Bases matemáticas

Matemáticas y ciencia / Matemáticas / Bases matemáticas (716)

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    W K CHEN / W-K Chen
     Active Network Analysis gives a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of the theory of active networks and its applications to feedback amplifiers. The guiding light throughout has been to extract the essence of the theory and to discuss those topics that are of fundamental importance and that will transcend the advent of new devices and design tools. The book provides u...

    164,05 €

  • Techniques for Designing and Analyzing Algorithms
    Douglas R. Stinson
    This text presents the main techniques of algorithm design, namely, divide-and-conquer algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, and backtracking. Graph algorithms are studied in detail, and a careful treatment of the theory of NP-completeness is presented. ...

    117,81 €

  • An Introduction To Chaotic Dynamical Systems
    Robert L. Devaney
    This widely used graduate text introduces modern topics in dynamical systems. The author includes new material on complex dynamics leading to key revisions. Striking color photos illustrating both Julia and Mandelbrot sets are included. This book assumes no prior acquaintance with advanced mathematical topics. ...

    102,93 €

  • Discovering Dynamical Systems Through Experiment and Inquiry
    Jeff Ford / Thomas LoFaro
    The book differs from most texts on the topic by blending the use of computer simulations with inquiry-based learning (IBL). Students can discover examples and counterexamples through manipulations built into the software though a link to the website. ...

    100,45 €

  • Functional Linear Algebra
    Hannah Robbins
    Functional Linear Algebra is a unique text authored to address the need for a one-term linear algebra course when students have only had calculus. It does no assume students have had a proofs course. ...

    99,55 €

  • Handbook of the Tutte Polynomial and Related Topics
    This is the first handbook published on the Tutte Polynomial. It consists of thirty-four chapters, written by experts in the field, that collectively offer a concise overview of the polynomial’s many properties and applications. Each chapter covers a different aspect of the Tutte polynomial. ...

    80,07 €

  • Human-Like Decision Making and Control for Autonomous Driving
    Chen Lv / Peng Hang / Xinbo Chen
    This book details research into human-like driving technology, utilising game theory to better suit a human and machine hybrid driving environment. Covering feature identification and modelling of human driving behaviours, the book explains how to design algorithms for decision making and control of autonomous vehicles in complex scenarios. ...

    82,93 €

  • Vedic Tricks Made Mathematics Easy
    Unveiling the Power of Vedic Mathematics: Essential InsightsEfficiency in Calculation: Vedic Mathematics provides highly efficient techniques for mental calculations, enabling individuals to perform complex computations quickly. This efficiency is particularly valuable in situations where rapid calculation is crucial.Versatility Across Mathematical Operations: The techniques in...

    22,08 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 8 Tests and Cumulative Reviews, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 8 Tests & Cumulative Reviews (Canadian version) contains the chapter tests, end-of-year test and cumulative reviews for Math Mammoth Grade 8 complete curriculum (Canadian version). ...

    17,17 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 8-A Worktext, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 8-A Worktext, Canadian version is the student book for the first half of grade 8, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 8 complete curriculum. The curriculum is essentially the same as the U.S. version of Math Mammoth Grade 8, only customized for the Canadian audience in these aspects:- The curriculum uses the metric measurement units. Since Canadians do use som...

    35,38 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 8-B Worktext, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 8-B Worktext, Canadian version is the student book for the second half of grade 8, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 8 complete curriculum. The curriculum is essentially the same as the U.S. version of Math Mammoth Grade 8, only customized for the Canadian audience in these aspects:- The curriculum uses the metric measurement units. Since Canadians do use so...

    33,01 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 8 Answer Keys, Canadian Version
    Maria Miller
    This book includes answers for Math Mammoth Grade 8-A and 8-B student worktexts (Canadian version), for all of the chapter tests, and for the cumulative reviews. The other parts of the curriculum may be purchased separately. ...

    36,84 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 3-A Worktext
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 3-A Worktext (2024 edition) is the student book for the first half of grade 3, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 3 complete curriculum. This book covers addition, subtraction, rounding, word problems, the concept of multiplication, multiplication tables, time, and money. The worktext contains both the necessary instruction and the problems & exercises (the ’...

    33,70 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 3-B Worktext
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 3-B Worktext (2024 edition) is the student book for the latter half of grade 3, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 3 complete curriculum. This book covers four-digit numbers, division, measurement, geometry, and fractions. The worktext contains both the necessary instruction and the problems & exercises (the ’text’ & and the ’work’; thus a 'worktext'), and is...

    32,52 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 6-A Worktext, International Version
    Math Mammoth Grade 6-A worktext (International version, 2022 edition) is the student worktext for the first half of grade 6, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 6 complete curriculum. This book covers a revision of the four operations with whole numbers, beginning algebra concepts, decimal arithmetic, ratios, and percent.The worktext contains both the necessary instruction and t...

