Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales

Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura / Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales (5157)

Libros Eliminar filtro Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura Eliminar filtro Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Microbial Cultures and Enzymes in Dairy Technology
    Microorganisms are an integral part of the fermentation process in food products and help to improve sensory and textural properties of the products. As such, it is vital to explore the current uses of microorganisms in the dairy industry. Microbial Cultures and Enzymes in Dairy Technology is a critical scholarly resource that explores multidisciplinary uses of cultures and enz...

    347,66 €

  • Ocean Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar
    The ocean covers approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface, 90% of the biosphere and contains 97% of Earth’s water. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can image the ocean surface in all weather conditions and day or night. SAR remote sensing on ocean and coastal monitoring has become a research hotspot in geoscience and remote sensing. This book—Progress in SAR Oceanography—prov...

    83,90 €

  • Handbook of Research on Environmental Policies for Emergency Management and Public Safety
    Augustine Nduka Eneanya
    In a world of earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, it is evident that emergency response plans are crucial to solve problems, overcome challenges, and restore and improve communities affected by such negative events. Although the necessity for quick and efficient aid is understood, researchers and professionals continue to strive for the best practices and methodologies to pr...

    386,82 €

  • Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation
    Alexander G. Flor / Alexander GFlor / Benjamina Gonzalez Flor
    The changes the earth is currently undertaking has been at the forefront of scientific discourse in recent years. Humans as a species have needed to react to these changes and shift their behavior accordingly. Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a critical scholarly resource that examines the relationship bet...

    216,16 €

  • Science and the Big Issues of Our Time
    Martin Gellender
    Within the last few generations, our world has been shaped by technological change enabled by scientific advances. This is particularly evident to the 'baby boomer' generation, who have lived through and witnessed huge changes in society over the course of their lifetimes. Although many have little education in science, or have forgotten what they learned in high school, they u...

    26,58 €

  • Handbook of Research on Climate Change Impact on Health and Environmental Sustainability
    Soumyananda Dinda
    Climate change is not only one of the greatest threats to modern civilization; it is also a great challenge to economic development in the 21st century. Global warming can lead to periods of both drought and intense rain, causing crops to fail and ruining the livelihoods of many in underdeveloped countries. The Handbook of Research on Climate Change Impact on Health and Environ...

    427,11 €

  • Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in Environmental Informatics
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) together play an important role in the processes involved in environmental informatics due to their pervasive, non-destructive, effective, and efficient natures. As a result, CVPR has made significant contributions to the field of environmental informatics by enabling multi-modal data fusion and feature extraction, supporting fast ...

    295,41 €

  • Promoting Climate Change Awareness through Environmental Education
    Carolyn Stevenson / Lynn Wilson
    Addressing global climate change is a monumental battle that can only be fought by the leaders of tomorrow, but future leaders are molded through education and shaped by the leaders of today. While the pivotal role of education in spreading awareness of climate change is one universally espoused, equally universal is the recognition that current education efforts are falling wo...

    255,85 €

  • Handbook of Research on Uncovering New Methods for Ecosystem Management through Bioremediation
    Kajal Srivastava / Shivom Singh
    Maintaining and preserving the environment is a crucial consideration in an era where climate change and rising sea levels are common knowledge. It is important for researchers and developers alike to explore potential solutions for a steadily warming world. The Handbook of Research on Uncovering New Methods for Ecosystem Management through Bioremediation focuses on the agricul...

    426,84 €

  • Handbook of Research on Advancements in Environmental Engineering
    Nediljka Gaurina-Medjimurec
    The protection of clean water, air, and land for the habitation of humans and other organisms has become a pressing concern amid the intensification of industrial activities and the rapidly growing world population. The integration of environmental science with engineering principles has been introduced as a means of long-term sustainable development. The Handbook of Research o...

    453,06 €

  • Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Historical Ecology Investigation
    Alison Whipple / Robin Grossinger / San Francisco Estuary Institute
    This report describes the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Historical Ecology Study, which was conducted to provide foundation information to develop sound large-scale restoration efforts in the Delta. The report documents early 1800s pattern and process in the Delta. Historical habitat type extent and distribution are described, the landscape context explored, and driving hydrolog...

