LIBROS DEL AUTOR: sarwah creed

39 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: sarwah creed

  • Die Verführungskünste der Helden
    Sarwah Creed
    Die Verführungskünste der Helden sind drei Bücher über umgekehrte Haremssituationen, mit einer Mischung aus Liebe, Witz und Spannung. Es gibt jede Menge heißer Liebesszenen, also halten Sie nicht nur Ihren Kindle bereit, sondern auch ein Handtuch, wenn Sie diese erotischen Geschichten mit Happy End lesen.Drei Sexy SEALs haben das Vergnügen, in jedem Buch eine Frau zu befriedige...

    38,93 €

  • Shared By The SEALs
    Sarwah Creed
    Uniforms on, inhibitions off.Gear up for a steamy deployment with this collection of military romances that won’t leave you disappointed Each story has a feisty heroine who falls in love with men who would do anything for their woman. Three Sexy SEALs have the pleasure of satisfying one woman in each book. Book 1 - Nanny for the SEALsThree SEALs need a nanny for their twins.....

    38,65 €

  • Claimed By Fate
    Sarwah Creed
    I’ve been sold to three wolf shifters.After my husband lost big time at the casino, guess what the douche did? He sold me to the local pack as payment for his debt. Three owners, to be specific who look at me like they want to eat me. They are scorching hot, dangerous, and might very well be my undoing.But I guess they can’t be all bad... after all, they offered me a deal.Stay ...

    25,90 €

  • Santa’s Dirty Bikers
    Sarwah Creed
    Tired of being the good girl, Amber decides to get down and dirty with Santa’s bikers. Happy Christmas to me: my boyfriend was cheating on me. No festive proposal this year, then. I was miles from home, with no flights available, on Christmas Eve.Damn. A sexy biker, Beau, offered me a ride to his house and I jumped on-tired of always doing the right thing. I’d done that, up unt...

    9,63 €

  • Drei Männer für Bianca
    Sarwah Creed
    Bianca Young und ihr Vater haben versucht, uns zu hintergehen. Sie wollten meine Familie für dumm verkaufen, aber jetzt werden sie herausfinden, was drei Kerle wie wir mit ihrem wunderschönen Körper anstellen können.Sie lief über den Campus, als wäre sie in ihrer eigenen Welt, aber wenn wir mit ihr fertig sind, wird sie um Gnade winseln. Wir werden sie ausziehen und ihr den Hin...

    16,31 €

  • Drei Männer für Hazel
    Sarwah Creed
    Ich hatte das College abgeschlossen, aber keinen Job und keinerlei Aussichten. Wir mussten wieder in Quarantäne gehen. Mit der neuen Mutation stiegen die Fälle wieder an und die Impfstoffe halfen überhaupt nicht.Konnte es noch schlimmer kommen?Oh ja.Zwei superheiße, sexy SEALs standen auf einmal vor meiner Tür. Mit zwei Seals hatte ich in den letzten Monaten geschrieben, und de...

    16,30 €

  • The Handoff
    Sarwah Creed
    UCLA was supposed to be a new start where I could leave the shadows of my past behind in high school.And then Dane, the captain of the football team, sent me a text.A dirty text.I should have told him I wasn’t that type of girl... But I didn’t. The temptation was too much, so I played along with his little game.Things got out of hand, and before I knew it, I was dating him and ...

    15,45 €

  • Beast
    Arya Karin / Sarwah Creed
    The Beast locked me up in his fake castle. As the daughter of one of the most dangerous Bratva bosses in the underworld, I uncovered a secret so deadly, I fled Russia and escaped to America.But my high school enemy, the Beast, kidnapped me and trapped me on his island with no way to escape. And without my medication, I had no control over the heat that consumed me. His rough ha...

    17,82 €

  • Rejected Mate
    Arya Karin / Sarwah Creed
    My mate, Husk, rejected me!What do I care?Husk is arrogant, stubborn, and pigheaded, the complete opposite of what I want. I can’t mate with a brute like him.Worse, his rejection is causing a rift between him and his brothers, my other mates. I can never give Husk my heart even if he possesses my body.Fate is cruel and I don’t think I can pay the price.There’s a fine line betwe...

    14,93 €

  • Valentine Dare
    Sarwah Creed
    The three jocks wanted me to tutor them, but I wasn’t going to do it for free!I was supposed to be happy and move on to a new era. One every high-schooler craves. Yet, the bullying hasn’t stopped, and my eating habits are way out of control. I’ve gotten to a stage where I don’t care about anything anymore.Until Principal Williams called me into his office and asked me to tutor ...

