Climate Change and Conflict in the Pacific

Climate Change and Conflict in the Pacific


241,33 €
IVA incluido
Taylor & Francis Ltd
Año de edición:
241,33 €
IVA incluido

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Shibata, Carroll and Boege address the various dimensions of the climate change-conflict nexus and shed light on the overwhelming challenges of climate change in the Pacific Islands region.This book highlights the multidimensionality of the problems: political, technical, material, and emotional and psychological. Written by experts in the field, the chapters highlight the centrality and importance of opening up a dialogue between researchers involved in the large-scale global modelling of climate change and the local actors. Both scholars and civil society actors come together in sharing about the complexities of local contexts and the conflictdriving potential of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies on the ground. The book brings together indigenous Pacific approaches with broader international debates in the climate change-security discourse. Through various accounts and perspectives, current gaps in knowledge are bridged, contributing to the development of more grounded, conflict-sensitive climate change policies, strategies, governance and adaptation measures in the Pacific region.An important resource for students, researchers, policymakers and civil society actors interested in the multi-faceted issues of climate change in the Pacific.

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