
Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Cristianismo / Ecumenismo (273)

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  • Mediumnidad sin Lágrimas
    Eliseu Rigonatti / JThomas Saldias MSc.
    Publicado originalmente en tres volúmenes 'Mediumnidad sin lágrimas', 'El Espiritismo aplicado' y 'El orador espírita', este clásico de la literatura espírita doctrinaria presenta una visión fundamentada y panorámica de algunos de los conceptos más importantes del Espiritismo, proporcionando al lector información y herramientas prácticas que faciliten su desarrollo y el uso de ...

    12,48 €

  • Todos somos Médiums
    Carlos A Baccelli / JThomas Saldias MSc. / Odilon Fernandes
    Este libro, escrito en un lenguaje sencillo y objetivo, está dirigido a los hermanos que están comenzando su desarrollo mediúmnico en las bendiciones de la Doctrina Espírita.De acuerdo con las anteriores obras de nuestro trabajo*, basándonos en textos de El Libro de los Médiums', organizamos los capítulos de este trabajo con la única preocupación de intercambiar experiencias co...

    12,48 €

  • One and Holy
    Karl Adam / Cecily Hastings
    This is the first work published since the war by the author of The Spirit of Catholicism. It is, in effect, a discussion of the possibility of reunion between Catholics and Protestants, but it begins unusually but sensibly--in a historical examination of how the breach came about in the first place. He finds a large part of the cause in the open scandals afflicting the Church,...

    17,84 €

  • The Christian Faith
    Carl E. Braaten / Carl EBraaten
    This single volume of dogmatics is an introduction to the Christian faith as such, written from an intentionally ecumenical perspective. Although this book is written by a Lutheran, its aim is to draw from the deep wells of the Christian tradition, its creeds and confessions, common to all denominations. Denominational dogmatics tends to define and defend the teachings of the C...

    22,08 €

  • Prophetic Precursors
    Tom Wilson
    Prophetic Precursors discusses some key biblical figures: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Mary, and Jesus. Christian and Muslim views of these figures are contrasted and where relevant the question is asked whether these figures point us towards Jesus or towards Muhammad. ...

    24,78 €

  • A Sukkah in the Shadow of Saint Ignatius
    Jeremy P. Brown
    A Sukkah in the Shadow of Saint Ignatius is a trio of essays commemorating the 2017 and 2018 University of San Francisco Speaker Series in the History of Jewish-Christian Relations. The volume is a joint publication of the Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition, and the Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice.The essays conta...

    13,07 €

  • Soul Journeys
    Daniel L. Prechtel / John R. Mabry / Katrina Leathers
    What can Christianity learn from Shamanism? What can Shamanism learn from Christianity? The conversation starts here…Daniel L. Prechtel is an Episcopal priest who studies and applies Core Shamanism alongside Christian prayer practices. John R. Mabry is a United Church of Christ pastor and seminary professor who uses Core Shamanism techniques in his prayer. Katrina Leathers is a...

    18,49 €

  • Strangers in a Familiar Land
    James A. Blumenstock / James ABlumenstock
    Throughout history, many Christians have existed on the margins of society; deviants and strangers in lands they call home. To survive, they have had to construct alternate identities that not only make sense of their religious experiences and beliefs but also equip them to successfully negotiate their social worlds. In Thailand, a nation where social identities are thoroughly ...

    31,16 €

  • Encountering the Other
    How do religious traditions create strangers and neighbors? How do they construct otherness? Or, instead, work to overcome it? In this exciting collection of interdisciplinary essays, scholars and activists from various traditions explore these questions. Through legal and media studies, they reveal how we see religious others. They show that Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Sik...

    30,33 €

  • Encountering the Other
    How do religious traditions create strangers and neighbors? How do they construct otherness? Or, instead, work to overcome it? In this exciting collection of interdisciplinary essays, scholars and activists from various traditions explore these questions. Through legal and media studies, they reveal how we see religious others. They show that Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Sik...

    46,50 €

  • The Rivers of Paradise
    John R. Dupuche / John RDupuche
    A river flows out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divides and becomes four branches - Genesis 2:10From the author of Jesus: The Mantra Of God and Towards A Christian Tantra comes a spiritual memoir that poetically expresses a single person’s journey, and through it, humanity’s return to the paradise that we spring from. Drawing on complementary ideas from Christi...

    34,68 €

  • Idolatry
    Josh Muglia
    Idolatry. The word brings up images in our heads of golden calves, or stone statues carved for pagan gods. We picture people bowing down before these things, and laying offerings at their feet. While these things are indeed linked with idolatry, this sin has a far greater reach than most realize. Idolatry hides behind many masks, and takes on many forms. It is far more widespre...

    15,23 €

  • Reuniting the Children of Abraham
    Brenda Naomi Rosenberg
    Reuniting the Children of Abraham is a powerful, multimedia peace initiative created with Jewish, Christian and Muslim families to combat the fear, bigotry and bullying that fuels violence. The multicultural project described in this book includes inspiring true stories and educational materials that flow from the ancient story of Abraham, a patriarch in all three faiths. Just ...

    24,13 €

  • Reuniting the Children of Abraham
    Brenda Naomi Rosenberg
    Reuniting the Children of Abraham is a powerful, multimedia peace initiative created with Jewish, Christian and Muslim families to combat the fear, bigotry and bullying that fuels violence. The multicultural project described in this book includes inspiring true stories and educational materials that flow from the ancient story of Abraham, a patriarch in all three faiths. Just ...

