LIBROS DEL AUTOR: stableford brian

227 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: stableford brian

stableford brian Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Mirror of Dionysus
    Brian Stableford
    Brian M. Stableford’s latest novel, The Mirror of Dionysus, explores the mystery of the origins of the  immortal Axel Rathenius, who lives on the artists’ colony of Mnemosyne, an island off the northern coast of what in our world is called France, in the Everlasting Empire, 2,000 years after the birth of the Divine Caesar... Rathenius is taken away from Mnemosyne to another isl...

    24,19 €

  • Tangled Web of Time
    Brian Stableford
    Mark and Jimmy are “astrological twins” born on the same day, but they have completely opposed personalities. Even so, when they met at university in the 1980s they formed a close friendship, which even survived a crisis point when the reckless Jimmy, having persuaded the sober Mark to sit with him and look after him while he experiments with LSD, accidentally slashed his frien...

    16,74 €

  • Portals of Paradise
    Brian Stableford
    Gabriel Bowlands, a young man taking the Grand Tour in the late 1780s, is less interested in absorbing the broad legacy of European culture than following up his own particular obsession with the theater, and particularly the art of comedy. Having spent a month in Paris, he and the uncle acting as his guide and mentor have made their way to Venice, just in time to catch the las...

    16,73 €

  • The Tarantulas’ Parlor
    Léon Bloy / Brian Stableford
    Praised by Borges, the Unkind Tales of Léon Bloy were produced in a phase of literary evolution that was exploratory and experimental, and hence intrinsically exciting. Lingering on the frontiers of Decadence, Naturalism, and Symbolism, these stories of the damned and the foolish, of terrible fates and ludicrous situations, helped map out the terrain of the conte cruel and are,...

    19,23 €

  • The Soul-Drinker
    Jean Lorrain / Brian Stableford
    No other writer of the fin-de-siècle period undertook a more elaborate exploration of perversities and abnormalities than Jean Lorrain, and no one else went as far afield in the search for discoveries of that curious kind than he did. Perhaps, given the variety of human behavior, it was not possible for him actually to invent perversities that no one actually practiced, or were...

    20,79 €

  • The Devil in Detail
    Brian Stableford
    At last, the true story can finally be told of my participation in the investigation of a haunted bookshop in Barry, South Wales, organized by my good friend and fellow science fiction writer Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe. As a result of the haunting in question, or perhaps the abundant coal dust that accompanied it, I was enabled to meet the Devil and make a mutually rewarding pac...

    15,59 €

  • The Darkling Wood
    Brian Stableford
    Long-undisturbed Tenebrion Wood, identified in the Domesday Book and named by the Romans after a kind of 'night-sprit,' stands in the way of a road development. Environmentalist Steve Pearlman recruits a number of investigators to examine the site in order to find some justification for its defense, including entomologist John Hazard. At first, the wood does not seem to be of a...

    14,44 €

  • Vampires of Atlantis
    Brian Stableford
    Kirk Markham returns to his home town of Leeds in 1999 after three years at university 'down south.' In order to support himself while he tries to find a way on to the first rung of a respectable career ladder he gets a job in a call center, which proves more challenging than he had anticipated, both professionally and socially. There he meets and falls in love with goth-girl S...

    14,42 €

  • The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds
    Brian Stableford
    British, French and American traditions of speculative fiction developed separately for more than a hundred years, with only slight overlaps prior to 1926, and continued to develop thereafter in accordance with different foci of interest and narrative methods, until the importation of the American label of 'science fiction' initiated a process of fusion that was still not compl...

    54,86 €

  • The Last Days of the Edge of the World
    Brian Stableford
    Six of the world’s seven edges have been rounded out and the last one, edging a thin sliver of land where magic still survives, is in a parlous state. No longer able to remember the future, the last enchanter, Sirion Hilversun, knows that is about to die, and is anxious for the fate of his young daughter Helen, when a letter arrives from the neighboring unmagical kingdom of Car...

