LIBROS DEL AUTOR: rafeal mechlore

152 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: rafeal mechlore

  • Product Placement In Entertainment By Brands
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Item situation in diversion is a strong promoting technique utilized by brands to flawlessly coordinate their items or administrations into different types of media, for example, films, network shows, computer games, and even music recordings. This procedure includes displaying a brand’s contributions inside the story or scenes of the diversion content, frequently without clear...

    24,81 €

  • Global Branding
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'Global Branding Borderless Success Stories' is a compelling and informative collection that delves into the world of international business and marketing, showcasing a diverse array of triumphs and lessons from globally recognized brands. This unique compilation offers readers a comprehensive insight into the strategies and practices that have propelled these companies to unpa...

    22,28 €

  • Runway To Real Life Model’s Journey
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Runway to Reality' isn’t simply one more ordinary unscripted TV drama; it’s a convincing story of models exploring the ups and downs of the design business. This unscripted series takes watchers on a remarkable excursion, displaying the existences of models who try to overcome the catwalk and, all the more significantly, the change they go through to adjust to the afflictions o...

    22,84 €

  • Cloud-Based CI/CD for Software Teams
    Rafeal Mechlore
    These days, software development moves very quickly. Being able to offer high-quality software quickly is a competitive advantage that can make or break a business. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) in the cloud has become one of the most important ways to speed up and simplify software development. It lets teams automate and speed up their software deliv...

    25,31 €

  • Green Computing
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Green computing, which is also called sustainable computing or eco-friendly computing, is a new way of doing things that aims to make software creation and IT more responsible for the environment. As a result, software and systems are being made that not only meet the needs of the digital age but also leave as little of an impact on the environment as possible. Green computing ...

    24,50 €

  • Startup Journey Idea To Entrepreneurial Triumph
    The 'Startup Excursion: Thought to Enterprising Victory' is a dynamic and extraordinary way that typifies the thrilling system of transforming a visionary thought into a flourishing innovative example of overcoming adversity. This excursion is a perplexing, multi-layered, and frequently testing endeavor that incalculable creative people set out upon with the fantasy about under...

    22,18 €

  • Unveiling Treasure Heists Chronicles Of Riches
    'Disclosing Fortune Heists: Narratives of Wealth' is an enamoring scholarly excursion that dives profound into the universe of high-stakes heists, where adrenaline-siphoning experiences and old secrets merge. In this thrilling investigation of trying tricks, stowed away fortunes, and amazing characters, perusers are shipped to a domain where sly driving forces conflict with per...

    21,38 €

  • Streaming Entertainment Redefined, Anytime, Anywhere
    Rafeal Mechlore
    As of late, streaming has arisen as a groundbreaking power in media outlets, reshaping how we access, consume, and draw in with our number one substance. This change in perspective is exemplified in the expression 'Streaming Amusement Reclassified, Whenever, Anyplace.' The ascent of real time features has generally impacted the manner in which we appreciate motion pictures, Pro...

    22,92 €

  • Digital Journalism Truth In A Click
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In the time of fast data scattering, where news is only a tick away, the uprightness and validity of computerized reporting are more basic than any time in recent memory. 'Computerized News-casting: Truth In A Tick' dives into the complex and developing scene of information revealing and narrating in the advanced time, tending to the difficulties, potential open doors, and mora...

    23,62 €

  • Smartphone Users Immersed In Video Apps
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In the present advanced age, the assembly of innovation and amusement has changed the manner in which we consume video content. Cell phone clients have become progressively drenched in video applications, changing their everyday schedules, and affecting the manner in which they cooperate with their general surroundings. The pervasiveness of cell phones, with their high-goal sho...

    24,56 €

  • Reality TV Behind The Curtain
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Reality TV Behind The Curtain is a fascinating and revealing look at the inner workings of the world of reality television. This unique behind-the-scenes exploration takes viewers on a journey into the captivating and often complex universe of reality TV, where the line between real life and entertainment blurs, and the drama is unscripted.The series delves into the intricate p...

    24,81 €

  • Universal Media
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Universal Media: Molding History, Affecting Lives, Impacting Fates' investigates the powerful universe of media in the 21st 100 years, where data streams flawlessly across borders, rising above social, political, and geological limits. This dazzling book digs into the rich embroidery of media’s development, from its modest starting points to today ubiquitous job in our lives. I...

    21,38 €

  • Navigating Universal Media in Modern Society
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In the advanced age, exploring general media has turned into a necessary part of current life. All inclusive media envelops a huge range of stages, from customary papers and TV to the consistently developing computerized scene of web-based entertainment, web-based features, and vivid innovations like computer generated simulation. It fills in as the essential course for data, a...

    25,41 €

  • Identity Frames Media, Discourse Reflects Society
    Rafeal Mechlore
    The expression 'Identity Shapes media discourse reflects society' exemplifies a significant understanding into the complex connection between media, personality, and cultural talk. At its center, this assertion highlights what the depiction of personality inside media shapes and means for the more extensive conversations and stories that pervade society. Media, in the entirety...

    20,66 €

  • Media’s Hand In Pop Culture Evolution
    Rafeal Mechlore
     Media’s significant effect on the development of mainstream society is a subject of massive importance and interest. In the present interconnected world, the connection among media and mainstream society is more complicated and powerful than any other time. This cooperative energy has not just changed the manner in which we see and consume data however has likewise assumed a c...

