What historical evidence is there of Black Hebrew Israelites in Africa? What Hebrew Biblical references show Africans as part of the 12 Tribes of Israel? Were Black Jews brought as slaves to America? When does the Messiah return? What is the meaning of the prophecy in Daniel Chapter 4 of the '7 Times' the Gentile Times? Who is the true Messiah during the end times of the world? Here is the full story - so that a lost people can be found, who never were told the full story. From the Line of Shem - to the Seed of Judah, there is a Coming Seed who holds the key to our understanding the final fulfillment of the very first prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, and of the world-shaking events that are soon to take place! HERE IS THE FULL STORY - as told by historical evidence, ancestral genealogy, language etymology, old world maps, ancient trade routes and historians, Hebrew & Greek scripture texts, archaeological findings, and DNA analysis. There is an AWAKENING and a REGATHERING taking place right now. Everyone who has been scattered and lost must be located, including descendants of the lost sheep of the house of Israel, BEFORE THE END COMES.