    20,17 €

  • Prayer Vigil for the Earth 1993-2012
    Bill Sanda / David Berry / Sharon Franquemont
    The Prayer Vigil for the Earth was an icon of spiritual experience and community standing on the National Mall in Washington DC amid the symbolic monuments of our Nation. It was founded in 1993 under the leadership of GrandfatherHarry F. Byrd (Lakota), Grace Smith Yellowhammer (Dine), Sharon Franquemont, Betsy Stang, and David Berry. After 1995, the annual organizing committee ...

    34,62 €

  • Common Spaces Between Us
    Melynne Rust
    Polarization occurring in the United States today is not only a social concern, it’s also a spiritual condition of the heart. How can we connect with others in the midst of our differences when deep in our hearts we might harbor shadows such as judgment or fear?In Common Spaces Between Us, Melynne Rust explores this question by inviting readers into the diverse college campus c...

    16,94 €

  • Common Spaces Between Us
    Melynne Rust
    Polarization occurring in the United States today is not only a social concern, it’s also a spiritual condition of the heart. How can we connect with others in the midst of our differences when deep in our hearts we might harbor shadows such as judgment or fear?In Common Spaces Between Us, Melynne Rust explores this question by inviting readers into the diverse college campus c...

    29,42 €

  • Eating Together, Becoming One
    Thomas O'Loughlin / Thomas O’Loughlin
    In November 2015, Pope Francis called on theologians to explore whether normal Catholic practice should be changed to allow Christians, belonging to other churches, to share fully at the table when they take part in a Eucharist celebrated by Catholics. Thomas O'Loughlin provides his contribution to that challenge in this volume. He argues that the various ways of thinking a...

    35,97 €

  • God’s Unfailing Word
    Faith and Order Commission
    This important and timely study is rooted in the belief that the relationship between Judaism and Christianity is a gift of God to the church to be received with gratitude, respect and care, so that we may learn more fully about God’s purposes for the world.It offers a theological exploration of that relationship that is mindful of the prejudice and persecution experienced by t...

    28,43 €

  • Freedom of Religion at Stake
    How can freedom of religion protect the dignity of every human being and safeguard the well-being of creation? This question arises when considering the competing claims among faith traditions, states, and persons. Freedom of religion or belief is a basic human right, and yet it is sometimes used to undermine other human rights. This volume seeks to unpack and wrestle with some...

    35,29 €

  • Freedom of Religion at Stake
    How can freedom of religion protect the dignity of every human being and safeguard the well-being of creation? This question arises when considering the competing claims among faith traditions, states, and persons. Freedom of religion or belief is a basic human right, and yet it is sometimes used to undermine other human rights. This volume seeks to unpack and wrestle with some...

    55,84 €

  • Muslim Faith and Values
    Robert A. Hunt / Robert AHunt
    'Christians are called to love Muslims in all their little particularities.' This was the advice Duncan Black MacDonald, famous scholar of Islam and teacher of missionaries to Muslim lands, gave to his students. His words from a hundred years ago remain true today. This book invites the reader to explore Islam as a human religion, a religion embodied in what Muslims believe and...

    40,35 €

  • Muslim Faith and Values
    Robert A. Hunt / Robert AHunt
    'Christians are called to love Muslims in all their little particularities.' This was the advice Duncan Black MacDonald, famous scholar of Islam and teacher of missionaries to Muslim lands, gave to his students. His words from a hundred years ago remain true today. This book invites the reader to explore Islam as a human religion, a religion embodied in what Muslims believe and...

    23,26 €

  • Recovering the Ecumenical Bonhoeffer
    Javier A. Garcia / Javier AGarcia / Javier García
    In this book, Javier A. Garcia compares the theologies of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and John Calvin in order to provide a new trajectory for contemporary ecumenism. ...

    129,10 €

  • Anglicanism
    John A Moses

    23,59 €

  • Our Common Faith
    Ghoulem Dr. Berrah
    Have you ever thought that a difference of religion is an obstacle to love?If so, you’ll enjoy the story of how a prominent Muslim leader and a devout Catholic found each other and enjoyed a happy life together in Our Common Faith.Your religion teaches you the love of God and the love of your neighbor. Are you curious to know what other religions teach?This book shares an inspi...

    15,06 €

  • In Search of Understanding
    Clinton Bennett
    Clinton Bennett reflects on four decades of engagement with Muslims and Christian-Muslim relations as a missionary, scholar, and interfaith activist. Set in the context of his personal story, chapters discuss a series of critical questions to the Christian-Muslim relationship reprising earlier writing. Bennett asks: can Christians appreciate the prophet Muhammad as a genuine me...

    21,41 €

  • In Search of Understanding
    Clinton Bennett
    Clinton Bennett reflects on four decades of engagement with Muslims and Christian-Muslim relations as a missionary, scholar, and interfaith activist. Set in the context of his personal story, chapters discuss a series of critical questions to the Christian-Muslim relationship reprising earlier writing. Bennett asks: can Christians appreciate the prophet Muhammad as a genuine me...

    38,50 €

  • Sacrificing the Church
    Eugene R. Schlesinger / Eugene R. Schlesinger / Eugene RSchlesinger
    This book articulates an ecclesiology in which the sacrifice of Christ forms the church’s innermost reality, focusing on three areas of importance: the worship of God, the mission of the church, and the church’s striving for unity of all people. ...

    129,25 €

  • The Mystery of the Trinity Revealed
    T. R. Bosse / TRBosse
    God’s Last Days Revelation for His Church - Authenticated and Verified by ScriptureThe Mystery of the Trinity Revealed provides complete understanding of one of Christianity’s most challenging doctrines. The book’s author, T. R. Bosse, draws upon 45-plus years of dedicated Bible scrutiny and a revelation, which resulted in 10 years of researching Christianity’s mystery doctrine...

    17,40 €

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