Conocimientos generales y temas de actualidad (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general / Conocimientos generales y temas de actualidad (infantil/juvenil) (369)

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  • Big-Hearted Charlie Learns How to Make Friends
    Krista Keating-Joseph
    Based on a true story about a little boy who starts a new school and is bullied, Charlie wants to make friends. Following advice from his mother and grandmother, he learns how to make a friend by being a friend. Charlie grew up to become a heroic U.S. Navy SEAL and made new friends all over the world. ...

    20,36 €

  • Bachon Ki Pehli Nazmein
    Alif Say Urdu
    A fun collection of Nursery Rhymes now translated in Urdu and illustrated beautifully by well-known children's illustrator, Linda Birkinshaw. This book is sure to delight toddlers as a sing-along and picture book as well as older children learning to read. Young ones will look forward to the games and activities at the end that play with concepts learnt in the book and buil...

    12,12 €

  • An Adventure in Tropical & Temperate Rainforests
    Deanna Holm
    Rainforests are filled with fascinating creatures and bizarre plants. They are scattered on every continent except Antarctica. Let’s go on an adventure to find these rainforests and discover what you would find there. As we travel the world we will learn about two kinds of rainforests. We will also learn many interesting facts about the animals, plants, and resources of 7 major...

    24,64 €

  • Voices Within A Teenage Mind [2017 Edition]
    Josh Morton
    This book features original work written by teens and compiled by 8th-grade teacher Josh Morton. These stories are driven by a variety of topics, which range from dysfunctional upbringing, individuality, poverty, death, faith, divorce and absentia, negative influences, insecurity, and self-image.About the AuthorJosh Morton is an 8th grade Language Arts teacher at Cedar Heights ...

    12,46 €

  • I Am Touchable
    Fregenia Moore-Robinson
    Jessica is a first grader who has an illness. Her classmates do not understand this sickness, so Jessica wants them to know that she is just like them. She is touchable and enjoys doing the same things they like to do. ...

    9,22 €

  • Viva la escuela
    Delek Chokjin / Stefania Binaghi
    La colección LIBRO-JUEGO AZUL es especial,un verdadero amigo con el que,además de divertirte jugando y coloreando, podrásaprender tus primeras palabrasen inglés, conocer mejora los animales que viven en la granja,los secretos que guarda la naturalezae infinidad de cosas más.Si lo que quieres es aprender los números,las letras del abecedario,las formas geométricas, etc.,entonces...

    24,91 €

  • Fergie Frog’s First Aid Adventures
    Piera Lisa Pascoulis / Carol Bastie
    First Aid - Key Stage 1 - Age Group 5-7 YearsIntroducing First Aid knowledge to children, appealing to their curiosity and empowering them to feel confident to deal with an emergency situation in a safe, kind and caring way, should one arise.By gently introducing different characters and scenarios, we can gradually expand their understanding and abilities as they learn and grow...

    12,51 €

  • انتصار أحلام
    نجلاء حمودة
    هَذِهِ الْقٍصَّةُ الْقَصِيرَةُ الْوَاقِعِيَّةُ الْمُلْهِمَةُ، تَدُورُ أَحْدَاثُهَا حَوْلَ فَشَلِ الطِّفْلَةِ (أَحْلاَمَ)، وَالَّتِي كَانَتْ فِي أُولَى سَنَوَاتِ الدِّرَاسَةِ، فَتَتَحَدَّثُ عَنْ رُسُوبِهَا، وَإحْبَاطِهَا، ثُمَّ مُحَاوَلَتِهَا الْخُرُوجَ مِنْ تِلْكَ الْأَزَمَاتِ بِإِرَادَةٍ قَوِيَّةٍ؛ لِتَصْنَعَ نَجَاحَهَا بِنَفْسِهَا دُونَ مُسَاعَدَةِ أَحَدٍ، بِلْ إِنَّهَا تَتَط...

    8,60 €

  • Doug the Tug
    Doug Edmonds
    The New Tug is the first book in a children’s series of Doug the Tug and his 'big tug life' in a harbor away from his family. Read along as Doug’s first day is scary, upsetting, but at the end of the day Doug knows he has found his new home. Follow Doug the Tug as he deals with real life situations of bullying, friendship, and others while teaching basic navigation terminology....

    19,34 €

  • Focused Ninja
    Grow Grit Press / Mary Nhin
    Focused Ninja has a hard time focusing. Find out what happens in this comedic book about improving one’s focus and attention.Life is hard! It’s even harder for children who are just trying to figure things out. The best-selling children’s book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy eno...

