Animales y sociedad

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Cuestiones y procesos sociales / Animales y sociedad (228)

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  • Tomata y yo en prisión
    Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli
    'Cuando llegaste a mi vida, no sabía qué hacer contigo.Ahora no sabría qué hacer sin ti.Lealtad, amor incondicional y una amistad que trasciende cualquier obstáculo. Estas tres piedras angulares son las que definen la emotiva y admirable historia de Carlos Pareja, un hombre que ha tenido que enfrentar las adversidades carcelarias, y Tomata, una perrita de la calle que llegó a s...

    27,03 €

  • O Atravessador De Paredes
    Lazaro Ferreira
    Em uma trilha o personagem descobre uma vila encravada nas montanhas, aventureiro que era,se dirige para lá,onde então, acontece toda a transformação da sua vida, lá algumas pessoas não caminham, flutuam, não falam, apenas pensam, e foi permanecendo por lá,quanto tempo durou o seu aprendizado nem ele mesmo sabe, já que o tempo transcorria bem diferente por lá, então ele passa a...

    11,91 €

  • Homínidos no humanos
    Pedro Pozas Terrados
    En sus manos tienen un libro que habla de las especies de primates vivas más próximas a nosotros. Pedro Pozas lleva toda una vida defendiendo los derechos de estas especies y de otros muchos seres vivos, con la legítima intención que sean protegidos como merecen. Una labor necesaria y muy meritoria, que pocos están dispuestos a realizar con total desinterés. Pienso que la lectu...

    26,00 €

  • Nature’s Design Lab
    In a world facing unprecedented environmental challenges, 'Nature’s Design Lab: Power of Biomimicry in Design and Technology' offers a groundbreaking exploration into how nature’s time-tested strategies can inspire innovative solutions across various fields. This comprehensive volume delves into the realm of biomimicry, where scientists, engineers, and designers look to the nat...

    34,41 €

  • A Pequena Chácara
    Fábio Arena
    A importância de termos uma casa limpa e bem cuidada. A nossa casa é semelhante à natureza, se o meio ambiente estiver devastado, poluído e com desequilíbrio na cadeia alimentar, as consequências serão as mais aterrorizantes possíveis.Desta forma, fica claro a importância de termos um ambiente equilibrado, harmonioso e justo para todos que nele vivem. A Pequena Chácara é uma pe...

    8,04 €

  • La Bible du Jardin Potager
    Jean-Philippe Kilian
    Découvrez l’art de construire des cabanes, des mangeoires, des clôtures et diverses structures de jardin pour améliorer votre mode de vie durable !Explorez un éventail de projets d’arrière-cour, y compris : Structures de jardin : Les lits surélevés, les jardinières, les tonnelles, les lits d’arrosage automatique, les supports de lampes de culture et les blocs de terre.Clôtures ...

    20,60 €

  • Comunicação Canina
    Roger Cardoso
    Já teve vontade de entender o que o seu cão está tentando dizer?Quando o seu cão interage com outros cães você sabe o que eles estão dizendo um para o outro?Cães tem uma linguagem própria, diferente dos humanos eles não se comunicam através apenas de sons, mas principalmente utilizando uma complexa linguagem visual composta de posturas, movimentos e comportamentos. O conhecimen...

    20,28 €

  • Die Bibel für Hinterhof-Gehöfte
    Denis Edmund
    Sie haben wenig Platz, wollen aber nicht auf eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft verzichten?Versuchen Sie, den Platz aus Effizienzgründen zu maximieren?Lieben Sie das Do-it-yourself-Leben?Möchten Sie lernen, wie Sie Wasser intelligenter nutzen und die Abhängigkeit vom Energienetz verringern können?Wenn die Antwort JA lautet, lesen Sie weiter, denn heute ist Ihr Glückstag!Die Umwand...

