It is easy to speak against something you don’t fully understand. Listen you need to be open to what God wants to do. You have never seen such a level of power, grace, and holiness of God all at one time. The church is outgrowing itself month by month. Are you ready for miracles as commonplace; the amazing and incredible presence of God to be everywhere. The team that you are part of, which is caught up in the epicenter of all this activity, is the most profound experience that you have ever encountered. Of course, there are problems-problems that often are huge and time-consuming. However, as you pray for wisdom, the anointing to move forward is so great that godly insight seems to spring into your conscious mind with ease. During the moving forward to becoming a prototype Church you will find oppositions. Every day brings a pressure cocktail of more people, more needs, greater opposition, further demonic attacks, fresh misunderstandings, calculated misinterpretations, added responsibilities, supplementary clerical problems to overcome, and extra requirements for advice, leadership, and ministry. Everything is strained to the limit of personal and physical ability. One thing that will surely cause a quicker finished Church is Revival. Revival seems to be concerned with endurance and stamina as much as it is preoccupied with anointing and empowerment. You are in the midst of constant attack and blessing; of tiredness, pressure, and opposition; of trying to keep everything going smoothly so that more people can be touched and reached; of not losing people to poor organization and mismanagement. You do not want this move to blow through society, touching thousands of lives, but not see church built at the end of it. Indeed, it shows no signs of tapering off! Are you getting excited about a new move of God? The need to develop leaders and train people to look after others, the need for more prayer, and the demand for more workers is huge.