LIBROS DEL AUTOR: jaerock lee

749 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: jaerock lee

  • Moje Życie, Moja Wiara 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Zgłębiając duchową rzeczywistość i cuda Cuda biblijne nadal mają miejsce!Dlaczego ludzie, za których modli się Dr. Jaerock Lee zostają uzdrowieni i odzyskują siły?Jaki jest klucz do nieustającego działania Ducha Świętego? Ludzie na całym świecie potrzebują pomocnej dłoni.Wielu ludzi zasmakowało słowa życia i otrzymało rozwiązanie dla swoich problemów.Dlaczego diabeł próbował za...

    13,37 €

  • Életem, Hitem 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Ajánlás _ A Szentlélek hatalmának és létezésének bizonyítékaÖnéletrajzi regénye, az „Életem, Hitem” egy megható történet, amely az igaz hitről és az igaz hittel megélt életről szól. Könnyen lehetséges, hogy ez a könyv mutat rá a Szentlélek létezésének élő bizonyítékára, amit a modern világ emberei annyira elfeledtek.  3 ...

    14,48 €

  • Minu Elu, Minu Usk 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Dr. Jaerock Lee autobiograafia laseb lugejail tunda kõige hõrgumat vaimset lõhna, mis tuleb tema elu kaudu Jumala armastusest, mis õilmitseb keset süngeid laineid, külma iket ja sügavaimat meeleheidet. 3 ...

    13,41 €

  • La Mia Vita La Mia Fede 2
    Jaerock Lee
    L’autobiografia del Dott. Jaerock Lee. Un aroma spirituale fragrante per il lettore, che, attraverso la vita del pastore Lee, testimonierà dell’amore di Dio che ha rotto il giogo della disperazione più profonda. 3 ...

    13,29 €

  • Mi Vida, Mi Fe 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Un relato conmovedor de fe verdadera que supera todo tipo de pruebas, así como un recuento de las poderosas obras del Espíritu Santo desplegadas en una iglesia con fe verdadera.  3 ...

    13,37 €

  • Mitt Liv, Min Tro 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Tiden väntar inte på någon. Men Gud har tålamod och Han väntar till slutet på att mänskligheten ska omvända sig och ta emot frälsning. Människan i den moderna världen idag förstår inte till fullo Guds djupa kärlek. Till och med kristna och pastorer följer trenderna i världen och glömmer bort Guds kärlek och vilja. Varför kan de inte dra sig närmare Gud och varför irrar de runt ...

    13,37 €

  • Môj Život, Moja Viera 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Dojímavý príbeh pravej viery, ktorá prekonáva akýkoľvek druh skúšok a výpoveď o zápalistej aktivite Ducha Svätého, ktorá sa odohráva v cirkvi s pravou vierou. 3 ...

    13,46 €

  • Jeta Ime, Besimi Im 2
    Jaerock Lee
    “Unë i dua ata që më duan; dhe ata që më kërkojnë me kujdes më gjejnë.” (Fjalët e Urta 8:17) ‘Jeta Ime, Besimi Im I dhe II,’ autobiografia e Dr. Xherok Li, gjithashtu ofrojnë aromën më të këndshme shpirtërore për lexuesit. Kjo ndodh pasi që jeta e tij është shkëputur nga dashuria e Perëndisë, një jetë e cila ka përjetuar dallgët e errëta, zgjedhën e ftohtë dhe dëshpërimin më të...

    13,37 €

  • Моят живот, Моята вяра 2
    Jaerock Lee
    През 1986 г. д-р Лий е ръкоположен за пастор на годишната среща на Святата корейска църква на Исус, а четири години по-късно, през 1990 г., неговите проповеди започват да се излъчват в Австралия, Русия, Филипините и много други страни чрез далекоизточната радиопредавателна компания, азиатската радиостанция и вашингтонското християнско радио.Три години по-късно, през 1993 г., Це...

    13,37 €

  • Moj Život, Moja Vera 2
    Jaerock Lee
    U 1986. god. Dr. Li je zaređen za pastora na godišnjem ZasedanjuIsusove Sungkjul crkve Koreje, i četiri godine kasnije u 1990. god. njegovepropovedi su počele da se emituju u Australiji, Rusiji, na Filipinima imnogim drugim zemljama, preko Radiodifuzne kompanije Daleki Istok,Azija radiodifuzne kompanije i Vašingtonskog hrišćanskog radio sistema.Tri godine kasnije, 1993. god., M...

