directions in this domain. It compiles a total of thirteen cutting-edge research and extensive review articles demonstrating the great potential of novel, high-quality biomaterials and biotechnologies and t...

    80,62 €

  • Innovative Technologies and Translational Therapies for Deafness
    This reprint focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and technological innovations related to inner ear diseases. It encompasses cutting-edge areas, such as virtual reality training, to enhance hearing adaptation, gene therapy, microneedle drug delivery, and more. ...

    71,18 €

  • Principles of Research Methodology and Ethics in Pharmaceutical Sciences
    This volume presents pharmaceutical research through theoretical concepts, methodologies and ethical issues. It fulfils publication ethics course work requirements for students. ...

    299,30 €

  • Pyridinanaloga als Krebsmedikamente
    Mitali Naik / Sunil Shingade
    Eine Reihe von N-(3-Cyano-4,6-diphenylpyridin-2-yl)-Heteroaryl-4-carboxamid-Derivaten wurde unter Verwendung von stickstoffhaltigen Heterozyklen synthetisiert. Die Chemie der Reaktionen, die bei der Synthese der Zielverbindungen eingesetzt wurden, sowie die biologischen Eigenschaften werden in dieser Forschungsarbeit diskutiert. Die synthetisierten Verbindungen wurden durch IR-...

    51,37 €

  • Analogues de la pyridine comme agents anticancéreux
    Mitali Naik / Sunil Shingade
    Une série de dérivés N-(3-cyano-4,6-diphénylpyridin-2-yl)hétéroaryl-4-carboxamide a été synthétisée en utilisant des hétérocycles contenant de l’azote. La chimie des réactions employées dans la synthèse des composés cibles ainsi que les propriétés biologiques sont discutées dans ce travail de recherche. Les composés synthétisés ont été caractérisés de manière satisfaisante par ...

    51,37 €

  • Analoghi piridinici come agenti antitumorali
    Mitali Naik / Sunil Shingade
    Una serie di derivati della N-(3-ciano-4,6-difenilpiridina-2-il)eteroaril-4-carbossamide è stata sintetizzata utilizzando eterocicli contenenti azoto. La chimica delle reazioni impiegate nella sintesi dei composti target e le proprietà biologiche sono discusse in questo lavoro di ricerca. I composti sintetizzati sono stati caratterizzati in modo soddisfacente mediante spettrosc...

    51,30 €