    14,47 €

  • Nightmares of an Ether-Drinker
    Jean Lorrain / Brian Stableford
    None of Jean Lorrain’s biographers has contrived to discover exactly when or why he began taking ether, or how much of it he took before realising (too late) that it was an extremely bad idea. The drug certainly helped provide the feverish, nightmarish atmosphere of these wonderfully decadent and sophisticated tales, and many of the apparitions with which they are populated.Bri...

    21,89 €

  • New Atlantis
    Brian Stableford
    The second volume of this narrative history of scientific romance covers the period from the 1880s to the outbreak of the Great War, including detailed discussions of the definitive contributions made to the genre by such writers as H. G. Wells, George Griffith, M. P. Shiel, Charles Howard Hinton, Fred T. Jane, Robert Cromie and William Hope Hodgson, and the major themes of the...

    18,72 €

  • New Atlantis
    Brian Stableford
    The third volume of this narrative history of scientific romance covers the period between two world wars, examining the legacy of the Great War of 1914-18 in terms of its effect on futuristic hopes and fears, as reflected in the works of such new recruits to the genre as Olaf Stapledon, John Gloag, Neil Bell J. Leslie Mitchell, S. Fowler Wright, Katharine Burdekin and Muriel J...

    18,55 €

  • New Atlantis
    Brian Stableford
    The final volume of this narrative history of scientific romance tracks the fading away of the genre as it was gradually overtaken and absorbed into the genre of science fiction, in spite of continued work by such practitioners and Olaf Stapledon and J. D. Beresford, and new recruits such as Gerald Heard and Edward Hyams. It also includes a chronology of the major works and an ...

    18,48 €

  • Eurydice’s Lament
    Brian Stableford
    The enigmatic immortal Axel Rathenius has been commissioned to paint a triptych illustrating the life of Orpheus. Meanwhile, an enigmatic legacy propels him, his agent Myrica Mavor, Madame Vashti Savage the medium,and the mournful poet Hecate Rain in the midst of a conflict between the rival cults of Orpheus and Dionysus.Brian Stableford’s latest novel, Eurydice’s Lament, retur...

    23,19 €

  • New Atlantis
    Brian Stableford
    The first volume of this narrative history of scientific romance includes an introduction to the prehistory of the genre in philosophical fictions, travelers’ tales and utopian fantasies, and tracks early literary celebrations of scientific achievement. The authors whose contributions to the genre are discussed included Erasmus Darwin, Percy Shelley, Humphry Davy and Robert Hun...

    18,44 €

  • The Engineer Von Satanas
    Albert Robida / Brian Stableford
    After fifteen years of absence at the North Pole, a man rediscovers Europe on the verge of war in 1929. Written in 1919, four years after World War I, The Engineer von Satanas is a classic of futuristic fiction, thirty years ahead of its time, and still relevant today because the threats it describes still exist and still serve as a significant motor of anxiety in contemporary ...

    27,40 €

  • The Revolt of the Machines
    Brian Stableford
    The Revolt of the Machines, translated and annotated by renowned science fiction writer and scholar Brian Stableford, features eight stories written between 1865 and 1918, providing a cross-section of the early development of what the editor of the 19th century magazine La Science Ilustrée, Louis Figuier, called roman scientifique [scientific fiction].Expanding upon the scienti...

    27,41 €

  • The Best of Both Worlds and Other Ambiguous Tales
    Brian Stableford
    Eight tales of science fiction and fantasy perched on the edge of reality, including one dark fantasy novella, 'Appearances,' published for the first time anywhere. ...

    17,45 €

  • The Moment of Truth
    Brian Stableford
    A plastic surgeon of the future is charged with re-creating the face of Adam, the first man. Is he just a pawn in a scheme to defraud a billionaire, or does he seriously intend to fulfill his task. And if he's successful, what does it mean to the world at large? 3 ...

