Estudios literarios: c 1900-

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: general / Estudios literarios: c 1900- (55)

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  • El ocaso de 'koinonia'
    Andrea Burgos Mascarell / Miguel Martínez López
    Andrea Burgos y Miguel Martínez abordan en este libro la ardua tarea de documentar el ocaso de koinonia en la literatura norteamericana. La metamorfosis de la novela utópica en ficción distópica forma parte de la historia natural de un género literario que hoy prefiere relatar las variedades inacabables de futuros de pesadilla que la búsqueda de la justicia y el mejor gobierno ...

    14,51 €

  • Mujer y entretenimiento en el hogar victoriano
    Laura Monrós-Gaspar / Rosario Arias Doblas
    La omnipresencia del hogar victoriano en la producción cultural del siglo XIX es indiscutible. Así lo demuestra la monografía escrita en 2003 por Judith Flanders, 'Inside the Victorian Home', en la que la autora realiza un estudio pormenorizado de la presencia del hogar en el imaginario de la segunda mitad del siglo desde la consideración de la domesticidad como microcosmos de ...

    14,51 €

  • Obra crítica volumen ii
    Rafael Cansinos Assens
    La obra crítica de RCA que, desde principios de siglo hasta la década de los treinta, fue desgranando en periódicos y revistas, y después recopiló en forma de libros, constituye un material tanto más apreciable, cuanto en él confluye el peculiar enfoque de Cansinos, en el que se aglutinan evocación personal, talante ensayístico y apuesta por convertir la crítica en una manifest...

    35,31 €

  • Obra crítica volumen i
    Rafael Cansinos Assens
    La obra crítica de RCA que, desde principios de siglo hasta la década de los treinta, fue desgranando en periódicos y revistas, y después recopiló en forma de libros, constituye un material tanto más apreciable, cuanto en él confluye el peculiar enfoque de Cansinos, en el que se aglutinan evocación personal, talante ensayístico y apuesta por convertir la crítica en una manifest...

    35,31 €

  • Mujeres con pluma en ristre
    Autores Varios
    Estudios sobre:Anne Bradstreet, Gabriela Mistral, Laura Méndez de Cuenca, Elena Garro, Alejandra Pizarnik, Ana M.ª Machado, María Elena Uribe, Gloria Anzaldúa, Carmen Boullosa, Ana M.ª Rodas, Rebeca Lane, Espido Freire, Conxita Herrero, Bea Enríquez, Xiomara Correa y otras.«Mujeres con pluma en ristre» busca enriquecer la discusión sobre cuestiones de género en la literatura so...

    20,28 €

  • Rosas en la arena: los relatos de Susan Glaspell
    Noelia Hernando Real
    Tradicional y modernista, costumbrista y arriesgada, complaciente y feminista, la obra de ficción de Susan Glaspell no se ajusta a patrones sencillos. Ganadora de un Premio Pulitzer de teatro, adalid de la vanguardia teatral en Estados Unidos, escritora de novelas de reconocido prestigio, hasta hoy sus relatos siguen siendo el secreto mejor guardado de la literatura norteameric...

    15,08 €

  • The Song of the Figures by Jose Maria Eguren
    Jose Garay Boszeta / Jose Maria Eguren
    'He speaks to us; and his explanations of some of his symbols suggest to us the rarest of illusions. It occurs to me he is an oriental prince who travels in pursuit of impossible sacred bayaderes' - Cesar VallejoOriginally published in Peru in 1916, The Song of the Figures, Jose Maria Eguren’s second volume of poetry, consolidated his reputation as one of the leading voices of ...

    24,35 €

  • Postmodernismo y metaficción historiográfica
    Santiago Juan Navarro
    Este libro examina la problemática combinación de autorreferencialidad literaria, revisionismo histórico y pensamiento utópico en varias novelas producidas en Hispanoamérica y los Estados Unidos durante la primera mitad de los años setenta. Los cuatro autores incluidos (Carlos Fuentes, Ishmael Reed, Julio Cortázar y E. L. Doctorow) ejemplifican la forma autoconsciente y amalgam...

    18,20 €

  • El orden del caos
    Francisco Collado Rodríguez
    Francisco Collado s'ocupa en aquest llibre de la difícil tasca de trobar un ordre subjacent darrere de l'aparent caos i la paranoia de l'univers literari de Pynchon. Independentment del posmodernismo de Pynchon, l'estudi s'embarca obertament en la recerca de la crítica literària, una recerca que en paraules del crític es tracta de 'una comprensió totalitzadora de l'univers lite...

