Alina Steblianko / Olha Bondarenko / Valeriia Myrhorod
The monograph is devoted to the important and topical topic of theoretical and legal research aimed at analyzing the system of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine, as well as the prospects for their modernization, considering the contemporary conditions of the transformation of legal understanding. The activity of the state in the field of economic security is substantiated through the functioning of state bodies whose competence includes the authority to carry out activities to ensure economic security. In particular, this concerns law enforcement agencies, determined by their powers and competence. However, the examination of this system, detached from the overall purpose of the state’s functioning embodied in its economic sovereignty, is inappropriate. This is because the investigation of economic sovereignty itself, as the main goal of the state’s activity in the economic sphere, and ensuring economic security as a result of the functioning of economic sovereignty, allows us to understand not only the essence and structure of state bodies in this sphere but also to identify the peculiarities of their activities.