Cálculo y análisis matemático

Matemáticas y ciencia / Matemáticas / Cálculo y análisis matemático (6119)

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     This volume focuses on discussing the interplay between the analysis, as exemplified by the eta invariant and other spectral invariants, the number theory, as exemplified by the relevant Dedekind sums and Rademacher reciprocity, the algebraic topology, as exemplified by the equivariant bordism groups, K-theory groups, and connective K-theory groups, and the geometry of spheric...

    221,32 €

     The book first explains the main properties of analytic functions in order to use them in the study of various problems in p-adic value distribution. Certain properties of p-adic transcendental numbers are examined such as order and type of transcendence, with problems on p-adic exponentials. Lazard's problem for analytic functions inside a disk is explained. P-adic meromo...

    244,43 €

  • Decision Control, Management, and Support in Adaptive and Complex Systems
    Rumen D. Andreev / Rumen DAndreev / Yuri P. Pavlov / Yuri PPavlov
    In order to ensure the criteria for monitoring and managing the various problems and design for decision control, a mathematical description of exact human knowledge is required for the management of adaptive and complex systems. Decision Control, Management, and Support in Adaptive and Complex Systems: Quantitative Models presents an application and demonstration of a new math...

    255,68 €

    The comprehensive volume focuses on both research and survey papers presenting results in a broad spectrum of subjects in pure and applied mathematics, such as in approximation theory, optimization and their applications.Topics within this book include Sobolev spaces, Banach spaces, locally convex spaces, integral operators, Szasz-Mirakyan operators, to name a few.This useful r...
  • Cálculo integral aplicado a contextos ambientales: un enfoque didáctico para la educación universitaria
    Reyder Ovidio López Guayanay / Teresa Juliana Jara Alarcón
    El presente libro, titulado Cálculo integral aplicado a contextos ambientales: un enfoque didáctico para la educación universitaria, se ha elaborado con el propósito de proporcionar material didáctico de calidad tanto a estudiantes como a docentes de nivel superior.Enfocado en la enseñanza práctica del cálculo integral, la obra ofrece una combinación de ejercicios contextualiza...

    20,80 €

    Jean Gallier / Jocelyn Quaintance / JOCELYN QUAINTANCE JEAN GALLIER
    This book presents the theory of harmonic analysis for noncommutative compact groups. If G is a commutative locally compact group, there is a well-understood theory of harmonic analysis as discussed in Aspects of Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups. If G is not commutative, things are a lot tougher. In the special case of a compact group, there is a deep interpl...

    207,83 €

  • Nomenclaturas De Física
    Lyndon Johnson Batista De Souza Junior
    Constitui de uma ferramenta crucial para o embasamento teórico e prático dos fenômenos da Física. ...

    43,16 €

  • Set Theory and Foundations of Mathematics
    Christopher Porter / CHRISTOPHER PORTER JIND DOUGLAS CENZER / Douglas Cenzer / Jindřich Zapletal
    This book presents both axiomatic and descriptive set theory, targeting upper-level undergraduate and beginning graduate students. It aims to equip them for advanced studies in set theory, mathematical logic, and other mathematical fields, including analysis, topology, and algebra.The book is designed as a flexible and accessible text for a one-semester introductory in set theo...

    81,39 €

  • Real Analysis
    Can the limitations of the Riemann integral be overcome? What is its relationship with modern analysis?The theory of Lebesgue integration is a crucial component in the development of modern analysis. This book is an in-depth real analysis textbook, which introduces the basic theory of modern analysis and the basic skills of analysis. Based on the knowledge of real analysis, the...

    93,61 €

  • Recent Stability Issues for Linear Dynamical Systems
    Nicolas Gillis
    This book concerns matrix nearness problems in the framework of spectral optimization. It addresses some current research directions in spectral-based stability studies for differential equations, with material on ordinary differential equations (ODEs), differential algebraic equations and dynamical systems. Here, ’stability’ is interpreted in a broad sense which covers the nee...

    105,19 €

    This book starts with an anthology of mathematical functions that can be useful to describe phenomena that occur in the world we see, and how their features can be adjusted by changing their parameters. Then we have a look at the art of measuring and quantifying the world, and how to do this most efficiently and precisely.The most important part is about finding the 'pattern' i...

    108,24 €

  • Category and Measure
    Adam J. Ostaszewski / N. H. Bingham

    169,21 €

  • Coletânea De Questões Da Eear - Física
    André Carril
    Durante muitos anos ouvi os alunos sugerindo para que eu escrevesse um livro e nunca contei para eles que este era um sonho muito antigo meu.Sempre me faltava tempo, na verdade era o que eu alegava, mas finalmente tomei coragem e escrevi esse primeiro volume e pretendo completar a coleção.Neste volume você encontra questões de provas anteriores separadas por assunto, de forma o...

    29,07 €

  • Women in Analysis and PDE
    Since 2019 Ghent Analysis & PDE Center (GAPC) has been organising international workshops, conferences, seminars, and other scientific events covering a wide range of pioneering topics in Analysis and PDEs. In the winter of 2023, the GAPC decided to collect and publish mathematical results presented by women mathematician hosted at the center. This collection, in the form short...

    326,76 €

  • Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Fractional Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
    Jie Shen / Li-Lian Wang / Mohsen Zayernouri
    Fractional modeling is a new frontier of high-fidelity predictive modeling approaches in mathematics, science, and engineering. This introduction for graduate students and researchers is a guide to numerically solving fractional differential equations as tractable models for complex rheology, aging materials, and turbulence. ...

