The aim of this book is to provide the tools needed to manage an agricultural project in Africa from start to finish. In addition to being a business plan, this book constitutes a genuine strategic study methodology for the successful management of a complex economic project. It is aimed not only at Africans wishing to return to their countries of origin, but also at any type of entrepreneur looking for an effective and comprehensive method of managing an ambitious economic project.Participating in the economic and social development of my home town has always been a dream for me as a Senegalese from the diaspora. Giving meaning to individual entrepreneurship is, in my view, a matter of education, designed to awaken people’s consciences and give them the means to take charge of their own lives. The experience I have acquired throughout my professional life has convinced me that the awakening I am talking about must necessarily be directed towards the search for solutions internal to Africa, and not towards solutions transposed from completely different and anachronistic external realities.