Consejos para padres

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Consejos para padres (6494)

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  • Manual de psicología y psicopatología perinatal e infantil
    Asociación Salud Mental Infantil desde Gestación ASMI-WAIMH España
    En esta primera edición, presentamos el primer tomo de un conjunto de cuatro, que conformarán el «Manual de Psicología y de Psicopatología Perinatal e Infantil». Tenemos el propósito de reunir los conocimientos de 80 autores que han formado parte del equipo internacional e interdisciplinar de profesores especializados en la investigación y la clínica de la Psicología y de la Ps...

    29,12 €

  • The Revelations of a millennial mom
    Shabeena Zaidi
    Revelations of a Millennial Mom is a book of unspoken musings of a present-day mother. A millennial woman has been raised just like her male counterparts in all aspects. Still, when it comes to motherhood she gets to see the double standards of society’s façade. This book is for anyone who has found herself off guard when embarking on a journey of motherhood as if stepping...

    22,01 €

    DNBMNAMS Dr. Mubashar Mashqoor Mir MD
    Salient Features Comprehensive overview of Skin Diseases in pregnancy and their management. Crisp and to the point presentation. Updated with latest research articles and guidelines. Authentic inputs from reference dermatology textbooks added. Only diseases which have a significant importance in the context of pregnancy are added to keep the book interesting. Management highlig...

    12,75 €

  • Borrón y crianza nueva
    Sherezade Gracia Marín
    Un libro manual ideal para entender y poner en práctica la crianza democrática, también conocida como crianza respetuosa o disciplina positiva, aplicada a todos los miembros de una familia, desde el bebé hasta el abuelo, pasando por la niña, el adolescente y la pareja.Encontrarás útiles consejos, ejemplos, técnicas de crecimiento personal, autoconocimiento y autoestima, herrami...

    11,95 €

  • Let’s Have A Meltdown/Laugh
    Debbie L Hepner
    A collection of the wildest and funniest meltdowns toddlers have ever had! This book will make you laugh and roll your eyes as you relate to the mind-boggling things toddlers get upset about. The incidents in this book are testaments from parents around the world who are rolling their eyes with you! ...

    23,39 €

  • How NOT to Murder your ADHD Kid
    Sarah Templeton
    'If you read one book on ADHD - this is it''Read it. Keep reading it. Use it as a constant reference. It’s the BEST. There are simply not enough stars to give it'At the end of your tether with your ADHD kid and don’t know which way to turn? Help is at hand!'You will wish you found this gem earlier. This book has saved our lives'Accredited Counsellor & Coach Sarah Templeton has ...

    36,96 €

  • Fostering Love
    Kathleen Paydo
    Families are the foundation of society. When we care for and protect children, we ensure that future generations thrive as well. The devastation that abuse and neglect cause have taught us the immense impact-good and bad-that parents have on children. This book will enlighten readers beyond those directly involved with foster children to see the resiliency and potential that ca...

    26,50 €

  • Single Parenting
    Troy Ludo
    This book will sharpen your existing skills and teach you new ones that you can use to become a more effective, less stressed parent. It helps single parents create a predictable routine for the children and themselves that is based on love and developmentally appropriate activities. This book will help you find more balance in your life, so that you can be there emotionally an...

    10,78 €

  • Hamlet, Eu Estou Aqui. Eis A Questão.
    Ernest Hemingway (espírito) - Médium Célia Elmy
    O casal de idosos se aproxima da nova vizinha que chora no apartamento ao lado; o pai substitui a dor da perda do filho levantando um hospital para pequenos fazendeiros; dor e superação, auxílio, prevenção ao suicídio são o mote destes e outros contos. ...

    18,92 €

    JR. PH.D. D.S.T. D.A. E.G. SHERMAN
    The Public School systems generally place little, if any, emphasis on biblical and ethical training; yet such exposure is essential for the 'well rounded' child. In Children: Biblical and Ethical Trainings, Dr. E. G. Sherman presents a collection of thirty six topics used in the Children Altar Call at the church where he pastors. Th e topics, one page in length, are selected fr...