    57,41 €

  • Sustainable Urban and Regional Infrastructure Development
    Tan Yigitcanlar
    The concept of ’sustainability’ has been pushed to the forefront of policy-making and politics as the world wakes up to the impacts of climate change and the effects of the modern urban lifestyle. Sustainable Urban and Regional Infrastructure Development: Technologies, Applications and Management ,bridges the gap in the current literature by addressing the overall problems pres...

    236,54 €

  • Soils and Societies
    Described in Nature as ’a delight for the soil aficionado’, this multi-authored collection examines the complex interrelations between societies in different parts of the world and the soils they relied on from the perspectives of geomorphology, archaeology, pedology and history. The geographical spread includes Mesoamerica, Africa, Europe, Australia, India and Easter Island. F...

    50,36 €

  • Nutrient Cycling and Plant Nutrition in Forest Ecosystems
    Nutrient cycling is essential for maintaining nutrient supply to forest plants and for enhancing forest productivity. Nutrient cycling is also strongly linked to greenhouse gas emissions and thus to global climate change. Nutrient cycling and plant nutrition can be severely affected by anthropogenic and natural disturbance regimes. This Special Issue will provide an avenue to p...

    67,87 €

  • Other Inconvenient Truths Beyond Global Warming
    Alan F Rozich
    Global warming rightfully earned the title of 'An Inconvenient Truth'. However, there are a number of other inconvenient truths that comprise a Super Nexus. The Super Nexus consists of societal needs for economic and environmental sustainability, economic and population expansion, and simultaneous resources needs. These trends will begin to act collectively in a negatively syne...

    12,23 €

  • Intelligent Industrial Systems
    In recent years, there has been growing interest in industrial systems, especially in robotic manipulators and mobile robot systems. As the cost of robots goes down and become more compact, the number of industrial applications of robotic systems increases. Moreover, there is need to design industrial systems with intelligence, autonomous decision making capabilities, and self-...

    237,17 €

  • Microbial Biotechnology in Environmental Monitoring and Cleanup
    Pollutants are increasing day by day in the environment due to human interference. Thus, it has become necessary to find solutions to clean up these hazardous pollutants to improve human, animal, and plant health. Microbial Biotechnology in Environmental Monitoring and Cleanup is a critical scholarly resource that examines the toxic hazardous substances and their impact on the ...

    308,52 €

  • To Catch the Rain
    Lonny Grafman
    This book is for everyone, and is especially written for: Community members: Get inspired and take action. Learn from others building their own systems around the world. We have already received requests and sent pre-releases to Kenya, Tanzania, India, Mexico, Nepal, Dominican Republic, and the US. Makers: Find the DIY details ready to be adapted to your local and global pro...

    37,01 €

  • Nanotechnology Applications for Improvements in Energy Efficiency and Environmental Management
    MAShah / Paulo Davim
    As nanoscale research continues to advance, scientists and engineers are developing new applications for many different disciplines, including environmental remediation and energy optimization. Nanotechnology Applications for Improvements in Energy Efficiency and Environmental Management combines up-to-date research findings and relevant theoretical frameworks on the subject of...

    282,56 €

  • Повышение готовности кенийской строительной среды к терроризму
    Каллистус Акелло
    Терроризм стал одной из самых серьезных опухолей, в борьбу с которой большинство правительств мира вкладывают значительные средства. Последнее десятилетие ознаменовалось диким ростом террористических актов, в результате которых многие погибли. Кения также стала ареной различных нападений, приписываемых террористическим элементам. Последние и самые страшные теракты сомалийской г...

    48,43 €

  • Melhorar a preparação do ambiente construído no Quénia para o terrorismo
    Callistus Akello
    O terrorismo tornou-se um dos maiores tumores que a maioria dos governos de todo o mundo está a investir fortemente no combate. Na última década, assistiu-se ao maior aumento de actos de terrorismo, com muitas pessoas a perderem a vida por causa disso. O Quénia também tem sido palco de vários ataques atribuídos a elementos terroristas. Os mais recentes e mais graves atentados p...

