Dolor y gestión del dolor

Medicina / Otras ramas de la medicina / / Dolor y gestión del dolor (256)

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  • Cannabis Thérapeutique
    Aaron Hammond
    Une introduction complète sur la marijuana médicale, ses applications et ses divers avantages pour la santéIl y a un nombre grandissant de patients qui utilisent le cannabis médical et la marijuana devient de plus en plus une médecine pharmaceutique acceptée dans la culture occidentale. Avec la quantité croissante d'utilisateurs médicaux et récréatifs, il existe également u...

    9,51 €

  • CBD or Cannabidiol
    Aaron Hammond
    Discover the relaxing, pain relieving and curing applications of cannabinoids (CBD)The medicinal use of cannabis dates back more than 5000 years. In ancient China, the plant was well known and widely used for its medicinal applications. Today we are faced by new challenges in the medical world. Cancer, anxiety and PTSD are just some of them...The marijuana flowers consist out o...

    11,79 €

  • Pain Chronicles
    Melanie Thernstrom

    16,73 €

  • Sinusitis
    Shanay Gengan
    Sinusitis is a common yet often misunderstood condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Characterized by inflammation of the sinuses, it can cause a range of symptoms, including headaches, facial pain, congestion, and fatigue, all of which can disrupt daily life. While many experience sinusitis as an occasional inconvenience, others suffer from chronic forms that req...

    14,23 €

  • 101 Tips for Chronic Pain Relief
    Alan E. Smith
    Pain. It can be low, pounding, never-seems-to-go-away pain or stabbing, piercing, want-to-scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs pain. I’ve watched chronic pain slowly eat away at a life. Sixty years ago my mother was one of the first to have a new surgical procedure to relieve her pain. It didn’t work. Years later her pain finally ended her life shortly after her 40th birthday.What i...

    16,30 €

  • 101 Tips for Chronic Pain Relief
    Alan E. Smith
    Pain. It can be low, pounding, never-seems-to-go-away pain or stabbing, piercing, want-to-scream-at-the-top-of-your-lungs pain. I’ve watched chronic pain slowly eat away at a life. Sixty years ago my mother was one of the first to have a new surgical procedure to relieve her pain. It didn’t work. Years later her pain finally ended her life shortly after her 40th birthday.What i...

    28,48 €

  • Unwinding Pain
    Bonnie Lester
    Unwind Your Pain and Reclaim Your Life with Neuroplasticity and Self-Care.When you suffer from debilitating chronic pain, living a vibrant, pain-free life may seem impossible. Unwinding Pain: Affordable and Accessible Ways to Feel Better Now is your guide to shake free of the isolation and hopelessness of chronic pain!As a survivor of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) cause...

    15,87 €

  • Doctor Bison’s Fables
    Mark Ibsen MD
    Once upon a time, there lived a bison who wanted to help other animals, and so spent his life studying medicine to become a doctor. So it was that the bison came upon a family of mice who were all sick, but they had nothing with which to pay for the doctor’s aid. 'But without my care, your children will die. I must help, it is my duty,' he said. Without a thought, the doctor ga...

    20,95 €

  • Doctor Bison’s Fables
    Mark Ibsen MD
    Once upon a time, there lived a bison who wanted to help other animals, and so spent his life studying medicine to become a doctor. So it was that the bison came upon a family of mice who were all sick, but they had nothing with which to pay for the doctor’s aid. 'But without my care, your children will die. I must help, it is my duty,' he said. Without a thought, the doctor ga...

    14,92 €

  • Management of Complex Treatment-resistant Psychotic Disorders

    63,34 €

  • How to Have Hope When There is No Cure
    Murray J. McAllister
    What would it be like to put chronic pain into the background of your life?Believe it or not, people have chronic pain and are not upset by it. They know what it is and what to do about it. Some do this naturally, others have to learn. The point is that it’s possible to have chronic pain and deal with it so well that pain just occurs in the background as you go about your daily...

    13,75 €

  • Patient Z
    Stefan Franzen
    The criminalization of opioid medications has made it all but impossible for pain patients to receive adequate treatment in the United States for more than one hundred years. In 1996, the pain medicine community of doctors attempted to expand the treatment to include patients with severe pain from diseases other than cancer or sickle cell disease. This movement of compassionate...