    11,02 €

  • Nanny for the SEALs
    Sarwah Creed
    Three SEALs need a nanny for their twins... and someone to satisfy their hot-as-sin bodies, too.I moved cross-country to be with my ex, and one night I followed him, suspecting he was cheating on me. He ended up going to the strip club, Ranchy High.I had to find a way to get in, so when the bouncer asked if I was the nanny, I lied.I found out that my ex was cheating and stealin...

    14,99 €

  • Casi Malas Intenciones
    Sarwah Creed
    ScarlettNo quería pasar la cuarentena con mis jefes. Bueno, al menos no con los tres.Eran multimillonarios, pero solo tenían una secretaria. Al parecer, eran la versión actual de Scrooge.Me pidieron que fuese su sumisa durante treinta días, y lo pusieron por escrito en un contrato.Mi respuesta fue no, gracias.El mayor de los tres, Luke, me dejó el culo al aire y me dio una buen...

    9,40 €

  • Un Patron Indécent
    Sarwah Creed
    Mon assistante virtuelle va comprendre qui est le patron…

Je dirige cette foutue société, mais il n’y a pas moyen d’avoir une aide décente… à part Olivia.
C’est mon assistante de réserve depuis des années, et elle travaille à distance du milieu de nulle part.
Je la paierai le double, lui donnerai des jours de congé, tout pour pouvoir respecter ce délai.
Je n’ai vraiment pas be...

    13,31 €

  • Séduction Militaire
    Sarwah Creed
    J’ai obtenu mon diplôme à l’université et je suis sans travail ni perspective d’avenir. On devait se confiner. Les cas remontaient encore une fois avec le nouveau variant et les vaccins ne se révélaient pas efficaces du tout.Les choses pouvaient-elles empirer ?Oui.Trois séduisants Seal ont débarqué chez moi. Deux avec qui je correspondais par mail depuis quelques mois, et le de...

    14,33 €

  • Sexto Coquin
    Sarwah Creed
    Quatre frères veulent une femme pour passer du bon temps à Las Vegas.C’est l’occasion parfaite pour moi de perdre ma virginité.Maintenant que ma dernière année d’études est presque terminée, je suis prête à me venger.Trouver son téléphone à la bibliothèque était un coup de chance... ou peut-être que c’était le destin.Les messages sexuels des quatre superbes frères de l’équipe d...

    16,14 €

  • Kings of Hawk Academy
    Sarwah Creed
    The Kings of Hawk Academy in one box-set. An orphan who intended to bring them down to their knees...Everything in my life has been turned upside down.My mom died and I was shipped off to a place that I’d never heard of, Hawk Academy.Mom left instructions that I was to be sent there in her will.I was sad about leaving my friends and the little family that I had left behind.When...

    34,18 €

  • Verdorbene Liebe
    Sarwah Creed
    'Lasset die Spiele beginnen …'Diese Worte sagte ich zu Trent, einem der Schüler der Hawk-Academy.Er und sein Bruder James waren die attraktivsten, gefährlichsten und grausamsten Typen, denen ich je begegnet bin.Doch dann boten sie mir an, an ihrem Ritual teilzunehmen.Ein Angebot, das ich nicht ablehnen konnte.Die Hawk Academy ist eine Welt für sich.Alte Regeln. Alte Traditionen...

    14,11 €

  • Retrouvailles avec mon ex
    Sarwah Creed
    Lui, c’est mon ex. Un milliardaire.Mon nouveau patron. Super beau gosse.Ça fait plus de dix ans qu’il m’a quittée pour sa carrière de footballeur, mais maintenant il est de retour en ville et il me perturbe au quotidien. Non seulement je dois travailler avec lui tous les jours, mais voilà qu’il a rejoint mon club de mères célibataires.Il dit que c’est de la discrimination de ne...

    11,12 €

  • Dreißig Tage Finsternis
    Sarwah Creed
    Der skrupellose Psychopath Ricardo Ruiz hält mich dreißig Tage long gefangen.Ich habe Gerüchte gehört, wozu er fähig ist. Existe el Erbe einer brutalen Familie von Kriminellen, que administra esta ciudad. Un Damon con Cabello Negro y Augen Verde. Erst ist meinverführerischer Psychopath nett zu mir und dann castiga allí mich im nächsten Augenblick.Ich fühle mich who die Schöne, ...

    14,99 €

  • Bossy Daddy
    Sarwah Creed
    They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but I wasn’t sure that was true until I worked for the billionaire, Alec Brent.He looked hotter than fire, but ice runs in his veins.He was arrogant. Treated me like I was his slave, much lower than even an intern.I didn’t come from his world, and he made me feel it every second I was around him.Small.Insignificant.But, I was de...