    20,28 €

  • La encendida memoria
    Fernando Beltrán Llavador
    Este volumen analiza la vida y obra de Thomas Merton a partir de la relación entre los conceptos de soledad y sociedad desde una memoria iluminada. Se establecen correspondencias entre aspectos cruciales que se abordan dentro de las categorías amplias de soledad y sociedad desde la perspectiva de los estudios norteamericanos. La estructura monástica sería transformada en un pro...

    20,28 €

  • Blasco Ibáñez en Norteamérica
    Emilio Sales Dasí
    En 1919 Vicente Blasco Ibáñez viajó a Estados Unidos, laureado por un éxito espectacular. ¿Fue acaso un inesperado golpe de fortuna lo que convirtió 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' en todo un fenómeno editorial que iba a permitir a Blasco sumar un interesante nuevo capítulo a su hasta entonces novelesca biografía? Sea cual sea la respuesta, el triunfo del escritor en Nort...

    18,20 €

  • Cuentos para quinceañeras
    James Fenimore Cooper
    James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) se considera el primer gran novelista norteamericano de fama internacional gracias a sus historias de aventuras, en especial El último de los mohicanos. Antes de consolidarse como tal, sin embargo, probó suerte con la narrativa breve y acometió la redacción de algunos relatos de índole sentimental e intimista, de los que solo acabó dos: «Imagin...

    13,00 €

  • Filhos da Guerra
    Cristiane Aparecida da Rosa Rossi
    Cainismo, temática abordada na Literatura Espanhola, como universal, utiliza comopressuposto, o relato do capítulo IV do livro de Gênesis. Compreenderemos a definiçãodo vocábulo nos contextos dos romances Los Abel (1948), de Ana María Matute (1925-2014) e Duelo en El Paraíso (1955), de Juan Goytisolo (1931-2017), em representaçãoao confronto, denominado de Guerra Civil Espanhol...

    24,44 €

  • Transatlantic Shell Shock
    Austin Riede
    Upon the end of the Great War in 1918, soldiers and nurses returned to their homes on either side of the Atlantic. Although no longer actively engaged in fighting, they still suffered the traumatic effects of war. Caught between society’s ideas of masculinity and war, these men and women struggled to communicate their experiences.Transatlantic Shell Shock examines the private a...

    44,30 €

  • World Literatures
    Placing itself within the burgeoning field of world literary studies, the organising principle of this book is that of an open-ended dynamic, namely the cosmopolitan-vernacular exchange.As an adaptable comparative fulcrum for literary studies, the notion of the cosmopolian-vernacular exchange accommodates also highly localised literatures. In this way, it redresses what has rep...

    31,47 €

  • Funny Girls
    Michelle Ann Abate
    For several generations, comics were regarded as a boy's club--created by, for, and about men and boys. In the twenty-first century, however, comics have seen a rise of female creators, characters, and readers. While this sudden presence of women and girls in comics is being regarded as new and noteworthy, the observation is not true for the genre's entire history.Throu...

    158,46 €

  • Funny Girls
    Michelle Ann Abate
    For several generations, comics were regarded as a boy's club--created by, for, and about men and boys. In the twenty-first century, however, comics have seen a rise of female creators, characters, and readers. While this sudden presence of women and girls in comics is being regarded as new and noteworthy, the observation is not true for the genre's entire history.Throu...

    50,30 €

  • Fulvio Tomizza
    Marianna Deganutti
    In what language is it possible to elaborate the trauma of exile? By dealing with the diaspora from Istria, a borderland located at the intersection of the Italian and the Croato-Slovene civilizations, Fulvio Tomizza (1935-1999), an outstanding and yet still relatively unknown author of the Italian Novecento, questioned exile in depth. This exile, which took place after the pos...

    133,05 €

  • Made and the Found
    The relationship between the made and the found is one of the most fertile tensions in modern French literature. This collection of critical and creative writing explores how the interplay between the given and the imagined, the real and the virtual, the world as we find it and the world as we make it, functions as a generative matrix for literary experimentation. Each contribu...