    20,65 €

  • Una creencia puede cambiarlo todo
    Cora Panizza
    En este ensayo descubrirás las posibles respuestas a estas preguntas desde una perspectiva psicológica, donde se enfatiza que la imagen de «ser humano» que hemos construido está basada en una imagen contrapuesta de lo que creemos que son los animales. En la exploración de estos fenómenos mentales y de las interacciones de nuestra especie con otros animales, la autora formula un...

    13,77 €

  • How to Unite the Left on Animals
    John Tallent
    Similar to how Trump and QAnon supporters and climate change denialists ignore or outright do not understand reality, Leftists also ignore or have been misinformed about reality. The truth is that our understandings of diet, environmentalism, animal cognition, veganism, animal rights, nutrition, and many other things are severely incorrect. Our abilities to use logic are too of...

    19,32 €

  • How to Unite the Left on Animals
    John Tallent
    Similar to how Trump and QAnon supporters and climate change denialists ignore or outright do not understand reality, Leftists also ignore or have been misinformed about reality. The truth is that our understandings of diet, environmentalism, animal cognition, veganism, animal rights, nutrition, and many other things are severely incorrect. Our abilities to use logic are too of...

    29,02 €

  • Lion’s Roar
    Kenneth Caraballo
    'Lion’s Roar: Unveiling the Majesty of the King of the Jungle' takes readers on an immersive journey into the captivating world of the lion, the iconic King of the Jungle. This enthralling nonfiction book offers a comprehensive understanding of lions by exploring their remarkable characteristics, social dynamics, and ecological significance.Through vivid storytelling and well-r...

    37,95 €

  • Animales + humanos = 3
    Silvia Ruggiero Palla
    'Animales + Humanos=3. Saber escuchar a los Animales. Una mágica esperanza para el ser humano'. La presencia de los animales me ha acompañado en mi proceso de voluntad en querer sacar las barreras que muchas veces, de adulta, me dificultaban acercarme a un espacio interno que me favorecía a nivel de conciencia y crecimiento emocional individual.Básicamente el proceso de escucha...

    11,72 €

  • Homo destructus
    Uday Kagal
    This book is my parting gift, so to speak, to 'voiceless' animals and future generations. It comprehensively reviews our gross mistreatment of animals across spheres - stray and pet companion animals, animals on factory farms, and wildlife. It is a small book with a short message: prevent animal cruelty. But it also carries a more ominous lesson for younger and future generat...

    18,86 €

  • The Mighty Jungle
    Paul A. Lynch
     Modern zoos have multiple goals, including animal welfare, conservation, education, research, and entertainment. To evaluate the effectiveness of zoos in achieving these goals, it is important to study the effects of animal-visitor interactions.Research has shown that interventions based on exhibit design, species characteristics, and visitor education can increase positive an...

    15,25 €

  • Spiritual Health & Wellness
    Live From The Volcano
    In this volume we turn our focus on the health and well-being of creatures other than humans; aka animals which -- like children -- embody some of the purest forms of innocence on the planet. Innocence that has been, and is still, unfortunately sometimes exploited by humanity in soul-destroying ways. Luckily those of us who are familiar with the awesome power of prayer know suc...

    31,71 €

  • Peabody Girl Dog-gone Good
    Nancy LeBaron Kiley
    In a world where we often prioritize our own wants and needs, it’s important to remember that animals deserve the same kindness, caring, and love as we do. They play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem, and without them, our world would be in a heap of trouble. As we continue to encroach on their habitats, it’s crucial that we respect the presenc...

    15,88 €

  • The Mighty Jungle
    Paul A. Lynch
    Birds have a far-reaching influence in the environment; from providing food for other animals and humans to playing a vital role in maintaining the balance of natural ecosystems. With approximately 13% of current extant bird species being considered globally threatened with extinction, it is clear that their importance to the environment is increasingly under pressure. Birds ar...

    15,45 €

  • Sacred Animal Activism
    Vikki Koplick
    Australian by birth and upbringing, Vikki grew up nurtured by an environment that was particularly in tune with the animals that formed part of it. Her best intentions are made clear from the start of this autobiographical work, which focuses on the development and awakening of the inner being in a spirit that sought to be in harmony with all living things. Vikki’s mission to s...