    23,98 €

  • An illustrated book of Critically Endangered Animals
    Sallyann J Taylor
    Understanding how humans impact on the homes of the animals across the globe is important for future generations to appreciate, helping to develop enquiring thoughts to generate new ideas and ways of living enabling all creatures to live in harmony. ...

    12,27 €

  • My DNA Diary
    Lisa Mullan
    A mysterious virus. A global pandemic. Just how does a tiny germ hijack your body and cause so much damage? Alina and her Dinky Amigos friends make up your DNA and create the instructions that keep you alive. One especially important set of instructions makes a tower to help keep your body as healthy as possible.  But when the tower is broken into by a mysterious virus, the imp...

    17,75 €

  • Alphabet (Animal)
    Chris McClean
    Teach your preschool child the alphabet and encourage learning with the Animal Alphabet book. This book is designed to be a toddler favorite with fun animal designs for each letter, from A to Z.Develop your child’s learning skills with the Creedom Early Learners Collection, which includes the following books: Animal Alphabet, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Fruits, Vegetables, and mor...

    9,66 €

  • Shapes
    Chris McClean
    Teach your preschool child how to identify shapes and encourage learning with the Shapes book. This book is designed to be a toddler favorite with fun designs for each shape, from a circle to a hexagon.Develop your child’s learning skills with the Creedom Early Learners Collection, which includes the following books: Animal Alphabet, Numbers, Shapes, Colors, Fruits, Vegetables,...

    9,85 €

  • The World Got Sick With a Virus
    Adira J Parker
    This book is about a 4 year old little girl experiencing the Pandemic of 2020. She tells her version of how her life changed during the breakout of the Coronavirus. She explains how everyday for her became a new adventure because they all had to stay home and was not able to go out anywhere. Her normal world changed when the entire world became sick outside. ...

    27,40 €

  • The World of Water
    Adelita Charran
    Join Dew, Myst, Ranae and all their other friends you’ll meet along the way as they take you and your child on an exciting adventure through our fascinating 'World of Water'! Discover the process of the water cycle as well as new and interactive fun facts each step of the way! ...

    9,68 €

  • The World of Water
    Adelita Charran
    Join Dew, Myst, Ranae and all their other friends you’ll meet along the way as they take you and your child on an exciting adventure through our fascinating 'World of Water'! Discover the process of the water cycle as well as new and interactive fun facts each step of the way! ...

    22,34 €

  • Ask Me Smarter! Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math - Grade 5
    Donna M. Roszak
    Why Ask Me Smarter? Because AMS provides parents and homeschool families with an all-in-one resource to further empower their kids with essential knowledge. Because AMS encompasses 2723 kid-engaging, curriculum-aligned questions and answers in the core areas of Language Arts, Social Studies, Civics, Science, and Math for 5th Grade. Because parents are their children’s first and...

    11,42 €

  • 9 Year Old Jokes
    Funny Foxx / Hayden Fox
    Knock, Knock. Who’s there?The Most Hilarious Jokes For Your 9 Year Old! Well, that might not be the funniest joke you have heard, but the rest of our 100+ jokes for kids 9 years old will make your little ones cry from laughter!Here’s The Ultimate Joke Book For 9-Year-Olds Who Love To Laugh!Want to make your 9-year old laugh like a hyena?Looking for a clean, family-friendly joke...

    17,56 €

  • 6 Year Old Jokes
    Funny Foxx / Hayden Fox
    Knock, Knock. Who’s There?The Most Hilarious Jokes For Your 6 Year Old!Well, that might not be the funniest joke you have heard, but the rest of our 100+ jokes for kids 6 years old will make your little ones cry from laughter!Here’s The Ultimate Joke Book For 6-Year-Olds Who Love To Laugh!Want to make your 6-year old laugh like a hyena?Looking for a clean, family-friendly joke ...

    15,09 €

  • 8 Year Old Jokes
    Funny Foxx / Hayden Fox
    Knock, Knock. Who’s There?The Most Hilarious Jokes For Your 8 Year Old!Well, that might not be the funniest joke you have heard, but the rest of our 100+ jokes for kids 7 to 9 will make your little ones cry from laughter!Here’s The Ultimate Joke Book For 8-Year-Olds With A Developed Sense Of Humor!Want to make your 8-year old laugh like a hyena?Looking for a clean, family-frien...