    17,17 €

  • The Curse of the Coral Bride
    Brian Stableford
    In the far future, Earth is slowing dying, as the Sun has turned into a red giant that threatens to explode. The last inhabitants of the planet have no idea why they’re still living, and why they seem to have been made in the image of earliest man--and not the countless human species that have existed since. But they still have to time to ponder, and time to kill--and they do s...

    22,02 €

  • Voyage Beneath the Waves
    Jules Rengade / Brian Stableford
    VOYAGE BENEATH THE WAVES was published two years prior to Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Verne, when he became aware of Jules Rengade’s serial version, felt obliged to write the magazine editor to set the record straight--HE’D developed the idea independently! In fact, the influence was very much the other way around: although Rengade had come up with the ...

    16,49 €

  • Claude Mercoeur’s Reflection and Other Strange Stories
    Frederic Boutet / Brian Stableford
    This volume is the third of a set of three showcasing the work of Frédéric Boutet, the other two volumes being The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories and The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories. Viewed as an ensemble, the collections illustrate the range and development of Boutet’s early work, and provide a few representative samples of its later evolution...

    16,44 €

  • The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories
    Frederic Boutet / Brian Stableford
    This volume is the second of a set of three showcasing the work of Frédéric Boutet, the other two volumes being The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories, and Claude Mercoeur’s Reflection and Other Strange Stories. Viewed as an ensemble, these collections illustrate the range and development of Boutet’s early work, and provide a few representative samples of its later evolut...

    17,48 €

  • The Antisocial Man and Other Strange Stories
    Frederic Boutet / Brian Stableford
    This volume is the first of a set of three books showcasing the work of Frédéric Boutet, the other two volumes being The Voyage of Julius Pingouin and Other Strange Stories and Claude Mercoeur’s Reflection and Other Strange Stories. Viewed as an ensemble, they illustrate the range and development of Boutet’s early work, and provide representative samples of its later evolution....

    16,29 €

  • Sheena and Other Gothic Tales
    Brian Stableford
    Sheena is a vampire from Leeds who works in a call center, and has a dark secret that even she doesn’t know about. Her boyfriend has to discover it the hard way, alas. Like the other two vampire stories included in the book, both of which feature vampire babies, 'Sheena' is a love story, which shares the life-enhancing attributes common to all love stories. Here are ten tales o...

    19,85 €

  • The World Beyond
    Brian Stableford
    S. Fowler Wright’s novel, The World Below, one of the classics of British scientific romance, was hailed as a masterpiece of science fiction when it was published in the U.S. Originally intended as a trilogy, the novel was cut short when Wright’s business went bankrupt. Now Brian Stableford, with the permission of the author’s estate, has penned the sequel that master never had...

    16,73 €

  • The Walking Shadow
    Brian Stableford
    Paul Heisenberg is mysteriously endowed with the ability to jump through time. Together with thousands of eventual followers, he begins a journey that eventually takes him a billion years into the future. The Earth has been devastated by war with an alien race, and the changes that have resulted from the degradation of the world’s biosphere force him--and others--to rethink the...

    19,81 €

  • The Man Who Lost Himself
    Andre Beaunier / Brian Stableford
    THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF tells the story of Michel Bedée, a brilliant scientist whose work on the new element that he’s discovered--sirium--has alienated him from his mother, his sister, and his wife. He cannot bear the fact that, although he loves his wife dearly, he cannot make her happy. Unfortunately, when she finds an alternative route to happiness, he cannot bear that eit...

    19,99 €

  • Sexual Chemistry and Other Tales of the Biotech Revolution
    Brian Stableford
    This collection brings together the ten earliest stories in Brian Stableford’s series of 'Tales of the Biotech Revolution,' all written in the 1980s, except for one anomalous example from the 1960s. The dates in some of the stories, located a comfortable distance in the future when the stories were written, have now long past, revealing certain anomalies of early expectation; b...

    18,75 €

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