827 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: b k

  • From the Pen of Surgeons
    Dr B.K.S. Sanjay / Dr Gaurav Sanjay
    NA ...

    29,02 €

  • U.P. Reader -- Volume #8
    Deborah K Frontiera / Mikel B Classen
    Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is blessed with a treasure trove of storytellers, poets, and historians, all seeking to capture a sense of Yooper Life from settler’s days to the far-flung future. Since 2017, the U.P. Reader has offered a rich collection of their voices that embraces the U.P.’s natural beauty and way of life, along with a few surprises. The sixty-plus short works in ...

    19,45 €

  • U.P. Reader -- Volume #8
    Deborah K Frontiera / Mikel B Classen
    Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is blessed with a treasure trove of storytellers, poets, and historians, all seeking to capture a sense of Yooper Life from settler’s days to the far-flung future. Since 2017, the U.P. Reader has offered a rich collection of their voices that embraces the U.P.’s natural beauty and way of life, along with a few surprises.The sixty-plus short works in t...

    32,67 €

  • Internet of Things - IoT
    B Dhanunjaya / K Bhargavi / M.Dharani Kumar
    'Internet of Things: Revolutionizing Connectivity in a Smart World' explores the transformative impact of IoT technology on our interconnected world. This book delves into how IoT is revolutionizing various industries and sectors, from healthcare and agriculture to transportation and manufacturing. It examines the underlying principles, technologies, and applications driving th...

    110,46 €

  • Gestão da doença da mancha púrpura [alternaria Porri] da cebola
    B. K. Chovatiya / M. K. Ghelani / S. V. Undhad
    A investigação foi efectuada no Departamento de Fitopatologia da Universidade Agrícola de Junagadh, em Junagadh, no estado de Gujarat, na Índia, onde foram testados diferentes produtos agroquímicos e bioagentes. Entre os fungicidas sistémicos, o hexaconazol foi considerado o fungicida mais eficaz e inibiu (99,6%) o crescimento micelial in vitro. Entre os fungicidas não sistémic...

    49,93 €

  • Gestione della malattia della cipolla [alternaria Porri].
    B. K. Chovatiya / M. K. Ghelani / S. V. Undhad
    L’indagine è stata condotta presso il Dipartimento di Patologia Vegetale dell’Università Agraria di Junagadh, nello Stato del Gujarat, India, dove sono stati testati diversi agrofarmaci e bioagenti. Tra i fungicidi sistemici, l’esaconazolo è risultato essere il fungicida più efficace e ha inibito (99,6%) la crescita miceliare in vitro. Tra i fungicidi non sistemici, il mancozeb...

    49,93 €

  • Gestion de la maladie de la tache pourpre [alternaria Porri] de l’oignon
    B. K. Chovatiya / M. K. Ghelani / S. V. Undhad
    L’étude a été menée au département de pathologie végétale de l’université agricole de Junagadh, dans l’État du Gujarat, en Inde, où différents produits agrochimiques et bioagents ont été testés. Parmi les fongicides systémiques, l’hexaconazole s’est avéré être le fongicide le plus efficace et a inhibé (99,6 %) la croissance mycélienne in vitro. Parmi les fongicides non systémiq...

    49,93 €

  • Bekämpfung der Purpurfleckenkrankheit [alternaria Porri] bei Zwiebeln
    B. K. Chovatiya / M. K. Ghelani / S. V. Undhad
    Die Untersuchung wurde in der Abteilung für Pflanzenpathologie der Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh im indischen Bundesstaat Gujarat, durchgeführt, wo verschiedene Agrochemikalien und Bioagenten getestet wurden. Unter den systemischen Fungiziden erwies sich Hexaconazol als das wirksamste Fungizid und hemmte (99,6 %) Prozent des Myzelwachstums in vitro. Unter den nicht...

    49,93 €

  • Mastering Ethical Hacking
    Dr.B. Sathyasri / Dr.G.Aloy Anuja Mary / Dr.K.Aanandha Saravanan
    'Mastering Ethical Hacking: A Comprehensive Guide to Network Security and Cyber Defense' is an essential resource for individuals seeking to understand the principles, techniques, and tools of ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Covering topics such as footprinting, reconnaissance, enumeration, vulnerability analysis, web server hacking, wireless network security, and network pr...

    111,64 €

  • Publishing the DNP Project
    Diane B. Monsivais / Franchesca E. Nunez / Leslie K. Robbins
    Publishing the DNP Project: An Evidence-Based Approach provides readers with evidence-based, neuro-educationally supported strategies for the development of DNP publishing competencies. Recognizing that mentoring DNP students in scholarly publication is an important part of the academic faculty role, the text equips readers with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively...

