4640 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: saint

  • Of Two Souls
    Saint Augustine
    One of Which is Not from God, is Refuted. Every Soul, Inasmuch as It is a Certain Life, Can Have Its Existence Only from God the Source of Life. ...

    26,00 €

  • On Continence
    Saint Augustine
    St. Augustine speaks of his work On Continence in Ep. 231, Ad Darium Comitem. [See vol. 1. of this edition, p. 584. P.S.] Possidius, Ind. c. 10, mentions it, and it is cited in the Collectanea of Bede or Florus, and by Eugypius. Erasmus is therefore wrong in ascribing it to Hugo on the ground of the style, which is not unlike that of the earlier discourses. It is evidently a di...

    26,00 €

  • On Grace and Free Will
    Saint Augustine
    There are some persons who suppose that the freedom of the will is denied whenever God’s grace is maintained, and who on their side defend their liberty of will so peremptorily as to deny the grace of God. This grace, as they assert, is bestowed according to our own merits. It is in consequence of their opinions that I wrote the book entitled On Grace and Free Will. ...

    29,12 €

  • On Lying
    Saint Augustine
    This book appears from its place in the Retractations to have been written about A.D. 395, as it is the last work named in the first book, which contains those which he wrote before he was Bishop. Some editions represent it as addressed to Consentius, but not the manuscripts. The latter are probably right, as his other work on the subject was written in answer to the inquiries ...

    29,12 €

  • On Nature and Grace
    Saint Augustine
    At that time also there came into my hands a certain book of Pelagius’, in which he defends, with all the argumentative skill he could muster, the nature of man, in opposition to the grace of God whereby the unrighteous is justified and we become Christians. The treatise which contains my reply to him, and in which I defend grace, not indeed as in opposition to nature, but as t...

    31,20 €

  • On Patience
    Saint Augustine
    Erasmus infers from the style and language of this piece, that it is not St. Augustine’s, putting it in the same category with the treatises On Continence, On substance of Charity, On Faith of things invisible. ...

    26,00 €

  • On the Care of the Dead
    Saint Augustine
    The book, On care to be had for the dead, I wrote, having been asked by letter whether it profits any person after death that his body shall be buried at the memorial of any Saint. The book begins thus: Long time unto your Holiness, my venerable fellow bishop Paulinus. ...

    26,00 €

  • On the Catechising of the Uninstructed
    Saint Augustine
    In the fourteenth chapter of the second book of his Retractations, Augustine makes the following statement: There is also a book of ours on the subject of the Catechising of the Uninstructed, [or, for Instructing the Unlearned, De Catechizandis Rudibus], that being, indeed, the express title by which it is designated. ...

    31,20 €

  • On the Morals of the Manichaeans
    Saint Augustine
    Containing a particular refutation of the doctrine of these heretics regarding the origin and nature of evil; an exposure of their pretended symbolic customs of the mouth, of the hands, and of the breast; and a condemnation of their superstitious abstinence and unholy mysteries. Lastly, some crimes brought to light among the Manichæans are mentioned. ...

    29,12 €

  • On the Nature of Good
    Saint Augustine
    Written after the year 404. It is put in the Retractations immediately after the De Actis cum Felice Manichæo, which was written about the end of the year 404. It is one of the most argumentative of the Anti-Manichæan treatises, and so one of the most abstruse and difficult. ...

    26,00 €

  • On the Proceedings of Pelagius
    Saint Augustine
    The several heads of error which were alleged against Pelagius at the Synod in Palestine, with his answers to each charge, are minutely discussed. Augustine shows that, although Pelagius was acquitted by the synod, there still clave to him the suspicion of heresy; and that the acquittal of the accused by the synod was so contrived, that the heresy itself with which he was charg...

    31,20 €

  • On the Profit of Believing
    Saint Augustine
    St. Augustine enumerates his book on the Profit of Believing first among those he wrote as Presbyter, to which order he was raised at Hippo about the beginning of the year 391. The person for whom he wrote had been led into error by himself, and appears to have been recovered from it, at least if he is the same who wrote to St. Augustine from Carthage about 412, proposing sever...

    29,12 €

  • On the Sermon on the Mount
    Saint Augustine
    If any one will piously and soberly consider the sermon which our Lord Jesus Christ spoke on the mount, as we read it in the Gospel according to Matthew, I think that he will find in it, so far as regards the highest morals, a perfect standard of the Christian life: and this we do not rashly venture to promise, but gather it from the very words of the Lord Himself. ...

    36,40 €

  • On the Spirit and the Letter
    Saint Augustine
    The person to whom I had addressed the three books entitled De Peccatorum Meritis et Remissione, in which I carefully discussed also the baptism of infants, informed me, when acknowledging my communication, that he was much disturbed because I declared it to be possible that a man might be without sin, if he wanted not the will, by the help of God, although no man either had li...

    31,20 €

  • Otto questioni dell’Antico Testamento
    Saint Augustine
    Non viola la giustizia generale se non chi, spinto dalla passione, trasgredisce il contratto della convivenza umana (come per es. il furto, la rapina, ladulterio, lincesto e altre simili trasgressioni), oppure la [legge della] natura (come per es. le azioni oltraggiose, i maltrattamenti violenti, lomicidio, la sodomia, laccoppiamento con gli animali), oppure la giusta misura ne...

    20,80 €

  • Soliloquies
    Saint Augustine
    Entreat of God health and help, that you may the better compass your desires, and commit to writing this very petition, that you may be the more courageous in the offspring of your brain. Then, what you discover sum up in a few brief conclusions. Nor care just now to invite a crowd of readers; it will suffice if these things find audience among the few of your own city. ...