    15,28 €

  • Sexy SEALs
    Sarwah Creed
    I graduated from college with no job lined up nor prospects. We had to go into quarantine. The cases were rising once again with the new variant, and the vaccines were not helping at all.Could it get any worse?It did.Two hot sexy SEALs turned up at my door. Two of them I’d been writing to for the last few months and the other one…let’s just say that he turned up for the ride.Wh...

    12,14 €

  • Triple #Sexto
    Sarwah Creed
    Et si ma relation idéale sur le campus n’était pas avec un mec, mais avec trois ? u2028J’avais un fantasme vraiment torride. La nuit précédant mon départ à la fac, j’ai rêvé que la star de l’équipe de football américain tombait à mes pieds. Le retour à la réalité a été difficile quand j’ai découvert que la vie à l’Université de New York était bien loin de ce que j’avais espéré....

    15,16 €

  • Claimed By Wolves
    Arya Karin / Sarwah Creed
    I’ve been sold to three wolf shifters. After my husband lost big time at the casino, guess what the douche did? He sold me to the local pack as payment for his debt. Three owners, to be specific who look at me like they want to eat me. They are scorching hot, dangerous, and might very well be my undoing.But I guess they can’t be all bad... after all, they offered me a deal.Stay...

    15,02 €

  • Blind Date
    Sarwah Creed
     I had my blind date with Luke Winters, or rather LW (Luke Warm) as he was known in the office.He was far from warm when I went on a blind date with him. More like stone-cold mean. Then again, I couldn’t blame him. After all, I was homeless. He had two homes, a penthouse and a house. I was soaking wet, and dressed as if I was on to my shift at the local diner. He was formally d...

    12,98 €

  • Naughty #teXXXt
    Sarwah Creed
    Bianca Young and her dad tried to cross us. They wanted to take my family for fools, and now they’re going to find out what three jocks like us will do with her beautiful body.She walked around campus as if she was in her own world, but we would have her begging for mercy, until we were done with her.We would strip her, spank her until she’s soaking wet. Then, we would put her ...

    12,13 €

  • Triplice Seduzione
    Sarwah Creed
    Bianca Young e suo padre hanno tentato di fregarci. Pensavano che la mia famiglia fosse un branco di deficienti, e ora scopriranno cosa faranno tre atleti come noi del suo bellissimo corpo.Andava in giro per il campus come se il mondo le appartenesse, ma l’avremmo portata a implorare pietà fino a che non avessimo finito con lei.L’avremmo spogliata e sculacciata fino a farla div...

    13,27 €

  • Sext Me
    Sarwah Creed
    Die Sext Line hat jemanden gefunden, der perfekt zu mir passt.Ich hätte nur nicht gedacht, dass ER es ist.Eigentlich sollte das College einen Neuanfang bedeuten.Und ich habe drei Ziele:#1 Einen Schrank voller neuer Klamotten – Erledigt#2 Neue Freunde finden - Erledigt#3 Meine Jungfräulichkeit zu verlieren … bei diesem Vorhaben komme ich einfach nicht weiter.Und ich habe wirklic...

    12,06 €

  • Chef der Begierde
    Sarwah Creed
    Er ist mein Ex. Er ist Millionär.Mein neuer, heißer Chef. Vor zehn Jahren hat er mich sitzen lassen, weil er sich ganz seiner Footballkarriere widmen wollte, aber jetzt ist er wieder in der Stadt und macht mich ganz verrückt. Ich muss nicht nur jeden Tag mit ihm zusammenarbeiten, nein, jetzt ist er auch noch in meiner Gruppe für alleinerziehende Mütter.Er sagt, es wäre Diskrimi...

    9,88 €

  • Triple Sext
    Sarwah Creed
    Is my perfect match on campus one guy or three?I had a filthy fantasy. One so bad that the night before going to college, I had the wildest dream about the all-star football player falling at my feet. I was brought down to reality as I soon found out that life at NYU didn’t turn out the way that I hoped. All the social clubs that I joined were a bust and my roommate turned out ...

    14,16 €

  • Quadruple TeXXXt
    Sarwah Creed
    The four hot studs on the baseball team wanted one thing, to have one woman in Vegas and that woman was me.There were a couple of issues...#1 I found a phone in the library, not anyone else’s phone but Amanda’s. The girl that had tortured me throughout uni.#2 The four hot studs happened to be texting Amanda, not me.Their text exchanges were so naughty, and despite myself, I sta...

    14,22 €

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