    58,48 €

  • Studi su alcuni parametri riproduttivi
    È stato intrapreso uno studio sui parametri riproduttivi del Malnad Gidda nel suo tratto nativo per valutare la risposta delle vacche Malnad Gidda da riproduzione ripetuta alla sincronizzazione dell’estro. Diversi parametri riproduttivi e produttivi delle vacche Malnad Gidda sono stati studiati in tre taluks del distretto di Shivamogga, Tirthahalli, Sagar e Hosanagar. I paramet...

    113,07 €

  • Estudos sobre certos parâmetros reprodutivos
    Foi efectuado um estudo sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos da Malnad Gidda no seu território nativo, a fim de avaliar a resposta de vacas Malnad Gidda de reprodução repetida à sincronização do cio. Foram estudados vários parâmetros reprodutivos e produtivos de vacas Malnad Gidda em três taluks do distrito de Shivamogga, Tirthahalli, Sagar e Hosanagar. Os parâmetros como a idade d...

    113,09 €

  • Études sur certains paramètres de reproduction
    Une étude a été entreprise sur les paramètres reproductifs de la Malnad Gidda dans sa région d’origine afin d’évaluer la réponse des vaches Malnad Gidda en reproduction répétée à la synchronisation de l’œstrus. Divers paramètres reproductifs et productifs des vaches Malnad Gidda ont été étudiés dans trois taluks du district de Shivamogga : Tirthahalli, Sagar et Hosanagar. Les p...

    113,06 €

  • Studien zu bestimmten Reproduktionsparametern
    Verschiedene reproduktive und produktive Parameter von Malnad Gidda Kühen wurden in drei Taluks des Shivamogga Distrikts untersucht: Tirthahalli, Sagar und Hosanagar. Die Parameter wie Alter in der Pubertät von 25,15±0,29 Monaten, Alter beim ersten Kalben von 39,32±2,99 Monaten, Trockenstehzeit von 6,22±1,26 Monaten, Kalbungsintervall von 13,68±2,55 Monaten, Trächtigkeitsdauer ...

    113,06 €

  • Son of Bitter Glass
    K. B. Hoyle
    The glasshouse was built for Prince Isbrand’s protection. It is good and will keep out the curse. But the glasshouse cannot keep out the Witch.Eira does not remember her own mother’s death, but she remembers the day Prince Isbrand’s mother died-for Eira loves her best friend as much as any person can love another. On the day Isbrand’s mother was murdered by the Snow Queen, her ...

    10,07 €

  • Son of Bitter Glass
    K. B. Hoyle
    The glasshouse was built for Prince Isbrand’s protection. It is good and will keep out the curse. But the glasshouse cannot keep out the Witch.Eira does not remember her own mother’s death, but she remembers the day Prince Isbrand’s mother died-for Eira loves her best friend as much as any person can love another. On the day Isbrand’s mother was murdered by the Snow Queen, her ...

    17,11 €

  • Bioeffektivität neuerer Insektizide gegen den Baumwollkapselwurm komplex
    A K Sarode / P R Zanwar / Y B Matre
    Die Untersuchungen wurden durchgeführt, um die Populationsdynamik der wichtigsten Baumwollschädlinge und ihre Korrelation mit den Wetterparametern zu studieren. Außerdem wurde die Biowirksamkeit neuerer Insektizide gegen den Baumwollkapselwurmkomplex im Kharif 2018 untersucht. Die höchste Inzidenz von 20,4 Blattläusen pro drei Blätter wurde in der 40sten SMW verzeichnet. Das Au...

    96,26 €

  • Bioefficacité des nouveaux insecticides contre le complexe du ver de la capsule du coton
    A K Sarode / P R Zanwar / Y B Matre
    Les enquêtes ont été menées pour étudier la dynamique de la population des principaux ravageurs du coton et leur corrélation avec les paramètres météorologiques. En outre, la bio-efficacité des nouveaux insecticides contre le complexe du ver de la capsule dans le coton a été étudiée au cours du Kharif 2018. L’incidence maximale de 20,4 pucerons par trois feuilles a été enregist...

    96,26 €

  • Blattfleckenkrankheit der Zwiebel Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler
    B. H. Desai / K. K. Patel / R. J. Chaudhari
    Die Blattfleckenkrankheit der Zwiebel, verursacht durch Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, ist die schwerwiegendste. Die Krankheit verursacht große Schäden sowohl an Zwiebeln als auch an Saatgut. In Anbetracht der zerstörerischen Natur der Blattfleckenkrankheit der Zwiebel wurde die vorliegende Untersuchung geplant, um die wirksamen Praktiken zur Bekämpfung der Krankheit hera...

