In the enchanting tale of 'My Last Wish,' embark on a journey with twins who unwittingly stumble upon the extraordinary consequences of a seemingly innocent wish. As life takes an unexpected turn, join them in navigating a new reality fraught with challenges and mysteries.Explore the intricacies of mistaken identity, family dynamics, and the transformative power of wishes gone awry. As the twins grapple with the repercussions, a captivating story of self-discovery and resilience unfolds. In a world where reality and fantasy collide, they must confront challenges that test the bonds of family and the strength of their own character.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dear shooting star, I wish today that I want to be ...Just at that moment, Darlin dashed in and screamed, 'Charles!!!'I sighed and shook my head, but when I turned back to look at the window, the shooting star was gone.Chariles: Shoot, shoot, shoot, shittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!'My Last Wish' is a riveting novel that blends the ordinary with the extraordinary, promising readers an immersive experience filled with twists and turns.