In the enchanting pages of 'Keep Chasing Your Wildest Dreams,' Jeannette Viirpuu invites you on a poetic journey through the depths of the human soul. With each verse, she weaves a tapestry of emotions, dreams, and reflections that will resonate with your heart.These poems are a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, urging you to embrace your passions and chase your most daring aspirations. Through the lyrical beauty of Viirpuu’s words, you’ll find inspiration to keep pursuing your wildest dreams, no matter the obstacles.In this collection, you will discover the power of self-discovery, the magic of perseverance, and the beauty of embracing life’s uncertainties. 'Keep Chasing Your Wildest Dreams' is a poetic celebration of the extraordinary within us all.So, open the pages of this book, and let Jeannette Viirpuu’s poetry ignite the spark of possibility within you. Join her in the pursuit of your dreams, and remember that the journey itself is as precious as the destination. Copyright © 2024 Book Fairy Publishing