    13,46 €

  • ჩემი ცხოვრება, ჩემი რწმენა 2
    Jaerock Lee
    ყველაზე არომატული სულიერი სურნელებაგაიყოფა სიცოცხლისაგან, რომელიც უბადლოღმერთის სიყვარულით არის აყვავებული,ბნელი ტალღების შუაგულში, ცივი უღელიდა ყველაზე ღრმა სასოწარკვეთილება. 3 ...

    14,37 €

  • Mein Leben, Mein Glaube 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Ein überaus reiches geistliches Aroma –gewonnen aus einem Leben, das mit derunvergleichlichen Liebe Gottes aufblühte –trotz dunkler Wellen, kalter Joche undtiefster Verzweiflung. 3 ...

    14,41 €

  • Viaţa Mea, Credinţa Mea 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Oferă cititorilor săi cea mai înmiresmatăaromă spirituală a unei vieţi care a înflorit cuo dragoste fără egal pentru Dumnezeu, înmijlocul valurilor întunecate ale vieţii, ajugului rece şi în culmea disperării. 3 ...

    14,48 €

  • Mitt Liv, Min Tro 2
    Jaerock Lee
    En rørende betraktning vedrørende den sannetroen med å overvinne alle slags prøvelser ogom de brennende arbeidene til den HelligeÅnd som har blitt vist i en kirke med en sanntro. 3 ...

    13,37 €

    Jaerock Lee
    Een zeer geestelijk geurend aroma weergegevenvan het leven dat bloeide met een onmetelijkeliefde voor God, te midden van de donkeregolven, koude juk en in de diepste wanhoop. 3 ...

    14,48 €

  • Mit Liv, Min Tro 2
    Jaerock Lee
    En rørende redegørelse for den sande tro, som overvinder enhver form for prøvelse, og en fortælling om Helligåndens flammende gerning, som den ses i en kirke med sand tro. 3 ...

    14,56 €

  • Buhay Ko, Pananalig Ko 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Ang talambuhay ni Dr. Jaerock Lee ay naglalaanng pinaka-mahalimuyak na bangong espiritwalpara sa mga mambabasa, mula sa kanyanghinimay na bahagi ng kanyang buhay mula sapag-ibig ng Diyos na namumukadkad sa gitna ngalon, malamig na pasanin at malalim na kabiguan. 3 ...

    14,41 €

  • Mano Gyvenimas, Mano Tikėjimas 2
    Jaerock Lee
    Gardžiausias dvasinis aromatas, sklindantis išgyvenimo, kuris žydėjo neprilygstama meileDievui tamsių bangų, šalto jungo irneapsakomos nevilties laikais.  3 ...

    13,46 €

  • 십자가의 도
    Jaerock Lee
    왜 예수 그리스도만이 인류의 구세주이신가?51개 언어로 출간된 전 세계인의 필독서! 무수한 영혼을 영적인 잠에서 깨우고 참 생명을 맛보게 해 준 감동의 메시지!만세전에 감추어진 예수님을 통한 인간 구원의 섭리가 명쾌하게 풀어집니다.    이 책은 많은 사람이 신앙생활을 하면서 궁금해 하는 내용을 명쾌하게 풀어, 온 인류를 향한 하나님의 크고 넓고 깊은 사랑을 깨닫게 하는 감동적인 생명의 메시지로 구성되어 있습니다.사람은 어떻게 창조되었는가?왜 선악과를 에덴동산에 두셨을까?왜 예수 그리스도만이 인류의 구세주이신가?사랑의 하나님이 왜 지옥을 만드셔야 했는가?‘십자가의 도’의 비밀스런 섭리와 더불어 신앙생활에 가장 중요한 근본 요소를 망라하여 확연히 제시합니다. 사도 바울은 하...