    17,52 €

  • Perpetual Motion
    Michael Sheringham
    Perpetual Motion is a collection of studies which aims to offer new sightlines between surrealism, the age of André Breton (1896-1966), and the postmodernism of such contemporary poets as Pierre Alferi (1963-). For Sheringham, a sense of motion and plasticity flows through the last century of French poetry, and reveals itself through themes of rhythm, inspiration, sensation, lo...

    20,30 €

  • Virginia Woolf
    Virginia Woolf: Art, Education, and Internationalism is a wide-ranging collection of essays. Contributors include Jane de Gay, Patricia Laurence, Judith Allen, Suzanne Bellamy, Diane F. Gillespie, Elisa Kay Sparks, and Diana L. Swanson. These and other Woolf scholars address topics as diverse as Woolf’s response to war, Woolf and desire, Woolf’s literary representation of Scotl...

    32,01 €

  • Voyages Out, Voyages Home
    The theme “Voyages Out, Voyages Home,” and the idea of voyaging—which can be interpreted in many ways—permeates this collection of essays on Virginia Woolf. An international group of scholars explore topics ranging from Woolf’s interest in travel and cross-cultural encounters to her imaginative voyages between texts and genres and even to the subsequent voyages her texts have m...

    32,07 €

  • Woolfian Boundaries
    Woolfian Boundaries aims to explore Woolf’s work from perspectives “beyond the boundary” of her own positions and attitudes, taking her coolness toward the provinces and “prejudice” against the regional novel (Letters 6: 381) as the starting-point for considering her writing in the light of its own “limits,” self-declared and otherwise. Topics include Woolf’s connections with t...

    35,77 €

  • Thinking Cinema with Proust
    Patrick ffrench
    How can Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu prompt us to re-imagine the cinema? Although no-one goes to the cinema in the novel, and its narrator is critical of a ‘merely’ cinematographic account of reality, the proposition of Thinking Cinema with Proust is that the Recherche can provide a powerful catalyst for re-thinking the cinema, and that the ’structural absence’ of cin...

    132,94 €

  • The Modern Spanish Canon
    In recent years, interdisciplinary and comparative outlooks, greatly facilitated by the advent of new technologies, have transformed the discipline of Spanish Studies, leading to a re-evaluation of its scope and boundaries. To what extent is it legitimate to speak of ‘Spanish Studies’, given the linguistic and cultural diversity of Spain and the increasingly globalised nature o...

    133,13 €

  • Utopian Identities
    Clementina Osti
    Literary prizes are nothing if not controversial. Criticised for the selection — or rejection — of authors, texts and jury members, attacked for their economic impact on the cultural scene and for their influence within the publishing world, they paradoxically benefit from ever growing success, their number increasing exponentially every year. In this broad-ranging study, Cleme...

    133,08 €

  • Encounters with Albion
    Anthony Grenville
    While much has been written about British attitudes to the Jewish refugees from Hitler who fled to this country after 1933, little attention has been paid to the ways in which those refugees perceived and depicted their (often somewhat reluctant) hosts. From their impressions on arrival, through the tumultuous events of World War II and mass internment, and on into the long per...

    133,04 €

  • The Buddhist Beat Poetics of Diane di Prima and Lenore Kandel
    Max Orsini
    In the 1950s, the authors of the Beat Generation helped introduce American readers to Eastern philosophies and, in particular, to Buddhism. Poets like Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, and Jack Kerouac are often credited with this phenomenon, while, as is so often the case, the women are sidelined.In this illuminating new study, Max Orsini examines the impact of two female poets, Di...

    22,66 €

  • Arthur Symons
    If I have been a vagabond, and have never been able to root myself in any one place in the world, it is because I have no early memories of any one sky or soil. It has freed me from many prejudices in giving me its own unresting kind of freedom; but it has cut me off from whatever is stable, of long growth in the world. — Arthur SymonsArthur Symons (1865-1945) was a central fig...

    132,98 €

  • The Argument about Things in the 1980s
    Tim Jelfs
    In the late 1970s, a Jeff Koons art exhibit featured mounted vacuum cleaners lit by fluorescent tube lighting and identified by their product names: New Hoover Quik Broom, New Hoover Celebrity IV. Raymond Carver published short stories such as 'Are These Actual Miles?' that cataloged the furniture, portable air conditioners, and children's bicycles in a family home. Some ye...

    40,47 €

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