445 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: th

    Ronald K. Dennis Th.D.
    RELATIVE T0 THE END-TIMES,should one believe what men say God has said orthat which God has clearly stated?  Considering the length of eternity, it certainly seems safer to subscribe to the principle set forth in the Book of Acts, 17:11  --'...they received the word with all readinessof mind, and searched the scriptures daily,whether those things were so.'The purpose of this bo...

    11,84 €

  • Donde Esta Mi Amiga Noemi
    Will F. Traylor Th.D

    14,00 €

  • Birth of a Heartache A Broken Life Now Restored
    Rev. Tammie D. Croft TH.A / RevTammie DCroft Th.A
    This is a story of a young woman who sustained many heartaches,abuse,abandonment and near death experiences. Her life was one that is proof that through a relationship with Christ, you can overcome tragedies. Her story is proof that drugs and alcohol do not have to be the answer, yet if you have turned to either, even they can be overcome. This story is one of hope for a better...

    20,82 €

  • . . . And Five Were Foolish
    D.D. Dr. Mike Gorrie B.Th.
    This book is the culmination of Dr. Gorrie’s life’s work and passion after thirty-six years in the ministry. If prayerfully tested, this book will challenge and encourage Christians to walk in holiness and implicit obedience to the Lord and move to a higher place in God. 3 ...

    19,93 €

  • Relational Leadership
    Th.D. Daniel C. Juster
    Understanding leadership from a scriptural perspective is not a strong point in the American Christian community. This book is my attempt to put the experience of over twenty years of pastoring into written form for the benefit of others. Some lessons were learned through difficulties and mistakes. Some were learned by the teaching and example of others. I do believe that the p...

    16,29 €

  • Apple Blossom Time
    BA / Don C. Davis / ThB
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    33,87 €

  • Apple Blossom Time
    BA / Don C. Davis / ThB
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    10,46 €

  • Eagles View Mountain
    ThB BA MDiv Don C. Davis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    33,83 €

  • Eagles View Mountain
    ThB BA MDiv Don C. Davis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    14,06 €

  • The Future We Ask For
    BA / Don C. Davis / ThB
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    33,79 €

  • The Future We Ask For
    BA / Don C. Davis / ThB
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    14,01 €

  • The New Sacred
    ThB BA MDiv Don C. Davis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    14,07 €

  • The New Sacred
    ThB BA MDiv Don C. Davis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    33,84 €

  • A Place in the Story
    BA / Don C. Davis / ThB
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    33,74 €

  • A Place in the Story
    BA / Don C. Davis / ThB
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    13,95 €

  • Sunrise Dreams
    ThB BA MDiv Don C. Davis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    33,87 €

  • Sunrise Dreams
    ThB BA MDiv Don C. Davis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    10,46 €

  • The Meaning of the Ten Commandments For The Apostolic Church
    Th.D John V. DiSalvo
    The Ten Commandments have been used and abused by both Christendom and a Secularist Society that claim they are legalistic and not for today theology. The author explains their purpose and importance for both the Church and society in today’s changing world. Are they necessary as a way of life? Why has crime increased? What’s wrong with wanting a world that is n...

    12,34 €

  • Kierkegaard’s Existentialism
    Ph.D. Th.D. George Leone
    Of all the philosophers in the vast and varied history of philosophy, Soren Kierkegaard alone concentrated on describing how it was that one became a self. In Kierkegaard’s Existentialism, Dr. George Leone describes what it means to become a self as exemplified in the life and writings of Kierkegaard. Leone discusses how from the beginning Kierkegaard’s main concern was to exam...

    17,48 €

  • New Tomorrows
    ThB BA MDiv Don CDavis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    36,11 €

  • New Tomorrows
    ThB BA MDiv Don CDavis
    Which is better, to live on the holding edge of the past, or the growing edge of the future? Don Davis writes on the growing edge of the future. His novel, A Place In The Story, is about choosing to live on the growing edge.The seven sequels are more than just the best of serious fiction; they tell the story of Dr. Kelly, beloved granddad, who is also a down-to-earth philosophe...

    15,10 €

  • The New Birth
    ThD G. K. Karimkhani

    26,62 €

  • The New Birth
    ThD G. K. Karimkhani

    13,06 €

  • Finding Christ in the Old Testament
    PhD. ThD. William Waddell / PhDThDWilliam Waddell
    So the modern believer may be encouraged to search out Jesus not only in the New Testament but also in the Old. The early church, even though they had only the Old Testament, did not lack in Scriptural backing when they preached and taught about Jesus. The modern church should be as well armed having both the Old and New Testament at its disposal. ...

    15,79 €

  • A Woman of Excellence
    Th D. Dorothy B. Stewart
    'A Woman of Excellence' is an excellent resource for women to help them be all they can be for God. This book provides the necessary tools to empower women to be leaders and accomplish God’s purpose in their life. While it gives a wealth of scriptures, it also has an excellent practical bent to assist in everyday life.However, it does not do so at the expense of compromising Bi...

    8,58 €

  • The Rapture
    Dena Stevens Th D.
    In The Rapture: Biblical Fact or Man’s Tradition, author Dr. Dena Stevens considers a subject called “rapture”— pertaining to the end-times and embraced by many—to determine if it is actually taught in the Bible, or if it is only a tradition of men. The consequences of accepting or rejecting this doctrine are of such importance to the eternal, spiritual destiny of man that it i...

    18,70 €

  • The Terminal Generation
    R. C. Courson Jr. Th D.
    Prior to reading and undertaking the study of this book I want to encourage you to understand we are the Terminal Generation according to the empirical evidence, the scientific evidence and the biblical evidence that will be presented in this book. Simply our generation; the Baby-Boomers, the Hippies, the Yuppies, the Generation X, and the Millennials will be alive when humanit...

    19,64 €

    B Th M Th Alphons V. Versnel
    The Evolution versus Creation debat is presented in the Western world as the choice between Science and Faith. Science is a system of acquiring knowledge, using observation and experimentation to describe natural phenomena. By this definition, Evolution is as much a matter of Faith as Creation is. The origin and beginning of what is cannot be observed and reproduced by experime...

    31,61 €

    B Th M Th Alphons V. Versnel
    The Evolution versus Creation debat is presented in the Western world as the choice between Science and Faith. Science is a system of acquiring knowledge, using observation and experimentation to describe natural phenomena. By this definition, Evolution is as much a matter of Faith as Creation is. The origin and beginning of what is cannot be observed and reproduced by experime...

    18,04 €

  • Faith, Hope and Determination
    Th Ph. D. Daniel J. Theron M. a.
    Readers will greatly benefit reading this book’s forerunner SO MUCH WATER SO LITTLE WOOD for they play in contrasting milieus of maladministration and usually well administered milieus of the financial and other worlds. The American Association of Universty Professors deserves praise for its penetrating light on that book’s milieu benefitting employees and other educational ins...

    64,02 €