    29,12 €

  • Sommario della Conferenza con i Donatisti
    Saint Augustine
    Quando i vescovi cattolici e quelli del partito di Donato, per ordine dell’imperatore, si riunirono alla presenza del tribuno e notaio Marcellino, che agiva in veste di giudice moderatore, per dibattere in contraddittorio fra loro, fu stesa una redazione degli Atti assai prolissa, che si sarebbe potuta fare con maggiore sinteticità. ...

    31,20 €

  • Sulla rovina della città di Roma
    Saint Augustine
    Cerchiamo di penetrare il senso della prima lettura sul santo profeta Daniele lì dove lo abbiamo sentito pregare e lo abbiamo ammirato sentendolo confessare non solo i peccati del popolo ma anche i suoi propri. Le sue erano parole di preghiera ma anche di confessione. Diceva: Pregando e confessando i peccati miei e quelli del mio popolo al Signore Dio mio. ...

    22,88 €

  • The Confessions of Saint Augustine
    Saint Augustine
    'The Confessions of Saint Augustine' is an intimate voyage into the mind and soul of one of history’s most profound thinkers and spiritual leaders. Augustine’s eloquent words guide us through the labyrinth of human existence, exploring the depths of sin, redemption, and the insatiable quest for divine truth.In this literary masterpiece, Augustine bares his soul, allowing us to ...

    41,60 €

  • The Handbook on Faith Hope and Love
    Saint Augustine
    The author usually calls the book On Faith, Hope and Love, because he treats the subject under these three heads cf. 1 Corinthians 13:13. He follows under the first head the order of the Apostles’ Creed, and refutes, without naming them, the Manichæan, Apollinarian, Arian, and Pelagian heresies. Under the second head he gives a brief exposition of the Lord’s Prayer. The third p...

    36,40 €

  • The Rule of St. Augustine
    Saint Augustine
    The essence of the Rule is to value community life over seeking for oneself. For this reason, All members are to share what they have, and are to receive only according to their need. All work is to be accomplished for the common good of all. All members are to exercise mutual care and vigilance over one another. ...

    22,88 €

  • To Consentius Against Lying
    Saint Augustine
    From the Retractations, Book II, Chapter 60: Then also I wrote a Book against Lying, the occasion of which work was this. In order to discover the Priscillianist heretics, who think it right to conceal their heresy not only by denial and lies, but even by perjury, it seemed to certain Catholics that they ought to pretended themselves Priscillianists, in order that they might pe...

    26,00 €

  • Letter to all the Faithful
    Saint Francis of Assisi
    The text itself and the consensus of codices alike bespeak its genuineness. Its inspiration is kindred to that of St. Francis other writings. Moreover, many of the sentiments contained in this letter, written in great part in the words of the Gospel, are expressed by the Saint in almost the self-same language in the Rules and elsewhere. ...

    20,80 €

  • Conférences
    Saint Bonaventure
    O mon âme, considère les merveilles renouvelées par la Vérité. Nous pouvons les contempler toutes dans cette union qui a associé Dieu et l’homme en la personne du Verbe, union vraiment accomplie et faite par le Seigneur, union manifestée par lui à nos yeux. ...

    26,00 €

  • Des Sept Degrés de la Contemplation
    Saint Bonaventure
    Désirant donner une activité plus grande au regard pénétrant des contemplatifs, et réjouir le palais de leur âme en lui faisant savourer des mets d’une céleste douceur, j’ai pensé qu’il serait bon de traiter des sept degrés de la contemplation , degrés d’autant plus glorieux qu’ils sont fondés sur la science de l’expérience. ...

    22,88 €

  • Des Six Ailes des Séraphins
    Saint Bonaventure
    Souvent il arrive, en effet, qu’une cause légère fournit au sage l’occasion de s’élever à une sagesse plus grande , et que la folie d’un autre contribue même quelquefois à son avancement. J’ai donc pensé que le présent écrit pourrait offrir aussi à ceux qui sont nouveaux et encore peu exercés dans le gouvernement, une occasion d’arriver à un discernement plus parfait du bien et...

    31,20 €

  • Du Combat Spirituel contre les Sept Péchés Capitaux
    Saint Bonaventure
    Allons ! soldats du Christ, qui êtes prêts à commencer le combat spirituel, revêtez-vous de l’armure de Dieu; prenez en main le glaive et le bouclier; le glaive de la force et du courage, le bouclier de la patience, afin d’être inébranlables au milieu des assauts et des peines. ...

    26,00 €

  • Du Gouvernement de l’Ame
    Saint Bonaventure
    Avant tout , ô âme ! il est nécessaire que vous ayez du Dieu très-bon les sentiments les plus élevés, les plus pieux et les plus saints; ou autrement, vous devez croire en lui avec une foi inébranlable, le considérer avec un esprit attentif, et arrêter sur lui avec admiration l’oeil pénétrant de votre raison. ...

    20,80 €

  • Exercices Spirituels
    Saint Bonaventure
    Si vous voulez vous conserver dans la vertu, il vous faut avoir des exercices spirituels afin d’occuper votre esprit, autrement vous ne sauriez vous promettre la persévérance. ...

    20,80 €

  • Explication des Cérémonies de la Sainte Messe
    Saint Bonaventure
    Jésus-Christ, le Pontife des biens futurs, étant venu dans le monde, est entré une fois dans le sanctuaire non avec le sang des boucs et des veaux, mais avec son propre sang, nous ayant acquis une rédemption éternelle. ...

    29,12 €