The book 'A Rogue’s Life' is a heart-warming mystery and detective fiction. Frank Softly, the protagonist of the story, narrates the account of his unique and daring life. The son of a well-respected merchant, Frank, decides to adopt a more roguish lifestyle after becoming disillusioned with society as a whole. As Frank moves through the social strata, his story leads readers through a number of interactions, adventures, and mishaps. He interacts with a wide range of people, including actors, nobles, and criminals. A recurrent subject in the book is disguise and deception, as Frank takes on many personas to get around the social mores. The somewhat sarcastic narrative style of 'A Rogue’s Life' offers a commentary on social traditions and the difficulties faced by those who attempt to defy them. Frank’s account of his events is filled with wit, humour, and societal criticism.