Energía nuclear e ingeniería

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  • Engineering Materials for Efficient Energy Storage and Conversion
    As the world grapples with the transition to sustainable energy sources, the demand for materials with high-performance electrodes, electrolytes, and catalysts has become paramount. The energy transition necessitates materials with increased energy and power density for advanced energy storage devices, while the emergence of future fuels like hydrogen requires economically viab...

    648,80 €

  • Engineering Materials for Efficient Energy Storage and Conversion
    As the world grapples with the transition to sustainable energy sources, the demand for materials with high-performance electrodes, electrolytes, and catalysts has become paramount. The energy transition necessitates materials with increased energy and power density for advanced energy storage devices, while the emergence of future fuels like hydrogen requires economically viab...

    491,50 €

  • Challenges and Recent Advancements in Nuclear Energy Systems
    This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of nuclear power engineering, as presented by researchers and engineers at the Saudi International Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering (SCOPE), which was organized by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), and held in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on November 13-15, 2023. The contribu...

    470,15 €

  • Nuclear Reactor Engineering Volume I Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals (2nd Edition)
    Bahram Nassersharif
    Dive deep into the principles of nuclear engineering with the second edition of 'Nuclear Reactor Engineering: Volume I.' Authored by Bahram Nassersharif, this comprehensive guide bridges the gap between theory and practice, providing a thorough exploration of nuclear processes, reactor design, and safety management. Whether you are a student, educator, or professional in the fi...

    103,92 €

  • Thermonuclear Warheads
    Edward Wilson / J.R. Oppenheimer / J.T. McGreggs
    Thermonuclear Warheads: Design and Construction is an authoritative textbook that delves into the intricate science, engineering, and ethical considerations behind the most powerful weapons ever devised by humanity. This comprehensive guide covers the historical context of nuclear physics, the fundamental principles of nuclear reactions, and the sophisticated technologies invol...

    103,04 €

  • Space Nuclear Propulsion and Power
    Bahram Nassersharif
    'Space Nuclear Propulsion and Power: Principles, Systems, and Applications' is a comprehensive exploration into the science and technology of nuclear systems designed for space missions. This book offers an in-depth analysis of nuclear propulsion and power generation, focusing on the principles and mechanisms that drive these systems, as well as their practical applications in ...

    115,50 €

  • Capstone Engineering Design Workbook
    Bahram Nassersharif
    The 'Capstone Engineering Design Workbook' is an invaluable resource tailored for senior engineering students undertaking their capstone projects. This workbook provides a structured approach to the entire engineering design process, guiding students from initial idea generation to the final presentation of their completed projects. It emphasizes critical aspects such as proble...

    100,17 €

  • Utilizing Renewable Energy, Technology, and Education for Industry 5.0
    Safaa Najah Saud Al-Humairi
    In the tumultuous period of Industrial Revolution 5.0, a pressing challenge confronts our global community: exploring the intricate interplay between technology, education, and renewable energy. As we stand at the cusp of transformative change, the relentless pace of technological evolution, coupled with the imperative to foster sustainable practices, demands a profound underst...

    635,45 €

  • Utilizing Renewable Energy, Technology, and Education for Industry 5.0
    Safaa Najah Saud Al-Humairi
    In the tumultuous period of Industrial Revolution 5.0, a pressing challenge confronts our global community: exploring the intricate interplay between technology, education, and renewable energy. As we stand at the cusp of transformative change, the relentless pace of technological evolution, coupled with the imperative to foster sustainable practices, demands a profound underst...

    478,15 €

  • Handbook on Radiation Environment, Volume 2
    Dinesh Kumar Aswal
    The handbook aims to provide a comprehensive resource for understanding ionizing radiation dosimetry, catering to experts, policymakers, and interested readers. The content of the handbook is focused on two main aspects of dose measurements: external dosimetry and internal dosimetry. The section on external dosimetry covers fundamental principles and discusses monitoring techni...