    18,61 €

  • Patient Z
    Stefan Franzen
    The criminalization of opioid medications has made it all but impossible for pain patients to receive adequate treatment in the United States for more than one hundred years. In 1996, the pain medicine community of doctors attempted to expand the treatment to include patients with severe pain from diseases other than cancer or sickle cell disease. This movement of compassionate...

    25,55 €

  • The Mindful Way Through Pain
    Are you tired of living under the shadow of chronic pain? "The Mindful Way Through Pain: Free Yourself from Chronic Pain with Mindfulness and Acceptance" is your roadmap to liberation. Chronic pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence; it can be a catalyst for transformation.This book takes you on a profound journey of self-discovery, offering practical techniques grounded in min...

    11,04 €

  • Hypnotic Communication in Emergency Medical Settings
    Bram Duffee / Don Trent Jacobs (Four Arrows)
    This fascinating book demonstrates how hypnotic communication has the potential to improve patient outcomes in emergency care, integrating insights on the connection between mind and body for paramedics and other first responders. Providing a step-by-step guide to using these skills around a range of contexts, from managing pain to cardiovascular emergencies to burns to respira...

    241,39 €

  • Hypnic Headache
    Dagny Holle-Lee / R. Silva-Néto
    Hypnic headache is a rare primary headache that occurs only during sleep with a prevalence of 0.07%. Diagnosis are challenging since patients do not show changes in neurological examinations or exams.This book covers essential topics on clinical aspects of hypnic headache, complemented by differential diagnosis, pathophysiology and treatment. It is based on all reports and case...

    48,64 €

  • Schmerz-Tagebuch
    Christine Bierhoff
    Dieses einfache, handliche und leicht zu bedienende Schmerztagebuch ist professionell gestaltet und hilft Ihnen, detaillierte Aufzeichnungen zu führen:- Datum, Energie- Aktivität, Schlaf- Schmerzniveau/-bereich- Mahlzeiten (Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Snacks)- Zeit, Symptome, Auslöser- Schmerzverlauf (Schmerzniveau - Tageszeit) Holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar noch heute! Tä...

    12,16 €

  • Livre de bord pour le suivi de la douleur
    Armelle Vallotton
    Notre Livre de bord pour le suivi de la douleur, simple, pratique et facile à utiliser, a été conçu par des professionnels pour vous aider à tenir un registre détaillé : - Date, Énergie- Activité, Sommeil- Niveau/zone de la douleur- Repas (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner, collations)- Heure, symptômes, déclencheurs- Progression de la douleur (niveau de douleur - jour) Livre de ...

    12,16 €

  • Libro di bordo del dolore
    Efisio Grandinetti
    Questo Libro di bordo del dolore, semplice, pratico e facile da usare, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato delle vostre attività: - Data, Energia- Attività, Sonno- Livello/area del dolore- Pasti (colazione, pranzo, cena, spuntini)- Ora, sintomi, fattori scatenanti- Progressione del dolore (livello del dolore - giorno) Acquistat...

    12,16 €

  • Livre de bord de la migraine
    Christelle Dieudonné
    Lorsque vous pouvez identifier l’endroit où vous avez mal, cela peut vous aider à comprendre pourquoi vous avez mal. Ce journal peut vous aider à suivre vos symptômes et vous aider à trouver un soulagement efficace ou à décider si vous devez consulter un médecin. Ce livre vous permettra d’apprendre à reconnaître les types, les symptômes, les causes, le diagnostic et le traiteme...

    12,16 €

  • Livro de bordo da dor
    Ondina de Freitas
    Este livro de registo da dor, simples, prático e fácil de usar, foi concebido profissionalmente para o ajudar a manter um registo detalhado: - Data, Energia- Actividade, Dormir- Nível/Area de dor- Refeições (Pequeno-almoço, Almoço, Jantar, Lanches)- Tempo, Sintomas, Gatilhos- Progressão da dor(Nível de dor - Hora do dia) Características Livro de registo da dor: - Livro Branco s...

    12,15 €

  • Migræne Logbog
    Markus Caspersen
    Denne logbog er omhyggeligt udformet for at hjælpe dig med at føre hovedpine- og migrænejournaler som anbefalet af sundhedspersonale. Når du kan identificere, hvor du har smerter, kan det være en nøgle til at hjælpe dig med at finde ud af, hvorfor du har disse smerter. Denne dagbog kan hjælpe dig med at følge dine symptomer og hjælpe dig med at finde effektiv lindring eller bes...