    12,75 €

  • Tasting Eternal Life Before Death
    Jaerock Lee
    “Oh, God! God! God! You are really alive! You really healed me! How could You cure me this neatly? How could You get rid of all my diseases at once?” This is the story of the life and ministry of a world-renowned Korean evangelist Dr. Jaerock Lee. When modern medicine proved ineffective and he was still suffering from many kinds of illnesses, his sister brought him to Christ an...

    10,87 €

  • Man of Flesh, Man of Spirit Ⅱ
    Jaerock Lee
    Lecture on the Book of Job  “Today, there are so many people who judge and condemn others even without observing something themselves and not knowing about it completely. The believers in Christ should not spread other people’s faults or wish for things to go badly for someone else.” The book of Job teaches us about the evilness hidden deep in our nature. We could realize that ...

    13,32 €

  • Life of Disobedience and Life of Obedience
    Jaerock Lee
    “Spiritually eating unleavened bread means to forsake the world and take the narrow way. After we accept Jesus Christ, we have to lower ourselves and go the narrow way to reach complete salvation with humble hearts.” In this book are portrayed, in contrast, the life of Pharaoh, who disobeyed the word of God, and the life of Moses who led a life of obedience. It also contains th...

    9,28 €

  • My Father Will Give to You in My Name
    Jaerock Lee
    “No amount or degree of man’s effort based on his thoughts, methods, fame, and knowledge will ever bring him God’s answers. Because God is a righteous Judge, hears our prayer, and answers it, He requires of us a befitting sum in exchange for His answers.” This work My Father Will Give to You in My Name is a compilation of messages that were preached in the past for all believer...

    6,40 €

  • A Man Who Pursues True Blessing
    Jaerock Lee
    “Most people think being rich is blessing. But, God says the poor in heart are blessed. People think just being always happy is blessing. But, God says those who mourn are blessed. God says those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness and who are meek are blessed.” Jesus delivered the Words of “Beatitudes” to great multitudes at Mt. Beatitudes, overlooking the Galilee bea...

    9,28 €

  • The Assurance of Things Hoped For
    Jaerock Lee
    “The wind blows where it wishes and it is invisible to our eyes. Yet, when we see the trees’ leaves swaying in the wind, we can sense the reality of the wind. By the same token, though we are not able to actually see God with the naked eye, God is alive and really exists, and in accordance with our faith in Him, we can sense His presence and experience Him.” This work is for th...

    8,52 €

  • The Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
    Jaerock Lee
    “The process of the Exodus, the forty years in the wilderness, crossing the Jordan River and conquering the city of Jericho and then the Land of Canaan symbolize the life’s journey of receiving salvation and marching towards the kingdom of heaven.” God chose the people of Israel and made them a model of human cultivation. Especially, the records about the conquest of the Canaan...

    10,97 €

  • My Life, My Faith Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    “Surprised, my wife looked my body over completely, and she also had to believe that God had healed me. She was so happy and hugged me, and began to weep loudly. We wept for a long time.”  Because Dr. Lee himself suffered from so many kinds of diseases, he understands the pain of those who are sick. Because he himself was despised and mocked, he understands the heart of those w...

    11,54 €

  • My Life, My Faith Ⅱ
    Jaerock Lee
    “Because the church members are seeing the spiritual realm, I will be condemned as a heretic. There will be a great test. But because it’s the will of God to see the spiritual realm, I have no other choice but to go the way we are going.” My Life, My Faith II is composed of previously published memoirs that have been put together for this book. In this part II of his autobiogra...

    12,41 €

  • The Law of God
    Jaerock Lee
    “Abiding by God’s commands is like holding a lamp in complete darkness. When we have a bright lamp, we don’t have to worry about tripping over something in the dark.” This book The Law of God is a compilation of the series of sermons based on His word, and the inspiration about ‘The Ten Commandments’ which author Dr. Jaerock Lee received while fasting and praying shortly after ...

    10,06 €

  • Lectures on the First Corinthians Ⅰ
    Jaerock Lee
    “We may sometimes commit sins while we think we are living in the truth. Then, we will have difficulties and some kinds of uncomfortable feelings in us. It is because the Holy Spirit is groaning in us for He has to dwell in filth.” Corinth  at the time  of  Paul  was  a busy  city  with many people from various cultures and diverse ethnic backgrounds. There were definitive soci...

    11,71 €