    21,54 €

  • Sacred Animal Activism
    Vikki Koplick
    Australian by birth and upbringing, Vikki grew up nurtured by an environment that was particularly in tune with the animals that formed part of it. Her best intentions are made clear from the start of this autobiographical work, which focuses on the development and awakening of the inner being in a spirit that sought to be in harmony with all living things. Vikki’s mission to s...

    26,37 €

  • Wild Diplomacy
    Baptiste Morizot / Catherine Porter
    Explores how humans and wildlife such as wolves can cohabit with mutual respect in the same territories. ...

    41,74 €

  • I Used to Think Vegans Were Dicks
    E. L. Armstrong
    Ever been bored by ecology? Ever felt vegan curious? Ever thought vegans were dicks?I Used to Think Vegans Were Dicks is the book about the climate emergency for the people who wouldn’t be caught dead reading such bollocks.Earth is dying and it’s our own silly fault. Talking seriously about the end of the world is dangerously ineffective - it’s time we laughed to keep from weep...

    14,12 €

  • Lucha animal
    Javier Ballarín
    ¿Qué derechos tienen los animales? ¿Te lo has planteado alguna vez? Este libro pretende analizar las principales preguntas que surgen cuando se habla de respetar a los animales.¿Has pensado que, igual que el ser humano, los demás animales son seres con sentimientos?, ¿que están en el mundo para disfrutar plenamente de sus vidas y no para servirnos? El veganismo defiende que las...

    17,58 €

  • Brasil - Terra Ou País, De Jorge Natureza
    Jorge Natureza
    BRASIL - TERRA OU PAÍS é uma narrativaque enfatiza a necessidade do bem cuidar da terra, para colhermos os bons frutos que ela nos fornece.Este livro, como ressalta o próprio autor, não objetiva uma análise científica ou didática da matéria a que se propõe, mas serve de alerta para os apreciadores de uma boa leitura, convictos de que o nosso planeta, o nosso país e o lugar onde...

    12,21 €

  • Humane Economy, The
    Wayne Pacelle

    16,99 €

  • After the Forests
    Nikki Savvides
    The experience of being charged at by a bull elephant is one of both abject fear and sublime wonder: fear at the sight of tusks and hulking body powering towards you matched with wonder in the presence of such strength, beauty and intelligence. But not all of Dr. Nikki Savvides’ experiences working with captive elephants were frightening. Most were exciting and thought-provokin...

    24,99 €

  • Wild Diplomacy
    Baptiste Morizot / Catherine Porter
    Explores how humans and wildlife such as wolves can cohabit with mutual respect in the same territories. ...

    121,45 €

  • Derecho sintiente.
    Padilla Villarraga Andrea
    El tratamiento que el derecho dominante les ha dado a los animales no humanos -como cosas en propiedad- está siendo cuestionado a la luz de consideraciones éticas, políticas y culturales que abogan por el reconocimiento de derechos a los animales, entre otras formas de protección de sus intereses. El derecho judicial latinoamericano no ha sido ajeno a este cambio. Un promedio d...

    19,18 €

  • Calcário
    Alberto Ortenblad
    Este é mais um livro nomeado a partir de uma rocha o calcário, que acho estranho por sua forma indefinida e sua afinidade com a água. Desta vez, há poucas histórias sobre montanhas, e nenhuma dela é calcárea.Achei que seria interessante apresentar relatos de terceiros. São três uma carta, um argumento e um discurso, todos eles célebres: do chefe indígena Touro Sentado, do pac...

    14,84 €

  • The Spark Day Poems
    His Person / Quilliam Horace Flint
    Spark Day celebrates the beauty, goodness, and heart that we have the chance to cultivate with each decision we make. Little decisions, like whether to plant seeds or not bother, whether to smile and nod to passersby or remain aloof in our own world, whether to use a plastic straw or forego it to help ensure less dangerous plastic pollution corrupts our environment and those w...

    24,20 €

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