2811 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: r m

  • L’importanza della ricerca e dello sviluppo in agricoltura
    Pankaj M. Ram / Pooja Mesurani / Vijay R. Ram
    La ricerca e lo sviluppo in agricoltura sono fondamentali per la sicurezza alimentare globale, la crescita economica e la sostenibilità ambientale. La ricerca e lo sviluppo in agricoltura contribuiscono alla prosperità economica, ai progressi tecnologici e all’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in agricoltura, garantendo in ultima analisi un approvvigionamento alimentare stab...

    84,16 €

    La thérapie laser de bas niveau (LLLT) est une technique qui utilise différentes fréquences de lumière pour stimuler l’énergie cellulaire, qui pénètre dans les nerfs, les cellules et les tissus afin d’améliorer la cicatrisation, de réduire la douleur et l’inflammation après les interventions dentaires. La LLLT a été utilisée en dentisterie pour favoriser la cicatrisation des pl...

    60,52 €

    A terapia laser de baixa intensidade (LLLT) é uma técnica que utiliza várias frequências de luz para estimular a energia celular, que penetra nos nervos, células e tecidos para melhorar a cicatrização, reduzir a dor e a inflamação após procedimentos dentários. A LLLT tem sido utilizada em medicina dentária para promover a cicatrização de feridas cirúrgicas, locais de extração, ...

    60,52 €

    Die Low-Level-Lasertherapie (LLLT) ist eine Technik, bei der verschiedene Lichtfrequenzen zur Stimulierung der Zellenergie eingesetzt werden, die in Nerven, Zellen und Gewebe eindringt, um die Heilung zu fördern und Schmerzen und Entzündungen nach zahnärztlichen Eingriffen zu verringern. LLLT wurde in der Zahnmedizin zur Förderung der Wundheilung bei chirurgischen Wunden, Extra...

    60,52 €

  • Die Bedeutung von Forschung und Entwicklung in der Landwirtschaft
    Pankaj M. Ram / Pooja Mesurani / Vijay R. Ram
    Forschung und Entwicklung in der Landwirtschaft sind entscheidend für die weltweite Ernährungssicherheit, das Wirtschaftswachstum und die ökologische Nachhaltigkeit. Sie steigert die Ernteerträge, entwickelt widerstandsfähige Sorten und fördert innovative landwirtschaftliche Praktiken. Forschung und Entwicklung in der Landwirtschaft tragen zu wirtschaftlichem Wohlstand, technol...

    84,22 €

  • A importância da investigação e do desenvolvimento agrícola
    Pankaj M. Ram / Pooja Mesurani / Vijay R. Ram
    A investigação e o desenvolvimento no domínio da agricultura são cruciais para a segurança alimentar, o crescimento económico e a sustentabilidade ambiental a nível mundial. A investigação e o desenvolvimento no domínio da agricultura contribuem para a prosperidade económica, os avanços tecnológicos e a adaptação às alterações climáticas na agricultura, assegurando, em última a...

    84,16 €

  • Saúde Pública: Temas Emergentes
    C. S. Lemos / Flávia Elói M. Senhoras (orgs) / Manoel R. Moraes Júnior
    O objetivo do presente livro é discutir temas que têm adquirido crescente relevância no campo da Saúde Pública, partindo de estudos de casos relacionadas à promoção de estratégias de diagnóstico, prevenção e solução de problemas, distúrbios e doenças físicas e mentais, os quais tomam como referência uma leitura pautada por plurais recortes teórico-metodológicos que valorizam a ...

    18,69 €

  • Biologie und Bekämpfung von Blattläusen
    Narendra Rathod / R.M. Patel / Ramesh Sarvaiya
    Die Nymphe durchlief vier verschiedene Stadien, bevor sie das Erwachsenenstadium erreichte. Alle Nymphenstadien waren flügellos, von brauner bis dunkelschwarzer Farbe und sehr aktiv. Die erwachsenen Tiere waren komplett schwarz und glänzend. Die Blattlaus A. craccivora auf Bockshornklee trat erstmals im Januar auf und blieb bis Februar aktiv, wobei die Populationsspitze in der ...

    60,44 €

  • Biologie et gestion des pucerons
    Narendra Rathod / R.M. Patel / Ramesh Sarvaiya
    La nymphe passe par quatre stades distincts avant d’atteindre le stade adulte. Tous les stades nymphaux sont dépourvus d’ailes, de couleur brune à noir foncé et très actifs. Les adultes aptères sont complètement noirs et brillants. Le puceron A. craccivora sur le fenugrec est apparu pour la première fois en janvier et est resté actif jusqu’en février, le pic de population étant...

    60,44 €

  • Biologia e gestione degli afidi
    Narendra Rathod / R.M. Patel / Ramesh Sarvaiya
    Tutti gli istanti ninfali erano privi di ali, di colore da marrone a nero scuro e molto attivi. Gli adulti apterati erano di colore completamente nero e di aspetto brillante. L’afide A. craccivora sul fieno greco è apparso per la prima volta in gennaio ed è rimasto attivo fino a febbraio, con un picco di popolazione nell’ultima settimana di gennaio. I biopesticidi azadiractina ...