    308,73 €

  • Climate Change and Safety in High-Risk Industries
    This open access book directs attention to the safety implications of disruptive, sustainability-driven changes in sociotechnical systems resulting from climate-change considerations in high-risk industries. It addresses not only the dismantling of currently prevalent systems and structures and the achievement of a stable future state but also the management of processes for es...

    61,88 €

  • Advancements in Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen
    The demand for sustainable energy solutions in rapidly evolving academic and industrial environments is at an all-time high. Challenges faced by those championing sustainability and energy solutions include the integration of green hydrogen, a clean and renewable energy carrier, into hybrid energy systems. Ensuring its traceability, certification, and efficient utilization crea...

    353,02 €

  • Advances in Clean Energy Systems and Technologies
    Lin Chen
    This book presents the latest developments and innovations in clean energy engineering. It offers case studies on advances in clean energy technology, evaluates sustainable methods for increasing energy efficiency, and examines current concepts and solutions to global energy storage and energy-saving issues. Topics covered include clean coal, fossil field, green energy engineer...

    197,15 €

  • Nuclear Fission - From Fundamentals to Applications
    Pavel Tsvetkov
    This book presents the subject of nuclear fission through select chapters focusing on policy, economics, fundamentals, and applications within the nuclear fission domain. It provides an opportunity to explore contemporary and emerging frontiers. It examines nuclear fission and its benefits as a clean and reliable energy source while also discussing such topics as nuclear physic...

    157,73 €

  • Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy
    Renewable-energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. Renewable-energy includes sources such as sunlight, tides, waves, wind, rain, and geothermal heat. According to BP’s-2018 Energy Outlook (EO), renewable energy will be the fastest growing source of energy, increasing fivefold by 2040 thus providing around 1...

    308,13 €

  • Equilibrium Compound Nucleus Post-Fission Theory
    Qing-Biao Shen / Ye Tian
    This book proposes and develops the equilibrium compound nucleus post-fission theory, a powerful tool for studying the fission process and making numerical calculations of post-fission nuclear data. It begins with a detailed historical background on fission theory and covers fundamental concepts, such as the Bohr-Wheeler formula and time dependent nuclear density functional the...

    196,39 €

  • Nuclear Physics
    Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of matter with 'Nuclear Physics: Unlocking the Power Within the Atom.' This comprehensive exploration delves into the fascinating realm of nuclear physics, unravelling the mysteries hidden within the atomic nucleus. Authored by leading experts in the field, this book offers a compelling narrative that spans the historical evolution...

    36,15 €

  • Boundary Plasma Physics
    Fulvio Militello
    This book serves as an introduction to boundary plasma physics, providing an accessible entry point to the topic of plasma exhaust in magnetic confinement devices. While it delivers a concise, rigorous, and comprehensive account of all the major scientific topics relevant to those working on the subject, it also remains accessible and easy to consult due to its modular and comp...

    198,58 €

  • DIY Solar Power
    Merton Coffman
     Unlock the transformative power of solar energy and embrace a cleaner, greener future with our comprehensive guide to solar power. Discover the science behind solar energy, its numerous benefits, and how to overcome installation challenges.Whether you want to lower your electricity bills, reduce your carbon footprint, or gain energy independence, this book provides easy-to-fol...

    30,82 €

  • Solar Power for Beginners
    Ricardo Wilkerson
     Explore solar power’s potential to transform your energy landscape. From understanding solar science to connecting systems efficiently, this guide empowers beginners and enthusiasts alike. Unravel photovoltaic panels, harness solar thermal benefits, and learn to store energy effectively. Embrace a greener future today. ...

    27,75 €

  • Nuclear Risks and Arms Control - Problems and Progresses in the Time of Pandemics and War
    This open access book is based on the conference organised by Accademia dei Lincei and the US National Academy of Sciences and supported by the Italian Ministero degli Affari Esteri. It was attended by about 60 scientists and researchers from 13 countries, including, besides Europe, Iran, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Japan, Russian Federation and the USA. In an international ...