    12,15 €

  • Libro di bordo del dolore
    Luigia Pasqualone
    Questo diario del dolore, semplice, pratico e facile da usare, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato di tutti i vostri infortuni:- Data, Energia- Attività, Sonno- Livello/area del dolore- Pasti (colazione, pranzo, cena, spuntini)- Ora, sintomi, fattori scatenanti- Progressione del dolore (livello del dolore - giorno)Libro di bord...

    12,15 €

  • Schmerz-Logbuch
    Vivianne Feigenspan
    Unser einfaches, handliches und benutzerfreundliches Schmerztagebuch ist professionell gestaltet und hilft Ihnen, detaillierte Aufzeichnungen zu führen: ·      - Datum, Energie·      - Aktivität, Schlaf·      - Schmerzniveau/-bereich·      - Mahlzeiten (Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Snacks)·      - Zeit, Symptome, Auslöser·      - Schmerzverlauf (Schmerzniveau - Tageszeit...

    12,15 €

  • Libro di bordo del dolore
    Erika Giovanelli
    Questo Libro di bordo del dolore, semplice, pratico e facile da usare, è stato progettato in modo professionale per aiutarvi a tenere un registro dettagliato delle vostre attività: - Data, Energia- Attività, Sonno- Livello/area del dolore- Pasti (colazione, pranzo, cena, spuntini)- Ora, sintomi, fattori scatenanti- Progressione del dolore (livello del dolore - giorno) Libro di ...

    12,16 €

  • Livro de registo da dor
    Carminho Furtado
    Este livro de registo da dor, simples, prático e fácil de usar, foi concebido profissionalmente para o ajudar a manter um registo detalhado: - Data, Energia- Actividade, Dormir- Nível/Area de dor- Refeições (Pequeno-almoço, Almoço, Jantar, Lanches)- Tempo, Sintomas, Gatilhos- Progressão da dor(Nível de dor - Hora do dia) Características Livro de registo da dor: - Livro Branco s...

    12,15 €

  • Tägliches Schmerz-Logbuch
    Bernard Schweinsteiger
    Dieses einfache, handliche und leicht zu bedienende Schmerztagebuch ist professionell gestaltet und hilft Ihnen, detaillierte Aufzeichnungen zu führen:- Datum, Energie- Aktivität, Schlaf- Schmerzniveau/-bereich- Mahlzeiten (Frühstück, Mittagessen, Abendessen, Snacks)- Zeit, Symptome, Auslöser- Schmerzverlauf (Schmerzniveau - Tageszeit) Holen Sie sich Ihr Exemplar noch heute! Tä...

    12,16 €

  • Livre de bord pour la surveillance de la douleur
    Pauline Vigouroux
    Ce livre de bord simple, pratique et facile à utiliser est conçu par des professionnels pour vous aider à tenir un registre détaillé de vos douleurs :- Date, Énergie- Activité, Sommeil- Niveau/zone de la douleur- Repas (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner, collations)- Heure, symptômes, déclencheurs- Progression de la douleur (niveau de douleur - jour) Obtenez votre exemplaire dès ...

    12,16 €

  • Smerte loggbok
    Megg Haaland
    Denne enkle, praktiske og brukervennlige smerteloggen er profesjonelt utformet for å hjelpe deg med å holde detaljert oversikt: - Dato, Energi- Aktivitet, søvn- Smertenivå/område- Måltider (frokost, lunsj, middag, snacks)- Tid, symptomer, utløsere- Smerteprogresjon (smertenivå - dagtid) Smerte Loggbok:- Syrefritt hvitt papir av førsteklasses kvalitet- Størrelse 6’x9’, perfekt s...

    12,15 €

  • Smärtloggbok
    Cristoph Melber
    Denna enkla, behändiga och lättanvända smärtloggbok är professionellt utformad för att hjälpa dig att föra detaljerade anteckningar om:- Datum, energi- aktivitet, sömn- Smärtnivå/område- Måltider (frukost, lunch, middag, mellanmål)- Tid, symtom, utlösande faktorer- Smärtutveckling (smärtnivå - dagtid) Köp ditt exemplar idag! Smärtloggbok:- Syrefritt vitt papper av högsta kvalit...

    12,15 €

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