    60,38 €

  • Biologia e gestão do afídeo
    Narendra Rathod / R.M. Patel / Ramesh Sarvaiya
    A ninfa passou por quatro instares distintos antes de atingir a fase adulta. Todos os instares ninfais não tinham asas, eram de cor castanha a preta escura e muito activos. Os adultos apterados eram de cor completamente preta e de aspeto brilhante. O pulgão, A. craccivora no feno-grego apareceu pela primeira vez em janeiro e permaneceu ativo até fevereiro, com o pico da populaç...

    60,44 €

  • CAD CAM in odontoiatria implantare
    Anil Kumar Gujjari / Dhakshaini M.R. / Supriya Chauhan
    Questo libro presenta una rassegna dei vari aspetti della progettazione assistita da computer e della produzione assistita da computer, con particolare attenzione all’odontoiatria implantare. Vengono discussi gli aspetti più importanti, dallo sviluppo storico allo stato attuale del CAD/CAM. Vengono inoltre presentati i vari sistemi disponibili in commercio e le loro caratterist...

    70,17 €

  • Conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) et fabrication assistée par ordinateur (FAO) en dentisterie implantaire
    Anil Kumar Gujjari / Dhakshaini M.R. / Supriya Chauhan
    Ce livre présente une revue des différents aspects de la conception et de la fabrication assistées par ordinateur, en mettant l’accent sur la dentisterie implantaire. Les aspects importants, depuis le développement historique jusqu’à l’état actuel de la CAO/FAO, sont abordés. Différents systèmes disponibles dans le commerce et leurs caractéristiques sont également compilés. Les...

    70,17 €

  • CAD CAM em Implantologia
    Anil Kumar Gujjari / Dhakshaini M.R. / Supriya Chauhan
    Este livro apresenta uma revisão sobre vários aspectos do desenho assistido por computador e do fabrico assistido por computador, com especial incidência na implantologia dentária. São discutidos os aspectos importantes desde o desenvolvimento histórico até ao estado atual do CAD/CAM. São também compilados vários sistemas disponíveis comercialmente e as suas características. Os...

    70,17 €

  • CAD CAM in der Implantologie
    Anil Kumar Gujjari / Dhakshaini M.R. / Supriya Chauhan
    Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Aspekte des computergestützten Designs und der computergestützten Fertigung mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der Implantologie. Es werden die wichtigsten Aspekte von der historischen Entwicklung bis zum aktuellen Stand der CAD/CAM diskutiert. Außerdem werden verschiedene kommerziell erhältliche Systeme und ihre charakteristischen...

    70,14 €

  • Herbal Plants -Immunomodulators
    D. Anushya / Dr.R. Saravanan / M. Monica
    Nowadays, in the 21st century, the global health sector is facing various problems. Among the problems faced by the scientific communities are antibiotic resistance, antiviral resistance, anticancer resistance, side effects of commercial drugs, underdeveloped drug delivery mechanism, treatment of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, COVID-19, infections, and neurologic...

    61,63 €

  • The Battle And The Breeze
    R. M. Ballantyne
    'The Battle and the Breeze' by means of R. M. Ballantyne is an enchanting maritime adventure tale that immerses readers inside the international of naval struggle in the course of the Age of Sail. Set towards the backdrop of historic activities, the novel follows the protagonist, younger naval officer Percival Shawn, on an exciting adventure aboard a British man-of-warfare. As ...

    10,88 €

    J. R. Talaviya / K. K Gadhiya / N. M. Kachhadiya
    L’arachide (Arachis hypogaea L.) est l’une des principales graines oléagineuses et cultures vivrières du monde. L’arachide souffre de nombreuses maladies, parmi lesquelles les taches foliaires précoces (Cercospora arachidicola Hori.) et tardives [Phaeoisariopsis personata (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Arx.] sont les maladies foliaires de l’arachide les plus répandues et les plus impor...

    97,40 €

  • The Bears Aggression
    M. R. Ocha
    Set in the near future, the saga unfolds to reveal that Europe is on the verge of unifying and Russia has opened itself up to tourism. From this foundation, the narrator depicts the events, most of which are historical facts, that lead a man named 'The Commandant' to gain power and put the entire world in danger. The 'soldiers' use nuclear devices, major commercial airlines and...

    22,99 €

  • The Bears Aggression
    M. R. Ocha
    Set in the near future, the saga unfolds to reveal that Europe is on the verge of unifying and Russia has opened itself up to tourism. From this foundation, the narrator depicts the events, most of which are historical facts, that lead a man named 'The Commandant' to gain power and put the entire world in danger. The 'soldiers' use nuclear devices, major commercial airlines and...

