''Main Street,'' the classic novel by Sinclair Lewis, isn’t just a SINCLAIR LEWISbook - it’s a one-way ticket to Gopher Prairie, a town soquintessentially Midwestern that even the cornstalks have anopinion on proper decorum. Follow the adventures (ormisadventures) of Carol Kennicott, a city girl with dreams biggerthan her new husband’s medical practice, as she takes on small-town life with the enthusiasm of a squirrel at a nut festival. Butbeware, Gopher Prairie isn’t just any sleepy town; it’s a placewhere the local gossip travels faster than light and conformity isthe favorite dish served at every potluck. Lewis’s razor-sharp witcuts through the American heartland like a hot knife throughbutter, serving up a delightful satire that’s as refreshing as a coldglass of lemonade on a hot July day. Buckle up, because ''MainStreet'' is about to take you on a rollicking ride through the highsand lows of trying to repaint a town that’s perfectly content withits shades of beige.