Hey, Sis! Notes of Encouragement for Faith-Filled Sister-Friends

Hey, Sis! Notes of Encouragement for Faith-Filled Sister-Friends

Kimberly DeAnn

12,51 €
IVA incluido
Publishing Services Consortium, LLC (PSC)
Año de edición:
12,51 €
IVA incluido

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Meant to be shared with every woman in your life, this collection of love notes written in a comfortable and conversational style offers encouragement and insight to propel women through the trials of everyday challenges. Using her personal experiences, the author shares insights on how to combat the self-defeating stinking thinking that plagues the female psyche.Hey, sis, gather your tribe and read it together or gift it to a sister-friend. This book is for you!

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    Kimberly DeAnn
    Meant to be shared with every woman in your life, this collection of love notes written in a comfortable and conversational style offers encouragement and insight to propel women through the trials of everyday challenges. Using her personal experiences, the author shares insights on how to combat the self-defeating stinking thinking that plagues the female psyche.Hey, sis, gath...

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