如果你渴望探险,渴望成为一名领袖,就不能错过 Luna 的故事。通过水姑娘,小读者们将开启趣味恒生的精彩旅程,在获得快乐的同时传递充满希望的信息。水姑娘告诉我们:每个人都能为保护地球贡献一份力量。没有谁比伟大的 Kike Calvo 更适合成为这次旅程的向导。他是一位缔造无数契机的冒险家,是一位尽职尽责的父亲,更是一名激励人心的环保卫士!美国空军第 25 任部长。探险家和领航飞行员,曾接受太空航行训练并获得航天资格。- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Luna’s story is a must-read for the nextgeneration of explorers and leaders.With Water Girl, young readers set sail ona charming and vividly illustrated journeythat entertains, while delivering a messageof hope. Water Girl teaches us that we allcan help our planet. On our journey, nothe guide compares with the great Kike Calvo,a wonder-filled adventurer, devoted father,and environmental champion!BARBARA BARRETT25th Secretary of the US. Air Force.Explorer and instrument-rated pilot, trained and qualified for space flight.