    191,91 €

  • From Counting to Continuum
    Edward Scheinerman

    77,50 €

  • From Counting to Continuum
    Edward Scheinerman

    29,67 €

    James Tian / Murali Rao / MURALI RAO JAMES TIAN PALLE JORGENSEN / Palle Jorgensen
    In this book, potential theory is presented in an inclusive and accessible manner, with the emphasis reaching from classical to modern, from analytic to probabilistic, and from Newtonian to abstract or axiomatic potential theory (including Dirichlet spaces). The reader is guided through stochastic analysis featuring Brownian motion in its early chapters to potential theory in i...

    117,97 €

  • Modern Aspects of Dynamical Systems
    This book provides an overview of recent advances in the theory of dynamical systems, with a particular emphasis on their connections to other areas of mathematical research, including number theory, geometry, mathematical physics, complex analysis, and celestial mechanics. Compiling  the lecture notes from some of the contributions presented at the C.I.M.E. school 'Modern Aspe...

    92,29 €

  • Analysis I
    Adrian Constantin
    ​Das Buch umfasst die Analysis in einer Veränderlichen. Es behandelt den Stoff der Vorlesung Analysis 1, wie er  gewöhnlich an Hochschulen im deutschsprachigen Raum gelehrt wird und ist sowohl als Lehrbuch als auch zum vertiefenden Selbststudium geeignet. Zahlreiche Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben werden bereitgestellt. Geschichtliche Hintergründe sind durchgehend zu finden. Darüb...

    48,15 €

  • Portadores De Doenças Graves
    Edson Sebastiao De Almeida
    O portador de doença grave buscou o direito da isenção do imposto de renda, na inatividade, atividade e nos resgates da previdência privada complementar, pois no núcleo temático o leitor observará às justiças e injustiças em via de mão dupla pelos Três Poderes em termos do direito à isenção do imposto de renda, assim como, das obrigações de fazer e pagar.Houve justiça na conces...

    40,51 €

  • Algebra, Analysis, Modelling and Optimization
    This volume features selected papers presented at the first French-Moroccan Mathematics Days (F2MDays’23) held at the Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco 2023. During these days, a variety of scientific activities involving training, workshops, and international conferences on scientific mediation, applied mathematics, innovation, and didactics of mathematics where held. The...

    286,66 €

  • Functional Analytic Methods for Heat Green Operators
    Kazuaki Taira
    This monograph guides the reader to the mathematical crossroads of heat equations and differential geometry via functional analysis.  Following the recent trend towards constructive methods in the theory of partial differential equations, it makes extensive use of the ideas and techniques from the Weyl-Hörmander calculus of pseudo-differential operators to study heat Green oper...

    127,55 €

  • Optimal Transport on Quantum Structures
    The flourishing theory of classical optimal transport concerns mass transportation at minimal cost. This book introduces the reader to optimal transport on quantum structures, i.e., optimal transportation between quantum states and related non-commutative concepts of mass transportation. It contains lecture notes on classical optimal transport and Wasserstein gradient flowsdyn...

    156,56 €

  • Advanced Topics in Real Analysis
    Oliver Hedronics
    Fuck Real Analysis is a comprehensive and engaging guide that takes readers on a wild ride through the world of mathematical analysis, covering topics such as sequences, series, continuity, differentiability, integration, functional analysis, and more. Packed with colorful language and clear explanations, this book is perfect for both beginners and seasoned mathematicians looki...

    100,06 €

  • Optimization of Dynamical Systems with Impulse Controls and Shocks
    Boris Miller / Evgeny Rubinovich
    This text explores the state-of-the-art in the rapidly developing theory of impulse control and introduces the theory of singular space-time transformations, a new method for studying shock mechanical systems. Two approaches in the theory of impulse control are presented: The first, more traditional approach defines the impulsive action as a discontinuity of phase coordinates d...

    131,47 €

  • An Introduction to Hypergeometric Functions
    Daniel Duverney
    This textbook provides an elementary introduction to hypergeometric functions, which generalize the usual elementary functions. It includes plenty of solved exercises and it is appropriate for a wide audience, starting from undergraduate students in mathematics, physics and engineering. Since the presented functions are limited to hypergeometric functions of a real variable, th...

    104,49 €

  • Mathematics and Scripture
    Jesus Villalobos
    Numbers, they're everywhere. But what is their true significance? Scripture is repleat with meaning when using numbers, yet few grasp the actual meanings of each number. The Word of God constantly uses numbers to speak to us, adding to the meaning of its paragraphs. Every number has a specific meaning and until we know what each number means, we are lost as to the actual meanin...

    30,58 €

  • Nonlinear Systems of Fractional Differential Equations
    Bashir Ahmad / Sotiris K. Ntouyas
    This book studies the theoretical aspects for a variety of coupled fractional differential systems involving Riemann-Liouville, Caputo, ψ-Riemann--Liouville, Hilfer, ψ--Hilfer, Hadamard, Hilfer--Hadamard, Erdelyi--Kober, (k, ψ)-Hilfer, generalized, Proportional, ψ-Proportional, Hilfer--proportional, ψ-Hilfer--proportional type fractional derivative operators, subject to differe...

    241,73 €

  • Eine elementare Konstruktion der reellen Zahlen
    Detlef D. Spalt
    Dieses essential stellt in kondensierter Form eine Neuinterpretation der Weierstraß’schen Konstruktion der reellen Zahlen vor: Ein vergleichsweise neuer Quellenfund lässt darauf schließen, dass der Weierstraß’sche Zahlbegriff bereits auf Mengenbegriffen basierte und somit sehr viel elementarer ist, als bislang angenommen wurde.Die beiden bislang bekanntesten Alternativdefinitio...

    21,18 €