    73,24 €

  • Nuclear Risks and Arms Control - Problems and Progresses in the Time of Pandemics and War
    This open access book is based on the conference organised by Accademia dei Lincei and the US National Academy of Sciences and supported by the Italian Ministero degli Affari Esteri. It was attended by about 60 scientists and researchers from 13 countries, including, besides Europe, Iran, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Japan, Russian Federation and the USA. In an international ...

    62,30 €

  • 福島放射線解決 remote viewed
    Gerard O’Neill / キウィ・ジョー
    福島第一原発の事故は太平洋を横断する衝撃波を送り、無数の命に不確実性の影を落とし、多くの人々の生活に影響を及ぼしました。福島第一原子力発電所でのこの災害の影響は、それ以来燃え上がる問題となり、その放射能の落下物と長期的な意味合いを中心に世界的な議論が巡っています。 ここでキウィ・ジョーが登場します。彼は熟練したリモートビューアーとして、問題に新しい視点を提供します。軍の情報機関が研ぎ澄ませた技術を利用して、人間が本来持っているESPの潜在能力を活用したリモートビューイング、すなわち構築された透視の形を採用しています。この手法は、超心理学とサイキックパワーの基盤に基づき、時間と空間の制約を超えた洞察を提供することを目的として、"見えないもの"を知覚するために設計されています。これはリモートビューアーが"見えないもの"を見るための厳格なプロトコルの下で制...

    14,28 €

  • Fukushima Radiation Solution Remote Viewed
    Kiwi Joe
    Fukushima’s shadow looms large. Dive deep to uncover the radical solution hidden within the disaster. In the aftermath of the Fukushima Daiichi disaster, the echoes of catastrophe still resonate throughout the Pacific, affecting the lives of those in the surrounding countries and casting a shadow of uncertainty on their future. While the world grapples with the ramifications of...

    17,62 €

  • Fukushima Fallout
    Oliver Lancaster
    "Fukushima Fallout: Unveiling the Truth behind the 2011 Nuclear Disaster" is a comprehensive exploration of one of the most catastrophic events in modern history. Delve into the heart-wrenching account of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster that unfolded in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. This book provides a meticulously researched and f...

    13,18 €

  • Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions
    Qing-Biao Shen
    This book provides the reader with a modern and comprehensive overview of nuclear polarization theory. The understanding of polarization phenomena greatly enriches data obtained from scattering and nuclear reactions by providing information on the interaction that can change spin orientation as well as important verification data for the study of nuclear structures and reaction...

    247,10 €

  • New Energy Power Generation Automation and Intelligent Technology
    This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Seventh Symposium on Digital Instrumentation and Control Technology for Nuclear Power Plant, held online on January 11, 2023. The purpose of this symposium is to discuss inspection, test, certification and research for the software and hardware of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems in nuclear power plants (NPP), such...

    307,56 €

  • New Energy Power Generation Automation and Intelligent Technology
    This book is a compilation of selected papers from the Seventh Symposium on Digital Instrumentation and Control Technology for Nuclear Power Plant, held online on January 11, 2023. The purpose of this symposium is to discuss inspection, test, certification and research for the software and hardware of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems in nuclear power plants (NPP), such...

    47,12 €

  • Polarization Theory of Nuclear Reactions
    Qing-Biao Shen
    This book provides the reader with a modern and comprehensive overview of nuclear polarization theory. The understanding of polarization phenomena greatly enriches data obtained from scattering and nuclear reactions by providing information on the interaction that can change spin orientation as well as important verification data for the study of nuclear structures and reaction...

    45,66 €

  • Nuclear Fuel Cycle
    The present book describes the various processes involved in different stages of the entire nuclear fuel cycle, which include exploration of uranium, thorium, and other nuclear materials, mining and milling of ores, conversion of the separated nuclear material into nuclear grade, fabrication of different types of nuclear fuels and their physical as well as chemical quality cont...

    74,01 €