    21,47 €

  • Media Literacy
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'Media Literacy: Critical Skills, Global Impact' is a comprehensive and enlightening exploration of the pivotal role media literacy plays in today’s interconnected world. This book unravels the intricate web of media consumption, examining how individuals and societies worldwide can develop the essential skills to navigate the complex landscape of information and communication....

    20,59 €

  • Censorship vs Press
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'Censorship vs. Press Freedom Worldwide' is a comprehensive and thought-provoking exploration of the ongoing battle between censorship and press freedom on a global scale. This book delves deep into the complex dynamics and multifaceted challenges faced by media, journalists, and societies in their pursuit of a free and responsible press.Key Features:Global Perspectives: This b...

    20,53 €

  • Media shapes Ads, Influence Shapes Us
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In the intricate dance between media, advertising, and consumer behavior, a profound and symbiotic relationship emerges. These three elements are the essential components of the modern information ecosystem, wielding a significant influence on our daily lives, preferences, and choices. Media, as the omnipresent conveyor of information, serves as the stage on which advertising p...

    24,66 €

  • Twitter’s Influence On Global Political Landscape
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'Twitter’s Influence on the Global Political Landscape' is an insightful and timely exploration of the profound impact that this social media platform has had on the way politics is conducted and perceived worldwide. This book offers a comprehensive examination of how Twitter has become a powerful tool for political communication, mobilization, and engagement, reshaping the pol...

    19,70 €

  • The Psychology Of Ads
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'The Psychology of Ads: Influencing Consumers' offers an intriguing journey into the intricate and captivating realm of advertising psychology. This book delves deep into the fascinating world of consumer behavior, dissecting the subconscious and conscious elements that make advertisements such powerful tools for influence and persuasion.Key Features:Consumer Decision-Making: G...

    22,30 €

  • Cybersecurity Threats
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'Cybersecurity Threats: Global Networks' is a comprehensive and eye-opening exploration of the ever-evolving landscape of digital security threats that affect interconnected global networks. This book offers a deep dive into the intricate web of cybersecurity challenges faced by individuals, organizations, and nations in an increasingly interconnected world.Key Features:Global ...

    22,17 €

  • Captivating Audiences With Marketing Magic Emotions
    Rafeal Mechlore
    'Captivating Audiences with Marketing Magic: Emotions' is an enchanting exploration of the transformative power of emotions in the world of marketing. This book takes you on a captivating journey through the art and science of evoking emotions to create memorable and impactful marketing campaigns.Key Features:Emotional Alchemy: Unlock the secrets of emotional alchemy and discov...

    23,06 €

  • Advertising Ethics
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the intersection of advertising and ethics has become a critical focal point. 'Advertising Ethics: Balancing Business and Responsibility' is a thought-provoking exploration of the complex and dynamic relationship between the world of marketing and the moral obligations that come with it. This book delves deep into the ethical dime...

    20,57 €

  • Media’s Coverage of Crisis Situations
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Media’s part in covering emergency circumstances is essential, impacting public discernment, molding reactions, and frequently filling in as a life saver for data. Whether it’s catastrophic events, pandemics, clashes, or different crises, media fills in as both a wellspring of fundamental data and a stage for conversation. In the midst of emergency, media satisfies a few pivota...

    23,08 €

  • Regulating Media In The Digital Age
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In the computerized age, the scene of media and correspondence has gone through a seismic change. The multiplication of online stages, virtual entertainment organizations, and computerized content has democratized data spread, enabling people and associations to draw in with a worldwide crowd. Notwithstanding, this recently discovered opportunity has likewise delivered a large ...

    23,11 €

  • Media’s Role In Health Communication
    Rafeal Mechlore
     Media plays a pivotal role in health communication by serving as a primary channel for disseminating information, shaping public perceptions, and influencing health behaviors. Through various platforms such as television, radio, print, online news, and social media, media outlets convey critical health-related messages to the public. Media acts as a bridge between healthcare p...

    27,05 €

  • Environmental Issues In Media Messaging
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Environmental issues in media messaging refer to the portrayal, coverage, and communication of various ecological concerns, challenges, and solutions through different forms of media, including television, radio, print, online publications, and social media platforms. This crucial aspect of media plays a significant role in shaping public awareness, attitudes, and behaviors rel...

    24,58 €

  • Podcasts Voices Echoing In Digital Airwaves
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Man-made reasoning (computer based intelligence) is reforming the media business by introducing another time of customized content. Media organizations, from streaming stages to media sources, are outfitting the force of man-made intelligence to convey fitted encounters to their crowds. This shift is changing the manner in which we consume data and diversion, offering clients c...

    21,43 €

  • Social Media Success From Zero To Influencer
    Rafeal Mechlore
    Web-based Entertainment Achievement: From Zero to Force to be reckoned with' is a dynamic and canny aide that opens the key to flourishing in the cutthroat universe of virtual entertainment. In the present computerized age, constructing major areas of strength for a presence can prompt popularity, impact, and, surprisingly, monetary achievement. This book takes perusers on an e...

    24,66 €

  • From Likes To Luxury Influencer Strategies
    Rafeal Mechlore
    In the always advancing universe of online entertainment, powerhouses have become something other than computerized pioneers; they are currently tastemakers, business people, and even VIPs. 'From Likes to Extravagance: Powerhouse Procedures' is a charming investigation of the excursion from computerized fame to substantial achievement, uncovering the techniques and experiences ...

    22,27 €

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