    11,77 €

  • Emergency
    Mark Wilhelmsson
    Every year in the United States, approximately 8,000 families lose a child. That’s nearly one child per hour, and this isn’t due to war, disease, or famine. Mothers and fathers are losing their children to accidental injuries-most of which can be prevented.Knowing this fact now puts the responsibility squarely back on us, the parents. This is a problem only we can fix, and that...

    19,82 €

  • Emergency
    Mark Wilhelmsson
    Every year in the United States, approximately 8,000 families lose a child. That’s nearly one child per hour, and this isn’t due to war, disease, or famine. Mothers and fathers are losing their children to accidental injuries-most of which can be prevented.Knowing this fact now puts the responsibility squarely back on us, the parents. This is a problem only we can fix, and that...

    25,44 €

  • Mom’s the Word
    E.M. Stoddard
    As the third of nine children in a tight-knit Catholic family, author E.M. Stoddard learns how to be resilient early in life. Although her childhood has many happy memories, Stoddard is determined not to re-live her mother’s life-burdened with too much responsibility and dependent on an emotionally distant husband.Soon after her high school graduation, Stoddard marries her boyf...

    14,79 €

  • The Liquid Gold
    Ruchita Shah
    This is YOUR Book!'Breastfeeding is 90% determination and 10% production.'This book will be your complete guide to breastfeeding, right from latch, positioning, challenge and nutrition for a successful start to a rhythmic breastfeeding relation. It will talk to you as well as comfort you. Breastfeeding is what you learn from experiences, so what better than reading about first-...

    19,48 €

  • The Homeschooling Parent
    Kerridwen Mangala McNamara
    So you’ve decided to homeschool. There’s too much information out there and all of it is about what to do with your KIDS.There’s precious little about what life is like for the Homeschooling Parent - and you want to know about things will you socialize without school to help you get to know your kids’ friends and their parents?what is it really like being home all da...

    15,95 €

  • Victors Over Leukemia
    Estrellita H. Redmon
    The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society statistics show every three minutes someone in the United States is diagnosed with a blood cancer such as leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, or myelodysplasia. Unfortunately, my family was no exception when my son was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Our experience inspired me to write Victors Over Leukemia to relate my son’s and fa...

    30,97 €

  • Entienda el desafío del -NO- en los niños con autismo
    Colette McNeil
    Los invito a un viaje en el que se desenvolverán pequeñas capas de concientización, resaltando el cómo escogiendo cuidadosamente el vocabulario se puede mejorar de gran manera su relación con un niño con autismo. Las páginas de este libro están llenas con anécdotas educativas que exploran la comunicación, regulación emocional, y dificultades en la relación que podrían ser causa...

    14,48 €

  • DBT Skills Workbook for Parents of Teens - A Proven Strategy for Understanding and Parenting Adolescents Who Suffer from Intense Emotions, Anger, and Anxiety
    The Mentor Bucket
    Simple Proven Parenting Strategies for Parents Who Struggle to Connect with Their Troubled Teens - Help Your Teen Work Through Intense Emotions and Difficult Topics by Becoming the Supportive Parent They NeedDo you have a teen with intense emotions, anger, and anxiety issues?Do you find it hard to communicate with them and really get through to them?Is your relationship with yo...

    20,50 €

  • A Day with Aj/Un dia con Aj
    Mabel Reyes
    A Day with AJ is written for children of any age beginning to read. The main character, AJ, is based off a real boy with Down syndrome, a genetic disorder which causes some cognitive and/or health issues. It provides a positive role model for all children, and offers a relatable character to those with unique challenges. Each page highlights simple sight words for beginning rea...

    5,75 €

  • Parenting with Kindness & Consequences
    Barbara Frandsen
    Being a good parent is the most challenging-and meaningful-job anyone can assume. The manner in which parents and other caregivers fulfill this task will impact the future of the child, as well as the world.In Parenting with Kindness & Consequences, parents and grandparents are encouraged to nurture children from birth, with many examples and tips on how to compassionately guid...