    15,09 €

  • Good, Bad and Plain Silly Dad Joke Book
    Funny Foxx / Hayden Fox
    Discover The Ultimate Collection of Dad Jokes for Dads Who Think They Are Funny! Plus Illustrations on Every Page!Are you running out of silly dad jokes for your kid’s sleepover parties? Are your bad dad jokes supplies running low?Do you need a dad joke book full of terribly good and tremendously bad dad jokes? Introducing The Dreadfully Good Joke Book for Dads & Their Kids!Now...

    15,06 €

  • 1200 Fun, Random, & Interesting Facts To Win Trivia! - Fact Books For Kids (Boys and Girls Age 9 - 12)
    Scott Matthews
    In these 1200 facts you’re going to learn more than you learned from all your high school teachers combined. It’s full of interesting information that you can whip out in any conversation. You’ll never be lost for words and always have the perfect ice breaker.★You’re going to learn more about the world you live in & some of the topics include:★-Science-Economics-Human Anatomy-A...

    12,43 €

  • Ask Me Smarter! Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math - Grade 4
    Donna M. Roszak
    Why Ask Me Smarter? Because AMS provides parents and homeschool families with an all-in-one question and answer resource to further empower their kids with essential knowledge. Because AMS encompasses 2509 kid-engaging, curriculum-aligned questions and answers in the core areas of Language Arts, Social Studies, Civics, Science, and Math for 4th Grade. Because parents are their ...

    9,98 €

  • Sophia and Alex Go to Preschool
    Denise Bourgeois-Vance
    Sophia and Alex Go to Preschool takes you and your child into the classroom to experience the activities and interaction common to most preschools. This 32-page beautifully illustrated picture book gives parents a tool to ensure their child is ready on their first day of class.Advance Books is a publisher of children bilingual books containing side-by-side Arabic and English te...

    16,15 €

  • Veo Veo - ABC
    Pamparam Libros para Niños
    Veo Veo algo que comienza con......D!¿Puedes encontrar lo que está en las coloridas imágenes? Y, lo que es más importante, ¿puede tu pequeño?¿Cómo funciona?- Cada acertijo se centra en una letra, por ejemplo, la B.- Entre la cantidad de ilustraciones de la página, trata de encontrar la única cosa que comienza con esa letra específica.- ¿Puedes reconocerla? ¡Pasa la página para ...

    10,39 €

  • Veo Veo - Animales
    Pamparam Libros para Niños
    Veo Veo algo que comienza con......D!¿Puedes encontrar lo que está en las coloridas imágenes? Y, lo que es más importante, ¿puede tu pequeño?¿Cómo funciona?- Cada acertijo se centra en una letra, por ejemplo, la B.- Entre la cantidad de ilustraciones de la página, trata de encontrar la única cosa que comienza con esa letra específica.- ¿Puedes reconocerla? ¡Pasa la página para ...

    10,39 €

  • Veo Veo - Comida
    Pamparam Libros para Niños
    Veo Veo algo que comienza con......D!¿Puedes encontrar lo que está en las coloridas imágenes? Y, lo que es más importante, ¿puede tu pequeño?¿Cómo funciona?- Cada acertijo se centra en una letra, por ejemplo, la B.- Entre la cantidad de ilustraciones de la página, trata de encontrar la única cosa que comienza con esa letra específica.- ¿Puedes reconocerla? ¡Pasa la página para ...

    10,39 €

  • Veo Veo - Playa
    Pamparam Libros para Niños
    Veo Veo algo que comienza con......D!¿Puedes encontrar lo que está en las coloridas imágenes? Y, lo que es más importante, ¿puede tu pequeño?¿Cómo funciona?- Cada acertijo se centra en una letra, por ejemplo, la B.- Entre la cantidad de ilustraciones de la página, trata de encontrar la única cosa que comienza con esa letra específica.- ¿Puedes reconocerla? ¡Pasa la página para ...

    10,39 €

  • Veo Veo - Navidad
    Pamparam Libros para Niños
    Veo Veo algo que comienza con......D!¿Puedes encontrar lo que está en las coloridas imágenes? Y, lo que es más importante, ¿puede tu pequeño?¿Cómo funciona?- Cada acertijo se centra en una letra, por ejemplo, la B.- Entre la cantidad de ilustraciones de la página, trata de encontrar la única cosa que comienza con esa letra específica.- ¿Puedes reconocerla? ¡Pasa la página para ...

    10,39 €