Football Refereeing in Scotland

Football Refereeing in Scotland

Drew Herbertson

15,07 €
IVA incluido
Drew Herbertson
Año de edición:
15,07 €
IVA incluido

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Refereeing has been an overlooked subject amongst the vast amount of books produced on football. This book seeks to redress the balance by offering an insight to the refereeing world in Scotland and how it has evolved. Referees are an important part of football. Without them there would be no game. A great deal happens in refereeing that is little known about. The book is a record of how Scottish refereeing has developed over 150 years. The story is told through the committee structures of the Scottish Football Association. The important contributions of various individuals who have played a hugely influential and pivotal role in shaping refereeing in Scotland, and further afield, are revealed as the story unfolds. They deserve recognition. The story of Scottish refereeing is a tribute to them and their commitment to refereeing and to football.

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