    15,68 €

  • The Women in Me
    Jackie O’Donnell / Nancy Maloney-Mercado
    Are you caring for your chronically ill husband? Did you grow up with suicidal, alcoholic parents? Are you searching for a loving relationship? Have your efforts at starting a fulfilling career been thwarted by someone determined to hold you back? Maybe you’ve postponed your own dreams in order to keep from making waves with a significant other. Does your life seem to be headin...

    12,03 €

  • En el corazón de la infancia
    A través de 20 palabras clave para educar y con la participación de una niña que nos va explicando sus necesidades y sentimientos, la autora nos llevará al niñ@ que fuimos para ayudarnos a reconectar con nuestro hij@. Al final hay unas sencillas prácticas para llevar a cabo en familia. 10 ...

    18,00 €

  • The Mother at Home
    John S. C. Abbott
    First published in 1833, The Mother at Home was particularly written for the stay-at-home-mom. The fact that it’s still in print testifies to the fact that so many mothers have found it to be of help to them and recommended it to others. It’s so full of little gems that, to glean all, readers could read it more than once over the years. It offers guidance through successful par...

    9,55 €

    A Working Marriage           Many of us grow up with dysfunctional or absent marriages. Statistically speaking you are not supposed to be married. You are not even supposed to want to be married. You were not even supposed to get married. And you are certainly not supposed to be in this room trying to have a better marriage. Followed up with 'that workshop will never work. Marr...

    26,11 €

  • Amanhecer
    Luzimar Del’ Rei
    Em Amanhecer, acompanhamos a trajetória de uma mulher que, ao passar por um profundo trauma, descobre que na fraqueza existe uma força natural, uma sabedoria e intuição que a acompanham e que havia esquecido. Em meio ao caos e lutando para aceitar a realidade, ela entra em contato com seu eu divino mais profundo e revive momentos de vulnerabilidade onde se encontrou forte e con...

    13,85 €

  • Educa a tu hijo para la felicidad y la abundancia
    Joanna Habiak
    Este libro es una especie de manual escrito para mi propio hijo, Daniel. En él he recopilado varias anécdotas y soluciones que he adoptado del mundo empresarial y de mi ingenio, aportando grandes resultados a la educación de mi hijo.En este momento Daniel es un adolescente feliz, con una excelente conducta, lleno de entusiasmo y rebosante de optimismo. Tiene fe en sus capacidad...

    15,60 €

  • O Inimigo Jaz À Porta
    Cyllene & Enio Corrêa De Souza
    Testemunho sobre a educação de nossa filha no contexto de uma família cristã, Ana é benção de Deus e nosso milagre, porém, por ação do Maligno, com apenas 6 anos, ficou 8 dias internada em Hospital, com sérios distúrbios, agressividade extrema, atentando contra a integridade da família e de sua própria vida. Foi libertada e restaurada ao entregar sua vida a Jesus. ...

    9,68 €

  • Friction-Free Parenting
    Ramesh Rajini
    Parenting has always been a demanding job, that no one ever trains you for. I am very happy that the title of Rajini’s book itself relieves the tensions and the content in the book served as a practical guide. Lucid style with light humor makes Rajini’s book a compelling read- Dr. Gururaj Karajagi. Renowned Author and Speaker.Rajini reveals the simple, yet strikingly effective ...

    17,56 €

  • Parent’s Guide
    Shannon Michelle
    This book is dedicated to helping parents understand an eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experience with the disease. Too many parents go through the motions of work, home, small talk and repeat with their daughters. This book can help identify the patterns and pitfalls of anorexia in your daughter.Twenty years ago, I was caught in the grips of ...

    16,46 €

  • Help! I’m A New Mom
    Jocelyn Goodwin
    You’re excited to be a new mom... but you have no idea what to expect.You know it’s going to be a magical experience, but you’re feeling both exhilarated and scared.You’ve been looking forward to this moment for as long as you can remember, but now that it’s drawing nearer, you’re getting nervous.Maybe you’ve looked through countless websites on motherhood, but your research is...

    14,39 €