    29,34 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 6-B Worktext, International Version
    Math Mammoth Grade 6-B worktext (International Version; 2022 edition) is the second part of a complete math curriculum for sixth grade, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 6 complete curriculum. This book covers a revision of the four operations with whole numbers, beginning algebra concepts, decimal arithmetic, ratios, and percent.In this book, the main areas of focus are: prim...

    28,84 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 6 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version
    Math Mammoth Grade 6 Tests and Cumulative Revisions (international version) contains the chapter tests, end-of-year test, and cumulative revision worksheets for Math Mammoth Grade 6 curriculum (international version). It does not contain answers; the answer key book may be purchased separately. This is the 2022 edition. ...

    16,32 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 6 Answer Keys, International Version
    This book includes answers for the Math Mammoth Grade 6-A and 6-B student worktexts (international version), for all the chapter tests, the end-of-year test, and for the cumulative revisions. This is the 2022 edition. ...

    27,70 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5-B Worktext, International Version
    Math Mammoth Grade 5-B Worktext (International Version) is the student book for the second half of grade 5 mathematics, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 5 complete curriculum. This book covers decimal multiplication and division, fraction addition and subtraction, fraction multiplication and division, and geometry.This book starts with chapter 6, which continues our study of ...

    32,45 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version
    Math Mammoth Grade 5 Tests and Cumulative Revisions (International Version) contains the chapter tests, end-of-year test, and cumulative revision lessons for Math Mammoth Grade 5 Complete Curriculum (International Version). Answers are not included; the answer key book may be purchased as a separate book. ...

    17,63 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5 Answer Keys, International Version
    Maria Miller
    This book includes answers for Math Mammoth Grade 5-A and 5-B student worktexts (International Version), for all of the chapter tests, and for the cumulative revisions. ...

    26,54 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 5-A Worktext, International Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 5-A Worktext (International Version) is the student book for the first half of grade 5 mathematics, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 5 complete curriculum. This book covers the four operations, large numbers and the calculator, problem solving, the first part of decimal arithmetic, and graphing.Being a worktext means the book contains both the necessary ins...

    31,22 €

  • Math Mammoth Square Roots & the Pythagorean Theorem
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Square Roots & The Pythagorean Theorem is a relatively short worktext focusing on irrational numbers, square roots, and the Pythagorean Theorem and its applications.First, students learn about taking a square root as the opposite operation to squaring a number. They learn about irrational numbers, and how to find approximations to square roots both with a calculato...

    15,93 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 4-B Worktext, International Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 4-B Worktext (International Version) is the student worktext for the second half of grade 4, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 4 complete curriculum. This book covers division, geometry, fractions and decimals.The worktext contains both the necessary instruction and the problems and exercises (the ’text’ and the ’work’; thus a 'worktext'), and is for the mos...

    30,64 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 4 Answer Keys, International Version
    Maria Miller
    This book includes the answers for the Math Mammoth Grade 4-A and 4-B (International Version) student worktexts, for all of the chapter tests, and for the cumulative revisions. The A and B worktexts, and a book containing the cumulative revisions, chapter tests and the end-of-the-year test may be purchased as separate books. ...

    21,06 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 4 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 4 Tests and Cumulative Revisions (International Version) contains the chapter tests, end-of-year test, and cumulative revision lessons for Math Mammoth grade 4 complete curriculum. Note: this book does not contain answers. The answer key book for grade 4 may be purchased as a separate book. ...

    16,32 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 4-A Worktext, International Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 4-A Worktext (International Version) is the student worktext for the first half of grade 4 mathematics, and part of the Math Mammoth Grade 4 complete curriculum. This book covers addition, subtraction, patterns, graphs, large numbers and place value, multi-digit multiplication, time, and measuring.The worktext contains both the necessary instruction and the p...

    29,92 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 1 Answer Keys, International Version
    Maria Miller
    This book includes the answers for the Math Mammoth Grade 1-A and 1-B student worktexts (International Version), for all of the chapter tests, and for the cumulative revisions for grade 1. The other parts of the curriculum may be purchased as separate books. ...

    17,83 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext, International Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext (International Version) is the student worktext for the first half of grade 1 mathematics studies. In this part A, the main areas of study are:The concepts of addition and subtraction;strategies for addition and subtraction facts; anddeveloping understanding of whole number relationships and place value till 100.The worktext is in full color, and...

    24,66 €

  • Math Mammoth Grade 1-B Worktext, International Version
    Maria Miller
    Math Mammoth Grade 1-B Worktext (International Version) is the student worktext for the second half of grade 1 mathematics studies. In this part B, the main areas of study are:addition and subtraction facts within 10;clock to the half hour;geometric shapes and measuring length;adding and subtracting within 100; andcounting coins (Australian currency).The worktext is in full col...

    24,66 €