    60,38 €

  • Bioefficacia di nuovi insetticidi contro il complesso della cocciniglia del cotone
    A K Sarode / P R Zanwar / Y B Matre
    Le indagini sono state condotte per studiare le dinamiche di popolazione dei principali parassiti del cotone e la loro correlazione con i parametri meteorologici. Inoltre, è stata studiata la bio-efficacia dei nuovi insetticidi contro il complesso della cocciniglia del cotone durante la stagione vegetativa 2018. L’incidenza dei jassidi è iniziata dal 29° SMW (3,9 jassidi/tre fo...

    96,23 €

  • Maladie des taches foliaires de l’oignon Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler
    B. H. Desai / K. K. Patel / R. J. Chaudhari
    La maladie des taches foliaires de l’oignon causée par Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler est la plus grave. La maladie cause des dommages importants aux bulbes ainsi qu’aux cultures de semences. Compte tenu de la nature destructrice de la tache foliaire de l’oignon, la présente étude a été planifiée pour découvrir les pratiques efficaces de gestion de la maladie. L’agar de de...

    60,32 €

  • Doença da mancha da folha da cebola Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler
    B. H. Desai / K. K. Patel / R. J. Chaudhari
    A doença da mancha foliar da cebola causada por Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler é a mais grave. A doença causa grandes danos aos bolbos e às sementes. Tendo em conta a natureza destrutiva da mancha foliar da cebola, a presente investigação foi planeada para descobrir as práticas eficazes de gestão da doença. O ágar dextrose de batata e o meio de ágar de decocção de folhas d...

    60,32 €

  • Bioeficácia de novos insecticidas contra o complexo de bollworms do algodão
    A K Sarode / P R Zanwar / Y B Matre
    As investigações foram realizadas para estudar a dinâmica populacional das principais pragas do algodão e sua correlação com os parâmetros climáticos. Além disso, a bioeficácia dos inseticidas mais recentes contra o complexo de bollworms no algodão foi estudada durante a Kharif 2018. A incidência de jassídeos começou a partir do 29º SMW (3,9 jassídeos / três folhas), que atingi...

    96,29 €

  • Malattia delle macchie fogliari della cipolla Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler
    B. H. Desai / K. K. Patel / R. J. Chaudhari
    La malattia delle macchie fogliari della cipolla causata da Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler è la più grave. La malattia causa danni estesi ai bulbi e alle colture da seme. In considerazione della natura distruttiva della maculatura fogliare della cipolla, la presente indagine è stata pianificata per scoprire le pratiche efficaci di gestione della malattia. L’agar destrosio ...

    60,32 €

  • Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind
    B. K.
    AI is dazzling, but the human mind is unmatched.This work is an urgent call to action for human minds. AI has entered the domain of intelligence, a realm where human beings reigned supreme until recently. This development elicits both enthusiasm and fear. Yet, it also provides an epochal opportunity to focus on the most exquisite phenomenon known to us: the human mind. The huma...

    19,06 €

  • Artificial Intelligence and the Human Mind
    B. K.
    AI is dazzling, but the human mind is unmatched.This work is an urgent call to action for human minds. AI has entered the domain of intelligence, a realm where human beings reigned supreme until recently. This development elicits both enthusiasm and fear. Yet, it also provides an epochal opportunity to focus on the most exquisite phenomenon known to us: the human mind. The huma...

    37,32 €

  • Promoted with Tenure
    K B Fisher
    How far will science go when reputations are on the line?The University of New Orleans is a modest, tight-knit community of diligent academics. When the chair of the biology department is violently murdered, assistant forensic pathologist Hunter Romero has her own rather unique suspicions about the crime scene.Hunter’s intuition is tested when evidence is leaked to a prominent ...

    13,04 €

  • Abu Mayanja, MP
    A. B. K. Kasozi
    This book, Abu Mayanja MP: The intellectual star of Uganda’s 'Struggle' for independence and the search for a liberal democratic state, 1929-2005, is a biography of a brilliant African politician, a history of a country and a continent told through the lens and activities of an individual politician.The book breaks new ground in how Uganda and Africa have been viewed by academi...

    70,38 €

  • Polyaniline (PANI)
    Anjaneya K C / Manjunatha B / Nagajyoti S K
    Le présent travail se concentre sur l’exploration des composites à base de PANI/PbO et PANI/Ta2O5 pour les applications d’absorption des micro-ondes. Ici, différentes compositions de composites PANI/PbO et PANI/Ta2O5 ont été synthétisées par voie chimique humide. Les détails structurels ont été réalisés en utilisant TG/DTA, XRD, FT-IR, FE-SEM avec EDX etc. Les études de conduct...

    97,54 €

  • Leaf Spot Disease of Onion Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler
    B. H. Desai / K. K. Patel / R. J. Chaudhari
    The leaf spot disease of onion caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler is the most serious one. The disease causes extensive damage to bulbs as well as seed crop. In view of the destructive nature of leaf spot of onion, the present investigation was planned to find out the effective disease management practices. Potato dextrose agar and host leaf decoction agar medium pro...

    60,70 €