Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

Evangelist Roseline N. Turenne

10,74 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
10,74 €
IVA incluido

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In two thousand twelve, I do not remember the month and the date but I truly remember a dream that I had. I saw heaven was very beautiful the blue was extremely brilliant and in the middle of heaven I saw 'Amazing Grace' and I saw it in French as well 'Grace Infinie' both were written in white color. In the dream, I saw some ladies stood up beside me and I said to them you don’t see 'Amazing Grace' writing in heaven, they said no we do not see it, I continually told them you don’t see 'Amazing Grace' writing in heaven they said no we don’t see it.I continued to say the same thing and they did not see what I saw until I woke up.

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