    30,44 €

    Lt.-Col. R. M. P. Carver
    The 7th Armoured Division finest moment was the dogged campaign it fought against Rommel’s Afrika Korps in the desert of North Africa. It is that campaign that is cover in this book. This is a useful and detailed contemporary account of early operations in the Desert, Siege and Relief of Tobruk, El Alamein to Tripoli and on to Tunis. ...

    20,52 €

  • Criaturas nocturnas. Tomo I
    Aida Lechuga Muñoz / Bruno Ascar / Efrén Ynzenga Martínez / Emilio Antonio Calderón / Gargón Gargón / Gustavo D. Zaballa / Iván Humanes / Jesú Loarte R / Jesús Neri Rincón / Jhonnattan Arriola / Jonathan Calva / José David Flores Balderas / Juan Jesús Caballero / Juan Pablo Castañeda / L . M. M. Ramos / La Mujer Perro / Lidia Gila
    Las pesadillas han abandonado el mundo de los sueños. Se ocultan tras las cortinas, en los rincones oscuros de la casa, caminan en silencio por los pasillos solitarios a la espera de una nueva víctima. Los monstruos acechan, se alimentan del terror de sus presas y muchas veces, de su carne. En la colección Criaturas nocturnas, los autores exploran los temores más profundos de l...

    13,52 €

  • Campo de poemas bordado
    Agustina Ignacia Iturra / Alejandra Andrea Cárdenas Vidal / Alejandra Isami / Amanda Baeza Bustamante / Amparo Ardiles Salinas / Ángelo Ruh Quebradas / Armando Esteban Parraguez Cabello / Bernardita M. Díaz Domínguez / Betzania Pérez Toro / C. A. R. bis / Camila Durán / Camilo Alejandro Palma Erices / Camilo Bravo / Camilo I
    Un poeta se ha vuelto un lienzo en blanco a causa de un olvido; el rocío de las flores, los colores al despertar del sol; una pasión que ha logrado incendiar la voluntad del ser. «Campo de poemas bordados», una obra llena de tintes y aromas que evocan casualidades, sentimientos y miles de recuerdos. ...

    13,52 €

  • The Green Lady
    M. R. Williamson
    You look at a grandfather’s clock-and the clock looks back at you! There’s a mist inside it.You find the words 'GET OUT' on the back wall of the closet. In fresh red paint! Still dripping!A voice from the hay loft screams, 'Get out!'It’s the Green Lady of Weeping Willows. What does she want? Well, open the book... ...

    6,48 €

  • The Ties That Bind
    M. R. Armitage
    The smallest decisions can have the deadliest consequences...His life in tatters, DCI John Drake is struggling to move past the events of The Family Man. But when a brutal new serial killer surfaces, he seizes the opportunity to pull himself back from the brink. Despite her public commendation, DS Ellie Wilkinson has been sidelined into a support role. Still dealing with what ...

    13,62 €

  • The Dragon King’s Knightsong
    M.R. Abbott
    The royals are all enjoying the annual social, making matches and alliances as they have for centuries. Mira is an unconventional princess. Arthurian is the only royal outcast in all the kingdoms. When their paths collide, and sparks fly, Mira’s family is less than accepting, but before they can break up this new friendship, chaos ensues. Cast from an extravagant ball into a te...

    13,64 €

  • The Dragon King’s Knightsong
    M.R. Abbott
    The royals are all enjoying the annual social, making matches and alliances as they have for centuries. Mira is an unconventional princess. Arthurian is the only royal outcast in all the kingdoms. When their paths collide and sparks fly, Mira’s family is less than accepting, but before they can break up this new friendship, chaos ensues. Cast from an extravagant ball into a ter...

    18,70 €

    Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a technique that uses various frequencies of light to stimulate cellular energy, which penetrates your nerves, cells and tissue to enhance healing, reduce pain and inflammation after dental procedures. LLLT has been used in dentistry to promote wound healing in surgical wounds, extraction sites, recurrent aphthous ulcerations, etc. LLLT is an e...

    60,58 €

  • The Importance of Agriculture Research and Development
    Pankaj M. Ram / Pooja Mesurani / Vijay R. Ram
    Agriculture research and development is crucial for global food security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. It enhances crop yields, develops resilient varieties, and fosters innovative farming practices. Agriculture research and development contributes to economic prosperity, technological advancements, and climate change adaptation in agriculture, ultimately ...

    84,34 €

  • Der entomopathogene Fadenwurm
    D. M. Jethva / N. M. Kachhadiya / R. P. Kamaliya
    Dieses Buch ist wichtig für Studenten und Forscher, die sich mit entomopathogenen Nematoden beschäftigen. Die Untersuchungen zur Massenproduktion, künstlichen Ernährung und Biowirksamkeit des entomopathogenen NematodenHeterorhabditis indica gegen die Engerlinge Holotrichia consanguinea (Blanchard), S. litura und H. armigera wurden 2014-15 im Biocontrol Research Laboratory, Depa...

    61,76 €