    48,37 €

  • Migliorare la preparazione dell’ambiente costruito keniota al terrorismo
    Callistus Akello
    Il terrorismo è diventato uno dei più grandi tumori che la maggior parte dei governi del mondo sta investendo pesantemente per combattere. Nell’ultimo decennio si è assistito a un aumento vertiginoso degli atti di terrorismo, in cui molti hanno perso la vita. Anche il Kenya è stato teatro di vari attacchi attribuiti a elementi terroristici. I più recenti e i più gravi, perpetra...

    48,37 €

  • Améliorer la préparation de l’environnement bâti kenyan au terrorisme
    Callistus Akello
    Le terrorisme est devenu l’une des plus grandes tumeurs que la plupart des gouvernements du monde entier investissent massivement dans la lutte contre ce fléau. Au cours de la dernière décennie, les actes de terrorisme se sont multipliés à un rythme effréné et ont coûté la vie à de nombreuses personnes. Le Kenya a également été le théâtre de plusieurs attaques attribuées à des ...

    48,37 €

  • Bessere Vorbereitung der kenianischen gebauten Umwelt auf den Terrorismus
    Callistus Akello
    Der Terrorismus hat sich zu einem der größten Tumore entwickelt, in dessen Bekämpfung die meisten Regierungen weltweit massiv investieren. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat der Terrorismus stark zugenommen und viele Menschen haben ihr Leben dabei verloren. Auch Kenia war Schauplatz verschiedener Anschläge, die terroristischen Elementen zugeschrieben werden. Die jüngsten und schlim...

    48,43 €

  • Coagulants chimiques et organiques dans le traitement des effluents
    Débora Capello Thoms
    Le souci et la demande d’un traitement approprié des effluents générés par les processus les plus divers découlant des activités anthropogéniques ne sont pas nouveaux de nos jours, et ne cessent de croître. Parmi les coagulants chimiques les plus couramment utilisés figurent le sulfate d’aluminium, le chlorure ferrique, l’hydroxychlorure d’aluminium et le sulfate ferrique. Ces ...

    49,81 €

  • Chemische und organische Koagulierungsmittel in der Abwasserbehandlung
    Débora Capello Thoms
    Die Besorgnis und die Forderung nach einer angemessenen Behandlung von Abwässern, die bei den verschiedensten Prozessen im Rahmen anthropogener Aktivitäten anfallen, sind heutzutage nichts Neues und nehmen immer mehr zu. Zu den am häufigsten verwendeten chemischen Koagulationsmitteln gehören Aluminiumsulfat, Eisenchlorid, Aluminiumhydroxychlorid und Eisen(III)-sulfat. Diese im ...

    49,81 €

  • Coagulanti chimici e organici nel trattamento degli effluenti
    Débora Capello Thoms
    La preoccupazione e la richiesta di un trattamento adeguato degli effluenti generati nei più svariati processi derivanti dalle attività antropiche non sono una novità al giorno d’oggi e stanno crescendo sempre di più. Tra i coagulanti chimici più comunemente utilizzati vi sono il solfato di alluminio, il cloruro ferrico, l’idrossicloruro di alluminio e il solfato ferrico. Quest...

    49,81 €

  • Chemical and organic coagulants in effluent treatment
    Débora Capello Thoms
    The concern and demands for the proper treatment of effluents generated in the most diverse processes arising from anthropogenic activities are nothing new these days, and are growing more and more. Among the most commonly used chemical coagulants are aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride, aluminum hydroxychloride and ferric sulfate. These coagulants are used in the primary process...

    49,74 €

  • Химические и органические коагулянты в очистке сточных вод
    Дебора Капелло Томс
    Заботы и требования к надлежащей очистке сточных вод, образующихся в результате самых разных процессов, связанных с антропогенной деятельностью, в наши дни не являются чем-то новым, и их становится все больше и больше. Среди наиболее часто используемых химических коагулянтов - сульфат алюминия, хлорид железа, гидроксихлорид алюминия и сульфат железа. Эти коагулянты, используемы...

    49,87 €

  • Comprendre l’empreinte carbone
    Vineet Dahiya
    Comprendre l’empreinte carbone : Principes, pratiques et solutions' propose une exploration complète de l’empreinte carbone, un outil essentiel pour lutter contre le changement climatique. Cet ouvrage se penche sur les principes, les méthodologies et les applications de l’empreinte carbone dans divers secteurs, offrant un aperçu des méthodes de calcul, des stratégies de réducti...

    60,52 €